Friday, February 13, 1942 QI SOUTHERN OREGON MINER IQI a IQI Page 7 IQI IQI Relief At Last For Your Cough THE SUNNY SIDE OF LIFEd j Clean Comics That Will Amuse Both Old and Young IQI IQI Creomulsion relieves promptly be­ cause It goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid natura to soothe and heal raw, tender. In­ flamed bronchial mucous mem­ branes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the un­ derstanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. y QI IQi CREOMULSION By ED WHEELAN BIG TOP for Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchiti» Bake Whole Camel Ibn Saud, king of Saudi Arabia, sometimes gives a great banquet in his palace in Riyadh at which a large number of camels are served whole, having been cooked in giant vessels that hold an en­ tire carcass. By RUBE GOLDBERG LALA PALOOZA —Vincent Makes History Cooler Trees In forests, the exterior tempera­ ture of the trees is always lower than the temperature of the air, day and night, summer and win­ ter. No.No." Draft Say Iff kHoid thooe hasty words! Tired and ovsr- worked you may have eaten too hastily. Then EXCESS ACID, indigestion, heart. _ BE Si IBI I burn. ADLA Tablets with Bismuth and Carbonate* bring quick relief and make you more agreeable. Your druggist has ADLA Tablet*. Point of Contrition To err is human; but contrition felt for the crime distinguishes the virtuous from the wicked.—AlfierL By GENE BYRNES REG’LAR FELLERS—Division Eliminated don Y tell me TU* NO, NOT TU' ENEMY BUT MISTEtt FOULBAWL, TU'SPORTS STORE MAN—UE SAID TUEDE WUZ TUBEE PAYMENTS STILL ENEMY WAS ABLE TO SWIPE "OUQ BICYCLES R.IGUT OUT FUOM UNtXtt .. COLDS ty4.ickfy «1« LIQUID TABLETS Nost'oioes DUE ON BOTH MACHINES/ COUGH PHOM Awaiting Discovery There are whole worlds of fact waiting to be discovered by infer­ ence.—Woodrow Wilson. Relieves MONTHLY FEMALE PAIN Women who Buffer pain of Irregu­ lar periods with cranky nervousness — due to monthly functional dis­ turbances — should find Lydia E. Pinkham’s Compound Tablets (with added iron) simply marvelous to re­ lieve such distress. They’re made es­ pecially for women. Taken regularly—Lydia Pinkham's Tablets help build up resistance against such annoying symptoms. They also help build up red blood and thus aid In promoting more strength. Follow label directions. Lydia Pinkham’s Compound Tablets Me*ORTHTRYINGI^^^^ S. L HUNTLEY Way of Ease It is much easier to be critical than to be correct.—Benjamin Disraeli. DON’T LET CONSTIPATION By J. MILLAR WATT POP—A Word From the Wise SLOW YOU UP • When bowels are sluggish and you feel irritable, headachy and everything you do is an effort, do as millions do — chew FEEN-A-MINT, the modern chewing gum laxative. Simply chew FEEN-A- MINT before you go to bed—sleep with­ out being disturbed—next morning gentle, thorough relief, helping you feel swell again, full of your normal pep. Try FEEN-A-MINT. Tastes good, is handy and economical. A generous family supply FEEN-A-MINTioV r Tl UJl 1 H L S Y j k À Today*« popularity of Doan’s Pills, after many year» of world­ wide use, surely must be accepted as evidence of satisfactory use. And. favorable public >IMPL opinion supports that of the able physicians TOLD who test the value of Doan*« under exacting _ . . laboratory conditions. These physicians, too, approve every word v y°u r*»d. tke objective of which is only to recommend Doans Pills as a good diuretic treatment for disorder of the kidney function and for relief of the pain and worry it causes. If more people were aware of how the kidneys must constantly remove waste that cannot «tay in the blood without in­ jury to health, there would be better un­ derstanding of why the whole body suffers when kidneys lag, and diuretic medica­ tion would be more often employed. ' Burning, scanty or too frequent urina tion sometimes warn of disturbed kidney function. You may suffer nagging back ache, persistent headache, attacks of effz- tiness, getting up nights, swelling, puffi- n«M under the eyes—feel weak, nervous, all played out. Vse Doon’j Pills. It is better to rely on a medicine that has won world wide ac­ claim than on something less favorably known. Ash your neighbor! THE FEEDING HIMSELF «WS MU* dr MUK FlKMlY 1b SHOW F0MIW K’S Bit tltóOiH i> FTlP HIMStir look « »ROUND FOR APPI »USE . 6F-fl*6 » Irtftí WHH THE MU* i*KF5 a W ink very nemiv 'WS A n OTHI P DRINK MO5Í OF WHICM $m« BEFAME K ’S SO 8 USV MAKINS SORT ’MTV ARE WATCHING D oans P ills WNU—13 6—42 /] G ood M erchandise LANG ARMSTRONG Can Be CONSISTENTLY Advirtind ßt* AtWDl* AHP TRirS t) ÎMf A VTRŸ DRlHK WHH DHASTR oü S Ri $ülH ■•He’s till! annoyed about brine a 'fftty to one' shot!" 1W« 1b KEEP HOLD OF MU*. MOItlEH HtMttfc treno irs-nnt ioWE OVER, ttSf OF MILK «frutó SPllLEP Mb Hrt ÍM» ♦ BUY ADVERTISED QOODS •