Page 5 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Friday, Feb. 13, HM 2 About People You Know t J ( AIIIOI.K <11111(11 Krv. W. •». Mengher, I'uxtor M. ihh ut 9 u m. Hunduy. I l lis i MRTHODIHT < II« IK H Cor. N. Main mid lasurel Mtn. Ilr. George W. Bruce, Minister Sunday church school 9:4ft a. m. A scripture lesson to fit every age I REE METHODINT < III R< II Morning sermon 11 o'clock on DENTIST East Main Street the subject, "Christian Stabilit.y" Hour« 9 I 'i and l-S John It. Poet, Pastor by Mrs Ruth Giffen The adult Medimi Bldg. Phone S'il I Munday school at 9:4ft a. m choir will sing an anthem. Wesley League for college youth Bernice Beat»*, superintendent in ' charge. und Methodist Youth Fellowship Morning worship at 11 o'clock for high school youth meet at 6:15 Junior meeting und Young Peo- p m for worship. Evening worship 7:30 o’clock is I pte’a meeting at <1:45 p. m. Even- to be conducted by laymen of the ! Ing worship at 7:30 p. m. Mid-week prayer meeting Wed­ church. Favorite familiar hymns will be the basis for this hour of nesday evening at 7:30 p. is You are welcome to all services worship Bible study hour and prayer ser­ • vice at 7:30 each Wednesday eve­ 4? llflniitn Dini »751 TRINITY M INI OPAL <111 Ki ll ning. Dr. Claude E. Sayre, Vicar ■ - • Holy Communion 8 a m. NEIGHBORHOOD CONGREGA­ Church school 9:30 a m. TIONAL ara- Text Lt. Glenn F. DeGrave, officer lysis campaign The program for BYPU 6 30 p m. in charge of navy recruiting in the evening opened by all winging Gospel service 7:30 p. m.:Ten- "In the Garden.” Thia wax follow­ minute song service; special mu­ this district, recently announced ed by a ahort skit, "The Party sic; sermon. "The New Passover." the opening of a new navy reserve classification enabling male stu­ Line.” Vaughn Quackenbush gave Prayer, praise and Bible study, dents of high schools and colleges a reading on the history of Lin­ 7:30 p m Wednesday. • aged 17 and through 19 to Join the coln's Gettysburg address A quiz reserve at once, remaining in contest and the singing of "God was an election of officers Be With You” closed the program • W Conner and family of Texas school until the end of the current Mr. and Mra. Nteve txrmak and are stopping In the Talent camp year. The new class will be desig­ Mr. and Mrs W W Robison were ground and plan on locating here nated as V-l. named as the hospitality commit­ According to word received by R om * Klishe** 25c. Will bloom the lieutenant, acceptable appli­ tee for the next meeting The I1EC this year. J.V.W. ft and 10. met at the home of Mrs Lloyd cants in the new class will be 1-acy Tuesday and the YGA met • The OIK.) club met at the home enlisted immediately upon comple­ of Mrs Nida Oatman in Medford at Central Point Wednesday eve­ tion of the necessary papers, then Friday. There was a covered dish released to inactive status to fin­ ning Mrs ish the school year. • Dexter Russell, athletic director luncheon served at noon. at Talent school has been instruct­ Oatman is a former resident of It was pointed out by DeGrave ed by the navy department to re­ Talent. that the new order gives young port al the naval training station • Mis Martin Stephens ami son men the opportunity to take their at Norfolk. Va. March 6 for as­ Jerry left Thursday afternoon for places in the nation's armed forces signment. Mr Russell has been Redwood. Calif where they will without removing them directly connected with the school here for make their home. from school. the past two years and is held in • Mr. and Mrs Frank Davis re­ Men who enlist in other classi­ high esteem by all Who have made turned home Monday from Ixis fications of the service were ad­ Angeles where they visited their his acquaintance. vised by the officer not to quit • The missionary society of the son who is critically ill. school or Jobs until they are ac­ ____ ________•— Talent church held its regular­ CHEAP printing Is expensive. tually called for service. He em­ meeting Thursday at the home of phasized that enlistments will Mrs. Anna Dickey. There were 11 Have your work done RIGHT at continue as fast as men come in. the Home of Better Printing ------ members present, Mrs. Charles but that they will be delayed for Holdrige, Mrs Mary Higgins, Mrs. THE MINER PRESS. a short time in going to training Wilson, Mrs Sam Hamilton, Mrs stations. FOR VICTORY: BUY BONDS Walter Walty, Mrs. J. C. Williams. Mrs. J. Ottinger, Mrs. Jay Terrill. Mrs. Astleford, Mra. Hackler and the hostess. Mrs. Anna Dickey. Cookies, tea and qpffee were serv­ ed. • • The Talent extension unit held its regular meeting at the city hall Wednesday. The subject for discussion was “Citizenship” by Miss Farrell, home demonstration agent. The meeting began at 10:30 a. m A covered dish luncheon was served at noon. • Those who called on Tom laimb and Mi- and Mrs. Roy Estes last week were Mr. and Mrs. Will Iaimb of Reese Creek and Lloyd Lamb of Prospect. • Mrs. Wayne Whitsett and two children, Larry and Jerry of Grants Pass visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs Al Shvimd, in Tal­ ent and other relatives in Ash­ land. • The Talent school has adopted a plan whereby they will speed up school work and be able to close 21 days earlier than usual, Supt. Roy Parr Jr. reported Friday, to enable students to aid in the har­ vest in case of a labor shortage. Starting Monday, Feb. 1» each school day will be lengthened an hour to make a six-day week in­ stead of five. The five schools in the area will close May 8 instead of May 29. This will qnable stu­ dents to help in apple thinning, gardening work, haying, berrying and other work. It is the first school in Jackson county to adopt an early closing plan Dr. L. W. StofferH CREEN SLABS Gunter Fuel Co. INSÙRANCE M. T. BURNS ( lover Leaf Dairy PROTECT TOUR RIGHT TO DRIVE —by insuring your car against public liability and property damage. War risk coverage may also be added. Á FOR VICTORY: BUY BONDS • The Townsend club met Tues­ day evening at the city hall. There I. C. ERWIN 240 East Multi Street Phone 3751 REPAIRING Expert Swiss and American wutch repairing. Your watch timed and regulated FREE on SI RPRISED ON BIRTHDAY After choir practice last Thurs­ day evening members of the sen- ior choir of the First Methodist church surprised Dr. George W Bruce, honoring him upon his birthday anniversary, Those pre­ sent were Dr. and Mrs Bruce, Mr and Mrs Frank Davis, Mr. and Mrs A O McGee, Mr. and Mrs Paul Byars, Mr. and Mrs C. V Cary, Mrs E. Q. Smith, Mis J Q. Adams, Mrs. Homer Bissell, Mrs Isabel Cooke, Miss Maxine Rand, Miss Cora E. Mason, George F Mason and John Billings. • • fjeorge W Caeper of Klamath Falls wax a guest at Hotel Ash­ land and visited Mr and Mrs Jean Hohe before continuing on his way i to Roneburg where he will be lo­ ! cated for some time attending to his duties as »date veterinarian I He worked in this district for a ! few days • Miss Marguerite Crank, bust nexs woman of Klamath Falls, and her mother were visitors in Ash- j land this week • Miss I »11 la Pierson of Eugene ■ spent the week-end in Ashland i with her parents. • Dr and Mrs George W Bruce left Thursday for Salem where they will attend a convention. • Miss Alice Jane Cary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Cary, is em- ployed in Salem • Mr and Mrs A J. Hodgen went to Medford Sunday R om - BuKhen 25c. Will bloom this year. J.V.W. 5 and 10. • J F Emmett attended a con­ vention of the Northwestern Mu­ tual Fire Association in Medford last week • J. G. Ambrose is improving af ter his recent illness but is still confined to his home. • Captain Marcus B Woods of Compton, Calif, visited with his wife and small daughter and his parents, Dr. and Mrs. E. A. Woods Thursday of last week. • Mr and Mrs C. L Wimer spent the week-end with their sonB, Charles, who is in a Vancouver hospital, and Bill, who is at Fort Stevens. • Mrs Mabel Russell Lowther went to Oakland last Thursday to be with her sister, Mrs. Grace R Fountain, who was seriously ill. Word was received later that Mrs Fountain passed away Sunday • Mr and Mrs Kenneth Madden and son of Medford were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs A A Mad- den. • Rev. and Mis L. P. Furman visited with Rev and Mrs. Leon- ard Weston in Medford Thursday of last week. • Mr and Mrs. R. V McCormick and little granddaughter Kathleen of Seattle have taken an apart­ ment at Hotel Ashland and will remain here for a short time. • Mr. and Mrs \V A. Hunse of Klamath Falls and her mother from Seattle spent Saturday after­ noon In Ashland. Mr. Honse is branch manager of the Standard Oil company in Klamath Falls Bonds or bondage? Buy U. S Savings Bonds. WATCH X YOUR r, CHOICE READING I ATNE^W^ PRICES^^fi >1 % X, • •* 9 t ■ à „P Through special arrangements with the magazine publishers we offer America's finest farm and fiction magazines—in com­ bination with our newspaper — at prices that simply cannot be duplicated else­ where! Look over this long list of favorites and make YOUR selection today! THIS NEWSPAPER, I Yr., And Any Magazine Listed • BOTH FOR PRICS SHOWN ALL MAGAZINES ARE FOR ONE YEAR THIS NEWSPAPER, 1 YEAR, AND FIVE FAMOUS MAGAZINES • □ American Fruit Grower...41.75 □ American Girl___________ 225 □ American Magazine_____ 2.95 □ American Poultry Journal 1.65 □ Breeder's Gazette_________ 125 □ Capper's Fanner ________ 1.75 □ Child Life_______________ 9.00 □ Christian Herald ________ 2.50 □ Click ......... 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