SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 2 Friday, February 13, 1942 Rapture My own! I'htis w»< II soulfully Illa pussion lie expressed. A» for the object of it. »he Acted like one possessed. CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT ssbXssisi Washington. D. C. WARY GRAVY-TRAINER You can write it down that Secre­ tary of Agriculture Claude Wickard is going to be very chary about us­ ing that gravy-train veto power the farm lobby voted him in the price control bill He knows that the White Hous« is still sputtering over his unauthorized endorsement of this lobby scheme at a crucial moment in the senate tight over the legislation. Also, that if he attempts to exercise the power he is liable to be slapped down even harder than when he fronted for the lobby. Actually, under cover, Wickard has promised in effect to be a good boy. It didn't leak out at the time, but during tlw secret deliberations of the Joint senate-house conference com­ mittee on the bill, he wrote the com­ mittee a letter repudiating his pre­ vious endorsement and saying he didn't want the veto power over farm prices. Wickard wrote this letter under Planes on the deck of a V. S. aircraft carrier ready to take to the White House pressure, He knew he air on patrol duty, or to meet the attack of Japanese air or sea forces. was in bad and he tried to square This picture was made with a I'. 8. navy offensive patrol force some­ himself. But for the administration, the where in the Pacific ocean. They didn't run into any action, but were backdown was too late. The dam­ "looking for the real thing." (Approved for publication by navy.) age had been done, for the amend­ ment was in the bill and the lobby's on the joint committee were in a powerful position to stand pat. ' In this Anal bitter fight, two Ala­ bama Democrats and a Michigan Republican were responsible for the retention of the gravy-train provi­ sion They were Sen. John H. Bank- head and Rep. Henry B. Steagall of Alabama, and Rep. Jesse P Wolcott of Michigan. As the amendment originated in the senate, under the rules, it was necessary for the house conferees to propose deletion. Steagall, chair­ man of the house group, publicly makes a great show of being a red hot Administrationite. But behind closed doors of the committee room he adamantly refused to heed Roose­ velt's pfbas for elimination of the lobby amendment. Backed by Wolcott, who fought the vital war bill from the start, and with Bankhead running interference in the senate group, Steagall forced the retention of the provision. Note: The administration's fight This photo, made at the height of the conflagration, shows the Ore was made by Sen. Prentiss Brown. which resulted in a four alarm at Boston's Mystic docks. F'ircmrn Michigan Democrat, and Sen. John brought the flames under control after a two-hour battle. There were Danaher, Connecticut Republican. no casualties. The building, which contained foodstuffs of a grocery Another Row . chain, is near the Boston uavy j ard in the Charleston n district. Wickard'» fronting for the farm lobby in the price control bill isn’t the only row he's had on this score with inner administration leaders. The papers are full of stories about a big crop expansion program this year to meet the food needs of U. S. war allies. Frequent press re­ leases issue from the busy publicity staff of the agriculture department about grandiose plans. The real inside is that Wickard didn't get busy on these plans until he was practically ordered to do so by Vice President Henry Wallace as head of the Economic Warfare board. Wallace sent Wickard two sharp letters demanding prompt action to expand crop production and only then did Wickard bestir himself. Certain farm elements are against crop expansion, on the ground that scarcity makes for better prices, Working through politically minded Triple A officials, who have a lot of influence with Wickard, the anti-ex- panders kept him on the fence until Wallace jarred him off. Note: Secretly, the AAA politicos also had a lot to do with Wickard's endorsement of the gravy-train amendment in the price bill. The AAAers are jealous of Price Admin­ istrator Leon Henderson’s authority, want to elbow their way into war set-up as big shots. • • • Distressing You'll notice that the letter "S" la quite often in distress. And really it deserves to be, For it la "crooked" don't you »co. MAKE MONEY I (ill MA W'OOlf f K m bbl I « fur «hearing. Profit able hobby, wuy to mlnv No. I wo«»’ 1150 lb, foreign Mtipplv i 'I unih I Fret booklet. Housing Fwulng, Breeding Shearing We buy Angora riibblt wool. Mpln, knit. Wi'IIVi' \| m » i ».<•! \nuotii Yarns OMIQOM WOOLBM MIl.bB, Route 11, Portland. Ortfun Lament Poor Jones la living A miserable life He hua a street car Incumo And a taxicab wife. TRUCK PARTS GAS ON STOMACH Heavy duty Motora. atria part» tMxliea, titra, iiolata and used truck» THI CK WRECKING COMPANY lOihAM H: llawti.. in» Pot I la nd (Hr RABBITS AND SKINS POUI.TKY AND It Will i s w \ \ i i i Good white fryer rabbit aklna line t ■ ]•. r ii > Write t • i r <1 for priori* uml Information Kuby * Co.. 935 ■ W Front. Portland. Ora FOR SALE Strength in Religion The strength of empire la in re­ ligion.— Ben Jonson. MO CHICK IHOZTAOI 1 milled III t n Dvlivrry I’ 8, Poliorum Controlled 1 >ubl-1 >ol Ur New I iampahlrea I' 8. Certified Leghorn* Vashon Island Co-operative Match« ory B ob 3. Vashon, Washington. ACHING-STIFF SORE MUSCLES A crew member of the I nited Fruit company's freighter, San Gil. receives new clothing from Mrs. Iliggins McBaugh. director of the lll> 6 and RD 7 Caterpillar Tractor* C«ed on wheat farm Good merhnnl- Red Cross at Lewes, Del. The San condition BARNK1 IMPLB- Gil. hit by two torpedoes and II MBNT CÜMPAMY, WAT1MVILL1, WASHINGTON shells from an Axis sub. was the 15th victim of I'-hoat warfare along LEASE MEAT MAK KT. GROCERY, the Atlantic coast. Two crew mem­ LOCKER BOXES: good country town; in tint Ivane; I inn drafted. bers were killed. Write W2731 Broadway. Spokane, For PROMPT relief rub on Mn»- Massage with this weadastal "coUNTXa-lllKITANT” actually brings frmh warm blood to aching mwlaa tn hnlp break up painful soesl ror>- gnotion. Hvttrr than a niuituri platter! Made in 3 strengths. M m M Wash., Broad. 3943M. Bl’Y HARDIEST ALFAFI.A GRASS SLED direct from Bober, Newell, Bo. Dakota. Fire Sweeps Boston Docks Near Navy Yard AND Sam REGISTERED ROMNEY EWES Walter T. Smith, Boute 1. Aurora, Oregon. FOR SALE -Used heavy duty Diesel Engine* 41 to 75 Hl*, (’an bo used with belt drive or direct connected. Prive* from H50.00 to 91650 00. 1 Call or write HNNDB BROS COM­ PANY, Astoria, Oregon. ' NURSERY-STOCK 300,000 Fruit and Nut trees 700 va- . rletles Peach. Apple. Cherry, Fig F« ar. Plum Prune. Apricot, *N»»cta- rlne, quince. Walnut, Filbert, Hick­ ory. Pecan Almond, Gropes, Hoy-I senberiirM, Ru'ipberrle* Currant«. | GooMibcrrirs Straw berries. Young- berries. Flowering and Shade Tree«, i Evergreen Shrubbery, and Roam | Free catalm' TUALATIN VALLEY NURSBRIEI Sherwood. Oregon. Center of Things L»<»boa, room laaary, Has foods •t »ads it pneot, grsewes sot»- ico. bait m aatertaiamaat . . , Story thing ideal! HOTEL UTAH . DENTAL PLATES 1 Comd. Donald T. Giles, C.S.N.. who was assistant govrrnor of the island of Guam, and who is In a Jap prison IN THE SERVICE F D R. AXES LEWIS Nelson Defends SI-a-Year Men GENERAL MARSHALL » %» Commands A. E.F. «e» / 1 Ä You weren't seeing things if you saw the news picture of Gen. George C. Marshall, army chief of staff, at­ tired in the uniform of an air corps officer. It was him all right and he had on an air corps uniform. Marshall is not a flier, He is an infantryman. But outside of the air Donald M. Nelson, war production chief, tells the senate Truman corps, he is the flyingest officer in possible committee Investigating defense that it is "hampering” him by frighten­ the army. Whenever Marshall always travels by air and ing business men who are badly needed In war effort. He defended is an authority on planes and aerial ll-a-year men who have been criticized by the committee. Nelson Is tactics. shown (right) shaking hands with Sen. Harry Truman, chairman. Brig. Gen. Russell P. Hartle, who commands the force of U. 8. troops that has landed In Northern Ireland. The war department refused to publicize the units or strength. SPECIAL CARTON tor men in the eervice — Your dealer has Camels already wrapped____ with complete instructions for mailing Actual sales records in Post Exchanges, Sales Commis­ saries, Ship’s Stores, Ship’s ServiceStores, and Canteens show that with men in the Army, the Navy, the Ma­ rines, and the Coast Guard the favorite cigarette is A AA r I THE CIGARETTE OF vn 1fl Li L C0STLIER TOBACCOS