Page 8 Friday, Feb. 6, 1942 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER HINDSIGHT ON SPORTS biffi 'em wellflyem! < # 111 By I TOLD VOU SO Today & Saturday ACTION-PACKED ADVENTURE IN OLD ARIZONAI PL VS “BROADWAY LIMITED with Victor MacLaglen Patsy Kelly Jean Eberhart. Sons hoop coach, brought an interesting subject to I light last week when explaining | his “crow's nest" refereeing plan to this department. Jean thinks it would be a good idea to improve the game if the rule requiring substitutes to re­ port to referees were abolished. Otten a player will forget to re­ port to the referee and many games are won or lost on this un­ necessary technicality. AU records for a basketball game are kept at the timekeeper's table and it is not necessary for a player to tell I the referee in whose place he is entering the game. In most cases, when a player does report and says he is going in for so-an-so, the official tells him to go ahead without even bothering to see that th proper player leaves the floor. In the event of a substitution dur­ ing a time out. the referee doesn't usually even go to the team's hud­ dle and advise them of the substi­ tution but lets the player coming into the game do that. In a recent Medford-Roseburg game at Med­ ford, the score was tied and Med­ ford made a substitution. The player, in all the excitement, failed to report to the referee and Rose­ burg was given a technical free throw which helped in the win­ ning of the game. Since reporting to the referee makes no difference and is just a formality, it just doesn't look ■ right that a ball game should be won or lost on such a mere tech­ nicality. LITHI BUY EXTENDED COVERAGE Friday, Saturday I t BRI All»,6-7 with your fire >iintitrr. By so tloitiK you get protection against MOB TOWN” with WINDSTORM EXPLOSION AIRCRAFT The Little Tough Guys and anti several other haz­ ards that could liap- | h * ii to any of us. Ihe Dead End Kids “THE SADDLE MOUNTAIN ROUNDUP” If you do not have li now, can be added for simili addi­ tional premium to jour pre­ sent lire polii), |>o It now Billings Agency DEFENSE with I lie Range Busters HEAL ESTATE and REAL 1NMIKANCE rimile 8181 41 East .Main BONDS — STAMPS Sunday, Monday and Tuesduy BELLI Ii:W N EWS I I “UNFINISHED BUSINESS” • The I'ppei Valley Community THUMBS UP FOR BONDS AND STAMPS! This war club wlU hold a regular meeting poster, illustrating how Americans can help the air forces to Wednesday, Feb 11 Hostesses for victory, is being displayed in the windows of 500,000 of the the afternoon will be Mrs. Her­ Helm, M ih Claud Conley,* Nation’s retail stores where Defense Stamps—in denomina­ man Mi F. C. 1 lom, ■ Mrs R E Bell with DISTRICT FOl'R STANDINGS tions from 10 cents to $5—are being sold. This is one of a Mrs. Vai lnlow and Mrs. Neva W 1. series of human-interest posters being prepared to remind McCoy will have charge of the •> Koseburg 4 program. the public of its part in the war effort. •> Medford 4 • Mi and Mrs Woodworth are and Form No. IMWJ ZOO 41TV74 3 4 Ashland improving their home by adding u 1 ti Grants Pass new kitchen. Medford Junior Graders 4 SCORES PAST WEEK t NEWS FICOM • Mrs Mark True Is able to be Grants Pass 41, Roseburg 29 SOCE 64. OCE 39 I out again after being confined to Klamath Kails 21. Lakeview 19 SOCE 52. OCE 42 her home with mumps North Bend 38, Medford 35 SOCE 69. Northwest Nazarine • Ml md Mis 1» Revnolds and Medford Juniors 13, Roseburg’ By SCHOOL Pl Pll-S A ' family were dinner guests Sunday Juniors 16 Roseburg 26. Ashland 23 of Mr and Mrs Fred Pearson in Thursday, Jan. 29, at 2:30 the Ashland. The dinner was in honor Klamath Kails 36. Grants I*ass AHS Reserves 25. Medford Re­ children of Room 8 had a class 30 serves 27 of Jack Pearson who left this meeting to elect new officers Hur­ week for Portland to join the Klamath Frosh 34, Ashland Jun- Butte Kails 34. St. Mary's 16 ry Kannasto was elected president. Jacksonville 68, Gold Hill 15 tors 25 army. Rogue River 26, Central Point He then took over the class meet­ • HIM Rosemary Bell was host ' • Mt Klamath Frosh Reserves Wallet Hash made a trip ing. Jacqueline Howell was elect­ | eaa to the Beta Sigma Phi sorority | to Klamath Ashland Junior Reserves 15 Falls Monday, return­ ed vice president Next Carl Sur ­ St. Mary's 19. Talent 18 Ashland Juntor Graders Monday evening ber was elected secretary. The • Mr and Mrs Richard Joy mov- : ing Tuesday. president appointed the follow­ I <• • in the contest Medford business visitor« Monday. was spent in social aOBveraation On Jan. 29, Miss Stephens'« and needlework. • room invited the children of Room Tlie Lincoln Hchixd has started • Mrs R E Ibd), Patricia and 6 in to see the movie, ’ The String­ its paper drive The prizes arc 50 Sammy made a trip to Klamath ed Choir." The picture wax shown cents to the person bringing the Falls Saturday afternoon to visit in the sound projector. most paper, 25 cents to the second Mrs Bob Bell and infant daughter, The boys and girls of Room 8 and the third. The room that has Judith Ann. who are still in the went to the library last week the most pounds of paper is en­ hospital Little Judith Ann made by letting the Ashland Laundry take They learned how to use the dic­ titled to a 10-cent defense stamp here "debut" Thursday morning, tionary. They also learned how t<> for each person in the room. The Jan. 29 Mother and babe are both care of your washings, you could save doing nicely. | prizes are all in defense stamps Use the catalogue. —•----- Robert Montgomery Irene Dunne Wed. and Thurs Lincoln School Mid-Week Special Speaking of Daylight Saving X ruerH/NMAf Wed’sday & Thursday Bargain Days 20c a whole day each week for more pleas­ ant tasks and recreation. In addition to this, you will have eliminated the sick­ ness hazard resulting from the exposure of w inter laundering. ASHLAND LAUNDRY COMPANY and Phone 7771 : 31 Water St “For the ideal washday— Just call, That’s all ( ( ELECTRICITY Offers You The Key ) ) ) “SOUTH OF PAGO LODGE ELECTS OFFICERS The Neighbors of Woodcraft lodge met at 6:30 Monday evening for a dinner followed by a business meeting. Officers elected for the new year are Orpha Larder, guar­ dian neighbor: Grace Wren, ad­ viser; Mabel Roberts, banker; Al­ ice Cook, magician; A. L. Wren, attendant; Etta Morris, captain of the guard; Alma Hall, flag bear­ er; Will Stennett, inner sentinel; Hattie Moore, outer sentinel; Ma­ bel Wauchope, musician; Mabel Roberts, assistant musician; Anna Messer, press correspondent; man­ agers, Ann Palmer, Anna Myer and Lucille Dozier; senior guard­ ian, Anna Parr; Dr. Genevieve Swedenburg, Dr. C. A Haines and Dr. Harvey Woods, physicians for the lodge, and Anna Stennett, clerk. After the program the group played cards. ------------ •------------ How shall I do to love? Be­ lieve. How shall I do to believe? Lov».—Leighton. ) ) DOG LICENSE DUE! License—$1.50 Penalty after March 1st—$2.00 Total cost after March 1st—$3.50 Get it now and save $2.00 G. R. CARTER, County Clerk Real Home COMFORTS! It takes a heap ’<» living in a houne to make a home” . and there is nothing that adds as much comfort to the home as modern electrical appliances. In ad­ dition to the conveniences, you will appreciate the economy of electricity. Ashland Light Department “Your SERVICE Department ) )