Friday, February 6, 1942 Page 7 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Fun for the Whoie Family CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT TRUCK PARTS Heavy-duty Motora asvla. part* oodles, tires, hoists and used trucha TRUCK WRECKING COMPANY 10th A fl E Hawthorn» Portland. Ora. RABBITS AND SKINS By ED WHEELAN BIG TOP POULTRY AND RABBITS WANTED Good white fryer rabbit skins Mio to *0c per lb. Writs postcard for prices and Information Baby * Co., »35 8- W. Front. Portland, Ore. FOR SALE FOR HALE OR TRADE: lata style piano. Credit to reliable people— discount for cash. Write W. N. Gray, P O. Boa 79, Spokane, Wash, MO CHICK IHOBTAON Immediate Delivery U. H. Poliorum Controlled Dubl-Dollar New Hampahlres U. 8. Certified Leghorns Vashon Island Co-operative Matoh- ery. Bos 3, Vashon, Washington. BUY HARDIEST ALFAFLA AND GRASS SEED direct from Bam Bober, Newell, So. Dakota. REGISTERED ROMNEY EWE3. Walter T. Smith, Boats 1, Aurora, Oregon. IMPORTED from Norway just be­ fore war. Early potatoes, strawber­ ries, large red and green gooseber­ ries. Prices on request. M. O. Vea, LALA PALOOZA —A Good Listener Bt. 3, Box >18, Bremerton Wash. FOR HALE:—Used heavy duty Diesel Engines 44 to 79 HP. Can be used with belt drive or direct connected. Prices from 9450.00 to 91150.00. Call or write PISKEB BBOS. COM­ PANY, Astoria, Oregon. TILLAMOOK DAISY iZ acres Best River bottom. Fine Lo­ cation. 35 cows, 10 yrl's., 3 bulla, al! mach This farm should pro­ duce 9'000.00 this year, owner old; price 123.500—i cash. Don't write, come and see it. Its absolutely as adv. M. M. Leonnlg, moot Oregon. agt^ Tills- NURSERY STOCK 300.000 Fruit and Nut trees. 700 va­ rieties. Peach, Apple, Cherry, Fig. Pear, Plum. Prune, Apricot, Necta­ rine, Quince, Walnut, Filbert. Hick­ ory, Pecan Almond. Grapes, Boy­ senberries. Raspberries. Currants. Gooseberries Htrawberriew. Young- berfies. Flowering and Shade Trees, Evergreen Shrubbery, and Roses. Free 40-page catalog TUALATIN VALLEY NUBSEBIBS. Sherwood, Oregon. REG’LAR FELLERS—Waih Commit* ‘Chicken’ Striving for Justice Our whole social life is in essence but a long, slow striving for the victory of justice over force.—John Galsworthy. MESCAL IKE RAZOR BLADES b , s . l huntley • ASK TOUR DEALER TOR THE • OUTSTANDING BLADE VALUE KENT SKENTra blades rara “TAKING THE COUNTRY BY STORM” KNOWN FROM COAST TO COAST • CUPPt-lS COMPANY - ST. LOUIS. NO. • Worthwhile Life Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry.—Mark Twain. By J. MILLAR WATT POP—No Surprise to Pop Taste the Difference! 'ALL CLEAR’ SKINK HUM! ... IAY THIN I ywu FIND Sunkist orano « Best for Juice You’ll prefer extra-rich California orange juice! Be­ rnies it* finer flavor, it give* you more vitamin* C and A, and calcium, men health in every glass. California Navel oranges are wJleu too. Easy to peel, slice and section for recipe*, lunch boxes and between- meal* eating! Those stamped “Sunkist" are the finest from 14,JOO cooperating growers. SEEDLESS Sunkist California Navel Oranges ’•-7’.twillIff-''!'....I'S,.rKLl,. .1 Waittiff bn adopted the Blitakriagl 1