Page 2 Friday, February 6, 1942 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER MOTWEfi She-« «Iwan lumping up ta «hi« «».I Dial. Ska walla VFWSW « .wi than« all S.. aha aw allow« CAT /M !•»' r--l«"<'h.a>il».e>i.l»(t»i ’’J ward -KXI KN.1 ACIll In DFACta dige.ttam. haailliwn. sour • * attuila, h. The iltamulh and Carburasi.« In APLA Tablai« bring Qt'H 4 relM. A.b » 'u iliug a. fai A gl.t tor APLA T.l.1.1. LX\ Hl. Phillips- aaal Barred Girls From Schools Washington, D. C. AI TO RATIONING Although Indiunn wore being ed­ UTILITY SENSATIONS ucated ut Harvard us early us The hard-hitting Truman commit­ 1Ü42, the white girls of New Eng­ Q.—Why did you want a new car? tee hasn't got around to the lund were not admitted to public A.—It's the only way I can get matter yet, but some hot sensations five new tires. schools until almost 1B00, or more are in store when the committee than 150 ycurs after the first one Q — Are you aware of the restric­ digs into the dollar-a-year-man han­ tions? wus established. dling of the power phases of the war A.—No. but 1 knew something was production program. all wrong I called up several auto For years one of the hottest issues salesrooms yesterday and in no case in Washington has been the power did a salesman show up at my lobby. It has been repeatedly inves­ home inside of five minutes. tigated. and several years ago. aft­ • • • er fierce legislative battles, the fed­ Q.—You already have a car? eral power and holding company A.—Yes. laws were enacted to curb the lobby. Q.—What's wrong with it? The Truman committee has con­ A.—Nothing. fidential information that today this Q.—Then why do you wish a new give lobby is more powerfully entrenched model? in the capital than ever before. YOUR child A.—My wife thinks our next-door For months, it has been operating neighbor's car looks better. same expert care used when directly inside the government, for­ Q — The kind of car your neigh­ mulating and running the pow-er pol­ bors have is of no importance. icy of the 0PM. which was until A.—That's what YOU think! last week the key war production • • • agency. Q.—Only certain classes of people Bruno Schachner (left), assistant United Stales attorney, and U. 8. The 0 PM power division is not are eligible for new cars. Are you a only manned with utility officials. doctor? Attorney Mathias F. Correa are shown inspecting packages and dia­ Maj. Gen. Millard F. Harman but they are still on the payrolls of A.—No. but my feet are just as monds seized in New York. They were shipped via Russia before der private power companies. In other tender. Fuehrer attacked that country. The gems are alleged to be part ot the I top I assigned as chief of air staff At th« first sign of a cheat cold—tha of the army air force. Below: Maj. words, while presumably working Quintuplets* throats and chests ara Q — Are you a farm veterinarian? loot seized by the Nasis after they conquered the Netherlands and Bel­ rubbed with Musterol« — a product Gen. Barton K. Yount, who will be for the government, they are actu­ A.—Is this a car rationing bureau gium in 1940. The Pioneer Import company, called "Agents for the Ger­ mad« «specially to promptly rellsva ally paid employees of the utilities. or an Information Please program? man high command," is accused of handling the loot at this end and in charge of turning out 30,00(1 new th« DISTRESS of colds and resulting personnel for the 194! airplane pro­ After being deluged with com­ bronchial and croupy coughs. Q —Are you engaged in fire fight­ dumping It on the American market. President of the company. Werner duction program. Musterol« gives such wonderful re­ plaints that the utility-ruled OPM ing? von Clemm. is married to a cousin of Nazi Foreign Minister Joachim sults because it's MORE thsn an ordi­ power division was secretly aiding von Ribbentrop. A.—No; that's just an impression nary "salv«.’* It helps break up local independent rural power co-ops. the some people get from the way I congestion. Sine« Muaterole Is used on house appropriations committee drive. th« Quint« you may ba sure you’ra us­ ing Just about the HESTprodurt mad«! questioned J. A. Krug, head of the • • • IN 1 STRENGTHS: Children's Mild division, on these charges. Q — Are you engaged in crime pre­ Muaterole. Also Regular and Estrn Krug defended his staff, but the vention? Strength for grown-upa who prefer committee, unconvinced, ordered stronger product. All drugstore«. A.—No, but if you'll let me have him to submit a detailed report on a new auto I'll give any cop a lift his dollar-a-year assistants, includ­ from now on. ing the amount of salaries they are Q.—Are you engaged in law en- drawing from utility companies forcement? while working for the government A.—Yes. I’m a lawyer. Two months have elapsed since Q.—I said "enforcement,” not Purposeful Minds Krug promised to produce this im­ "evasion." Grent minds have purpose!, oth­ portant information and so far he A.—I didn't come here to be tn- ers have wishes. Little minds ure has not done so. suited. turned and subdued by misfortune; AU the committee has received Q—That's all right; we don't but great minds rise above them. was a cagey letter from John Lord mind doing it Listen, do you re­ Washington Irving. O’Brian, former corporation attor­ gard a new car as a necessity? ney who is OPM general counsel, A.—Positively. giving a list of the power division's Q.—Give three reasons. personnel, but has nothing about A.—Well, first of all, I live four their private salaries. However, the blocks from my office, and without little information O'Brian did dis- a car I would have to negotiate the close speaks volumes. entire distance on foot Second, we It shows that no less than 18 key use the car to go to church. officials in Krug's division are dol- Q.—How far is the church? If you suffer from monthly erampa. lar-a-year and “WOC” (without com­ A.—It's almost an eighth of a beadache, backache, nrrvouatinu Mcskimcn Waterloo. pensation) men, who are stiU on mile! and distress of ’*lrrr-gularltl< resistance panies is more than $250.000 a year. Q.—What is it? against such annoying symptoms. War Production Chief Donald Nelson Follow label directions. WORTH A.—If I didn't have an automobile has privately indicated he will where would I store all those out­ ^TBTINai houseclean Krug's unit dated road maps and useless tools? • • • • • • BAD FILMS FOR GOOD Our Own RIMES ON PUBLIC DUTY NEIGHBORS Wc must not blame God for the Folks who buy Young Nelson Rockefeller, who on fly, for man made him. He is the Defense stamps gladly the whole has done a good job for resurrection, the reincarnation of Speed the day Pan - American cultural relations, our own dirt and carelessness.— Our foes run madly. has bogged down badly on films for Woods Hutchinson. our Pan-American neighbors. His Those who buy Museum of Modern Art, which was Bonds make more certain supposed to do this, has been labor­ Hitler’ll get DON’T LET ing for nine months at a cost of An early curtain. $15,000 per month to the govern­ • • • ment—and finally has brought forth Ed Pearson, who has evidently SLOW YOU UP a mouse. been flat hunting, says he can't un­ • Whan bow. Is ar« sluggish and you feel Rockefeller and Jock Whitney are derstand why the ads don't group Irritable, headachy and everything you getting a large dose of criticism apartments under three headings: do la an effort, do a« militant do • c hew about this because they personaUy KEEN A-MINT, the modern chewing furnished, unfurnished and under­ are interested in the Museum and furnished. gum laxative. Simply chew FKKN A- MINT before you go to bad Bleep with­ have permitted an amateur group out being disturbed —next morning gentle, to run the show—into the ground. The United States department ot thorough relief, helping you feel «well Without benefit of competitive bid­ agriculture is working on a motor again, full of your normal pep. Try ding or any system of checks and FEEN-A MINT. Taste« good, ia bandy fuel made from corn and potatoes and economical. A generous family supply balances, amatqpr after amateur in Juliet Colt says it is going to seem •he Museum has tackled the job of funny to ask the station attendant deciding what kind of films should for six bushels of high test. be sent to Latin-America. Here is a • • • cross section of the results so far: CANDIDATES FOR THE Liking One's Duty "Better Dresses Fifth Floor," "A FIRING SQUAD The secret of happiness is not Child Went Forth," “The City," and A guy on whom I'd pour hot gravy in doing what one likes, but in lik­ “Power and The Land"—all utterly la always asking. "Where’s our ing what one has to do.—James M. unsuited and without objective for navy?" Barrie. • • South America. CAN YOU REMEMBER— Some reasonably good commer­ Away back when a post-office cial films have been donated, such as “U. S. Steel,” "Greyhound Bus,” clerk sold nothing but postage From the alkaline deserts of the "General Electric Excursions in Sci­ stamps at the stamp window? West, America can harvest half a • • e ence,” and "The American Can billion pounds of natural rubber to Im a Dodo bought one of those View of the scene in the conference chamber in London when repre­ offset the Jap grab at Indies, claims Company's Silver Millions.” Also May Warn of Dinordered Hollywood has handed over a group U. S. auto tax stamps today and she sentatives of nine Allied nations whose territories have been occupied by Dr. T. Harper Goodspeed, Univer­ Kidney Action of pictures, such as "Eyes of the says she is going to buy one every the Axis met to adopt and sign a resolution calling for punishment of sity of California scientist. He Is Modern Ilf« with Ila hurry and worry, Axis criminals after the war. Left to right, at the far side of the table, shown here with "rabbit bush," the Navy.” “Soldiers of the Sky,” “The day and save them until maturity. frrefular habit«, improper ««ling and • • Battle," which are the best pictures are China's Wang King; Anthony Biddle, V. 8. ambassador to govern- new rubber plant, which may reach drinking—ita risk of eipoaure and infee- tion—throw« heavy atrain on the work Canned beer may be discontinued ments-in-exile; and British Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden. that have gone to South America. life-saving status in this war. of the kidneya. They are apt to become over-taaed and fail to Alter eirwi arid Meanwhile the amateurs continue due to the need for tin. It is okay and other impurities from th« life giving to chatter and muddle over uplifting with us. We never did like reach- blood. You may auffer nagging backache, the films for our Good Neighbors— ing into the icebox for a glass of headache, diaxineee, getting up nights, beer and coming out with a can of all at the expense of Uncle Sam. leg paina, «welling—feel constantly tomatoes. tired, nervous, sll worn out. Other aigns i • • • of kidney or bladder disorder are aome> • • • timee burning, acanty or too frequent MERRY-GO-ROUND Moe Berg, Boston Red Sox ball urination. < Navy Secretary Knox has a bust Try Deen'« Pilla. Doan'i help th« player, has retired from the y showing people new envoy is really good until we tried to drum up trade for pinto and better ways of living, and some kids surround him and bean growers during his recent visit as it creates new wealth it con­ for an autograph. tributes to the prosperity of to Britain. He took with him a large • • ♦ everyone touched by the flow of money Foreign minister Oswaldo Aranha, of Brazil, president of the hem­ bag of the beans and distributed William L. Batt, chairman of the Why ban those radio quiz which ia aet up. In thia way, don 't you isphere conference at Rio de Janeiro, sits st the head of the table, right, new requirements committee creat­ them among British officials. I see, advertising is a social force whicn is grama? If the enemy gets as much during preliminary session at the foreign office of Brazil. In gray suit Is ed by Donald Nelson, war produc­ hoped they might include pintos in working in the interest of every one of us wrong Information from them as Sumner Welles, head of the U. 8. delegation. Next to Welles, holding his tion czar, to allocate raw materials lend-lease orders,” Hill grins, "but every day of the year, bringing us new the American people do everything I for war and civilian defense. wealth to use and enjoy. glasses, is Roriguez-Alves, secretary of the conference. the British still [»refer their white will be just ducky. beans.” QUINTUPLETS CATCH COLD Knudsen Sworn In as Lieut. General * Æ0R WOMENS Rubber—Goodspeed CONSTIPATION FEEN-A-Ml NTiot ThatNaddinc Backache Meet for Hemisphere Solidarity Goes to Bat for U. S D oans P ills TO ORDER