Page 8 Friday, Jan. 30, 1942 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER 1 SONS TO LITHIA HINDSIGHT ON SPORTS 1 r It T A I N M E N T Phone 75(11 1 By 1 TOLD YOU SO A new and novel idea in basket­ Friday, Saturday bail officiating will be tried dur­ IAMAK1, 80 - 31 ing the second Southern Oregon- Monmouth game to be played at the SOCE gym tomorrow night. The idea, from the brain of Jean Eberhart, SOCE coach, is to have a referee in each end of the gym and three men on the sidelines. The referees at the ends of the court will be located in "crow's nests" which have been built above the baskets. On one side of the playing floor there will be an official at both corners of the court and at the other side the official will be at the center line. The referees in the "crow's nests” will call rules infractions Pictured above i» Jean Eberhart (center) and two of III* »trong lmlnts at euch end nt the gym. the referees will blow a whistle ul»o- women ni I nt \i\ elect and call out to the men on the NEWS FROM The Association of Women Stu sidelines to toss it up and will denta at Southern On-gon Collegi designate the players to jump. <>; Education named llali Farrow In the event of fouls, they also of Bayfield, Colo us tieasurrr of will designate via the loudspeaker By SCHOOL PUPILS the organization in a i ecent elec­ whom the infraction was on and Tlie Three The second and third grade pu- ' The Ashland high Grizzlies, tion other candidates included name the player to take the free pi is m Room 3 have been watch­ Mesti ii ¡leers throw. ing the weather. They put a cal­ fighting hard to keep their lead Olive Davis of Ashland and l-a- The officials on the sidelines endar on the board. They are in the District 4 basket ball league, vlll.i Gosson of Kkndlae. Orc will call out-of-bounds plays and keeping a daily record of the wea­ will tackle the Medford Tigers on Sunday, Monday will call any passing back over ther. Iney tell whether it is snow­ the Medford high school court to­ the center line. ing, raining, foggy, windy, or sun­ night. beginning at 8 o'clock Roseburg, only 50 percentage and Tuesday To the ordinary hoop fan. this ny. They tell whether it is warm points behind the Grizzlies, will t system might sound too expensive or cold. The girls of Room 6 challenged meet Grants i'ass tonight. The since five officials will be used Indians made things tough for instead of the customary two. the girls of Room 8 in an exciting Ashland on their two-game barn­ game of baseball Tuesday. Jan. 27. j But, according to Eberhart, bas­ storming trip last week-end by ketball officials have to pass a The referee was Kama Henson overthrowing Medford 29 to 27 , certain test before they are elig- and the score was 11 to 9 in favor and coming on to Ashland to beat ible to work a game. The two men of Room 8. a listless Grizzly team 30-29 in the "crow's nests” will be paid Lincoln school is having a con­ Saturday night. Willi while the men on the sidelines will test in defense stamps. Rooms 8 The Tigers already have fallen be "breaking in.” —with your fire in- and 6 are ahead. There is a chart before the Grizzly onslaught by a Ann Rutherford Because the “crow's nest" pro­ ui the lower hall to keep track of 28-20 score on the Ashland floor s lira nee. By so doing and vides by far a better place to see I the amount each room has. and local hoop fans are beginning you get protection rules infractions, many fear this Glen Ingle was chosen repre­ to wonder it the home-town boys Robert Stack new system will result in too sentative from Room 1 to the can repeat their performance against much whistle-tooting and, conse­ Council of Students. Barbara Hild Coach Jerry Gastineau says the quently, spoil the game. Eberhart was the representative. boys are out of the slump that WINDSTORM Wed. and Tliurs says it won t. He says it will Mrs. Henry Galey came to | caused their defeat by Roseburg speed the game up by taking the 1 Room 8 Monday. Jan 19 and gave an dhc adds that his stalling EXPLOSION officials off the floor and making the children a very interesting ' lineup of Jandreau, Provost, Rath, more room for the players. .Mid-Week Special AIRCRAFT talk on Wedgewood pottery. She Riggs and Fowler is in fine con­ showed them some of her lovely dition and planning to take re­ DISTRICT FOl’K STANDINGS Wedgewood ware. It was very in- i venge at the expense of the Tiger and several other haz­ Team W L Pct. sol », si I DENT BODY teresting and the children enjoyed ball club. Medford's probable line­ ards that could hap- Ashland 4 1 .800 up will see Wall, Herman. Rey­ ELE4TS JOIINNON PRKX1 it very much. Roseburg ¡H*n to any of us. 5 1 .750 Before some of the children of . nolds, Fawcett and Kresse on the Verne Johnson of Medford was •> 2 .500 Medford elected pr<-s|.'ent nf the Associai, Room 8 went to junior high school floor. Grants Pass 0 5 .000 If y imi do not have it now, rd Student B-’-ly at Southern Ore­ Arlene Gregory. Dorothy Elhart There are nine new pupils in and Louise Schilling planned a gon College of Education In n spe­ BASKETBALL SCORES can I m - utldcrl fur »nuilI addi­ Room 8. Their names are Lorraine cial ehi flou itednesday. In a pre­ little farewell program for the PAST MEEK tional premium to your pre­ vious election neither Johnson nor other children of their room They Hoodenpyle. Jacqueline Howell, Roseburg 30. Ashland 29 sent fin- policy. Ito It now. the other two candidates, Peter called on different class members Catherine Silvers, Ronald Nance. Medford 40. Grants Pass 27 Buikcr and Cyril Sander, received to answer questions. If they miss- 1 James Rose. A Ison Vestal, Bobbie Roseburg 29. Medford 27. a majority vote. Klamath Falls 44. Redmond 21 ed, they had to act out something, DeLiale. Harry Kannasto and Ger­ I ald Randles, i ne new pupils came Joseph Spnyde of Ashlund Wilt Jacksonville 21, Central Point sing or dance. They also asked elected as vice president of the riddles and told jokes. Some of from Room 7. Miss Bork is the 18. student body His opponent was the children had to say different teacher. Jacksonville 32, Butte Falls 34 • REAL ESTATE and Robert Hoefs of Butte Falls, Ashland Juniors 27, Roseburg tongue twisters. It lasted from 3 e liKAI. INSIIIANCF. to 3:30 o’clock. They had a very • g . s Butter anjoyed hte 88th 20 and Mrs Kenneth Burns Phone 8781 41 Eu»t Milin Ashland Juniors 31, Klamath good time although they were birthday at his winter home in Cathedral Springs. Calif on Jan and daughter of Dunsmuir spent sorry to see them leave. Frosh 34 19. the week-end in Ashland Carmela Daly was sick with the Eagle Point 25. St. Mary's 20 measles. She was out from Jan. 9 Rogue River 23. Phoenix 20 Ashland Graders 12, Jackson­ to 26 Her friends were sorry she SEE YOUR LOCAL CHEVROLET DEALER FOR SERVICE ville Graders 14 was ill and that she misled so Il r——— co » ............... O » ■ . . - ' '____________ Ashland Graders 26. Medford many studies. Graders On Jan 22 the boys of Room 8 ------------ •---------- challenged the boys of Room 7 in O Mr. and Mrs. Clair Henderson a game of baseball The game was and daughter of Seattle are visit­ a tie as the score was 2 to 2 It ing with Mr. and Mrs. C. B. How­ was a good game and both sides ard. played hard. Today & Saturday ELLERY QUEEN AND THE PERFECT CRIME M-G-M PkcfMro ahMfina GREER GARSON with Walter Pidgeon PLUS MEET THE GUY WHO OUT-BARNUMS BARNUM! WILDMAN of BORN SUN • MON • TUE TOO DANGEROUS TO LOVE... bat you will! Lincoln School GRIZZLIES FACE CRUCIAL CLASH SADDLE MATES BUY EXTENDED COVERAGE THE BADLANDS OF DAKOTA 1 Billings Agency Wed’sday & Thursday Bargain Days 20c “REBECCA” “INTERMEZZO ACHING-STIFF SORE MUSCLES For PROMPT relief—nib on Mu»- I terole! Massage with this wonderful COUNTER-IRRITANT” actually brings fresh warm blood to aching muscles to help break up painful local con­ gestion. Better than a mustard plaster! Made in 3 strengths. DOG LICENSE DUE! License—$1.50 Penalty after March 1 st—$2.00 » Total cost after March 1st—$3.50 Get it now and save $2.00 G. It CARTER, County Clerk CHEVROLET DEALERS SPECIALIZE IN THESE "CONSERVATION SERVICES 1. TIRE SERVICE pò conferve rubber), 6. CARBURITOR ANO fUU PUMP Oo save 3. LUBRICATION (to conferve motor, chat tit). 4. BRAKES (lo proterve lining, ofc.). 5. MOTOR TUNE-UP (to conferve engine and Fve/J, A YOU DON’T HAVE TO BE RICH to help American Defense. That’s the theme of the above poster, one of the newest of the Defense Savings promotional pieces now going up in streetcars, on bulletin boards, and at other public places. This poster emphasizes the point advanced by the Treasury Depart­ ment that every American can—and must—pitch in if the United Stales is to have the arms and the tools necessaryprotect her freedom. v • fee/). 2. RADIATOR (to taf »guard cooling a yitom). 7. STIIRINfi AND WHIIl ALIGNMENT (malrs, Hrst lot) long*' — comsrvsi rubber) 11. SHOCK ABSORB!* SIRVICI. » B. BODY AND FINDIR RIPAIR. 13. PAINTINO, BIPINISHINO, WASHING, •«<. 9. CLUTCH, TRANSMISSION, RIAR AXLI. MOBILE ■ nd 10. HIADLIGHT AND ItlCTRI- CAl CHICK.UP. NAT A STR i O N ». ♦ SELBY CHEVROLET CO