Friday, January 30, 1942 [ the sunny SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 7 side of life CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT MAKE MONEY Clean Comics That Will Amuse Both Old and Young P.alse W o O I e r Rabbits for shearing Profit­ able hobby, easy to raise No 1 woal *4.50 It/., foreign supply closed. Free booklet, Housing. Feeding. Breeding, Hhearlng. We buy Angora rabbit wool, spin, knit, weav* Also sell Angora Yarns. OBBGON WOOL1S MILLS. Bouts 11, Portland, Oregon. By ED WHEELAN BIG TOP TRUCK PARTS Heavy-duty Motora. axels parts, bodies, tires, hoists and used trucka. TRUCK WRECKING COMPANY iOttidH E. Hawthorns Portland. Ore. RABBITS AND SKINS POULTRY AND RABBITS WANTED Good white fryer rabbit skins too to 90o per lb Write poetcard for price* and Information Raby * Co.. 935 S. W Front. Portland. Ora. FOR SALE FOR HALE OK TRADE late atyle piano. Credit to reliable people— discount for cash. Write W. N. Oray, P O. Box 75, Spokane, Waeh. NO CHICK SHORTAGE Immediate Delivery U. H. Poliorum Controlled Dubl-Dollar New Harnpshirea U. H. Certified Leghorns Vashon Island Co-operative Hatch­ ery. Box 3, Vashon, Washington. ROLLER CANARIES, BREEDING PAIRS, and tutor bird* from win­ ning champion*. Colored birds, Ring­ ers and females. Very choice. Horne singers. Correapontbmce invited. Ship anywhere. Mrs. Eugene Free­ land, 82613 Manito Blvd., Spokane, Washington. BUT HARDIEST ALFAFLA AND GRASS SEED direct from Sam Bober, Newell. So. Dakota. P.EGISTEP.ED ROMNEY EWES. Walter T. Smith, Honte 1, Aurora, Oregon. FINE PERCHEON STALLION, reg- lstered. 7 yrs. old. 205b lbs., easy to handle. Phone or write Da* Harmon, Newberg, Oregon. C * L*» BERKSHIRE FALL PIGS. EASTERN B..OOD-LINES. Pried right. Meria Kanachs, Pomeroy, Wash. COUCH $18-99 By GENE BYRNES REG LAR FELLERS—Hi, Spy! IVI BFTM IK Y« AWAY SCHOOLS Ç 3 A LOAJG TlMI-.GEN'ftUL--/ a ] TUINU I OftTlQ. GET /JI STENOGRAPHERS NEEDED In tha U. S. Government Service. Entrance Salaries Range From 6120 to *150 a Month. Special preparation day and evening. Every woman should prepare to do her part in this great emergency. INVESTIGATE our Rpecial short course for Civil Serv­ ice. Seattle Secretarial School, 1530 Wxetlake (bet. Pike and Pine) MAln 3844. ARTHRITIS. DIABETIS HEART ILLS SHOW OXYGEN DEFI­ CIENCY. 30 years ago I started to produce an OXYGEN RAY. 10 years ago I succeeded. Correcting MALNUTRITION AND POOR EL­ IMINATION OF INTERNAL OR­ GANS RESTORING NEW LIFE CELLS IN SOME OF THE MOST HOPELESS PATIENTS. If inter­ ested come and see me. perhaps you too will go home and help me advertise my treatment. DB. A RAISE ALDBICX SANATOBTUM. B4504 Fredrick, Spokane, Phone Olen 4434. INC. Wn_ DENTAL PLATES «KO ALL hhAHCHC* *r DENTISTRY on CREDIT TERMS MESCAL IKE Supply and Demand By S. L HUNTLEY Take », 10. >S Mo-rs, ta D r . H arry S imler , D&diti ALISKY BLOC - 3w* MORRISON PORTLAND.ORI . By J. MILLAR WATT POP—It Won’t Be Pop's Ghost! Transfer No. Z9381 << A NGEL PUSS! Sugah Pie! ** Where are you all? Com halp youh Por Ole Mammy wit dese hot things ” And since this happy-go-lucky trio have handy loops for convenient hanging, they are bound to be ever ready to help protect hands from the heat. a e e They have such roguish eyes, especially Angel Puss and Sugah Pie, you'll wish to send a few sets visiting, so your friends can enjoy them too. The hot iron trans­ fer for the set is Z9381, 15 cents. Send your order to: Box 16« W CHAIRS ARE NOT FOR BOYS AUNT MARTHA Kansas City, Mo. Enclose 15 cents for each pattern desired. Pattern No Name. Address Beware Coughs from common colds That Hang On Creomulsion relieves promptly be­ cause it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, in­ flamed bronchial mucous mem­ branes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the un­ derstanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis LANG ARMSTRONG Abolishing a Rascal Make yourself an honest man, and then you may be sure that there is one rascal less in the world.—Carlyle.