Friday, Jan. 30, 1942 ■ r- - ■ - SOUTHERN OREGON MINER -- ----------------- ———... N O T I O E ! About People You Know If you don’t want to sell your property, don’t list it with ual O. HUFFMAN For limi Esilile HA N. Multi A SIA B. Muln CATHOLIC ( HI IK II Rev. W. 4. Meiigtier, Pastor Mass at 9 a. m. Sunday. Dr. L. W. Stoffe™ * FREE .METHODINT <111 IK II Eu»t Alain Street John II. Poet, Pastor DENTIST Moure il-1 t and l-A Medical Hldg. l’hour 5211 Dry Blox and Slabs Gunter Fuel Co. 42 Helnuui Dial 5751 Bunday school at 9:45 a. m ' Bainice Beuie, superintendent in' charge. Morning worship at 11 o'clock Junior meeting and Young Peo­ ple's meeting ut 6:45 p. rn. Even \ ing worship al 7:30 p. in. Mid-week prayrr meeting Wed-1 riesduy evening nt 7:30 p. in. You are welcome to all service« • TRINITY EI*IS< OPAL CHURCH Dr. Claude E. suyre, Vlcur Holy Communion K a. m. Church school 9:30 a. m. Hermon and Holy Communion 11 ii in Holy Communion 9 30 a in ' Wednesday. Choir will meet 7:30 p. m Thursday. You are cordially invited to worship with us. • CHI IK II OF THE NAZAIIENE Bertnuid F. Peterson, Pastor Fourth and <1 Street» AUTOMOBILE - FIRE < XSI'ALTY LIFE INSURANCE Dependable Protection ut ICeuMoimlile Ruh-» M. T. BURNS ON THF. I'I.V/.A Church school 9:45 a rn Morning worship, ii o'clock 1 Sermon: "A Stable Faith" Departmental meetings. 6 30 p I m Junior. Young People, Adults Evangelistic service. 7 30 p. m ( Prayer meeting, 7:30 p. m Wednesday e FJ’LI. GOSPEL TEMPLE E. .Main und Siskiyou Blvd. I. I*. Furman, Pastor Try Our Milk and Cream AN ASHLAND PRODI'CT Clover Leaf Dairy : Phone «732 i■ Sunday scluxil 9:45 a. rn. Mornlug Worship 11 o'clock. C. A »ervlce 6:45 Sunday eve- nlhg Evangelistic service to fol­ low at 7:30 o'clock. C. A. service and choir practice 7 30 Tuesday evening. Blblo study and prayer meeting 7:30 Frlduy evening. Everybody Is cordially invited to all services. e FIRST METHODINT < III IK H Cor. N. Main and laiurel Nt*. Dr. George W. Bruce, Minister Sunday church »chool 9:45 a rn Morning sermon 11 o clock on the subject, "Ye ate the »alt of the earin " 'I he adult choir will lead the singing ami offer a special anthem VVenrey league and Methodist Youth Fellowship 6:15 p m Evening sermon at 7 30 o'clock on the subject, Managing One'» Self" The young people» choir will sing "O i rornisc Sweet’’ Ruth Dale, Jim Rath and Bill Cooke Hinging the duet part» Midweek Bible study class and prayer service at 7.30 p in Wed­ nesday. • NEIGHBORHOOD CONGREGA­ TIONAL CHURCH Bouleiar«, and Mortim Street» < lurence F. McCall, Minister The Rev. James R. Clinton D. D , leader of the Preaching Mis­ sion, will »peak to the young peo­ ple of the Sunday school at 9.45 a. m Worship service at 11 o'clock. Addie»» by Rev Clinton. Beginning Sunday, »ervlce» will be held at 7:30 each evening throughout the week with special meetings for Bible school children and their parents on Sunday and Friday nights. Everyone 1» cor­ dially invited to attend these meeting» o FIRST < HI IK II OF CHRIST M IENTIST Pioneer Ave., South Sunday morning »ervlce at 11 o'clock. Subject: laove. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m Wednesday evening meeting, which include» testirnonie» of Christian Science healing, is held at 8 o'clock. , Reading room open daily from 2 to 5 p rn , also Thursday eve­ nings from 7 to 9. except Sundays I and holidays. The public 1» cordially invited ; to attend these services, and to use the reading room. i • .CHURCH OF CHRIST Second und B Street» Earl F. Downing, Minister Bible school 9:45 a. m. Morning service 11 o'clock. Ser­ mon, "A Good Man Becomes a Christian." Christian Endeavor 6:30 p. m. Evening service, 7:30 o'clock In observance of Christian Endeavor day the evening service -will be conducted by the C. E societies. Ellen Brown. Bert Marshall, Beth­ el Tilley and Harlalee Wilson will speak. Midweek service 7:30 p. m. Wednesday. —---- —•— MERLEY ( 1IK I.E MEETS The Merley circle of the Baj>- tist church met at the church last Thursday afternoon with Mrs. J. C. Jobbin». Mrs. Baalke, Mrs Harvey Staley and Mrs. A Segsworth hostesses Colonel Miles spoke to the group on the subject, "The Women of Russia " • MRS. NORBY HOST TO PEO Mrs. Theo J. Norby assisted by Mis Ii C Galev. Mis G M Green. Mrs F. D. Wagner and Miss Marian Ady entertained Chapter AC. PEO at a 1 o'clock luncheon Saturday. Those partici­ pating in the program included Mrs Dom Provost, Mrs. Elwood Hedberg, Mrs. W. J Crandall. Mrs. B. C. Forsythe, Mrs J W. McCoy. Mrs. Harvey Woods and Miss Florence Allen. ----- <------ • Mi and Mrs Walter Herndon have returned from a vacation I trip which took them to Eugene to visit their sons Robert and William and to Maricopa and Bev­ erly Hills. Calif, where they visit­ ed other relatives. FIRST BAPTIST CHI IK II J. II. Turnbull, Minister Bible school 9:45 a. m. Worship 11 a. m. TALKNT NBWS Young People's Union 6:30 p m. Gospel service 7:30 p. m. Ten- • A new rcxif him been put on minute song service; special mu­ the Htcains »tore Ixulding now sic, sermon, "Nothing but Ix-aves ” occupied by Mr. und Mr«. P J ' Selby, who operate a grocery and | meat market The work wim done by the Pioneer Reading company of Medford. • Mr and Mr» W S Brown of Seattle and Mr« Fred Hixiapp of Central Point who have s|x-nt the paal week in «outhern California «topped in Talent and called on friend» Thursday They were en­ route to their home« • Mr» <;<•<'ige Newlun letui home from St Helena, Calif where »he visited her two daughter» and their familie« for the past two week» • Mr« Doria Stelle and two chll America muit be «trong. dren are viaiting her parent». Mr. i Every man and woman must and Mis Sam Hamilton Ml contribute their strength to the Stelle reside« in Portland. strength of America at war. • Steve Nye Jr of Headquarter» Company, Medford, ha» been called Some are carrying guns— to Fort Lttwte. He left for that place lust week He rank» as ! some are flying planes—some captain. i are giving their blood on ships • Mr and Mr« Earl Hamilton of at sea. the Alberta country in Canada are YOU on the home front must viaiting Mr Hamilton'« parent«, buy those guns- those planes— Mr and Mm. Guy Hamilton Earl is overseer In a Safeway «tore those ships. That must be your , • The next meeting of the Tal­ contribution to freedom under ; ent health unit will tie at the Are! BUY PEE I N | K home of Mr« Jay Terrill Jan 29. STAMPS AND BONDS TO­ Sewing will be on the program DAY—buy them with every • Martin Stephen«, 63 years of Itenny you have to spare! age, passed away Suddenly at hi» home here Sunday afternoon from a heart attack. For the past 15 years Mr Stephens has been em­ ployed with the California Oregon Power company Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at the Perl Funeral home in Med­ ford. Rev. Astleford, pastor of the Methodist church in Talent, offi­ ciated. Interment was made in the Siskiyou Memorial park at Med­ ford. • The Talent basketball team has been under quarantine for the past three weeks, owing to mumps in the schixil The team has been ' unable to play any conference i games The quarantine has been lifted and they now will be able | to be on their regular schedule. i • Mr and Mrs Ray Schumaker, who have operated a fountain and lunch counter here during the Music past summer have purchased the property of Mrs. Harry Weagant on the Pacific highway south of I Phoenix and moved there Tues- I day. The fountain and fixtures ( have been sold to Medford people • Mr. and Mrs Billy Breese who have been on a honeymoon trip in | southern California returned to there home here Friday. • Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Tame of the | Dead Indian area were business callers here Friday. • Mrs. Anna Dickey returned home last week from a month's visit In Jacksonville with her sis­ ter and family. • Frank Mannas left Thursday for Klamath county where he will be employed in forestry. • Rilling Schuerman of Ashland was a business caller here Fri­ day. /want. . . FIGHTING DOLLARS I v Page 5 1942 PRESIDENT’S BIRTHDAY BALL Infantile Paralysis Campaign Elks Temple-Saturday Night Steve Whipple by Orchestra Tickets: $1.10 per couple On sale at Fortmiller’s, Ingles and Chamber of Commerce Tickets also honored at Either Show Lithia and Varsity Theatres WATCH REPAIRING 'Expert S w I sm and American' wuUh repairing. Your watch, • P R Hardy went to Klamath were enroute to Yakima. Wa»h.' timed anil regulated FREE on Falls on business Monday to visit relatives. our Ele<-tric Time Michrimieter. i • Mu Emma Hager, Miss Eunice • M ■ Hager and Mr» Mae Pinkerton ed Sunday from a two weeks visit RAMSEY’S JEWELRY went to Medford Saturday with her sister, Mrs. (fartwright STORE • Mis J H Sugg and daughter of Troy, Ida Jane are visiting in Han Francisco 1 • Mr and Mrs Kenneth Rosen Sweden burg Bldg. Ashland and lais Angele» this week are spending a few days with his • Mi and Mm H G Spence of I parents, Mr and Mrs. J. W Ro­ Fresno, Calif, are visiting Mr. ami I sen of Ronen's Food market. Mrs William Van Vleet • Mr and Mr» Kart Ernrnern • Il E Dodge ha» gone to San spent the week-end with her par­ Francisco on busineM. ents, Mr and Mrs Warren • Mr ,i i. d Mr. g H Sboi t vis- • A gioup of friends gave Mr» , ited their daughter at Corvallis D McCoy a surprise party Sunday in honor of her birthday anniver-1 over the week-end • Mrs Lulu Wilson has returned sary. Guests were Mr and Mr» home from a visit with relatives R D Reynold», Mr. and Mr« . in Klamath Falls. Melvin Conley and Pete McCoy • Ml»» Peggy Whittle »pent the from Cherry Grove week-end in Dunnrnuir with Mt • Mr and Mrs Peckham of Med-1 and Mrs. Lawrence Gill. ford were dinner guests at the J • Mr and Mrs D B Marsh ar - j Z Walker home Friday evening companied by their son Laverne • Mrs Elmer Halbert and infant are visiting in Han Diego this : son were moved to their home week with their three sons who are from the Community hospital employed there Sunday • Dick Be»»e of Klamath Falla • The Bellview grange is sponsor- | is a guest of Mr and Mrs Charles ; ing an old time dance Saturday i Mitchell evening The music will be fur­ • Born to Mr and Mr» Everett nished by the Grow band Albert I Newbry on Jan 25, a daughter. Arnold and I^ewls Pankey are on I • Mr and Mr» La Verne Dalken- the dance committee berg were buslnes» visitors in • A large group of Bellview grang- ' Yreka Saturday er» and club members attended • Mr and Mrs C. F Colbaugh of the funeral services for Mrs C I Medford were guests of Mr. and B Lamkin Tuesday Mr and Mrs J Mr» George B Icenhower Sunday Lamkin were former Bellview res­ • Bora to Mt and Mrs Harry idents and were active in the dif­ Shipman of Port Orford at ferent organizations of the com- j Community hospital on Jan. 22. a munity. Mrs Lamkin had a host I «on of friends who Join in extending I • Mrs W M Bar bro has gone to sincere sympathy to the family. San Francisco for medical treat­ • Miss Rosemary Bell was a, ment. week-end guest of Miss Nancy • Mr and Mr» C S Butchart of Ring at Dunsmuir. Sheridan are guests of the latter's ' • Mr and Mrs. Melvin Conley parents. Mr. and Mrs J. A Yeo returned to Dunsmuir Tuesday af­ ter spending two weeks with rela­ BELLVIEW NEWS tives in Bellview and Ashland. Melvin has recovered from a re­ • Mrs Carl Henry, who under-' cent illness and is able to return went an appendectomy at the to his work with the Southern Community hospital last- week, Pacific. was able to be removed to the, home of her aunt, Mrs Porter, I Tuesday. Dev. and Printed • Roi>ett Rr «enbaum of Klamath 5c Extra for Panchromatic Falls »pent the week-end with his 6 or 8 Ex. Rolls Double Size 25c wife and small »on who have been at the Walter Hash home the past ’ ALL FINE GRAIN DEVELOPLNG. GUAKANTEED WORK few weeks Mrs Rosenbaum has Reprints 2c ea. Deckle edge or plain, double size, 3c had mumps and was unable to re­ 35 mm. 36 ex. Dev. & Printed, 3x4 prints, 95c roll. turn to their home. Send this ad with your order and we will send a miniature • Martin Miller of Ellendale, : frame free. Mail films to Minn., who is a brother-in-law of Mrs Henry Stenrud, and his cou- i ECONOMY PHOTO FINISHERS sin. Auton Miller of West Branch, , BOX 1576, STA. D, LOS ANGELES, CALIF. la . »{>ent a few days last week with Mr and Mrs Stenrud. They' DAIRY PRODUCTS at their best! SUNGOLD • BUTTER • PASTEURIZED MILK • CREAM • BUTTERMILK ASHLAND ICE & STORAGE CO. Films 15c f I Äf YOUR CHOICE READING nni^u^/PRiasy^ THIS NEWSPAPER, 1 Yr., And Any Magazine Listed • BOTH FOR PRICC SHOWN Through special arrangements with the magazine publishers we offer America's finest farm and fiction magazines—in com* bination with our newspaper — at prices that simply cannot be duplicated else­ where I Look over this long list of favorites and make YOUR selection today! ALL MAGAZINES ARE FOR ONE YEAR • □ American Frail Grower ...$1.75 □ American Girl__________ 2Z5 |J American Magazine _____ 2.95 □ Ameiican Poultry Journal 1.65 □ Breeder'« Gazette_________1.65 □ Capper’« Fanner _______ 1.75 □ Child Life_____________ 3.00 □ Chrulian Herald_______ 2-50 □ Click .....................................2.00 □ Collier*« Weekly________ 2 JO □ Column Digest __ Fact Digest_____ Farm Journal L Farmer’« Wife □ Flower Grower .... □ Household Magaiine □ Hunting and Fishing Q Liberty (Weekly) □ Look (Bi-Weekly) □ Magaiine Digest . □ Modem Romance« □ Modem Screen ___ □ Nature (10 Iss. in 14 Mos.) □ Official Detective Stories ... □ Open Road (Boys), (12 I m . in 14 Mot)__ BOutdoors (12 I m ., 14 Mot) Parents' Magazine .. Pathlindcr (Weekly) Physical Culture _ Popular Mechanics Rcdbook Magazine Science A- Discovery. Screen Guide Screenland__ Silver Screen . Sports Afield . Successful Farming True Confessions . True Story _____ World Digest ___ You (Bi-Monthly) Your Life ............. 8 9 o’clock Saturday Night .««.asm «