Friday, January 30, 1942 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 3 J ouy T ime PATTERNS •SfOLMHN fxnu TfWf« SEWBNG CODKXE Inconstant Solid (KLEI) FOR AN AMERICAN IN AN ALL-OUT WAIC 1 urn through with compromise. Iialfwuy measures, crystal gazing and the Idea that it's ull done by mirrors. • I am finished with talk for talk's suke and the ''that's under advise­ ment" and "in due time the matter will be attended to" technic. 1 have canceled my subscription to the theory that "it all comes out in the wash," even if you haven't thought to provide soap. • • to make that you can finish it in a Cryostase is a solid when hot and few hours, here is an outfit to add a liquid when cold, and soluble to your daughter’s collection of vincetoxin is cloudy when hot and frocks. Plain or printed fabrics clear when cold. may be used. • • • Pattern No 8080 la designed for sizes 2. 3, 4. 5 and 6 years. Size 3 ensemble takes 2 yards M Inch material, 3l> yarda rlc-rac. Fur thia attractive pattern, send your order to: SEWING < IK Management 5. Politics (To divide a state, county, etc., into election districts E 99 I ttfG9tU9ti 009 "• Dr. L DOUGLAS GOTTSCHALU Dyre« Not Sprint». Byrwa. CaHMa in an unfair way to give a political party an advantage over its op­ ponent). 6. Secret codes and ciphers. Reward of Search Salty Wit 7. Mt. Lassen. The dog that trots about finds a Wit is the salt of conversation, 8. Ponce de Leon. bone.—Barrow. not the food.—Hazlitt. J ANO what ' s so IMPORTANT TO ME IS CAMEL'S \ J / EXTRA MIUW é SS -LESS NICOTINE IN THE SMOKE There is a difference of opinion in the dress industry over the re­ ported plan to shorten skirts by way of saving fabrics Maurice Rcntner of the Fashion Originators guild says they can't be made shorter without becoming police court mat­ ters. But we think he is wrong. Skirts got so short around the time of the last wur now and then a husband got mixed up and put one on as a wristlet. • • • The splendid work of the Dutch in the war brings back to mind an old song Dr. Fred Beck used to sing at the Grays' outings back home: "Those Dutch, they say. they ain't got no style— They got style all the while, all the while!** COUKHRS The oldest inhabitant had cele­ brated his hundredth birthday and the reporter of a local paper called on him for an interview. “To what do you attribute your longevity?” the reporter inquired. The centenarian paused a mo­ ment and then, holding up his hand and ticking off the items on his fingers, began: "I never drank alcoholic liquors, or over­ ate, and I always rise at six in the morning.” "But,” protested the reporter, “I had an uncle who acted in that By Results way, yet he only lived to be eighty. We judge others according to How do you account for that?” results; how else?—not knowing "He didn’t keep it up long the process by which results are enough,” was the calm reply. arrived at.—George Eliot. Hot Mulled Cid. r ft 1 teaspoon cinnamon ft 1 teaspoon nutmeg ft 1 teaspoon ginger ft 1 teaspoon cloves I cups cooked canned pumpkin 1 cup cream, rich milk or un­ reoesr mommo us volume ■ I. CONTAINS 2¿TÍ es T nico ’ tine .4- .... «« “r-- —•- f* A MET I “THE CIGARETTE OF VnlTItL. COSTLIER TOBACCOS