Friday, Jan. 23. 1942 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 8 NEWS FROM HINDSIGHT ON SPORTS Washington School TROUT SEASON OPENS APRIL 18 WaJre Up, Americans! .» SCHOOL PUPILS doom 1 had a “toy day' and Wake up. Ameri­ each child brought one gift he or The state game commission, al cana! site had received for Christinas a meeting held Jan. 10, set the 111 We enjoyed this day Eleven doli» general season for trout six inch Make America’s Ry I TOLD YOU SO came to visit us. es or over in length in 1942 from answer roar out We arc glad to have Belva April IN to Oct 31, with the ex over the world Jeanne De Marrs and DATORI Some tune ago a fellow from ception of 12 eastern Oregon coun­ Every citizen must Medford and an article in a Grants Snyder enter our grade, ties where the season will extend We had a few hobbies in the from May 2 to Oct. 31 These Pass paper said Ashland had a back the United States Army one-man basketball team which Hobby snow. Donna Travis and counties are Baker, Gilliam, Un­ mid Navy to victory buck them was composed of Charlie Jandreau Alan Schneider told how they ion, Grant, Harney. Klamath, started their hobbies, with work and money. We noticed that the Medford man lxike. Morrow, Umatilla. Wallowa. Last week we saw the Goat Wheeler and the writer of the Grants Pass and Malheur. Do your part: Buy United article were present at recent picture and we enjoyed it very The daily bag limit remains the States Defense Bunds and games Ashland played with their much. same as before, 15 pounds and one We of Room 3 are very happy fish but not to exceed 15 fish in favorite teams. Not having had Stamps at your post office. bunk, the opportunity to talk to the in our nice big room. U e enjoyed any one day. The limit for any or savings and loan association Medford man and having failed to our old room but often wished lot seven consecutive days or in pos­ Oet Defense Stiimi» at your re­ more space in winch to wot k and notice any retraction in the Grants session at any one time is 30 tail store or from the carrier boy Pass [«per. we wonder what these play. pounds and two fish but not to Í We have some children absent I exceed 30 fish men think of Ashland's “one-man of Bits newspaper. »»e team" now. If there was a one- with mumps and measles From Nov I to April 17 anglers hope the epidemics don't last an man team on the floor the night will be permitted to take trout Ashland beat Medford it certainly year. over 10 inches in length only in The enrollment Tuesday morn ­ was the Tigers' Hank Herman. those waters open to steelhead and Radio “Hams" Sought Without him, it is doubtful if Med­ ing was as follows: Room 1, 35: salmon fishing The aggregate PLUS ford would get to first base in the Room 2, 39: Room 3, 21: Room 4. bag limit for steelhead, salmon For Naval Service district 4 conference. And. as for 28; Room 5, 33. Room 6. 39; Room and trout over 10 inches in length According to an announcement Grants Pass, Johnny Gray seems 7, 21, and Room 8, 32. during this period will be three In from the office of Lieut. Glenn F Most of our teachers are enroll ­ to be the "whole cheese" as far as any one day with a [xissession ed in one of the Red Cross first limit of six and weekly limit of 10 DeGrave, officer In charge of they are concerned. navy recruiting in this district, From the way things are sizin' aid classes. However, during the general the navy Is searching for 5,(MM) Lillie May Freese and Glen Or- up at ’ present, we believe that it open season for six-inch trout the radio hams and amateur opera­ CHALLENGES THE will be only Ashland that stands ton are new pupils in our room , regular daily bag limit of three tors for enlistment tn the new ■ owei bandits That makes 22 in our room now. in the way of Medford getting a salmon ami steelhead over 20 inch­ RADAR division Accepted appli­ trip to the state tournament. We We expect to have some second es in length may be counted sep­ cants will be used as operators also think Medford will win one graders from Mrs. Willits' room arately and steelhead over 20 and maintenance men for subnia- of their four-game series with after the first semester. There are Inches in length may be counted ■ rine listening devices and aircraft Ashland. Ln fact, to prophecy fur­ 39 in her room now separate! ly from the trout limit Room 4 is studying about Eski­ Special regulations prevail on the > locators ther. this is the way we expect RADAR men will be enlisted ax mos and finds it very interesting the four teams to end up when the Rogue river and are essentially I petty officers with the rating of W’e have found where the Eski­ the same as last year. district basketball race is over in Ceeift HATES I radiomen second class with of $72 March: Ashland. Medford. Rose­ mos live, of what their homes are Changes in black bass regula­ a month plus allowances for food, Cars! HUGHES made and how. burg and Grants Pass. tions include the establishment of We will soon begin studying a minimum length limit of eight 1 lodging, uniforms and $34 50 r f < monthly for dependants transportation. We boys plan to The sport page of the Oregon­ inches and a closed season during Upon successful completion of a ian. dated Thursday. Jan. 15. car­ make different kinds of airplanes May and June to protect the six to eight months t ruining ried an article with the heading as and ships. We girls will learn how spawning fish Also, the separate course, graduates will be rated as follows: "Medford hurler may quit to sew. We will learn many kinds limit for I mims is eliminated high as chief radioman game!" The story was about Bob of stitches. bass are included in the gen- Tlie new classification is open A queer poem is making Room Hardy of Ashland. W’e would like eral bag limit for spiny-rayed I ' to high schrxil graduates with 5 work very hard. We found that those up-staters to know that fish, which is 30 in any one day ' class A or B amateur operator li­ Hardy is an Ashland boy, has been we needed a mirror to read this of all species combined or in pos­ censes Also required is experi- since he was born. On the same queer poem. Some of the words session at any one time. I ence in the repair, design and con­ page, in the column containing are: eht. dna, tuo and erew. No bullfrogs under four inches struction of transmitting and re­ The boys and girls of Washing ­ basketball scores, it said Ashland in body length may be taken. The ceiving equipment, or work in the lost to Roseburg 43 to 19. W<- ton school are having a defense season will be open from June 1 field of television or cathode ray stamp contest, during language would like for them to know that to April! 15 of the following year Lieutenant DeGrave |x>inted out it was just the other way around. class we told about the odd jobs with the exception that in coun­ that RADAR presents unusual and which we did to earn money for ties east of the Cascades the sea­ ere advantages to qualified men, such Word comes from Mack Lillard our defense stamps. Our percent­ son will not open until July 1 as t^e opportunity to enlist as a age for Wednesday was 66.6. This that he plans to resume his wrest­ A daily bag limit of five fish petty officer for the duration of is the highest percentage the m ling matches in the Medford ar­ will be effective for striped boss the war and the chance for highly mory at the nearest possible date, fourth grade has had during this In addition to the present bag technical training in a specialized probably around the last of Febru­ contest. The fifth grade has the limit 'of three for sturgeon under field which can be used to very ary or the first of March. Lillard highest percentage in school, We four feet in length, the limit for good advantage to obtain immed- says he will use honest-to-good- hope everyone in our twin can sturgeon over four feet in length late employment after discharge buy a defense stamp. I ness heavyweights this time, is to be two from the service Esther Fowler of the fifth i -------—-------- grade is out of school due to an j BELLVIEW NEWS DISTRICT acute kidney trouble. I Tenni • Mr and Mrs. L. G. Sharyon We have two new pupils, Fred Ashland and son Robert of Ashland were Peters and Verna Snyder, from Roseburg dinner guests of Miss Alice Wright Nebraska. Joan Tardy from Long Voluntary speed reduction in Medford Wednesday. Beach entered our school for one the interest of accident prevention < >ruiit» I* • Mr. and Mrs. James Metcalfe week only. As her father is in and conservation of automotive es­ and daughter Alice were dinner government service she has lived sentials was urged today by Earl BASKETBALL S< ORE* guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. in many places. Snell, secretary of state. PAST WEEK Alford Randals in Medford. Mr. Since Christmas vacation men With restricted tire sales al­ and Mrs. Randals soon will move have been working on the Wash- ready in effect and with possible Ashland 2H, Medford 20 to Yreka where Mr Randals will ington school. It has been very gasoline shortages due to war-in­ Ashland 34. Grants Pass 30 be employed. hard to work because of the noise. terrupted tanker service in the AJHS 21. Jacksonville Reserves • Mr. and Mrs Elmer Halbert The building is now braced from offing, Snell pointed out the value 16 are the proud parents of a son the basement floor up to the roof; of conserving on these important AJHS Graders 21 Jack* invili» | bom at the Community hospital the belfry was removed, the fur­ motor vehicle essentials now Graders 15 ! Jan. 15. ■___ "Widespread conservation of nace room fireproofed; all old Medford Re- AHS Reset ves I • Mr and Mrs. Woodworth and i lights have been replaced by new! these vital supplies, through vol­ serves 22 small son recently returned from the cloakroom changed into an of- untary action on the part of those AHS Reserves 21. Grants . ass a month’s visit with Mrs. Wood- fice for Mr Goddard, and several of us who drive, may forestall en­ Reserve» 2M worth’s parents in Long Beach. rooms have been changed around. forced curtailment later," the SOCE 5H. DUE 2« secretary of state declared By Calif. SOCE 52. OCE 40 • Mr. and Mrs. A. R Kincaid, : day the members voted to give I traveling at reduced speeds and SOCE <,() Albany 44 Mrs. Arthur Hamaker and Eunice $10 to the Red Cross and to do by exercising g»xxl judgment in SOCE t»7, Albany 31 Kincaid were business visitors to 1 sewing for the Red Cross as soon traffic, drivers can continue to Roseburg 24, Grants Pass 20 Medford Saturday as materials arrive, They are hav- take necessary trips, and at the Klamath Falls 54. Bend 11 • Earl Warren. Eunice Kincaid ing a small cooked food sale each same time conserve gasoline and Klamath Falls 5!», Bend 21 and Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Livermore meeting to help raise money. tires and prevent accidents Marshfield 37. Medford 34 were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. During the program Mrs. F. C. Iyiwer speeds produce a saving Medford Juniors 26. Roseburg and Mrs. Jerry Warren at Pros­ Homes talked on defense work. in gasoline consumed, oil used, Juniors 16 pect. Mrs. Wade Wallis gave a reading wear on tires and general main­ Medford Juniors 21. Grants Pass ] • The Dead Indian 4-H club met and Mrs. May had charge of tenance cost. Competent tests re­ Frosh 5 last week at the Chester Apple­ games Mrs Wallis won first prize cently showed that the cost per Jacksonville 50. Kerby 13 gate home to plan some defense in these mile of travel at a speed of 55 Cential Point 23 .Phoenix 15 work. Those present at the meet­ • Mr. and Mrs A. M Ring were miles an hour is 75 percent more Jacksonville 40. Phoenix 12 ing were Mr. and Mrs. Vincent dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and than the cost at a speed of 45 Central Point 29, Gold Hill 17 1 Lanini and son Henry. Mr and i Mrs. John Welch of Talent. Mrs. miles per hour. This test was bas­ Mrs. Carl Henry and family and Welch will be remembered as ed on a trip of 1,000 miles Tests Helen and Vernon Kruger and Betty Ring on tire wear show that tires wear Mr. and Mrs Applegate • Mrs. R D. Reynolds, Mrs. Wil­ out 62 percent faster at 70 miles • Mr. and Mrs. John Lanini and lis Byrd, Miss Gertrude Seitz. an hour than at a speed of 50 Every man and woman should small daughter from Eugene ! Mrs D McCoy and Mrs. M. A. miles per hour. ----------- •------------ be today a law to himself, herself. spent a few days Last week with Ring represented Bellview at the laV. A good man is influenced by —a law of loyalty to Jesus’ Ser­ John's parents, Mr. and Mrs county council P-TA meeting in of Vincent Lanini. Medford Wednesday of last week. God Himself and has a kind mon on the Mount.—Mary Baker • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rosen- • Mr and Mrs W O. Martin divinity within him: so it may be Eddy. baum and son returned to their were business visitors in Medford a question whether he goes to hea­ home in Klamath Falls Sunday. Monday. ven or heaven comes to him. Sen- Mrs. Rosenbaum and son had • Mr. and Mrs. Art Winkleman eca. spent the week with her parents. and family were calling on friends < / < Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hash. Mr in Bellview Sunday afternoon Political or professional repu- Rosenbaum was here for the • Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Olsen of tation cannot last forever, but a ./ * week-end. ' Medford visited Wednesday eve- conscience void of offence before • At a meeting of the Upperlning , ning with Mr. and Mrs. Warren God and man is an inheritance for eternity.— Daniel Webster. Valley Community club Wednes-1 E. Seibert. , Today & Saturday SUN • MON • TUE Roland Young Joan Blondell Rochester “TOPPER RETURNS” Less Speed Urged For Conservation Wed’sday & Thursday Bargain Days 20c MAJOR BARBARA Don Ameche “ALEXANDER GRAHAM BELL” “NOT A NEW TRACTOR-BUT ✓ b She Sure Runs Swell Since the Oak Street Garage Fixed ’er Up!” Now that there is a scarcity of new cars, tractors and other mechanical equipment, it is more important than ever that your present equipment be kept in good repair in order to provide effi­ cient service throughout the emergency. Take advantage of the Oak Street Garage’s general repairing and welding service which will add years to the life of your machinery. OAK STREET GARAGE and MACHINE SHOP »7 OAK STREET, ASHLAND “We build Storage Tanks’’ PHONE 4586 LITHIA / Friday, Saturday Jim. ’!3-’4 a SIERRA SUE” with (iene Autrey Smiley Burnett “THE DANGEROUS GAME” with Richard Arlen Andy Bevine Sunday, Monday and Tuesday “MR. SMITH GOES TO WASHINGTON” with James Stewart Jean Arthur Wed. and Thurs. Mid-Week Special ‘TOP SERGEANT MULLIGAN’ ARKANSAS Starting Saturday $ 9c SALE Metz 5c-10c-$1 y CALL 7-7-7-1 * THE RIGHT NUMBER —to relieve you of those trouble­ some washings during the damp chilly winter months. Our economical ser­ vice makes it unnecessary to risk the exposure and disebmforture of winter laundrying which create a definite sickness hazard. ASHLAND LAUNDRY COMPANY Phone 7771 31 Wider St. “For the ideal washday— Just call, That’s all.” i