Friday, January 23, 1942 Page 7 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Fun for the Whole Family CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT TRUCK PARTS Heavy-duty Motora, aiata parla Oodiea. Urea, bolate and u»«*d truci« TRUCK WKM KING COMPANY lotti A H K Hawtl.i.rne Portland Ora. ^RABBITS AND SKINS By ED WHEELAN BIG TOP POULTRY AND RABBITS WANTED Good white fryer rabbit »kina *0o to doo per lb Write postcard for price» and informer Ion Roby * Co., 935 ■ W. Trout. Portland, Oro. FOR SALE FOR HALE OH TRADE late style piano Credit to reliable people— discount for cash. Write W. W. Grey, P O. Box 75, Spokane. Weak. MO CHICK «HOkTAOl Immediate Delivery U. H. Poliorum Controlled Dubl-Dollar New Hampshire» U H. Certified Leghorn» Vashon Island Co-operative Hatch* ery. Box 3, Vashon. Washington. WANTED — TIM HERLANDS — Haw­ mills and Logging Contractors. United Lumber Co.. 339 Lumber­ mens Bldg.. Portland. ALFALFA HAY. HIGH QUALITY. HA I.FID or chopped, for sale. Mlle Valley Bauch. Wilson Creek, Wash. LALA PALOOZA By RUBE GOLDBERG She*» Very Literary TWICE I'LL TAKE TWO SETS! ARTHRITIS, DIABETI8 HEART ILLS SHOW OXYGEN DEFI­ CIENCY. 30 years ago I started to produce an OXYGEN RAY. 10 years ago I succeeded. Correcting MALNUTRITION AND POOR FI­ LM I NATION OF INTERNAL OR­ GANS RESTORING NEW LIFE CELLS IN HOME OF THE MOST HOPELESS PATIENTS If Inter­ ested come and see me. perhaps you too will go home and help me advertise rny treatment. DM. AZ.DBICH BAMATOBIUM. IMO. B45O4 Fredrick, Spokaae, Wl, Phone Glen 4434. ¿Defense Against CONSTIPATION Frank Jay Markey iU, By GENE BYRNES REG LAR r ELLERS—Exit Sergeant Jone» There is QUICK relief from spells of constipation, aggravating gas, Ustlessness, bad breath, sour stomach, thru time-tested ADLERIKA. It soothes and warms the stomach thru its 5 carminatives, while its 3 laxatives draw extra moisture Jo soften and assist in moving intes­ tinal wastes thru a comfortable bowel movement. Get ADLERIKA from your druggist today. ; middle - age ; WOMEN HEED THIS ADVICE!! MESCAL IKE Ea Gives Up So Easy b , s . l . huntley If you're cross, restless, nervous —suffer hot flashes, dizziness- caused by this period in a woman's life — try Lydia Pink­ ham's Vegetable Compound. Made especially for women. Helps to relieve distress due to this functional disturbance. Thou­ sands upon thousands of women report remarkable benefits. Fol­ low label directions. \________—_______ ✓ Apprehension The mere apprehension of a coming evil has put many into a situation of the utmost danger.— Lucan. INDIGESTION G m may excite the Heart action At the first «ign of distress smart men and women depend on Ben-ana Tablets to set gas free. No laxa­ tive hot made of the fastest-acting medicines known for symptomatic relief of gastric hyperacidity. If the FIRST TRIAL doesn’t prove Ben-ans better, return bottle to ua and receive DOUBLE Money Back. 26c. By J. MILLAR WATT Pleasure Through Toil Pleasure comes through toil. When one gets to love work, his life is a happy one.—Ruskin. . COLDS 44 ie 666 LIQUID TABLETS SALVE NOIt OROS* COUCH PRORS s s $ $ $ s s s $ s s $ $ $ $ $ We Can A// Be THE WORLD AT ITS WORST EXPERT BUYERS a In bringing us buying Information, as to prices that ar» b»ing asked for what we Intend to buy, and as lb th» quality w» can »xp»ct, th» advertising columns of this newspaper perform a worth while service which saves us many dollars a year. O It Is a good habit to form, the habit of consulting the advertisements every time we make a purchase, though we have alhsady decided fust what we want and where we are going to buy It. It gives us the most priceless feeling In the worldi the feeling of being adequately prepared. • When we go Into a store, prepared beforehand with knowledge of what is offered and at what price, we go as an expert buyer, filled with self-confi­ dence. It Is a pleasant feeling to have, the feeling of adequacy. Most of the unhappiness In the world can be traced to a lack of this feeling. Thus adver­ tising shows another of Its manifold facets—shows Itself as an aid toward making all our business relationships more secure and pleasant. LANG ARMSTRONG "Stop truntlnt for me!" $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$,