Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, January 23, 1942, Page 2, Image 2

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    Friday, January 23, 1942
Apparently Little Tommy
U <is ti Morir
It may be that those who let mil­
lions of tons of scrap iron go to
Japan are not too anxious to adver-
tise our present dearth of scrap.
but the real fact is that it is so
serious as to cause the shutdown
of nine blast furnaces in Youngs-
«Consolidated Feature» -WNU Serxice.»
, town. Ohio, alone.
\'EW YORK—Dr Ales Hrdlicka.
To meet the shortage, the OPM
’ the anthropologist, once had
has been conducting an experi-
a plan to measure the skulls of
mental campaign to collect scrap
all congressmen, in his studies
, iron in Erie. Pa., and is launching
of head-size
other campaigns in H.ston, Pitts-
Brain Indexers
and contour
burgh. Bridgeport and Akron. How-
in their rela­
Studying Skills,
ever, the campaign is going very
tion to intel­
slowly. Chief trouble is that col­
Ignoring Skulls
ligence. The
lections are made through the nor­
congressmen didn't like the idea
mal scrap iron trade.
and nothing came of it
Therefore, it looks as if the Amer­
ican public might have to take
Studying skills, rather than
things in hand. A survey of Butler
skulls. Dr. Leonard Carmichael.
county. Ohio, shows that every
president of Tufts college, gets
farmer has an average of about 50
better co-operation. In August,
pounds of usable scrap iron and
1940. the government put him at
This soumlphoto shows the res­
rubber rusting or rotting behind
the head of a committee of sav­
cued crew of the Panamanian tank­
ants to work up a national brain
er, Norncss, which was torpedoed
estimates that it should be possible
index. They have compiled an
by a submarine off the eastern tip
to collect 1.500.000 tons of scrap
index of several hundred thou­
Indian troops of the British imperial forces are pictured on trucks, of Long Island. Photo was made
sand good brains.
Not many people realize the im­ off to meet the Japs who were driving through the dripping green upon their safe arrival on land. The
Norncss' master said the submarine
This committee was known as the portance which scrap plays in the jungles of Malaya in an effort to outflank the vital fortress of Singa­
National Roster of Scientific and iron and steel industry. Ordinarily, pore. These Indians are great lighters, and are well versed In the stayed on the surface while firing
methods of jungle warfare.
three torpedoes at regular intervals.
Specialized Personnel, and now steel is made 50 per cent from ore
there has been added to it a special and 50 per cent from scrap iron.
committee on wartime requirements But today ordinary supplies of scrap
for specialized personnel, with Dr. iron are diminished, not only by
Carmichael as chairman. The ob­ previous sales to Japan but by the
vious function of the committee is fact that war industries supply no
to find good brains and recruit them. scrap. Many tanks, guns, and mili­
Since the first World war. the clas­ tary motor trucks are shipped off to
sical Binet-Simon intelligence quo­ Egypt. Malaya or Russia.
tient has gained by sundry repairs never come back. Ordinarily, indus­
and betterments. The inquiry now try supplies its own scrap iron from
covers not only the question of junked automobiles, etc. But now
whether we know much of anything there will be fewer automobiles to
but whether we have any sense.
So the scrap iron problem is one
which will require every farmer
In 1920. we saw an experi­
and householder to look around be­
ment in a progressive school in
hind his barn or in his basement to
San Francisco which now seems
see what he can spare for war in­
pertinent to what Dr. Carmich­
ael and his committee are try­
You can check off lead as the next
ing to <k>. They picked a group
strategic material to be put under
of high l.Q. boys, of superior
interdict for civilian use.
heredity and cultural back­
banning order will be issued short­
ground, and then they picked
ly. That will mean the end of lead
some less favored lads, of low
foil and numerous other items of
I.Q. from the North Beach for­
normal everyday use. One possible
eign section. They gave each
exception may be lead for automo­
child a certain amount of mon­
Iionald Marr Nelson. who ha« hern
bile batteries, but even that will be
ey, told him to buy some thing,
glvrn supreme authority ovrr all
under severe restrictions.
start trading and report gains
The Yawata Marti, 17,000-ton Jap liner, which may he the ship which U. 8. war procerement and produc­
Reason for the ban is inadequacy
or losses in two months. When
sunk by a V. 8. submarine in the Far East. The vessel was a fast tion a* head of newly created war
of domestic supply to meet the
the bell rang, most of the silk-
increasing need for bullets.
War luxury liner, owned and operated by the NYK lines, and probably con- production board. Nelson Is 53 years
stocking lads had lost their
production tables call for a lead con­ I verted into an aircraft carrier.
shirts and the North Beach mob
sumption of 60,000 tons monthly by
had fanned its holdings up to
June; 100.000 tons monthly by next
sizeable juvenile fortunes.
January. For military reasons, fig­
From this, the pedagogs figured ures on U. S. supply can not be
something Like survival intelligence disclosed, but it is below what is j
as distinguished from merely super­ needed even with production in- 1
imposed and possibly non-converti­ creases now under way plus imports
ble cultural intelligence. It is un­ from Canada. Mexico and other for­
questionably survival intelligence eign sources. So civilian use will
that Dr. Carmichael and his brain­ be restricted for the duration.
• • •
indexers are looking for, as their
study has to do with particularized,
specialized, useful, workable skills.
The largest standard-wave broad­
Dr. Carmichael, one of the most casting apparatus in the US A.—
distinguished of modern psycholo­ owned by WLW Cincinnati—may be
gists, was bom in Philadelphia in set up in Iceland to drown out Hit­
1898, and was educated at Tufts and ler's rasping broadcasts to the Ger­
Harvard, and taught at Princeton man people.
and Brown before becoming presi­
For many years WLW operated a
dent of Tufts in 1938.
500.000 watt station in Cincinnati,
but was forced by the Federal Com­
TA OWN near Windy Gap, on the munications commission to reduce to
edge of Death Valley, we knew 50.000 watts, which is the maximum
a big, dead-pan cow-puncher who for ordinary commercial stations in
doubled in dancing and fighting, and the U.S A Therefore, WLW has now
President Quezon * ho c°u,d offered its big 500.000 watt set to the
dance down government to be established in Ice­
Blends Dancing, or smack land, Since Hitler's stations are no­
Politic. Perfectly
’ % where near as strong as 500.000
watts, WLW's beams from Iceland
parts. Elsewhere, we have found could drown out his voice every
this unique blend of talents only in time he went on the air.
Manuel Quezon, recently inducted
Furthermore, WLW Iceland would
into his second term as president of not operate on short wave, which the
the Philippines.
German people are not permitted
It would operate on a
Sr. Quezon negotiated for Philip­ to hear.
pine independence in the New York standard broadcasting beam and
studio of Arthur Murray, the danc­ would come in over the ordinary
ing master. Dancing is his art, his German radio. By turning a button
L. Clare Carglle, president of the
recreation and his driving passion. in the station in Iceland, the wave­
National Automobile association,
Four hours a day went to dancing length could be changed to cut in
who told members of the senate
when he was cutting the islands on any German program.
A view of the yard at the naval station at Olongapo, Philippine Is­ committee on small business that
There is one catch to the proposal,
adrift—with second thoughts later.
The first dancing shift was from 10 however. WLW Cincinnati wants to lands, 60 miles from Manila on the Bataan peninsula, where Japanese the government must take prompt
o'clock until noon. The hours from make a deal with the government army forces in a large-scale offensive met with a deadly hail of fire from steps or 44,000 auto dealers and
one to three went to Philippine in­ whereby it would be permitted to General MacArthur's embattled defenders. Olongapo Is an important their half million employees face
immediate disaster.
dependence, and then the dancing set up another 500,000 watt station submarine base equipped with floating docks.
in the United States in return for
picked up from three to five.
sending its equipment to Iceland.
• • •
The bright-eyed, coffee-colored
little man with the dazzling
smile so captivated Woodrow
Secretary of War Stimson has
Wilson that the President put a
been shaking up some of his gen­
declaration for Philippine inde­
erals, and has put Gen. Raymond
pendence slap-bang into the
Lee temporarily in charge of mili­
Democratic platform. But in the
tary intelligence. Lee was former
Hawes-Cutting bill, enacted in
U. S military attache in London and
1933, Señor Quezon found a one­
an A-l officer. Army people hope
way tariff squeeze, unsatisfac­
he stays in charge of the intelli­
tory guarantees as to the atti­
gence service.
tude of Pacific powers, and oth­
To make more office space in
er defects, and started dancing
Washington, the Farm Credit ad­
and negotiating his way around
ministration is being moved to Chi­
these obstacles.
He is said to be just about the
Through its nation-wide co-ops,
smartest politician in the business. Harry Slattery’s Rural Electrifica­
He is university trained. His father tion administration has erected
was a Filipino and his mother half more than 370,000 miles of trans­
Spanish. He smokes cigarettes in mission lines, This was more than
an endless chain, dancing or sit­ the 15 largest utility holding com-
ting still, gesticulates fluently and panies in the country combined,
turns the sharp spotlight of a keen, Over 1,250,000 farmers are beneflt-
agile, realistic mind on matter in ing from cheap electricity as a re­
Russell J. Iloag,
of While
hand, He was wounded in the Phil- sult of the REA system.
Plains, N. V., 18-year-old descend­
Fifty per cent of our vitamin A
ippine war for Independence and for
Air chief marshal Sir Charles Portal (left), chief of the air staff of the ant of Isaac Hull, American naval
years strung with the jungle d.e- is being sent to England. This, to­ Royal Air force, and Lieut. Gen. Henry II. Arnold, chief of the United
hero, Is welcomed by his father.
hards, somewhat embarrassed in gether with the shortage of fish liv­ States air forces, are shown during their meeting in General Arnold's Chief Yeoman James R. Iloag, aft­
his later career by the rampant and ers and oils from Norway and Japan,
office at Washington, D. C. They discussed aerial details of the grand er Joining the navy. The elder Hoag
bellicose Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo, is causing a shortage of vitamins in
allied strategy.
has seen 30 years of service.
the U.S.A.
President Quezon is 59.
The teacher wan trying tc get
the pupil, to understand the dread­
ful business of conjugating verbs.
•‘When I say 'I have, you have,
he hus,’ ” she explained, “I utn
conjugating the verb ‘to huve.*
I want all of you to understand.
Do you?”
They did.
‘‘Very good. Now listen careful»
'I love, you love, he loves.*
What is that?”
There was a moment of silence,
and then up shot little Tommy's
"Please miss,*' he Naid, "it*,
one of them triangles when some­
one gets shot!”
Older folks
say it’s
• In NR (Nature's Remedy) Tablet^
there are so chemicals, no minerals, no
iihenol derivatives. NR Tablot» arc dif-
crenl <i.l ililfrniit 1‘itrrlv Tf(rtablr ■
combination of 10 vegetable mgredu-nta
tormulaled over liO years ago. Vncoatcd
or < andV I <,.1!< <1, lluu .uti„nii ,lc|>cnd-
able, thorough, yet gentle, ns milli<si»of
NR'» have proved Det a 2M buz today
. .. or larger economy size.
uxiirv Liner
er RECUL All
Original Names
Originally, Brazil was called the
Land of the Holy Cross, San
Francisco was known as Yerba
Buena und the Benevolent and
Protective Order of Elks was
named the Jolly Corks.
Leaf 40
M /
PAIN IH MATHIAS?__________________
For Great Cause
No man ia worth his Halt who la
not ready at all times to risk hia
body, to risk his well-being, to risk
hia life, in u great cause.—Theo­
dore Roosevelt.
Relief At Last
For Your Cough
CreomulMon relieve.« promptly be­
cause It goes right to the seat of the
trouble to help loosen and expel
germ Inden phlegm, and aid nature
to soothe and heal raw, tender. In­
flamed bronchial mucous mem­
branes. Tell your druggist to sell you
r bottle of Creomulslon with the un­
derstanding you must like the way it
quickly allays the cough or you are
to have your money back.
for Coughs, Chest Colds. Bronchitis
Treading nn Air
Even when the bird walks one
feels that it has wings.—Lcrmcrre.
Watch Your
Plan Allied Air Moves Against Axis
D oans P ills I
You can depend on the spe­
cial sales the merchants of
our town announce in the
columns of this paper .They
mean money saving to our
readers. It always pays to
patronize the merchants
who advertise. They are
not afraid of their mer­
chandise or their prices.