Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, January 16, 1942, Page 2, Image 2

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Friday, January 16, 1942
How to Figure Out Your
Income Tax Deductions
Washington, D. C.
However, on the morning Admiral
Muselier placed the Free French
flag on St. Pierre-Miquelon. Secre­
tary Hull, getting the news at his
breakfast table, hurried to the state
department and OK'd a scathing
statement, castigating the
called" Free French.
This upset the British considera­
bly, because they had been encour­
aging the French people to think of
the Free French not as a “so-called”
government, but as a government
more truly free and representative
of the French people than Vichy.
Also it upset the Jugoslavs, the
Dutch, the Greeks and a lot of oth­
er "so-called” governments which
have been maintaining headquarters
in London and have been calling
themselves the real governments of
their countries—even though in
However, Secretary Hull seemed
to be even more upset than the Brit­
He had made a deal with
Vichy's Admiral Robert in Marti­
nique a few days before, by which
Admiral Robert was to keep an eye
on St Pierre-Miquelon. And he felt
this agreement should be kept. So,
his Tennessee dander up, Mr. Hull
cabled U. S. Ambassador Winant in
London to take up the matter with
the British government
Ambassador Winant, in turn, went
to Malcolm MacDonald, minister of
colonies, who was upset that the
United States and Britain should
be working at cross-purposes, and
telephoned his friend Lord Beaver-
brook back in Washington to have
Churchill straighten the matter out
with Roosevelt.
By that time, Sam Reber, in the
state department, had telephoned R.
E. Barclay of the British embassy
wanting to know what the British
were up to. and every Anglo-Ameri­
can co-ordinator seemed to be in
every other Anglo-American co-ordi-
n a tor's hair.
What the President said to his
secretary of state is their secret,
but in the end Mr. Hull adopted a
milder tone toward the Free French
and is working out a compromise
agreement with the Canadians
The crux of the controversy, of
course, is that Mr. Hull still be-
lieves in appeasing Vichy, and the
British gave that up long ago.
The British say that General De-
Gaulle did most of the fighting for
the Allied cause in Syria, while
Vichy, in resisting, killed many Brit­
ish troops. So they are going to
stick with DeGaulle.
But whichever side is right—the
British or Secretary Hull—it might
pay to work out some teamwork in
Here is the inside story on what
happened in all the fuss and furore
over the Free French seizure of the
two tiny North Atlantic islands of
St. Pierre-Miquelon
The story illustrates a very im­
portant point: That U. S -British for­
eign policy has got to pull closer to­
gether in the future, and that state
department officials might have
thought twice about slapping Brit­
ish policy in the face—especially at
a time when Winston Churchill was
sitting in the White House working
on plans for closer Anglo-American
The crux of the situation was that
the radio stations on these two
French islands long have been sus­
pected of giving information to
Vichy—and then to Berlin- cm Brit-
ish convoys crossing the North At­
lantic also on Britain-bound bomb­
ers hopping off from Newfoundland.
French fishing vessels from St
Pierre-Miquelon cruise all over the
Newfoundland banks and are in an
excellent position to observe Allied
activity in this vital part of the At­
lantic. More recently. Nazi subma­
rines have been prowling closer to
Ü. S. shores and it was suspected
they might be getting information—
or even supplies—from the fishing
So the British gave the nod to
General DeGaulle to move into the
islands. In fact they even let his as­
sociate. Vice Admiral Muselier, take
three French corvettes to do the
There was no great secret
about it, for Admiral Muselier
stopped in Canada to talk to Ca­
nadian Naval Minister Angus Mac­
Donald. and also picked up some
American newspaper men to wit­
ness the taking over of the two is­
m. Phillips
cor o» ciu*> tAiiit
AUS v»lt> ru« f 11 p
or taúca
“I'm feeling very funny,”
Said Adolf in disgust;
"You’d better fetch a doctor—
And get one I can trust!”
A doctor came arunning.
And cried. "You sick! Ah, me!
This news is most amazing—
I thought YOU couldn't be!”
"No small talk," barked Der Fueh­
“Just get to work, and quick!
I'm just as dazed as you are
To find I CAN be sick!"
I low much income tux will you
* * pay for 1H1? For everyone,
new and long accustomed taxpay­
ers, tliut'g u question to uniiwer
now­ -long before March IS, tiling
date. If you urc ninglr nnd miik-
ing $15 a week you will have to file
a return, and you may pay a tax.
You must file and you tnuy pay,
too, if you are married and mak­
ing over $1,500 a year.
"What seems to be the matter?”
The doctor did implore;
"That’s what you're summoned
• • •
llow much should you rightfully p»yt
Our X! page booklet clearly eaplalns the
Ini and oula ot Income laa payments ter
■ingle, married. business men, farmers.
»<•11« what you may and may not deduct
Ha« «Impllllcd income tax table, he nd
your order Io;
“Stick out your tongue.” the doctor
Requested (and we quote);
Der Fuehrer sadly did so . . .
And. boy. was that a COAT!
• • •
It plainly showed a fever.
And stomach all upset;
"It was that Russian dressing.
And other things he 'et.’ ”
It showed grave indigestion.
And bile disturbance, too;
It showed amazing symptoms
Of ailments far from few.
Pacific fleet gunners aboard ships In Pearl Harbor on the morning of
Orcrniber 7 shot down more than 20 Japanese aircraft during the Jap
sneak attack which launched America Into the war. Here seamen arc
shown examining the wreckage of Japanese torpedo plane that was shot
down in Pearl Harbor
«Ignei! a task In the air corp«. I.Indy
not disclose hie mission.
It showed some bladder trouble—
(No blight could that tongue
"You're spleen’s bad.” said the doc­
“Your trouble's deep inside!”
relieve misery ot
this good old reliable way
"Your arches they are falling,
Your kidneys aren’t good . .
I don't think you’ve been doing
Exactly as you should!”
Fuehrer's eyes were bulg­
His nerves seem torn apart.
And now the doctor whispered,
“I’ll listen to your heart”
• • •
The doctor said; "Your heart, sir ...
I hear no best, alas!”—
And Adolf answered, sneering,
"1 have no heart, you ass!”
• • •
Undersecretary of Slate Sumner Welles (right), who heads the Ameri­
can delegation to the solid American defense front conference of 21
American republics at Rio de Janeiro. Brazil, shakes hands with Senor
Don Juan Jose Soler (left), minister of Paraguay, and Dr. Carlos Martins,
Brazilian ambassador, as he boards train in Washington.
Fort Corregidor,
Il's chief boatswain's mate now
for Hobby Frller, former Ctrveland
Indian specdball specialist. who la
shown al the Norfolk, Va„ naval
training station as be reports for
The doctor was befuddled.
He took another look
At Adolfs tongue deep coated
And wrote this for the book:
Strike Hard
The unforgivable crime is soft
hitting. Don't hit at all if it can
be avoided, but never hit softly.—
Theodore Roosevelt.
Women who «utter piln of Irregu­
lar periods with cranky nrrvouanree
— clue to monthly functional dis­
turbance«— should tlnd I.ydla K.
Plnkliam's Compound Tablet« iwltli
added Iron I limply marrrloui to re­
lieve such dhtreaa. They're made es­
pecially for uomrn.
Taken regularly—Lydia Plnktiam'a
Tablet« help build up realalance
against Milch annoying «ymptoin«.
They also help build up red blood
and thue aid In promoting more
ilrrnyth. Follow I a tie 1 direction«.
Lydia Pinkham’« Compound Tablets
WOH l it THYINIII_______
The Russians captured a carload
of iron crosses marked "For pres­
entation after the capture of Mos­
cow" the other day. Maybe the
Nazis would now like to mark the
whole Russian campaign "Opened
by mistake.”
• • •
• •
At the first sign of the Dlonna Quin­
tuplets catchingc<>lJ—theirchsst« and
throat» arc rubbed with Muatrrule—«
product made tipteially to promptly
relieve distress of cold« and reaultiog
bronchial and croupy cough«.
The Quint« have always find expert
rare, so mother—be assured of using
just about the BEST product made
when you uae Mu«terole. It's more
than an ordinary •‘salve"—Mu «te role
helps break up loral congestion!
I.N 3 STRENGTHS: Children's Mild
Musterole. Also Regular and Litre
Strength for grown-ups who prefer
a stronger product. All drugstores.
r— Relieves MONTHLY------ >
"His uniform this patient
Once said he'd never doff.
But one thing I can tell him—
• •
"The speaker told the audience
that America should develop a
cheerful-sounding air raid warning
Victory chimes were suggested.—
News item.
This seems eligible
for the
Baloney of the Year Award. Amer­
icans are complacent and cocky
enough without trying to provide an
air raid signal with an entertain­
ment motif.
It is the most cockeyed sugges
tion so far made. Any minute now
we await word from the man who
has invented an air raid signa)
that will combine the music of
Irving Berlin with the soothing
qualities of another aspirin tablet.
Not to mention the fellow who will
come forward with an idea for tying
up the signals with a system of radio
Kncloae 10 ernt« In coin for your
copy of YOlllt i IMS INCOME TAX
Nam*....................................... . .................
It showed clear indications
Of major gluttony—
Of ulcerous ambitions
And chronic treachery.
He listened and he listened.
He listened everywhere.
He listened most intently—
But heard no ticking there!
117 Minn« SI.
Man Franclaco, I «III.
Blessed by Duers
The world is blessed most by
men who do things, und not by
those who merely tulk about them.
—James Oliver.
with backache?
Gen. Sir Archibald Wavell. who
assumes supreme command of the
Allies in the Southwest Pacific area,
one of the greatest battle fronts of
history. American, British, Austra­
lian, Dutch, Chinese, Indian and Ma­
layan units make up his command.
Huge 12-inch mortar guns manned by United States coast artillery
gunners at Fort Corregidor, in Manila bay, Philippine Islands, which
was bombed by Japs. In one attack, In which 21 enemy planes partici­
pated, four bombers were shot down by anti-aircraft Are from the heavily
guarded fortress.
Employees of Yale university
have joined the C.I.O. by a vote of
462 to 143, which must be quite a
shock to conservatives under the
elms. We can now understand why
the Blues put so much more feeling,
when, they sing the Boola Boola
song, into the line "Break through
♦ ♦ •
the Crimson line, its strength to
Lend-lease officials were puzzled
This labor movement at our uni­
by a British request for "horn and versities suggests interesting possi
hoof meal” manufactured from dead bilities Perhaps ultimately the whole
cattle—until they learned it was ex­ jurisdictional issue will be settled by
cellent for extinguishing incendiary having theC.I.O. play the A. F. of L.
in the Yale Bowl.
• • •
Most staggering lend-lease request
was for one railroad—complete with
locomotives and freight cars. The They'll bake you a cake with frost­
order has been filled, and shipped
off to Iran
With your name done in candle
Before buying cloth for army rain­
coats, the quartermaster depot in And I’ll wish you happy returns of
Philadelphia tests it with a machine
the day,
that creates an artificial rain storm.
But I’ll worry about your nights.
• • •
For military reasons details can’t
be revealed, but the U. S. is pro­
A Newport mansion costing more
ducing an anti-aircraft gun that is than a million dollars was sold at
These determined men of the Russian navy are on the lookout for
more powerful and deadly than any auction for around $23,000 the other
now in use in the army. The new day. To dream you dwell in marble Nazis. While valiant Red land forces are putting the pressure on the
weapon is designed to combat strat- halls these days is enough to make retreating Germans, the navy Is ready to counteract any Nazi surprise
that may come via the sea lanes.
your hair stand on end.
osphere bombers.
HEN kidney« function badly end
you tuff«» a nagging backache,
scanty or too
with with
heauent urination
___ at
id getting
light; when you f«el
feel tired, nervou«,.
all upset ... ute Doan't Pill«,
Doan'« are etpecially for poorly
working kidney«. Million« of boxes
are uied every year. They are recom­
mended th« country over. A«k your
Reds Keen Lookout for Nazi Foe
Center of Things
Admiral Cli.m-t hak, who led 100
British and Chinese In dash from
Hong Kong, In five naval speed
boats, engaging Japs In series of
battles for four days, finally reach­
ing safety.
Location, room luxury, fine food«
et mode»» price«, greciou« terr«
ice, be«» in entertainment . . .
everything ideal!
Guy Toombe«, Managing Director