Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, January 16, 1942, Image 1

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Why all this fuss ovi-i the SI’
taking off two measly little
timns'' Maybe they're just bring
patriotic and Intend to dig up the
tails to make buttb-xhlps
Papa* *1kat Jim ¿a*iaÜüny */o ¿ay--And ¿ay¿ 9tí
Number 3
lt«-|M>it has It that tin- U S und
Jap navies have agreed to divide
th«- Pacific ocean 50 50 Uncle
Sum to take the
Japs the lower
defense head comments
In referring to the low-fly­
ing plane which roare<| over
the buxine** district early
McNair, civilian defense bead,
stated: “Everyone did just as
they should not have done—
running <xit into the street
where in case of an actual
raiil they would lie sub jest to
machine gun fire and flying
bomb splinters.”
Judging by the cohl Ilecembei.
one would think the treacherous
Japs have turned the heat off the
The standing athletic feud be-
Col. Cecil Moore, district engi­
Japan currrnt
tween Medford and Ashland high
neer. U. S. engineers office, Port­
sch«a>ls Will be transferred to the
land, Tues-lay announced that the
With a handful of native boya, basketball court I«.night when
engineer's office would probably
ti few American soldiers, locks, they meet «»n the local junior high
ask bids Monday, Jan. 19. on the
club« and blow guns, General Mac- court to determine the leutl of the
construction of the Medford can­
Aithur Is holding I hi- enemy horde district 4 race tor the trip to the
tonment. Feb. 9 was mentioned ax
At prevent,
at txry What would he do with u state tournament
a tentative date for opening the
both teams are tied for the top
couple of cannon and a bomber?
but Ashland has playrd two dis­
The engineer's office «lid not re-
trict games to Medford’s one.
lease information regarding de­
Coach Jerry Gaatlm-au has been
tails of the camp construction or
(By 01.11 TIMER)
drilling his tram hard since their
I the possible number of employes
To the Editor:
43 to 19 win ovei Roseburg in
"Old HCL,*' familiar to those preparation for th«- Medford tilt
School Supt Theo J Norby an-1
Frank VanDyke, cantonment
who experienced the first 1 world tonight am! says th«- entire squad
nounced yesterday that a waste coordinator. left for Portland and
war. la back in our midst I and is intact am! in excellent condition.
paper collectkin drive will be con- ' Seattle^ Tuesday evening to apply
glowing huskier every day
If comparative scores mean any­
ducted by the students of Ashland for federal aid to assist in ex­
thing. Ashland opened th«- district
schools during the week of Feb tending public services and hous­
lawmakers at Washington are 4 conference with a 35 to ll win
ing to meet the demands resulting
2 to 9
considering a price ceiling on over Grants Paxx last >• riday
The drive will be in the nature, from the construction.
commixHtlra It Is to be hoped that night Medford took th«- Cavemen
of a contest with prizes of defense
Projects for which applications
the celling will I m * skylight proof into camp with a 34 to 27 score
stamps for individual winners and were to be filed included a trailer
Tuesday night Medford's offense
room and school winners To avoid camp and housing facilities for
We wonder what the effect wax able to xcori- hut one point
confusion and overlapping, the1 construction workers, additions to
would lx- If civic txailrs protesting less than Ashland's thiough the
business district will be divided water and sewage systems in Cen­
passenger Grants Pass defense while
into zones with certain groups of tral Point and Eagle Point, en­
train service, shoulld mobilize Cavemen sneaked through M«*d-
largement of the Medford sewage
students assigned to each zone
their feirces and stag«- a Coxey ford's defense for 16 mor«- than
Supt. Norby stated that a price disposal plant, hospital extensions
army march on Southern Pacific they could gather against Ash-
had been guaranteed for the pa-! and fire fighting facilities for Cen-
lam) Against Ashland the Cave-
headquarters in California
per, but that the drive had been , tral Point and Eagle Point.
postponed because of the possibil-1
men scored t>ut one field goal
Since the country is now at war,
Speaking of war-time sacrifices
A near-capacity crowd is ex-
ity of securing a more favorable1 it has been indicated that only
recalls the ev«mtful «lays of 1917- pected to lx- on hand tonight at
absolutely necessary projects will
freight rate.
IM with Its heatlexs and meatless 8 o'clock when th«-xr two team»
Proceeds from this drive will be be considered, thus eliminating
«lay» We ate Victory bread with square off in their crucial tilt
used for the purchase of defense many projects planned for in earl­
a good filling of bran; sugar was ptcliminary. scheduled to begin
stamps and bonds which will even­ ier camp consideration.
rationed ami wax 24 cents a pound 7 o'clock, will see the reserves
------------- •—
tually be used to finance some >
Staple commodities sky-r<x-keted the two schcxds fight it out.
worthy school cause.
and nothing escu|>e<l a sharp price
f’robable starting lineups
Ashland residents are asked to
rise We also hnd to dig deep Into the varwity K* me follow:
cooperate in this drive by saving
our j«-ans to buy IJberty bonds or Ashland
all their old newspapers and mag-'
tx- class«-«! a slacker Verily those Jandreau
azines Further assistance may be
C. E Hedberg, assistant cashier
were the times that trle«l men's Provost
given the collectors by having the of the Ashland Branch of the
H< i MM
papers bundled prior to the col­ First National Bank of Portland
has been promoted to the position
of assistant cashier of the Medford
branch of the state-wide bank, it
Officials: Bob IJabiys and Bill
was announced today by G. H.
Robinson of Granta Pass
Wenner, bank manager.
Mayor Thornton S ..iley re­
Mr. Hedberg started with the
turned Thursday morning from a
First National Bank of Ashland
meeting of the general board of
in 1922 and became a member of
the Nuxarenc church which was
Several southern Oregon mills the state-wide bank's staff in 1937
held In Kansas Citv, Mo Jan 9
Ashland's tire rationing
_ board
returned from the lumber auction when it bought the Ashland bank.
to 12
has announced that Ashland s
in Seattle last Saturday with com­ He will fill the position in the
Thr mayor reported encounter­ quota for th« month of Jar,-idly
bined orders totaling from 18 to Medford branch that has been held
ing some Mlb zero weather in the win Include 12 truck Urea, io
Many southern Oregon Legion­ 20 million board feet of lumber to by Paul Meyers who has been
middlr west and also told of his truck lubes, five passenger car
naires will gather in Ashland be used by the government in can­ transferred to the loan supervis-
first experience with the Southern tires and four passenger car tubes
Harry McNair, head of the Ash­ Wednesday. Jan. 21, when the tonment construction throughout ion department of the Portland
Pacific's train-bus service from Jackson county's quota was set al land civilian defense, called a members of Voiture No. 165 of the the country. In all the government office.
the south He told of arriving in 137 tires and U5 tubes for trucks nux-ting of the chief wardens, "40 et 8 Société" assemble at the purchased several hundred million
M. A. Marley, pro assistant
Dunsmuir In the early morning and buses and 56 tires and 47 their assistants and special police Uthia hotel for a combination board feet part of which was to cashier of the Medford I branch
hours and of a long and unpleas­ tubes for passenger cars.
banquet and business session. Dr. be earmarked for the Medford will come to Ashland immediately
Tuesday night at the city hall.
ant wait in a cold, dimly lit bus
McNair opened the meeting by Arthur Taylor of Ashland, chief cantonment, according to a bulle­ to assume the duties of Mr. Hed­
The board already has approved
waiting room.
several applications and tires and describing Ashland's civilian de­ de gare of the order, will preside tin issued ‘ by the West Coast Lum- berg.
------------ •-------------
bermen's association prior to the
permits to buy tires have been fense set up and the manner in at the meeting.
Music and entertainment will be auction.
issued to the following: Dr. R ■ which zone headquarters are to
Orders taken by the southern
Poston, two tires and one tube; rejxirt to police, fire, light and provided by the Legion Kilties of
James Noble, one tractor tube; WHter departments, and defense Ashland, official state band of the Oregon mills was said to be pri­
Oregon department of the Ameri­ marily for green fir which can be
A report on the progress of the Charles Skeeters, two truck tires headquarters.
can Legion.
According to last reports, the
reconstruction and two tubes. Milo O'Haria, two
milled and shipped without drying
Police Chief Talent then ex­
The Past Commanders' club of or seasoning. Shipments are to I army photographic plane that dis­
work on the Washingion school truck tires, and C. C. Corwin, two plained the functions of the war­
southern Oregon will also meet ta begin early in February.
appeared in the Siskiyous south of
building wax heard at the regular truck tires
dens anti special police emphasiz­
meeting of the school board Tues­
The principal mills receiving or­ Ashland a week ago Tuesday is
Members of the Ashland ration­ ing the fact that most blackout connection with the "40 et 8 '
day evening It wax indicated that ing board are Harry McNair, H offenders may be dealt with in a banquet.
ders included the Medford Corpor­ still missing.
An intensive aerial and ground
there would lx* no school Monday G Enders and Mrs P H Stans­ cooperative manner and only in
ation, Southern Oregon Sugar
at which time final details of the bury.
Pine company of Central Point, search has been centered in the
exceptional cases will police as­
work would be complete«!
Alley Brothers, Prospect. Tiller I Fort Jones area of northern Cali­
sistance an«i the enforcement of
Details of the reconstruction
Tiller Mill & Lumber company and fornia where several localities re­
the city ordinance be required.
work were listed as follows
the Ingham Lumber company, ported hearing a plane late Tues­
Elmer Biegel requested that the
day morning. The plane was en
Strengthening of roof structure
specially traineti men of the city i
route from Fort Lewis, Wash, to
and addition of timbcis
light and water department be
Dr. Martin Hall, noted foreign [
Sacramento. Calif, and passe«!
Posts and girders from base­
called in case of damage to elec­ journalist and German exile, will
over Medford on schedule and al­
ment to third floor level
tric and gas facilities.
be the featured speaker at the
so was reported by the air warn­
Indirect lighting fixtures in
Ten Southern Oregon College of
Fire Chief Clint Baughman 9:50 assembly hour today (Fri­
ing observation post at Bellview,
three room«.
Education basketball players left
f The plane was piloted by 1st
Removal of bell tower
by private auto this morning for then describe«! types and methods
New outdoor exit door from Monmouth where they will play of handling incendiary bombs Southern Oregon College of Edu­ I*aclfic Telephone and Telegraph ■ Lieut. R. A. Stockwell, an experi­
enced pilot and has flown this
Oregon College uf Education to­ » which would be most apt to be cation.
Dr. Hall was bom in Germany. company, this week issued a coast­ route many times, who was ac­
New rail welded In fire escape night and tomorrow night and used in case of raids on smaller
to close dangerous gap
then will tarvei on to Portland cities Glen Simpson spoke briefly. Although he is still a very young • phone men and women under his companied by two enlisted men.
Partitioning of boiler and fuel where they meet Albany college on the characteristics of poison man, he was a prominent jour­ I leadership, calling upon them to
room» with metal lath and plax- in return games to be played gases but indicated that they I nalist in his native land, having be more than ever alert to safe-
would probably be used only, in , had a brilliant career in joumal- guard the service during the pre­
Monday and Tuesday nights,
1 istic circles before being forced to
The board also considered prob­
Those making the trip are Bob congested areas.
------ - ------ «--------------
' flee from the country. He was ex­ sent war emergency.
lems which are expected to arla? Mulder, Bobby Hoels, Wes Peters,
In this message to the employ-
iled from his country because of |
The January chamber of com­
from cantonment construction.
DeAutremont and
his insistent attacks on the poli­ ees Powley called attention to the merce forum luncheon will be
Spayde, tin- starting lineup; .mil
cies of the nazi totalitarian state. |
held today noon from 12:10 to
Dutch Scheidereiter, Darrell Cope­
1 >i Hall has talked with Hitler: of doing the work well, but also
1 p.m. at the Uthia Hotel din­
The following traffic cases came land, Joe Berry, Harold Brown
of not talking to others about ing room.
Starting Monday, Jan. 12. the and others of the German high “what we do or where we do it . .
before the justice court of M T and Bruce Wall, reserves
command and knows their points
“What about the College?”
According to Coach Jean Eber­ Victory Book Campaign gets un­
Hui u the past week
of view He spent a year in Paris to keep our lips sealed.”
will be one of the main subjects
Arthur James Engle, Shady hart, the Sons can expect a.tough der way in Oregon, when every immediately after his exile from I
H. S. Akins, local telephone presented bv l)r. Walter Red­
Cove, Ore., was fined $2 50 and battle against OCE for they have citizen is invited and urged to Germany where he v^as further manager, points out that Powley's
costs for operating a car with a proved always hard to beat on give at least one good book for able to acquaint himself with the emphasis to the telephone ideal of ford, president of the l«x-al col­
their home court. They now have th«- boys in the service. It's a na­ various aspects of the nazi gov­ message gives particular war-time lege.
void registration number.
Both members and non-mem-
excellent itall players who tionwide drive, with Oregon activ­ ernment anti movement, He then service, stating that “Our country
Therman O. Martin was found
invited to attend.
guilty of passing with insufficient were not with them during th«’ ities head«*! by Miss Eleanor Ste- ; .spent several months in England I can move no faster than its com­ bers are
------------ —
phens, state librarian.
clearance and received a fine of full quarter, said Eberhart.
befofe coming to the United
Both teams will be fighting to I
$3 plus costs.
“Keep 'em reading, too!’’ is the I States. He has taken out his first i the great responsibility to get the j
Vincent Harry Taylor, Ashland, the bitter end for leadership of j slogan adopted by Oregon for thisi citizenship papers and says he I message through."
drew a fine of $2.50 and costs for the Oregon Intercollegiate confei-j campaign, which will continue for "can hardly wait till his final
In conclusion, the president I
ence since neither team has lost a I several weeks.
driving on the wrong side.
stated "Let us all go forward, a I
Guy T. Helvering, commissioner
conference game to date. The I Librarians, heads of service
Dr. Hall's message emphasizes united group, working as hard as |
Sons arc in top spot in the league clubs anti women’s clubs, as well the contrast of life for youth un­ we can. using good judgment to ' of internal revenue, announced
since they hav«> playe«i more as other civic leaders, are asked der regimented nazi rule with that keep well and strong, keeping our ( this week that motor vehicle tax
games than OCE.
i lips sealed, and giving the best stamps would be place«! on sale
to lend their support to this all- of deirux-ratic America.
within us to our beloved country J jin 15 rather than Jan. 26, as
and Companion
| out effort to provide desirable
which means our all to each Of was originally planned The rea­
l books
for the nation's soldiers, ELIGIBLE CANDIDATES
Are Invited to Be Guests of the
son given for this change of date
[ sailors, marines anii fliers«,
was to avoid rush and congestion
------------ •------------
Southern Oregon Miner
Don't go to the attic for these'
at the postoffices and offices of
Returns from the last examin­ I ASHLAND TAXI DAMAGED
To See Their Choice of
collectors where the stamps will
Word has been received that , books. Our boys don't want mus- ation for the position of Ashland
the Following
cast-off volumes .
Give the postmaster reveals the following I IN ACCIDENT WITH TRICK
be sold.
Robert Paul Pinckney will com- | | ty.
«.__«._ ««._. ----- -----
The stamps must be displayed
Varsity Theater
list of qualified candidates from
The Ashland taxicab driven by
plete his preliminary flight train­ books that you yourself like
ing at the Naval Reserve air base give books that are worthwhile which the successor to John Ful­ Lloyd Rogers was damaged con­ on all cars in use after Feb. 1 and
at Oakland. Calif, today and will books that are desirable. Up-to- ler will be selected: Millar«! Grubb, siderably early Tuesday morning will cost 2.09 for the period end­
now qualify for appointment n» date technical books will be ap­ Elmer Biegel, Lt. Col. Clyde in an accident involving the taxi ing June 30, after which the tax
(Friday and Saturday)
aviation cadet in the U. S. Naval preciated especially. Service men Young, E. E. Vail and Ted Guets- and a truck operated by J. R. will be $5 a year.
like fiction, biography, travel, ad­ laff.
Robinson of Grants Pass
Books dealing
No information has been receiv-
The accident occurred at the CIRCLE MET THURSDAY
After his appointment as a ca­ venture, humor.
det, ho will receive several months with current events, mathematics, e<! as to when the selection will be corner of the Sugar Pine Lumber
The Merley Mission Circle of the
(Sunday, Monday, Tuesday)
company mill road and Highway i Baptist church met Thursday of
of advance training an<i will then history and geography are needed made.
66. According to Rogers it was last week with Mrs. C. C. Snyder
receive his navy wings and a com­ for study.
Troops stationed in Oregon will • Lawson Engel left Wednesday rather foggy and slippery and the in charge. Mrs A M Peters led
mission of Ensign, U. S. Naval
have first choice of irll books col­ morning for San Diego. Cal. where truck was unable to stop before the devotions. Those taking part
Air Reserve.
Pinckney is the son of Mrs. E lected. The surplus will go to the he is stationed in the navy air smashing into the rear of the taxi in the program were Mrs. Maude
Please Catl at The Miner Office
F. Spencer of Dunsmuir and was forces on land and sea elsewhere, corps. He has been visiting in which ha«i pulled to the side of the Renton. Mrs. Beit Hinthome. Mrs.
for Tour Guest Tickets
....... his road and was practically at ai A. L. Wren and Mrs. J. R Turn­
All books collected should be Ashland the past month with
a former student in Ashland high
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Engel. I standstill.
i left at the local library.
Hedberg Is Promoted
To Medford Position
Mayor Wiley Returns
From Church Meeting
Rationing Board
Issues First Tires
Legionnaires Plan
Banquet Here Jan. 21
Board Hears Report
On School Repairs
Search for Army
Plane xMade Here
Telephone Employees
Urjred to Be on Alert
C-C Forum Meets At
Lithia Hotel Today
Book Drive Urges
“Keep ’em Reading’’
Motor Tax Stamps
On Sale Jan. 15
Former AHS Student
Is In Air Reserve