Friday, Jan. 9. 1912 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Pag« 8 BASKETBALL SCORE* PAST WEEK SOCE 38, Humhlodt 3«, SOCE 34, liuniboldt 31 * 32, K buna th Falls 31 Medford IX. Marshfield •’I .Medford N. North Bend 34 rws*. X NOW /•---- ■ 1 BF.IXVIEW NEWS PEFEWe BO mds I i * KJ : ANN SOTHERN r Friday, Saturday ta • The Birthday club enjoyed a AND dinner at Archie Kincaid's Sun­ : •••:•.<•'/• 'vs day honoring Mis W alter Davis s U S tai *? s birthday anniversary. Dinner was » \ \ served at 1 o’clock and the after­ noon was spent in games and vis­ « iting Guests were Mr. and Mrs with I Walter Darts, Mr and Mrs. J. E. I i .-.¿•rd Gowland. Mr and Mrs. L. D Pan- I » , Z» AI key, Mr and Mrs Wade Wallis. >y Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hamaker. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stenrud. Mrs. i Sorenson. Mrs. Alma Miller. Miss » Ashland people will have un Marie Walker. Lyda Catherine unique opportunity to hear a fa « Davis. Mr and Mrs. Archie Kin­ ini)U< Bible teacher, author, world I caid and Eunice Kincaid. traveler and first world war hero! • Mrs. Henry Stenrud was pleas­ > when Colonel F. J Miles speak« | antly surprised New Year's eve in the First Baptist church from when a group of friends gathered .Ufc.-- Jan 18 to 23. Hi- will speak three at the Stenrud home for a "watch times on Sunday, including a mass party." Those enjoying the eve­ to 7. £ meeting at 3 o'clock, anil each ■ ning with Mr. and Mrs. Stenrud with DEFENSE X’VcX/»?■»«/ evening Monday to Friday follow­ and Mrs. Sorenson were Mr. and ing at 7:30 p. in. Mrs. A. R. Kincaid. Mr a nd Mrs Colonel Miles was senior chap J. E. Gowland. Mr. and Mrs. Wal­ • Mrs Harry Farmer and infant San Francisco ter Davis, Mrs Alma Miller, and son Wayne were removed to the • Mrs Gail Modeen who was ill lain with the "Auasies" and saw sei vice in Gallipoli, Mesopotamia, Misses Marie Walker. Lyda Cath­ home of Mr. and Mrs Elmer Byrd last week has recovered erine Davis. Eunice Kincaid and Monday from the Community hos­ • Mis Henry Metz entertained a Palestine and the Western front group of small folk Tuesday after­ He was decorated thiee times by Mr. Earl Warren. pital • Joseph Wade returned last • The new officers of Bellview noon in honor of her son Henry's the lute King George of Great Britain for bravery and self-sac­ week from a month's visit with 1 grange went to Central Point Dec 8th birthday anniversary. friends and relatives in Kansas 28 for county Joint installation. • The Upper Valley Community rifice, receiving the Distinguished Missouri and California. Bert Mrs Eula Foley of Central Point club will hold its first meeting of Service Older and tile Order of U the British Empire, two of the Wade who is employed in the air­ was installing officer. It was an the new year Jan 14 • Mrs. Clarice Andeison and son highest honors conferred plane plant at Sacramento spent afternoon meeting a few days recently at his home • Mr and Mrs Carl A. Henry Dale returned recently from a vis­ Dr Miles was at one time presi­ Willi here. attended a 4-H club leaders meet­ it to Carson City, Nev and Santa dent of the Christian Endeavoi • A very small crowd was present ing at the courthouse in Medford Rosa, Calif Union of Great Britain and ire- - I at the Grange hall Thursday eve­ Wednesday evening land For some years now he has ning for the annual New Year's • Mrs. Reynolds and son returned HILT NEWS been field secretary for the Rus- 1 dinner which was sponsored by Sunday from a visit with Mr. and sian Missionary society He knows the Upper Valley Community Mrs Melvin Conley at Dunsmuir • Mrs Maud G. Wert was in Russia well from having been club. While there they made a trip to Yreka on business Monday there at various times, lie is at • Mis Nora H Gran and daugh­ present touring the United States ter Naomi returned to Cave Junc­ and Canada holding Bible oenfer- tion Wednesday morning alter ences in various centers It IM spending three days at the home rarely that Ashland can secure ( of her daughter. Mrs Gerald such an outstanding Christian I man. i Black • Mrs Kenneth Bi own and daugh­ ters Wilma and Mary spent the Watch for new running «hr- holidays at the home of her mother dille starting Monday at Glendale. Orc (Continued from page 1) • Mr and Mrs Diamond Newman • Mr and Mrs Victoi Milburn and family spent New Year's day of Thompson Creek were tran­ with relatives in Medford sacting business and visiting • Mr and Mrs George Steele are I guests of Mrs Steele’s brother. friends here Tuesday • Mr anil Mrs Wayne Bradley James Purvis and family and fumily moved into the Amos Word has been received from • Mrs W A Gran and son Billy Williams property near the Meth­ wrecked their car Tuesday mom- odist church from Prospect Mr the civil aeronautics authorities to I ing when it struck ice on the and Mrs Williams moved to Pros- the effect that the college has been tentatively approved for u highway south of Ashland as they wbM • ■ he Will bi were enroute to Medford on busi­ with the Skeeters logging com­ quota <>f 10 primary students f<>i ness. the spring phase of the Civilian pany • King Winter left his calling Pilot Training program All men between the ages of Hl cards locally when the thermo­ • Talent gntngc bald Its i.gulai New Year meeting Jan 1 and op ­ meter struck sub-zero tempera­ and 26 who have hud one year of ened with a covered dish dinner tures, leaving numerous broken college work and who are inter­ water pipes this past week Robert Mr ancvanrtant to PROTECT WHAT WE HAVE from fire loss by ad­ equate and real insurance. Billings Agency REAL ESTATE and REAL INSURANCE Phone 8781 41 East Main ACHING-STIFF SORE MUSCLES For PROMPT relief—rub on Mu»- terole! Mawaifp with this wonderful ‘■COUNTF.U-IKKITANT" actually brings fresh warm blood to aching muscles to help break up painful kcal con­ gestion. ¡letter than a muitard platter! Made in 3 strength«.