Friay, January 9, 1942 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 7 Fun for the Whole Family CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT TRUCK PARTS Heavy-duty Motors, axels parla, bodies. Urea hoists and used truck* TRUCK WRECKING COMPANY lotti A S IL Hawthorne l Portland. Ora RABBITS AND SKINS By ED WHEELAN BIG TOP POULTRY AND RABBITS WANTED Good whit* fryer rabbit ekln» to SOo per lb. Write postcard for prices and Information Baby * Co.. »35 8. W. Front. FortUad. Ore. FOR SALE MO CHICK BKOBTAGB! Now Hatching Weekly. Dubl-Dollar New Hampshlres—U 8. Certified Leghorns. Vashoa Island Co-oper­ ative Hatchery. Box 3, Vashon, Wn. CALL or WHITE FISHER BRO«. COMPANY. Astoria, Oregon, for used Diesel and Gas Engines. SCHOOLS STENOGRAPHERS NEEDED By RUBE GOLDBERG LALA PALOOZA —Two of a Kind la the U. 8. Government Bervloe Entrance Salaries Range Frees $12» to SIS* a Month Special preparation day and evo- alng. Every woman shc-uld prepare to do her part la thia great emergency. IMVB8TIOATB our special short course for civil service. Seattle Secretarial School 1520 Westlake (bet. Fike * Plan) ttle— MAla 2SM Slow Up! “I want to see some canes,” said Swanker to the shop proprietor/ “and I’m in a hurry." "Yes, sir. very good, sir," re­ sponded the ghopman in a fluster. "Here. Williams,” (to his assistant), "show the young gentleman some hurricanes.” By GENE BYRNES REG’LAR FELLERS—A Swell Plan Shot SOLDItaî. I HAVE A JEST WOfitrED OUT A / FLAN WHAT MAKE 5 US \ UNBEATABLE-I CALL lT / T he DUGAN PlMCEJ?S V —I tAOVEKEMT __ _ sure sound good! You’d order it in a minute if you didn’t remember your last experience, when all you got out of it was GAS pains, bad breath and sour stomach, probably due to a spell of CONSHPATIOlf. Next time have ADLERIKA handy. It is an effective blend of 6 carmina­ tives and 3 laxatives for DOUBLE action. ADLERIKA quickly relieves gas, and gentle bowel action follows surprisingly fast Tear out thia ad and take it along to the drug store. 1 I ? / — 4 —1 n F j O üd e>F MESCAL IKE and Gggs I Better Product Oh. but What the Heck By s. l . huntley Anybody can cut prices, but it takes brains to make a better ar­ ticle.—Philip D. Armour. COLDS quickfy «1« LIQUID DOO no ’ s I^S m COUCH PSOPS Charm of Life Illusion and wisdom combined are the charm of life and art.— Joseph Joubert. GAS ON STOMACH By J. MILLAR WATT POP—And the Tailor? Don’t Pre»« U»! Surest Key The best and securest of all keys is the friendship of the peo­ ple.—Antigonus. ÆOR WOMHK OPENING THE PRESENT If you suffer from monthly cramps, headache, backache, nervousness and distress of “irregularities"— caused by functional monthly dis­ turbances—try Lydia Pinkham's »getable Compound — famous for lievlng pain and nervous feelings women's 'difficult days." Taken regularly—Lydia Pinkham's Compound helps build up resistance against such annoying symptoms. Follow label directions. WORTH ^TRYING I MERCHANTS •Your Advertising Dollar buys something more than space and circulation in the columns of this news­ paper. It buys space and circulation plus the favor­ able consideration of our readers for this newspaper and its advertising patrons. f I LANG ARMSTRONG