r SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Friday. Jan. 9, 1942 ____________________________________________ Page 5 » N O T I s Angeles and San Francisco Second and It Streets son and Mr. and Mrs. Tommy • Born to Mr and Mrs. C. A Earl F. Downing, Minister ' Laird visited in Missoula, Mont. Hartwell on Jan 2, a daughter. Bible school 9:4ft a. m. with : several day« last week • Dr and Mrs W J Crandall and • Mrs Bill Reed of Medford vis- daughter enjoyed a two weeks va­ classes for all ages. Morning service 11 o’clock. Ser- ; ited with her mother, Mr«. Charles cation in L/ js Angeles. mon, "How the Church Began and ’ White Saturday evening • Miss Gertrude Engle of Rich­ Grew." This message is the first • Mi and Mr« Robert Herndon mond. Calif., spent the holidays in a series of messages on the and son and Mr and Mrs Bill with Mr and Mrs F. S Engle. I Herndon of Eugene visited with • Warren Applewhite, student at book of The Acts. Christian Endeavor 6:30 p. m. Mr and Mrs Walter Herndon sev- the University of Oregon, spent1 with junior, high school, young eral days last week. the holidays with his parents. Mr - I • Paul Icenhower. who attend« and Mrs. Guy Applewhite. people's and adult groups evening service, 7:30 o'clock. the Multnomah Bible school in • Mr and Mrs. E J. Newman of’ Sermon, "Jacob’s Prophecy Con­ Portland, spent the holidays with Medford and Mr. and Mrs. F V. i cerning His Sons ” his parents. Mr. and Mrs. George i Barrett of Phoenix were Sunday . Mi A h International Daily Neu ^alier ■ PubllUnt by THE CHRISTIAN SI IF.NCE PUBI IslIINO SOCIETY On», Norw»y Stmt, Bouton, Ma«nchuwtu > ► > > ■ The World’s News Seen Through ■ ► 52Î.0"49 66.746.49 You may purchase stamps or bonds at any branch throughout the state. All banks and sales agencies make them available without profit or con pensation to themselves. r i ■r » -*r ■ This represents a considerable por­ tion of total bond sales in Oregon. This state is second in the country in per capita sale of Series E bonds. We, and the nation, appreciate your answer to the national emergency. We know you’ll keep buying bonds! lntítt’Remurce» Rest''' ■ 240.000°? Othet u«t to”“6 veder»' ^CtV!c7nd Swtk mi»««* iufO‘ Real . ,lity on Ac«V“° , .56,6»* \ »97.'*' od SU'Pv > through this bank.. •. from May 1 to December 31,1941 ia Truthful—Conalructiva—Unbiaied—Free from Sensational­ ism— Editorials Ari- Timely and instructive, and Ils Daily Features, Together with the Weekly Magazine Section, Mak. the Monitor an Ideal Newspaper for the Home. Price Jll 2.00 Yearly, or Ji 1.00 a Month. Saturday Issue, including Magazine Section, #2 60 a Year. Introductory Offer, 6 Issues 25 Cents. Obtainable at: Christian Science Reading Room Pioneer Avenue Ashland, Oregon ■ ■ ■A» 4.^^ A A A a. < < < < Omet DepoM«» -TAV UA»UTItS a»r»’ < < < < < « < < i i < i *1 NAL BANK OF PORTLANf