y \ SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 8 ¿r1 LITHIA HINDSIGHT ON SPORTS * 111 L a - a By 1 TOLD YOU MO y With the passing of 1941 we of Ashland's vast athletic enthusi­ asts can look back on a successful —TONIGHT ONLY sport season. Although the Grizz­ lies' basketball team of the high •< z// school didn't get to go to the i f state tournament as we had hop­ V ed and expected, they made a 1^42 right good showing for themselves to start out the year of 1941. Southern Oregon College of Edu­ Henry Fonda I O every patron and friend we say Happy cation hoopsters joined up with New Year, anil we nay it with all the Eastern Oregon as co-holders of in heartiiieoN at our command. the Oregon Intercollegiate basket­ Whatever Micce** we have enjoyed during ball crown and the Mighty Mites 1911 ha* been of your making. With thut of junior high carried on in tradi­ though*, in mind we pledge renewed ea­ tional Ashland style on the bas­ deavors and determination to serve you st Bl ketball floor. lietter during the year ahead. Baseball, for years a minor in our high schiHii did all tight in every way except financial I there being no charge for the games), I with our team winning its share of diamond tilts. JEWELER THUR., FRL, SAT September saw the $60.000 Wal­ ter Phillips athletic plant open when, under Coach Frank O'Neil TALENT NI WS the first time, the Grizzlies The Gorgeous Technicolor SOCE and Humboldt • Frank Redker of Redding vis- for blanked l-akeview 19 to 0 to be­ Tangle in Two Games ited friends and relatives in the gin their present record of never Classic College basketball makes its valley last week, Frank is a for- having been defeated on Walter 1942 bow in Ashland Friday night mer resident of Talent. Phillips field Klamath Falls, fired and Saturday night when Hum­ • Mrs. Meda Fox spent Christ­ Up for a previously under, it. I ? boldt State of Arcata meets mas day at the home of Mr. and Ashland high fixitball team, dump­ Southern Oregon on the SOCE Mrs. Will Hewitt in Phoenix ed our Grizzlies 2«> to 0 floor. Because Humboldt State • Mr. and Mrs. George Pheifer that will long does not belong to the Oregon and son Jack were guests of Mr . lie Something remembered in the Ashland Intercollegiate conference, these and Mrs. G. W. Martin at the | s|M>rta calendar of 1941 wax games will be of the king's-ex Skyline fox farm on Wagner creek i the annual “civil war" grid variety. with Christmas day. Im t tie at Medford Nov. 7, For years a bitter rivalry has • F. Schram of Redding is visit­ when Ashland overthrew the existed between the Sons and the ing his sister and family, Mr. and I undefeated Jeanette MacDonald Californians and |H>tential state and the fans attend­ Mrs Spencer Hackler championship Medford Tigers I ing these games can expect the Gene Raymond • The Specters logging crew re- 1 for the first time in 12 years, best in basketball competition. turned to work in the Prospect the final score iieing 20 to IS. The Sons’ stock took a jump country after a week's holiday va­ Brian Aherne Not only did Anhland bask that cation. with the announcement in the limelight over their de­ Chuck DeAutremont will be eligi- PL VS • Mr. and Mrs. Roy Enruh of feat of Medford but that win ble for the next quarter. Prospect were holiday guests of gave us a one-third claim on Four veterans from last season's relatives and friends in Phoenix the Southern Oregon confer­ squad and a new man will make and Talent. Guy Kibbee up the starting lineup for the • Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Cowdrey I ence championship, sharing Humboldt Lumberjacks. Little and children spent Christmas day | Klamath Falls and Medford. Ln Al Simpson's junior high grid Bill Lee. captain of last year’s with Mrs. Cowdrey's parents. Mr. five, will be back and is reported and Mrs George Kerby, on King's j machine again carried on what with winning a half interest in the to be a better shot than ever. highway near Medford. Southern Oregon Junior high con­ Longholm and Lee at forward,' • A fine Christmas program was Goodwin at center and Speir and presented at the Methodist church i ference. The beginning of 1942 finds all Goodyear at guard will be the Wednesday evening and enjoyed Ashland basketball teams going starting lineup for the coast team, by a well filled house. i Little is known of Humboldt's • A family dinner was held at the great guns towards bringing three 1 strength so far this season for home of Mr and Mrs. George more championship crowns they have played only teams from Clark on Wagner creek on Christ­ Ashland. f • • ' their own vicinity, but past per- mas day. Ben Clark and Mr and Tilings we wish for in 1942: Wed’fiday & Thursday formances on the court speak for Mrs. Allen Clark and children Completion of Walter Phillipa ___________________ I themselves. were among those present. field according to plans . . . Bas­ • Mr. and Mrs. R F Parks en­ ketball and football victories over joyed a turkey dinner with Mrs. Medford (not to mention all other Walter Bevington and Mr. and j opponents) ... A done of some­ Mrs. Roland Parks and daughter! thing for the Oregon High School Tammy Christmas day at Ash- > Athletic association for not jier- a.”.d mitting The Dalles to keep their Alice Faye • Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hodapp of invitation to Memphis for a game near Central Point were calling billed as the national high school Don Ameche on friends in Talent Wednesday. football championship. • Mr and Mrs. Glenn Brown and ------------ _•------------- family of Modoc county, Calif, ar­ MR. ANU MRS. FLACK I S rived in Talent Monday to spend HAVE 5OTII ANNIVERSARY the New Year holiday with Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. William Flackus Brown's father and other rela- observed their golden wedding an- lives. • The Red Cross drive for war mversaiy with a dinner at their relief is now in progress through­ Ashland home Christmas day. out the land and the support of Many gifts and messages of con- this community is being solicited, gratulation were received from PIus- and relatives. Contributions HOLIDAY CHEEK the post office. will be accepted at friends Mr. and Mrs. Flackus were “MAN AT LARGE” • Mr. and Mrs Verne Decker and married in Jacksonville, Ore., in family returned home Sunday 1S91 and have been residents of from Long Beach, Calif., where Ashland since 1912. Guests at the anniversary din­ Just as the snowball grows they spent Christmas with Mrs. ner included Mr. and Mrs Ralph Decker ’ s parents and other rela ­ bigger as it rolls downhill, Robison and family of Cubertino, tives the so may the blessing of • Lois Firestone of Ashland and Calif . Mr and Mrs. W W Rob The truest and surest way in Ernest Fieguth of Talent were ison of Ashland; Mr. and Mrs. which we can serve our fellow New Year grow bigger for married at Astoria last Wednes- Ray Burton of Siskiyou and men is not so much to do anything you as the months roll by. day at the rectory of Grace Epis­ Charles Flack us of Klamath for them, as to be the very truest, copal church, the rector officiat­ Falls. ------------- •------------- know purest, noblest being we We are going to give you ing Mrs. Fieguth is a daughter of j how.—Frances P. Cobbe. Mr. and Mrs. James Firestone i WHITSETT IN AIK CORI’S more reason than ever in Sailors in Uncle Sam's navy who lived in the Talent area for I Jack Whitsett, son of Mr. and have their own language for cer­ 1942 for giving us your several years where she and her1 Mrs. J. C. Whitsett of Ashland, tain things. Candy bars, popcorn j sister Nancy attended school. Pre- , is now stationed at Victory Field, valued patronage. balls, nuts and similar sweets are sent at the wedding were Mr. and Vernon, Texas, after a recent called "porgy bait.” Ice cream, Mrs James Firestone, parents of transfer from Kelly Field. He soda water, sundaes, ginger ale the bride, and sister Nancy, Mrs. passed his air corps transfer ex­ and soda pop are termed "ge- Fieguth and daughter Jean. Mrs. ams with unusually high grades Selby Chevrolet dunk ------------ •-------- Fieguth teaches school at Pine- I • The Miner for Quality Printing. hunt. QUEEN OF ?» THE YUKON 20c Bargain Day Ixd us give it tiaist to tlie “THE RETURN OF FRANK JAMES” bright And here's CHAS. A. WHITE “SMILIN THROUGH” young New to Year! THE LADY IN QUESTION" you, loyal friend* mid customer*! with Good health, good cheer, nod Rita Hayworth Brian Aherne HAPPY NEW YEAR! Friday, Saturday Western Auto Supply “SING ANOTHER CHORUS” • Miss Cariie May Smith return­ ed to Ashland Sunday after hav­ ing spent severul days with her parents in Portland • Allard Shipman has been visit ing friends in Portland the past week with Jane Frazee Johnny Downs plus RAIDERS OF THE DESERT” AAlth Andy Devine Richard Arlen Sunday, Monday and Tueadav “Scattergood Meets Broadway” Bargain Days 20c Bud Abbott and who star In the ture, "Hold That will play at th«- Sunday, Monday Ixm < ostello, I'ulversal pic- (•host,” which l.lthia Theatre and Tuesduy. <4 “HOLLYWOOD CAVALCADE - ~—---------------------- .-Lry-Lrir* ' JOY TO ALL! MP?Y N£UI W In tlilM, our New Year's gris ting to our friends, we would capture, UivskiS l?42 if we could, some of the merriment of the days when sleigh -bells jingled on the frosty air. As true merriment I n iui nffnlr of the heurt, and not of season, that I m the kind of joy we LITHIA BAKERY are wishing for you now. Loads of good luck, loads of good cheer, and good health to you all. Ken Well mid the Boys