SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Friday, January 2, 1942 Page 7 IRS9HBNDOQ9B9HD □(999HBDQ9S59E (DB99HDOQHKEB □■99HDOQ99E3D OCBKflHDOISESHD OSIHHDQtlBEBiD □OBHBBD® C2SHSEE QflHBBBDOQffiESBD Q0EH9D® GE3BK] QCBSSSDOtSSES 0 OB9E9D8 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT THE SUNNY SIDE OF LIFE | Clean Comics That Will Amuse Both Old and Young TRUCK PARTS Heavy-duty Motora, asale pirli, bodies. Hr«», holst« and usad trucks. TRUCK WRECKING COMPANY j ICD BIG TOP By ED WHEELAN W hile hal ^6 talkimo to ' dad ", Jerr vjcn T to mÿra ' s T en T HERE'S MOOR AIEV7 CONTRACT .DEAR ! OF- COUR6E , I V/A n T vou aho HAL VIITH THE N SHCMJNEXT SEASON NO MATTER VlMAT / HE DECIDES 1b DO ABOUT THE /---- I I 3U ’ wovitSV I ¿- a » 1 IL' J BUT DOH T 1 YOU TMIHK < 1 OUGHT TO COtA SULT UAL FIRST, UHCLE JEFF’ tOtb A S K Hawthorn«. Port land. Ore. RABBITS AND SKINS POULTRY AND RABBITS WANTED Good whit« fryer rabbit akin» *#o to »Oo per lb. Write poet card for price» and Information Baby * Co.. >35 8. W. rront. Fortland, Oro. FOR SALE VJELL, AU Rl&HT! I EVEN IF DO GET MAPRIED IHlS WINTER , HAL ANDI . PLANNED To STAY f 'NCTH TME SHOW. NO] MATTER WHAT \ HAPPENS J ‘ MO CHICK IHORT1OS! Now Hatchine Weekly, Dubl-Dellar New Hampshire»—U S Certified Leghorns Vashon Island Co-oper­ ative Hatchery. Boa 3, Vashon, Wn. CALL or WRITE F I S H K R BROS. COMPANY. Astoria, Oregon, tor ua<-d Diesel and Gas Engines. RABBIT 8KIN8. HORSE HAIR. TOP PRICES. Sam Forman, Th« Dalles. Oregon. DENTAL PLATES DENTISTRY on CREDIT TERMS to** 5, IO, 15 M—»Hi, 1« Sa, ED ■■ LALA PALOOZA The Stowaway ■■ i i h By RUBE GOLDBERG D r . H arry S emlìr , Dentiti MISÂT UK 3n t MORRISON • PORTLAND ORE Very True Cynic — Brains don’t count as much as influence, Mid influence doesn’t count for as much as money. Practical Person (sadly — My dear, sir, you disregard the fact that it takes brains to get influence and influence to get money. DON'T LET CONSTIPATION SLOW YOU UP e When bowels are sluggish and you feel irritable, headachy and everything you do is an effort, do as millions do — chew FEEN-A-MINT, the modern chewing gum laxative. Simply chew FEEN-A- MINT before you go to bed-sleep with­ out being disturbed—next morning gentle, thorough relief, helping you feel swell •gain, full of your normal pep. Try FEEN-A-MINT. Tastes good, is handy and economical. A generous family supply REG’LAR FELLERS—Power Dive FEEN-A-MINT To< Young Man’s Need It is not book learning young men need, nor instruction about this or that, but a stiffening of the vertebrae which will cause them to be loyal to a trust, to act promptly, concentrate their ener­ gies, do a thing—“carry a mes­ sage to Garcia.“—Elbert Hubbard. •Ä COLDS quick&j nit MESCAL IKE liquid But on Second Thought Bys. l huntley TABLETS Nos'iLoaoefi couch oaor» Result of Zeal Through zeal knowledge is got­ ten, through lack of zeal knowl­ edge is lost; let a man who knows this double path of gain and loss thus place himself that knowledge may grow.—Buddha. Nag