SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Friday, Jan. 2, 1942 • Horn to Mr and Mix Reck lire 2t>, a son Let Your Answer to Bombs Be BONDS! About People You Know (Al HOI.K < III IU II Rev. W •!. ■ I« ugher, Past« r Ma** ut V a m. Sunday. 4 ill'll* II OF < IIICIST Wc are fighting enemies who will stop at nothing. With our homes, our very Ilves al stake, shall we stop short of giving our dimes and dollars for Defense? Buy Defense Bonds and Stamps every day, every week Buy as if your very life depended upon It. It doent Page 5 FIRS'! METHODIST ( III K( II < or. N. Main rand Laurel Sts. Iir. George W. Bruce, Minister Sunday church school under super intendency of Allen O. Mc- (lee. Morning sermon at 11 o'clock, subject, "The Web <»í Ufe" (New Year). The adult choir will lead the song service and offer a New Year anthem. Wesley league and Methodist Youth Fellowship meet for wor- ship at 6:15 p. m. : " sermon ■ -> 7;30 on sub- Evening ject, ‘ M.inaginj: _ One’s Self.'’ yba young people’s choir will sing an anthem. Prayer meeting at 7:30 p. HI Wednesday. Second and II Streets Earl F. Downing. .Minister Bible school 9 45 a. in. All members of the school arc urged t<> be present for "Mobilization I >ay” which inaugurates the Chris­ tian Education Advance program Morning service II a in Sei ■ mon. “That's Becaus«- They Don't Know Jesus " Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p m with junior, high school, young I people, und adult groups Evening service 7:80 o'clock I i Special music by the mixedquar- I tel Dorothy Parr, Betty Jo NEIGHBORHOOD < ONG1CEGA- Burns. Raymond Renxema and TIO.NAI. ( Ill He'll Boulevard und .Morton Street* Harlalce Wilson Sei mon, “Old < larem e F. M< ( all, .Minister Shoes and Mouldy Bread." Midweek service 7:30 p. m. I Bible school 9:45 a. m., Mrs. Wednesday. Glen Prescott superintendent. e Worship service 11 o'clock. Sub­ TRINITY EPIS( OPAI. CHURCH ject of sermon, ''Intercession." At 2 p. m. Tuesday, Dec 31, Dr. < 'iuudr E. Sayre, Vk-ur Plymouth guild in the home of Holy Cminunion * a m. Mrs C. H. Vaupel, 422 Boulevard. Church school 9:30 a m. Wednesday noon, covered dish Sermon am! morning prayer 11 dinner followed by annual meeting ¡4 m Th«1 Mason* will be present at this service and worship with of the church to which all friends are invited. us. I IKNT PRE* BY TER IAN N<> Wednesday service Thurs «lay there will be a New Year's < III HUI service at 9 a. m. Howard G. Eddy, Minister You arc cordially invited to Bible school at 9:45 a. m.. Wirt worship with us. Wright, superintendent. M e ■‘What to do in '42“ will be the I REE METHODIST ( III l((ll hour. The 1042 Year Text will be East Main Street presented at that time. Special John R. Poet, Pustor music. Sunday school al 9:45 a. m. High school Christian Endeavor Bernice Bea re, superintendent in sermon subject at the morning charge. meets at 6:15 p. m. Morning worship at 11 o'clock Evening service at 7:30 o’clock Junior meeting and Young Peo­ presenting another pen portrait of ple's meeting at 6:45 p. m Even­ Jesus' Friends a Matter-of-fact ing worship at 7:30 p. m. Man. Mid-week prayer meeting Wed­ You will find a cordial welcome nesday evening at 7:30 p m. in this friendly church. e You are welcome to ail services FULL GOSPEL TE.MPI.E • E. Main and Siskiyou Blvd. < III»« II OF THE NAZARENE L. P. Furman, Pastor Bertriuid F. Peterson, Pastor Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Fonrtb and C Ktreeta Morning worship 11 o'clock. Church school 9:45 a. m C. A service 6:45 Sunday eve­ Morning worship. First service ning Evangelistic service to fol­ of revival. low nt 7:30 o'clock. i Irvpartrnental meetings 6:30 p. C. A. service and choir practice m . junior, young people, adults. _ _______ , _____ _ i 7:30 Tuesday evening. Evangelistic service 7:30 o'clock. Bible study and prayer meeting Special services every evening 7:30 Friday evening. except Saturday at 7:30 p. m. Tire Everybody is cordially Invited Highley Singers of Orange, Call! , to all services. —e------------- Hjwcial workers. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH J. R. Turnbull, Minister Bible school 9:45 a. m. Classes for all ages. Worship at 11 a. m. Wednesday, 7:30 p. m.,. prayer. praise and Bible study. 8:30 p. m, Personal workers' study class. • METHODIST CH! RCH PLANS M.W »EAK'S sKItVICE A New Year dinner-program will be held at the Methodist church Thursday noon. The Rev. bouts C. Kirby, pastor of the Medford Methodist church. will speak at the after-dinner program held in the main auditorium of the church A season of prayer, in keeping with President Roose­ velt's proclamation, also will be i observed. • Mt and Mo Sid Reed and Het ty Sue *|»ent Christmas with Mrs • Bom to Mi and Mix Kelly Pat sons Dec. 20. a son Reed's mother at Merced, Calif. • Mis b G Morthland of Med ford visited with her parents, Mi ¿. el Mrs. W ■ ■ > ■ ■ - ■ > 4 The World’s Ne,vs Seen Through T he C hristian S cience M onitor An International Daily Ncu s/ta/ier Publuhrd Ay THU CHRISTIAN SCIENCE I’t'HI MUNG SOCIETY One, Norway Street, Boston, Massa« husrtts ia Truthful—Constructive—llnbuM-d—Free front Senaalional- iam — Editorial! Are Timely and Instructive, and Its Daily Features, Togeth«T with the Weekly Magazine Section, Make the Monitor an Ideal Newspaper for the Home. Price Jl 12.00 Yearly, or Ji 1 .00 a Month. Saturday laaue, including Magazine Section, J2 60 a Year. Introductory Offer, 6 Issues 25 Cents. Obtainable at: Christian Science Reading- Room Pioneer Avenue Ashland, Oregon ■ ■* » * ^ * * * * * * a a a a . AAA a a, a At this joyous season we wish to express ottr sin­ cere feeling of good will and friendship to the many friends iuu I custom­ ers whom it ha* been our prix liege to serve during HHl. May you ride "high, wide and handsome" ev­ ery «lay in 19«, ami may ih«> best of everything be in store yours. Wick Furniture Company W p would like to express to each of you personally the grati­ tude we feel for your kindness to us in 1941. Since this is im­ possible we are sending this “blanket vote of thanks” with the wish that with New Year’s dawn will come a brighter, happier future for you. Ashland Light Department “Your SERVICE Department”