Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, January 02, 1942, Page 3, Image 3

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    Friday, January 2, 1942
Ijearn to Sew if Your Budget
Is Limited—It’s Fun, Too!
Page 3
your hipline because of its adroit
piecing — and weight-minimizing
smoothness at the sides and in
back. The dress may be finished
with short sleeves or sleeves of
the new "below-the-elbow” drape.
The style is suitable for silk,
rayon or wool crepes, for satin,
faille or romaine.
Barbara Bell Pattern No. 1482 B Is de­
signed for sizes 34. M. 38. 40. 42. 44. 4«
and 4«. Size 38,
sleeves requires 4’i
yards 39-inch material. Send your or­
der to:
149 New Montgomery Street
San Franclseo
Enclose 15 cents in coins for
Pattern No.................
Name ............................................
Address ......................................... ...........
Early Shorthand
Invite the Club—Serve Banana-Apple Ring*
The earliest record of an organ­
ized system of shorthand dates
from the year 63 B. C., the age
of eloquence in Rome. At that
time a freedman and friend of
Cicero, Marcus Tullius Tiro, in­
vented a system that was used in
recording the speeches of Cicero,
Seneca and others in the Roman
senate. Tiro’s method was taught
in the Roman schools, was learned
by emperors, and remained in use
for several centuries.
(See Recipe* Below)
Dessert Parties
"Come over for dessert” has be­
come one of the most popular way»
of entertaining at
luncheon or after­
noon meeting» of
bridge or »ew­
ing club*. Your
gueit» will take
a light snack at
home and come
over to your home
for dessert only.
Ku»y? Yei, and a
very successful way of itarting out
your afternoon. So, take out your
belt recipe» for dessert and let'» go:
Whatever you have mult be at­
tractive, »o bring out your nlceit
dessert plate» and dollies First Idea
•n our Hat today are theie broiled
Bunana-Apple Ring» which will
polka dot your table In de»»ert per­
’Broiled Banana-Apple King».
(Serve* 6)
1 cup lugar
*4 cup water
2 apple», unperled
3 firm banana»
Melted butter
Bring »ugar and water to a boil
and cook until »ugar 1» dissolved.
Core apple» and cut cro»»wi»e Into
three thick »lice». Add to ayrup and
cook until tender, but firm. Remove
from »yrup and place on a broiler
ruck or pan.
Cover apple »lice»
with overlapping »lice» of banana»
which have been peeled and diced
thin. Brush with butter and iprinkle
with »alt and cinnamon. Broil about
10 minute» or until banana» are
brown and tender, eaaily pierced
with a fork. Serve hot with sweet­
ened. whipped cream.
To make your dessert party a dou­
ble success, serve:
Banana Oatmeal Cookie».
(Make» 3>4 dozen)
1H cup* sifted flour
*4 tea»p<M>n »oda
V< teaspoon nutmeg
teaspoon cinnamon
*4 cup shortening
1 cup sugar
1 egg
1 cup mashed bananas (2 or 3
1*4 cup rolled oats
*4 cup chopped nutmeats
Sift together flour, soda, salt and
• pices. Add sugar gradually to short­
ening and cream
Add egg
and beat well.
rolled oats and
nutmeats and mix
thoroughly. Add
flour mixture and
blend. Drop by
teaspoonfuls onto an ungreased
cookie sheet about 1*4 inches apart.
Bako in a moderately hot oven about
IS minutes. Remove from pans at
Simply elegant will be your guests*
or family's verdict when you serve
When planning your luncheon
dessert parties, be sure to use
this season's rich color schemes
on your tables and favors and
White with silver,
gold, blue, red arc tops right now.
If you like three color combi­
nations, there's green, white and
gold, blue, white and gold, or
white, red and green.
For an elaborate color scheme
use the rich tones of violet, em­
erald, gold, blue and red. This
is especially good in a center­
Bridge placecards may be
made out of paper chrysanthe­
mums In your favorite color with
the card tilting out of the flower.
The white cards may also be dec­
orated with painted flowers, or
candy-shaped flowers pasted in
the corner.
Evergreen, holly,
mistletoe, bright berries, pine
cones, used alone or with a sil­
ver ornament such as a bell on
the place card are sure to bring
delighted murmurs from your
bridge guests.
Tomato-Pea Soup
Breaded Veal Cutlets
Rlced Potatoes
Molded Gingerale Salad
’Broiled Banana-Apple Rings
•Recipe Given
an ambrosial concoction so easy to
make. It's no trick at all. Here'» a
dessert that prove» you don't have
to spend hour» of cooking and bak­
ing to get a first-rate dessert:
Krisple Cream Roll.
(Serve» 10)
m cups whipping cream
8 marshmallows
Mi cup honey
*4 cup chopped dates
y« cup chopped nutmeats
3'4 cups oven-popped rice cereal
Whip cream until sllfT, reserving
*4 cup. Cut marshmallows into
small pieces, adding them to cream.
Add honey, date» and nutmeats.
Roll rice cereal into fine crumbs
and add 1 cup of crumbs to cream
mixture. Blend well. Spread re­
maining crumbs evenly on a piece
of waxed paper and place cream
mixture on top. Mold into a roll
and chill for several hours. Slice
and serve garnished with remain­
ing whipped cream, chopped nut­
meats or fruit slices or berries.
No list of dessert tempters for
parties is complete without super­
smooth. delecta­
ble ice-box cake.
Made with or­
ange flavoring
the ice-box cake
can be truly pro­
vocative in both
flavor and ap­
pearance and still
be easy on the waistlines of your
diet-conscious friends:
Orange Ice-Box Cake.
(Serves 8)
1 tablespoon gelatine
3 tablespoons cold water
2 cups milk or 1 cup evaporated
milk diluted with 1 cup water
2 tablespoons cornstarch
1 cup sugar
2 eggs
*4 cup orange Juice
1 teaspoon grated orange rind
2 dozen lady fingers
Soak gelatine in cold water. Scald
the milk in a double boiler, mix
cornstarch and sugar, and add to
hot milk Add the eggs slightly beat­
en. combined with cold milk. Cook
several minutes, stirring constantly.
Remove from fire and add gelatine.
Add orange rind and juice. Line a
mold with lady fingers, then fill with
alternate layers of the cooked mix­
ture and lady fingers. Have a layer
of lady fingers on top. Chill in re­
frigerator overnight. Serve with
whipped cream, garnished with or­
ange sections.
Piquant peppermint adds a nev­
er-to-be-forgotten flavor to choco­
late, and served in quaint tarts,
here’s a dessert that will mark you
as a leader in your crowd:
Chocolate Mint Tarts.
(Serves 6)
2 squares unsweetened chocolate
1 cup evaporated milk diluted
with 1 cup water
% cup sugar
5 tablespoons flour
y« teaspoon salt
2 egg yolks
2 tablespoons butter
1 teaspoon vanilla
*4 cup chopped nuts
6 baked tart shells
Sweetened whipped cream
t4 cup crushed peppermint candy
Add chocolate to diluted milk in
double boiler and heat until choco­
late melts. Beat with rotary beater
until chocolate is blended with milk.
Combine sugar, flour and salt and
add gradually to chocolate mixture.
Cook until thick and smooth, about
IS minutes. Beat yolks and add to
cooked mixture gradually. Cook two
minutes longer. Remove from Are,
add butter, vanilla and nuts. When
cool, pour Into tart shells. Top with
whipped cream, mixed lightly with
the crushed candy.
(Released by Western Newspaper Union.)
basque top of black cotton lace
with a shirred wide-spreading rayon
moire skirt which repeats the black
lace in a hip border inset after the
manner of the gown which the fig­
ure seated in the foreground is
.llS year the fashion picture is
And again your evening splendor
literally packed with drama. ,
will be definitely established in a
What with a whirl of midwinter fes- !
mist-blue jersey dress that molds
tivities and gala occasions in full
and tapers to your form in draped
swing one is almost sure to yearn
and flowing lines like those of the
for more than the usual amount of ,
gown shown to the right in the trio
clothes glamour. The good news is
of evening modes pictured above
that, by making sewing your hob­
Drapery treatments are very im­
by. you can easily manage to have
portant and are outstanding this
an enchanting array without suffer­
season. They are ever so easy to
ing a single budget twinge.
manipulate, even for the inexperi­
Simply pick the pattern that
enced. with the aid of a new molded-
measures up to your idea of a dream
to-you thermo-plastic dress form.
dress, get your material in hand and
With an exact reproduction of your
then dash off to your nearest local
figure before you. it requires no
sewing center where expert help is
special gift to drape the folds of a
cheerfully given in sewing short
material in a way that will most ef­
cuts and fashion tricks, at little or
fectively dramatize your silhouette.
no expense
Gay and inexpensive materials
Fabric counters are literally,bub- 1
bling over with an endless display make the luxurious looking dinner
of smart, inexpensive rayon jerseys, dress centered in the group above.
tweedy weaves that tailor beauti­ There is style distinction reflected in
fully, gorgeous taffetas and moires the chrome yellow velveteen jacket
that look twice as expensive as they that hangs with easy grace from
really are; velveteens in alluring broad-looking shoulders encrusted
pastel and brilliant jewel-toned col­ with importantly new embroidered
ors; handsome laces of every type motifs that are repeated on the pock­
from sheer to the new linen effects, ets This jacket would be lovely with
which, for the most part, can be had a candle-slim forest green crepe
for under a dollar a yard. This year floor-length skirt. Believe it or not,
a merry war is going on between the embroidered motifs that so defi­
traditional black-and-white and lush, nitely enhance this jacket were
ravishing colors like fuchsia, tur­ stitched up in practically no time on
quoise. black plum, alarm red. to­ a modern sewing machine, and the
paz, gold and beige. Kelly green finished job looks for all the world
like fine handwork.
and seafoam tones and tints.
The fashion suggestions above
For the twilight hour and its flat­
tering candlelight, there's romantic are destined to turn your "date” into
elegance needed, and you will be a successful drama, and they will
equal to the occasion if you make a inspire repeat performances in the
dinner dress which combine^ a long- future.
sleeved. front-buttoned, long-torso (.Released by Western Newspaper Union.)
White Fur
Rain Now Calls for
Gav Fashion Parade
Away with somber attire on a'
rainy day! No longer are leaden-
cast skies, downpours of rain and
muddy streets a sign that one must J
match the somberness of the scene ’
with clothes equally depressing. Ac­
cording to the new theory, a rainy
day is just the time to come out in
bright array. In fact, rainy days
are turning into cheerful events.
There are gay new capes, fitted
coats and trench model coats, some
in white, some in blue and. most ex­
citing of all, those in bright red
rainproof transparencies or proc­
essed cloth, if you prefer. You can
get red or white boots to match.
There's style and charm, too, in
the new processed black satin rain­
coats that are fashioned with smart
details and given a glamour touch
in that the newest out are fashioned
with jeweled buttons.
V^ES, a dress to admire for its
* very fresh approach to the
problem of looking slim and state­
ly when your figure is too heavy 1
Pattern No. 1482-B happily over­
comes your figure difficulties with
a vestee effect through the top, ex­
tending as a slim waist treatment.
The softly gathered side pieces
permit easy roominess through
the bodice, the low pointed neck­
line is youthful and flattering to
the face.
The skirt attached at a low
waistline takes pounds away from
You pay less for Clabber Girl
but you use no more ... Add to
this Clabber Girl’s half century
record of perfect baking results
and you will see why millions of
proud homemakers use Clabber
Girl, exclusively.
Order a can of Clabber Girl
from your grocer today. You
will be amazed when he tells you
the price. You will be delighted
with your baking results.
Grapefruit and oranges will peel
more easily if you soak them three
minutes in boiling water to cover.
That will make the membrane
come off along with the skin. Then
chill the fruit for use in salads,
cocktails, or desserts.
• • •
If doors and drawers swell so
much that they won’t close, sand­
paper or plane the edges, and then
varnish the surface to prevent fur­
ther swelling or shrinking.
• • •
If your vacuum cleaner has sev­
eral attachments, make the best
use of them. They come in handy
for cleaning behind radiators,
book cases and the refrigerator.
• • •
Try dipping the knife in boiling
water before cutting cake or pie.
• • •
Worn Creatures
We ought not to treat living
The white part of orange and
lemon rinds is usually bitter. So creatures like shoes or household
when grating use only the outside belongings, which when worn with
I use we throw away.—Plutarch.
yellow part.
There is NO extra charge for Vitamin A in
Smith Brothers Cough Drops. These delicious
drops still cost only 5f. (Black or Menthol)
Smith Bros. Cough Drops are the
only drops containing VITAMIN A
Vitamin A (Carotene) raises the resistance of
mucous membranes of nose and throat to
cold infections, when lack of resist­
ance is due to Vitamin A deficiency.
Magazine Tells What the
College Girl Is Wearing
In keeping with the vogue for
"winter white," this season, comes
the prediction from furriers that
■now white lamb will prove one of
the most popular furs of the season.
The young set is "rushing” the
idea. It's a treat to the eye to see
young girls wearing coats like the
one pictured. These coats are strik­
ingly new, and they top the now-so-
modish white jersey "date” dresses
to perfection.
According to a new women's mag­
College co-eds are braiding their
hair in "country cousin" style.
Earrings are being worn with the
Sixty inch pearls worn on "Sloppy
Joe” cardigans are "tops” every-j
Cowboy boots, plaid sweaters,
lime yellow shirts, corduroy jack­
ets, the "V" neck sweater and knee
length argyle plaid socks also|
storm the American campus scene.
For the Young
Take yards and yards of bright
red net. Fashion this into a full
skirt Top this with a snug-fitting
bodice made of jersey in matching
red. Outline the decolletage, sleeve
edges and finish off the waistline
with a single-row beading of spar-'
kling red sequins.
Let’s go to town
—at home I
O TELLING what tomorrow's weather may be. It fools the best fore­
caster. But we do want chintz for the windows. We do need a car­
pet sweeper, a new percolator, and a new end-table in the living-room.
And we don 't want to slosh around rainy streets to hunt them. Problem:
How to thwart the weather man. Simple onoughl Let's sit down by the
fireplace and read the advertisements. Here it's comfortable and snug.
We'll take the newspaper page by page, compare prices, qualities,
brand-names. Tomorrow, rain ot shine, we'll head for the store that has
what we want, and home again in • jiffy.
•"Buying at Home"—through the advertising columns—gives you wide
selection, more time to decide, and satisfaction when you decide.