Friday, Dec. 26, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 8 BKI I XIFM MCWM HINDSIGHT! ON SPORTS NOW PLAYING! 2 - BIG HITS - 2 Eleanor Powell Ann Sothern Lionel Barrymore MARCH OF TIME AMERICA AT WAR” Wednesday Only Bargain Day 20e The “RETURN OF FRANK JAMES Rogue River valley basketball enthusiasts who braved the rain and other disagreeable weather Friday night got themselves a preview ot the Southern Oregon Conference and district hoop teams at the Medford high gym. Klamath Falls, its players tow­ ering high into the ether, tan off with most of the honors as they ' »silt’d through the tour six-minute games without losing one. Jim Bocchi and a fellow named Swan­ son looked good working the ball down the floor and al's accurate long shot artists. Eugene Love, also with the Pelicans, wall be in his team's opponents' hair more than once before the season over. All in all, it looks Dwight French has a gang boys in the lumber city that can be feared throughout the season if they perform like they did at the jamboree. Jim Davis at Ruseburg, in his first year as Indian coach, doesn't seem to have near the ball team of last year. Ed Hughes, dead-eye forward, is still playing bud there and Mem» to be tne wnole cheese. He was slightly injured h’i iday Ensign Hagns Morris Seeks H ings night, nothing serious, we hope. Davis has a plucky little boy Wayne Morris, recent star of “I slruction from Navy pilots whe intro­ named Ward Cummings who is a iVanted Wings," became a member of duced dive bombing, aircraft curriers consistent ball hawk but he looks Uncle Sam's Navy in May, 1941, and catapult take-offs to the rest of too small and inexperienced to »hen he Has appointed to the rank the world. Also, there urv opportuni- cause much trouble to district teams. if Ensign. ties in Naval Aviation for men who Grants Pass, under Coach Ber­ When asked what he thought of don’t want to fly. They can be trained nard for the first time, showed he United States Navy, Morris said, as aviation machinL'ts, metalsmiths, considerable improvement over ’1 think every man who is consider- photographers, observers, or they can last year and can be counted on ng joining a military service should receive instruction in many other , to upset the apple cart for one ui ook into the ‘chance of a lifetime* trades. It's a great life in the Navy.” more teams with state tournament which theNavy and Naval Reserveof- Ensign Wayne Morris is pictured aspirations. ’er to get into the big-pay field of the here in his line of duty as a memlwr Russ Acheson, veteran Med- future—aviation. In the Navy you of the Naval Aviation Cadet Selec­ ford coacn. is apt to have a head- .•an attend the finest flight training tion Board at the Lung Beach Naval acne before spring and the end of ichools in the world, and receive in- Reserve Air Base. basketbad seasun. He has exactly nothing except Bill Wall and Hank • ki.i.’ik Maness underwent Herman, both of whom showed TALENT MW8 eye operation in Ashland Thurs­ nothing in the jamboree. Moi day. If Jeiry Gastineau can get his • BUly Breeee and I five best players in shape all at row were married at 2:30 o’clock • Mr. and Mrs Roland Parks and one and the same time the Grizz- I Sunday afternoon at the Full Gos­ daughter Tammy of Sprague Riv­ , lies are going to go a long way, pel parsonage in Ashland, the pas­ er arrived Sunday to spend th«* perhaps all the way to the state tor, Rev. L. P. Furman, officiat­ Christmas holidays with relatives tournament, but if he can't get i ing The young couple are both of in Ashland and Talent them all in snape at once there. Talent. Mrs Breese was a Talent • Mis Geoege Phetfei made a won't be a very big percentage, high school graduate of 1941. Mr business trip to Medford Munday in the games won column. Charlie Breese has lived most of his life afternoon Jandreau, expected to share the at Talent. The couple will honey­ • Talent grange met Thursday Grizzly "hero" honors with Bud moon in southern California with evening when Frances Shumate Provost, played all of the jam-; relatives and friends Those at­ was added as a new member. The boree games and reported that his tending the wedding were Mr. and evening discussion in regard to leg, cracked in football, did not Mrs. Edwin Anderson. Mrs. Ander­ the defense program brought out son is a sistei of the bridegroom what is expected of grangers and bother him at all. If anyone is interested enough, and Mr and Mrs. Dick Morrow what they could expect in the way of shortage in farm machin - they might look into the reason parents of the bride. why Ashland high did not txxjk • Mrs Alice O'Byrne who teaches ery and commodities Earl Yaryen, Corvallis here Dec. 31, an open school in northern California ar­ master elect, resigned as he has rived Saturday to spend the holi­ enlisted in the army This necessi- date for both teams. -------- •------------- days in the valley. tated an election to fill the vacan­ • Mr. and Mrs. John Besant were • Bill Crosby left Saturday for cy and Master George Hartley Chrismas dinner guests at the Orland. Calif, to spend the holi- was reel«jcted. Roy Roberson, an­ Allen days with his daughter, Mrs. Gla­ other member of th«* grange, also home dys Steward and family. Becker. has joined the army. Those at­ tending regularly during the past, year were Mrs. Harvey Wolters, i James Wolters and Elton Petri | The program for the remainder of the evening was spent in singing 1 Christmas carols and distribution : of gifts and candy The next meet­ ing will be on New Years anti a ' covered dish dinner will be served, j beginning at 7 o'clock • The P-TA held n-gular meeting | Friday afternoon with a good at­ tendance of members. • Mrs. Lilly Burnett left Sunday I for Salem to visit her daughter. I Mrs. Holmes and family • Talent school closed Wednesday afternoon and will not begin until the week following New Years • Russell Dexter, science teacher and athletic coach at Talent high school, left Monday evening for Twin Rocks where he will spend the Christmas holidays with his parents. • Cliff Green and family of Pros­ pect arrived in Talent Tuesday to visit relatives and friends for the week. • Matilda Jones, teacher in the Continued from page I family returned Mumia) Hum S.ic raniento valley where they have all been winking • Mix Beit Pvuchvy and daugh ter .liisephine and Mrs Katherine Jamlieau ami small son went to Eagle Point Tuesday t«> spend Christmas with Mrs Peachey's mother, Mrs Dailey • Miss Aileen Inlow who teaches at Gold Hill is spending <" I Is mas vacation with her parents Ml ami Mrs Vai Inlow < Miss Susie Bikes, a tvachei at Shady Cove is home fol the holt day season • Evelyn Will Is. a graduate of M«d ord beauty college is employ ed part time nt Delta's Beauty Shop • Mrs Dale Jorgeson and Ceeil King uriived Christmas day to s|x*iui a few days with their grand mother, Mis Mnlindn King • Woid has lieen received by Mi and Mrs It E Bell that Kenneth Bell, who is stationed at Peail Harbor, is all right Relatives and friends have felt a great anxiety for his safety. • Pete McCoy is visiting at the home of his patents. Mi ami Mrs D. McCoy • Mrs .1 l> Reynolds ami s m. went to Dunsmuir Wednesday spend Christmas with Mr Mrs Melvin Colllev • Mi and Mis Rich.ud Joy amt family and Miss Adena Joy of Oswego wen* Christmas guests of Mr and Mrs A C Joy Adena arrived Tuesday for a few days visit with her parents. • Marylyn Christln*b, a graduate from the University of Oregon. 1» spending the holidays with her parents, Mr and Mrs Ben Christ lieh She will go to Pendleton teach after the first of the year • Miss Helen Dunn, a .dudent the University of Washington Seattle, is spending two weeks with her parents, Mr and Mix Ed Dunn • Mr iml Mrs Karl Moore am son Micky from Salem nr lived Momlay for a visit with Kai Tn [larents, Mr and Mrs Homer Moore. • A large crowd attended the Christmas program nt the B.II- view school In which nil pupi'n tk part After the program the P-TA gave a bag of candv. fruit and nuts to each child Mr and Mrs Briggs furnished popcorn balls and Mr anil Mrs Metz gave candy cones to th«* entire crowd School will reopen Jan 5 LITHIA Friday, Saturday “HERE COMES MR. JORDAN” with 'oberi A'onttfomcrj and Evelyn Keyes ONE OF THE TEN BEST i l« i t bes "i i hi ' > tn “THE ROARING FRONTIER” with Bill Elliott and Tex Ritter Sunday, Monday TWO LATINS MANHATTAN” rues, and Wed. Mid-Week Special f < * -• school, is attending the holidays with her patents at Stayton • Ml and Mrs Rn\ I and family left Sunday for Paso H<>- bles. Calif to visit relatives • Mrs M Merriweather an . - - J