Friday, December 26, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT Fun for the Whole Family TRUCK PARTS i.«vy-duty Moturn, ixe In parti ‘.dien, tlrea. tiolata and u»«d trucka TRUCK WRF.4 KING COMPANY HhlS E Hawthorne Portland. Ora. RABBITS AND SKINS BIG TOP By ED WHEELAN THAT'S TMt SITUATION,'DAD'1 L JVJELL.MAL OFP HAND JO ' RtD' ADVISED t*\e TO TALK " 1 SAY MAKE ANOTHER THE MATTER OVER VJlTH YOU / PICTURE FOR THEM • VtoU < AMD GET YOUR OPINION • / AN' LAVRA ARE MIGHT/ YOUNG yeT! GET THE FAME AN' MONEY UMILE YOU CAN •• BUT,‘SHUCKS, FIRST I'D SEE IF * FAVORITE FILMS* WO m T RELEASE YOU FROM THAT ' MO MARRIAGE* CLAUSE IN VOUR CONTRACT I TAKE MV RATO HOLLYWOOD WlIU VOL) AN'^—^rC“----- ■x-------------* PUT THE ( XA CARPS / ON "WE ) , \ t'l.J FOR SALE ‘ MO CHICK SKOBTAOB! Now Hatching Weekly. Dubl-Dollar New Hampuhlre»—U 8. Certified Leghorn». Vaahon Island Co-op»»- stive Hatchery, Box 3, Vaahoa. Wl COCKER SPANIELS—Before buylnw that Xmaa puppy aee Jacobe Xca­ nela. M. Moaebnrr. Ora. CALL or WRITE FISHER BROS. COMPANY, Astoria, Oregon, far used Diesel and Gas Englnea. «1 jr >r TABLE • J OULTRT AND RABBITS WANTED Good white fryer rabbit aklnw («a to 90c per lb Write paatcard for price* and Information. Huby * Co.. 935 B. W. Front. Portland, Ora. ■ure bred Karakul Ewee. 1 to 4 yra old. »30.00 ea X. H. Mottlngham, Harria burg, Oregon. :<) A. Dairy Ranch. Equipped to aell city milk. 40 A. alfalfa Irrigated pasture. Moneymaker. O. B. Wee», Honte 3, Port Ange lea, Wash. By RUBE GOLDBERG Fear of Public Speaking Conquered by Home Study LALA PALOOZA —Vincent Take* a Walk By GENE BYRNES REG’LAR FELLERS—Merited Reward Iler Poise Awes Timid Speakers. \/f Y, ISN’T she brave!” thinks the timid soul when an ex­ perienced speaker shows no fear. But the experienced public speakers smile at this “bravery” idea. In order to be sure of your­ self, they say, you have only to learn to be sure of little details. And those you can practice at home. a a a Just stand up there, relaxed, nothing in 1 jour hands to distract you—and give! Our 32-page booklet tells how you can practice to develop an easy, charming speech tech­ nique. Tells how to prepare a speech, gives sample speeches, also rules of par­ liamentary procedure. Send your or­ der to: READER-HOME SERVICE 117 Minna St. San Francisco, Calif. Enclose 10 cents in coin for your copy of PUBLIC SPEAKING SELF- TAUGHT. Name ..................................................... Address ............................................. . More Raleigh Jingle» Beginning the middle of January, Raleigh Cigarettes will offer lib­ eral prizes in a big jingle contest to be run in this paper. One hun­ dred and thirty-three prizes will be awarded each week.—Adv. INDIGESTION By J. MILLAR WATT POP—Pop Hurt Hit Pride I'VE STILL GOT LQU . WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO PAY ME FOR IT ? IF >OU BURN MY LOW. I'LL HAVE THE LAW ON you I IF YOU DON T PAY I'LL PDRN THING/ Gu may excite the Heart action At the first sign of di.«tre«a smart men and womea depend on BeU-ana Tablets to set gas free. No laxa­ tive bat made of the fastest-acting medicines known ot KKAtnc hyperacidity. If the FIRST TRIAL doesn't prove Bell-ana better, return bottle to ua and receive DOUBLE Money Back. Sc. Profitable Book That is a good book which is opened with expectation and closed with a profit.—Alcott. ^Relieves distress from MONTHLY^ FEMALE WEAKNESS Lydia E. Pinkham's Compound Tablets »with added iron) not only help relieve cramps, headache, backache but also weak, cranky, nervous feelings—due to monthly functional disturbances. Taken regularly — Lydia Pink­ ham’s Tablets help build up resist­ ance against distress of "difficult days." They also help build up red ^blood. Follow label directions^ by Tb» KEEPING CLEAN MERCHANTS AHtu tor« tfWRi r*nw MÍS UM SCRUBBED MP Hit CLEAN CLOWS MO 1lllS HIM TbKTEP CLEAN UrtW. rtb ílMf f> 91ARÍ MB KMN 1t> LMH6 ROOM A n P 6115 * BOCK HOPS POWN OK ■fc REAP BOOK •Your Advertising Dollar T l COR CHAH6E BOOK EOR AH OÍHER buys something more than space and circulation in the columns of this news­ paper. It buys space and circulation plus the favor­ able consideration of our readers for this newspaper and its advertising patrons. (/ GLUYAS WILLIAMS By LANG ARMSTRONG ♦ "I don't know, Myrt, It kind* ihowi!" W MHIM-H UP5CÍ- Í1H6 HL51E BASKff MU'RM WER COUCH FOR EMPtV SPOOL. ON HIS WES (A tt u it i >y TX* t*n iyUmu I— » COUP PùtólBlV HAVE 60Í plRiV, HE'S ONW BEEN REAWN6 3 LET US TELL YOU MORE ABOUT IT