Friday, Dec. 26, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Governor Declares Stale ol Emergency MiiiiiHiiiiiim l*ICO( LAM YTION WHEREAS, u state of wai been declared to exist between United HtateH of America and I IRSI METHODIK! ( Ill IH H Japanese Empire; and ( or. N. Main amt Iunirei SI.. WHEREAN, the Oregon Nation Dr. George W. Bruce, Miniali r al Guard is in active Federal ser u'"1 Sunday church hc I kmi I undei WHEREAS, it therefore be­ silpei ml cndeni y of Allen O Ml' of comes my duty as f'hief Exrcu < Jee. live ami Commander-In-Chief of Morning sermon at 11 < the military forces of the State of subject, The Web ot Lite" Year) i he adult choir will lend Oregon to take such steps as may the song sei vice and offer n New be necessary to safeguard the Ilves and property of the citizens Year anlhein Wesley ix-ague and Methodist of Oregon; and WHEREAS, provision must be Youth Fellowship meet foi woi- made for fixing responsibility for ship at 8:1ft p. m Evening sermon at 7 30 on sub the coordination and the direction ject, "Managing One's Self'• 1 The of the efforts of the military es­ young ix'opie's choir will sing : an tablishment: law enforcement ma­ chinery, and volunteer civilian de­ anthem Prayer meeting at 7:30 p III fense organizations; NOW, THEREFORE, I, CHAR Wednesday LES A SPRAGUE, under the au­ thority vested in me as Governor NEIGIIBORIKMrD ( ONGIlEt* \ of the Stat«- of Oregon and Direct­ 1IONAI. I III III II or of Civilian Defense, declare an Boulevard unii .Mortori streeti» unlimited emergency to exist and < I.IK IIK- i . Mi < llll, XIlllINtcr (1) Authorize and direct the Hi blu sebool 9.45 u ni , Mrs. voluntary enrollment of a State 'liliMl V EPIK( OPAL ( HUKCH Glcn Pivscolt superintendent Guard pursuant to the provisions Dr. Claude E. Kuyrr, Vicar I Worship scrvice il «»'clock Sub- of Chapter 91, Oregon I jiwh 1941, Holy Cnununion H a ni jecl f thè church lo wlnch all friend» of all regular peace and other law day there will be a New Year's are invitcd. enforcement officers of this state service at 9 a m In all matters and respects touch­ You are cordially Invited to FIRST I’KEMK YTERI AN ing the needs and measures for worship with ux ( III IK II state arid civilian defense in coop­ i • Howard (». Eddy, Minister eration with the armed forces of I REE METHODIST ( III l(( II Bible achool at 9 45 a. m . Wirt the United States; East .Main Ntreet 13) Authorize the State Defense M Wright, superintendent John K. Poet, Pastor "What to do in ’42" will be the Coordinator to direct and complete Sunday school at 1» 45 a 111 hour Tile 1942 Yeat Text will be the voluntary civilian defense or­ Bernier Beare, superintendent ill piesenteil al that lime Special ganizations of this state and to charge expedite the enrollment and train­ music. Morning worship at 11 o'clock High school <'Illistian Endeavor ing of personnel for civilian pro­ Junior meeting and Young Peo­ sei mon subject ill the morning tection services. ple's meeting at 0 45 p. m Even­ meets at U 15 p m (4) I hereby enjoin the people ing worship at 7:30 p m. Evening service at 7 30 o'clock to comply promptly with direc­ Mid-week prayer meeting Wed­ presenting another pen [»ortialt of tions of duly constituted military j nesday evening at 7:30 p. rn. Jesus' Friends a Matter-of fact and civil authorities, You arc w< Icome to ail services Man IN WITNESS WHEREOF I You will find a cordial welcome have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the State of FIRST BAPTIST ( III IK II in this friendly church. Oregon to be affixed. J. R. Turnbull, Minister ANNA 4 1.1/ \Bi.I H II VlK.IKiV t. Done in the City of Salem this Bible school 9:45 II in. Classes Funeral sei vices for Miss Antia eighth day of December, in the for all ages Elizabeth Hargrove, prominent year of our Lord, nineteen hun­ Worship at Ila in Ashland resident foi many years, dred and forty-one. Wednesday, 7:30 p m , prayer, praise and Bible study ■ SO p in . who died Dec 18. were held Sat- (Signed) Charles A. Sprague. iinlay afternoon at the J P. Dodge Personal workers' study class A Sons Funeral chajH-l with Rev (J W Bruce in charge Interment FULL GOSPEL TEMPLE was at the Ashland cemetery. E. Main and Siskiyou Hlxd. Survivors include her sisters. County Assessor C. A. Myers L P. Furman, Pastor Mis Ida M Neil and Mr». Sarah i issued a statement last week ex­ i and a niece, Mu T E Goodwin, .Sunday school 9 45 ». m. H Simpson of Ashland and a plaining important changes result­ Morning worship 11 o'clock niece and two nephews in the east. ing from the new tax law Fol­ lowing are some of the items of C. A service 8:45 ‘Sunday eve­ • information the assessor felt ning Evangelistic service to fol­ M \MIE ( I LBERTSON would be of interest to the public: low al 7 30 o'clock. Funeral serviccs for Mr» Mil Under the old law th«- assess- ' C. A service and choir practice mi» Culla»lawn were held f rom merit date was March 1. The first 7 30 Tuesday evening the lutwiller Funeral home Muo­ payment of taxes on this a-ssess- Bible study and prayer meeting day morning, with Rev Bertrand rnent was due the 15th of the fol- t' jo Friday < venmg Peterson officiating Interment I Everybody is , <,nllnl)y invitcd was in the Mountain View ceine- lowing March. The budgets the various taxing districts, o all services. cept schools, were made for calendar year, Jan 1 to Dec. of the year in which the tax collected 5c Extra for Panchromatic Dev. and Frinirti In changing the date of the be­ K or 5 fa, Koll« Double Sire ?5c ginning of the fiscal year from Jan. 1 to July 1, the state, county ALL FINE GRAIN DEY ELOl’ING. GUARANTEED WORK and cities will only levy a half1 Reprint« 2c Deckle edge or plain, double site, 3e year tax. Most school districts al­ 35 mm. 3« ex. Dev. A Printed, 3x4 prints, 95c roll. ready being on a fiscal year basis Mend till» ad with your order and we will send a miniature of practically from July 1 to June frame free. Mail films to 30 of the following year, will levy 1 for a full year. Ashland school ECONOMY PHOTO FINISHERS district levy is for a half year BOX 157«, ST A. D, LOS ANGELES, CALIF. only and while a few of the other J districts have reduced their levies otheis have voted an increase that will more than offset the reduction •e- e w e1 ‘«e e w ->• w - e «- in the county levy. This tax will < be payable one-half March 15, < 1942, and one-half June 15, 1942, < > with a discount of one percent if < paid in full by March 15. < The new law changes the as­ An International Daily Nruo[>al>er > sessment date from March 1 to O Illi CHRISTIAN M'li.SI i ft Bl IMIING S«X It IV < On*. Norway Street, Borton, Maaachioelti Jan. 1, beginning with 1942 with ■ < the first payment of taxes on this 1 Truthful—CorutruHive—llnbiuM-d—Irre front Senritional- < iun — Editorial« Are Timely and Indrtu live, und It« Daily assessment Nov. 15, 1942, with a Features, Together with the Weekly Magazine Section, Make discount of 3 percent if paid at < > the Monitor an Ideal Newspaper for the Home. this date, other payments will be < ■ due Feb 15, May 15 and Aug. 15 1 Price >12 00 Yearly, or > I 00 a Month. < > of the following year. Saturday l««ue, including Magazine Section, >2.60 a Year. < This law also provides for each Introductory Offer, 6 I««ue> 25 Canu. ■ taxpayer to make out his own < Obtainable at: > personal tax return and either < mail or bring it to the assessor's < office before March 1. The neces­ < sary blanks for this return with < instructions for filling out same < will be mailed to all personal tax N. payers about Jan. 1. Asessor Tells of l ax Collection Laws The World’s News Seen Through T he C hristian S cience M onitor Christian Science Reading Room Pioneer Avenue Ashland, Oregon Page 5 Lakeview Air Base Lacks Official Nod Repin ts that Lakeview had been tentatively selected as an air base site are as yet unfounded, accord­ ing to a teiegram recently receiv­ ed by the Examiner from Con­ gressman Walter M Pierce The announcement was carried in metropolitan papers last week that 10 Oregon sites had been ap­ proved and that an appropriation iri excess of $4.000,000 had been granted for their construction. According to Congressman Pierce, the tentative list was er­ roneously released and that the outcome of the pending bill au­ thorizing the bases was uncertain. In view of war conditions, how­ ever, huge expansion of air base facilities is expected. Lake Coun­ ty Examiner • AL HOPKINS Funeral services for Al Hopkins, , pionneer resident who died ■c. 19, were held Monday after- noon at the Litwiller Funeral FARMERS GATHER S( KAP home chape) with Rev. James Ed­ IRON I OR DEI ENKE I SE gar in charge Interment was in Fred Homes of Bellview, chair- ' i the Hill cemetery. He is survived by the following man of the local agricultural de-1 children: Elmer, Vernon and Mrs fense board, reports considerable May Rowley of Ashland: Mrs R activity of the board in handling V. Close and Mrs. Thomas Edsell of scrap iron collected and sold 1 of Medford, and Mrs. W. A. Eves of Toppenish. Wash. by farmers. —♦----- - — Arrangements have been made | Blessed are the peacemakers: for a central marketing place where farmers rnay take their old for they shall be called the chil­ Matthew 5:9 machinery and scrap metal for | dren of God Not to avenge one’s self upon sale Those interested are urged 1 one » enemies, is the command of to contact the chairman. « a mighty wisdom; and we take • this to be a safer guide than the EXAMINER COMING promptings of human nature. A traveling examiner of operat­ Mary Baker Eddy. ors and chauffeurs will be in Ash­ ». noever has destroyed a single land Friday, Jan 2 1942, and will prejudice is a benefactor of the be on duty at the city hall be­ human race. Chamfort. tween the hours of 1 p m and 5 This world can never be made p m All those wishing permits or right by force, nor by fear, nor licenses to drive cars are asked to by power. In the long run nothing get in touch with the examiner conquers but ideas nothing gov­ during these hour» erns but the " ” Spirit I^eacock Speak, move, act in peace, as if “FOK RENT" you were in prayer. In truth, this Miner office. is prayer Fenelon Y’es, S. Claus is pretty good at joining old friends and relatives and the Oak Street Garage and Machine Shop also has a specialty—As the year-around welding head- quarters for ranchers, farmers, tractor and truck operat­ ors—because our welds HOLD! OAK STREET GARAGE and MACHINE SHOP "We lmllil build Storage Tanks" AUTOMOBILE - FIKE CASUALTY - LIFE I N S U R PHONE 4586 N C E Oe|H-ndat>l>- Protection at Keasoimble Katen M. T. BURNS ON THE PLAZA Your Favorite Magazine with the SOUTHERN OREGON MINER at Unbelievable Savings! ('hoice of — Ladies’ Home Journal McCall’s Magazine Pathfinder (Meekly) W oman’s Home Companion Modern Romances Photoplay—Movie Mirror True Confessions Magazine Subs... $1.00 Miner Subs............ $1.50 Total »2J0 value $2.50 §1.50 ▲ < 'hoice of — Collier’s Liberty Magazine Look (26 issues) Parent’s Magazine Saturday Evening Post Magazine Subs..... $2.00 Miner Subs............ $1.50 Total $3.50 value $3.50 $2.25 Magazine Subs. ....$2.50 Miner Subs............$1.50 American Magazine Cosmopolitan Good Housekeeping Popular Mechanics Red Book Magazine Total $4.00 value $4.00 $2.50 TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE SAVINGS NOM ! PRICES ARE GOOD FOR BOTH RENEWALS OR NEM SI BSCR1P- TIONS. INQUIRE AT THE MINER OFFICE FOR OTHER MONEY-SAVING COMBINATIONS! for keeps, too! 07 OAK STREET, ASHLAND Bids requested last week by the J Ashland school board for repair i and remodeling of the Washington school building will be opened at 7 o' clock tonight at the high achool building. The bid» are to be according to specification» drawn up by Archi­ tect Howard Perrin of Klan ath Falls • NAVY ENLISTS «2 A report from the naval re- cruiting station in Medford re- veals that 42 men of Jackson and Josephine counties were enlisted in the navy during the first two weeks of the war. FOR A NEW YEAR OF READING PLEASURE ( hoice of--- CHRISTMAS WELDS MANY GOOD FRIENDSHIPS! WASHINGTON SCHtMll. Bills TO KE OPENED Read the Southern Oregon Miner Complete coverage of local hapiieningu each week and new» from the communi­ ties of Bellview, llilt and Talent. Aino current new» picture», comics, fic­ tion and many other feature». SPECIAL SUBSCRIPTION OFFER Enclosed find $................ for one year’s subscription to the SOUTHERN OREGON MINER (sew or renewal ) and one year’s subscription to (maguzine choice) Name Address (new....... renewal