Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, December 26, 1941, Page 2, Image 2

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    Friday, Decomber 26, 1941
Page 2
Adaman Club Greets
New Year on Summit
Of Lofty Pikes Peak
Battle Stations on Pacific Front
While most people will be cele­
brating New Year’s in comfortably
warm homes, theaters and other
ampsement places, a small group of
Washington has changed over­ men will be battling bitter cold and
Washington was a boom high snow drifts us they climb to the
town one week; next week it was a top of Pike's peak.
Every year at the stroke of mid­
war town. The change is partly a
matter of visible things, partly night on New Year's eve members
things that are felt without being of the Adaman club set off a huge
. . . Khaki-clad soldiers, with display of fireworks from the sum-
and bayonets, patroling two mit of Pike's peak, The mercury
(Consolidated Feature»--WNU Service.)
has fallen as low as 40 degrees be-
abreast between the White House
XJEW YORK —Admiral Claude C
and the state department . . . Dark­ I low zero during the nine-mile climb,
Bloch, commander of the naval
ness over the Capitol dome, where and the wind blows relentlessly atop
district at Hawaii, has been known
the 14.110-foot peak
searchlights are blacked out. for the
as the "Jack Dempsey of the Navy”
Early in the afternoon of Decem­
. . A jam of volunteers
because of
ber 31 the hardy group will leave
U. S. Adm. Bloch his repeated for Civilian Defense . . . New flags ’ Colorado Springs. They will ride in
delivered at Civilian Defense head­
Experienced Goal and V e h e- quarters, two for LaGuardia's car, automobiles as far as Manitou
Springs which is located at the base
Keeper at Wicket ment
two for Mrs. Roosevelt’s car. six for
ence on the
of the peak. Their ride ends here,
importance of "beating the enemy
and they begin their long climb.
of German correspondent Kurt Sell
to the punch.” He made a remark
At first the climb is easy, but
is raided at night and Sell is taken
to that general effect when he was
after the Half Way House is passed
into custody by FBI.
urging the thorough fortification of
the climbing becomes extremely dif­
Though the department of com­ ficult. Snow drifts are more than
Guam, early last year.
Things didn't work out that way, merce deals with such innocuous 20 feet deep in places, and the in­
the subjects as census figures, its great cessant north wind whips the snow
"punch.” behind diplomatic shadow steel doors are locked, and guards particles with great force.
boxing, but that couldn't be charged demand credentials at the main en­
In addition to a food supply, each
up to the admiral. Any government trance . . . Women fliers of Ameri­ man carries his share of the fire­
adhering to the forms of interna­ ca call a hurried meeting to speed works. The trip is a gruelling test
tional law and order is at a disad­ up plans for training ... An extra of endurance and strength. But the
vantage in the prevailing interna­ detail of police strolls on the south men really enjoy it.
tional anarchy.
But Washington grounds of the White House, last
Above map shows strategic points in the naval and aerial war now being waged between the U. .*4.
can't say that the ruddy, desk­ trampled by egg - rolling Easter
and Japan in the Pacific.
thumping old admiral. 42 years out crowds.
In his press conference, the Presi­
of Annapolis, didn't give it ample
warning He has long been a vigor­ dent’s voice is so grave and low that
ous advocate of widely based naval a newsman calls out, "Louder,
preparedness in the Pacific and please” . . . Four plainclothesmen,
readiness to strike at the first gong. in two cars, sit parked all day on
No one knows what the year 1942
Waterside drive, where the bank
He is a Kentuckian, as thor­
rises sharply on the back garden of will bring, but ’42 exactly 100 years
oughly schooled in our high-seas
the Japanese embassy . . . Even ago was a relatively quiet one for
workouts of the last few decades
Falla, the President’s Scottie, feels the United States.
as any man in the navy, en­
In that year the national debt
the change, for the White House
tered in all of them and repeat­
guards have less time to play with reached the high level of more than
edly decorated.
He won the
La grippe (influenza)
him. and he curls up disconsolate in $13.594.000.
specially meritorious Medal of
throughout the coun­
the Spanish • American War,
try. This year also saw Charles
President’s office.
when, as a young ensign in the
Dickens visit the United States, and
• • •
Battle of Santiago, he rescued
Horatio Greenough statue of
Spaniards from Cervera’s burn­
General George Washington was
ing ships.
His other medals
Last summer Congressman Martin placed in the federal Capitol.
came from the Philippine and
Dies had investigators make a thor­
Other events of national impor­
Cuban campaigns, the Boxer re­
ough survey of Japanese activities tance which occurred exactly one
bellion and the World war, the
along the West coast. The results century ago follow:
last being the Victory medal,
eventually were suppressed by the
March 31—Henry Clay of Ken­
and with it went the Navy Cross,
state department and the President tucky resigns from the U. S senate
for running transports through
himself, but a brief summary of
May 2—Col. John C. Fremont
the blockaded section around
i them indicates that some parts of commenced an exploring expedition
France and England.
the United States face a dangerous to the Rocky mountains.
He has been chief of the bureau problem when it comes to fifth col­
June 29—President Tyler vetoes
of ordnance, a gunnery officer, com­ umn activity.
the tariff bill.
mander of many ships, a budget of­
Hitler had many agents planted
August 9—Maine boundary estab­
ficer, judge advocate general, en­ through Norway, France and the lished by the Webster-Ashburn
gaged in training activities, and Low Countries when he attacked, treaty between the United States
commandant of the Washington but the Japanese, according to the and England.
Navy yard. He became command­ Dies report, start out with 150.000
August 30—President Tyler siens
er of the battle force, with the rank . of their countrymen in the United the tariff bill.
of admiral, in 1937. From 1928 to States. These are all Japanese citi­
September 29—Order of the Sons
1940, he was commander in chief zens. and do not include 50,000 sec­ of Temperance organized in New
With the U. 8. and Japan fighting so close to home, maneuvers of I.os Angeles Women's Ambulance and
of the U. S. fleet, and was assigned ond generation Japanese born in the York.
Defense corps turned into a public morale-building review. At left you see a demonstration of a gas mask
to command of the Hawaii district United States. The Dies report
drill, and rescue of a victim during a mock gas attack. Picture at right shows an anti-aircraft gun crew.
in the latter years. He's a naval shows that 200 key Japanese have
officer’s officer, with a high repu­ been decorated by the emperor dur­
tation for strategic and technical ing the past two years and that
many Japanese are in close co-op­
eration with the homeland through
HIS onlooker, meeting quite a the Central Japanese association
few explorers in various parts of which has been directed by consu­
The year 1942 would ordinarily be
the world, has noted in them, al­ lates in California.
one marked by a great observance
most invariably, a good sense of
Dies agents have collected photo­
of some sort for the achievement of
, drama and
No Showmanship an instinct graphs of various Japanese truck Christopher Columbus in 1492.
gardens operated alongside oil tanks
In Makeup of This ll>r s h o w- and strategic railroads. Also they 1942 rounds out 450 years since
discovery of America.
Woman Explorer
report 5,000 Japanese residing on
In 1892. on the occasion of
terminal islands in Los Angeles har­ four hundredth anniversary,
A. Boyd, just now cited by the
bor, where are located strategic oil Chicago fair, one of the most
Washington Bureau of Standards for
tanks. Reeves field and a shipbuild­ nowned in the world, took place.
her scientific work on her last Arc­
ing company. Oil storage tanks But for World War II, 1942 would
tic expedition, is lacking in these
blown up in the harbors would en­ have brought about another signif­
attributes. She rounds out 17 years
danger all of the Los Angeles area. icant celebration.
of Arctic exploring with never a
The most reyealing documents
Even as it is, there is some talk
tale of a close brush with death, and
seized by Dies' agents are maps, of paying due honor to the great
never anybody drawing lots to see
showing all the U. S. strategic points navigator who, in 1492 like the
who would shoot himself when they
and fortifications, and a naval man­ world we know in the dawn of 1942.
were down to the last kilo of pem-
ual showing the size of all Ameri­ also had his "darkest hour” before
can naval vessels.
the light burst on a new world.
She does a lot
The naval manual, published in
Joaquin Miller wrote of this hour
strictly scientific assumptions of
Arctic exploration and to disprove 1941. is so up to date that it even in Columbus’ life—and it could be
the tradition that women are gar- shows latest models of U. S. mos­ symbolic of the arrival and hopes
When she popped off 29 quito boats together with the Presi­ of the year 1942. The poetry fol­
polar bears in 1926. it was only by dential yacht Potomac and the plan lows:
accident that the news leaked out of U. S. airplane carriers. The lo­ Then pale and wan he kept the deck
And peered through darkness
through other members of her ex­ cation of guns, engine room, etc., Ah,
that night, of all dark nights
pedition. Her log is never like that is indicated alongside the photo­ And then a light—a light.
of Henry Hudson which spotted up
a lot of mermaids and sea demons taken Japanese agents months or It grew, a starlet flag unfurled
It grew time’s burst of dawn—
years to collect this data.
around Spitzbergen.
He gained—a world.
He gave that world its grandest lesson
A recent portrait of Dr. A. W. L.
She is back from her sixteenth
On—and on I
Tjarda Van Htarkenborgh Htachan-
trip up north on C'apt. Bob Bart­
Another Japanese map seized by
View of Guam, our lonely Island outpost In the Pacific, which has wrr, governor-general of the Neth­
lett's stout little schooner, the
Dies’ agents is revealing in the ex
been attacked and reported taken by Japanese military and naval forces. erlands East Indies. With the Jap­
For 17 years
Effie Morrisey,
treme. It shows the layout of the
Guam Is regarded as the key American Pacific outpost. At the upper anese move into Thailand, Nether­
she has been commuting up to
fleet in a typical battle
left is the Pan American Airways terminal.
lands East Indic* are threatened.
the icebergs every summer—
formation near Hawaii. U. S. naval
Although the United States leads
farther north than any other
officers confirm the fact that the the world in many ways, it is about
white woman ever went. This
map correctly shows past naval ma­ sixth rate in the eyes of Father
writer frequently has seen the
Time. He brings the new year first
imposing old Victorian Boyd
The documents show the details of to Australia, Asia, Africa, Europe
home in San Rafael, Calif., be­
Pearl Harbor, the Panama canal, and most of South America before
hind tall privet hedges, whence
San Francisco, Manila, Guam and he finally gets around to this coun­
came the smart, comely young
girl, to buck a frozen wilder­
mal crusing radius of the U. S. fleel people of California must be satis­
ness, get decorations from two
out of Honolulu, together with the fied with 1941 before they receive
former governments, special
normal location of airplane carriers, the fresh new year of 1942.
and unique recognition from the
cruising battleships, scouts and aux­
When the new year is born it
National Geographic society, and
transports. Maps also show will be 7 a. m., December 31, in
have "Louise Boyd Land” spot­
the whereabouts of submarine ca­ our eastern cities; 6 a. m.
ted up on government maps,
bles, mines, channels, wireless sta­ central time zone; 5 a. m.
where the De Geer glacier used
tions, Japanese consulates and air mountain zone; and 4 a. m.
to be.
bases all along the West coast.
Pacific coast states.
Ship news reporters find her un­
• • •
communicative, coming and going,
Early Scots Used Bible
and her reports go through official
For Glimpse Into Future
scientific channels. En route to the <L It was significant that Japanese
A glimpse into the future was be­
Far North, she usually arrives in struck first not at the Philippines,
New York with a car, chauffeur and which is armed to the teeth with lieved possible by the early Scots
She quietly sidetracks silly heavy bombers, but at Hawaii. Ha­ who turned to their Bibles on New
questions about whether she pow­ waii had sent its best war planes Year’s day.
The sacred book was laid upon
ders her nose in a gale.
on to the Philippines ... If the
This writer was once in some re­ navy had read the newspapers it the table, opened at random and a
finger was placed on the printed
mote regions of the Darien country. might have been better prepared.
page. The entire chapter was then
Later interviewing a gabby explorer
C, Constantine Brown, foreign affairs
Elevated positions permit guards to give better protection to General
Maj. Gen. John F. Curry, who lias
read, and the message it held was
who had just returned from there,
Electric’s plant at Schenectady, N. Y. There are several guard houses been named national commander of
he conceived a distrust for ground- expert of the Washington Star, pre­ then believed to describe in some
such as this one. They are being built hurriedly to prevent sabotage, the Civil Air patrol, lie will seek
and-lofty travelers' tales which made dicted war with Japan 10 days in way the happiness or misery in store
advance and named Sunday. De­ for the person adhering to the prac­ now that America Is at war with Japan. Atop each guardhouse will be enlistment of 90,000 licensed pilota
Miss Boyd his favorite explorer.
a powerful searchlight, with armed guards Inside.
and 90,000 student pilots.
cember 7, as the starting date.
U. S. Had Quiet
Year During "42
Coin minis Achieved
'Greatest Discovery"
Just 450 Years Ago
of Guam,
East I ut I ics
U. S. Only Sixth Rate
In Father Time’s Eyes
Guarding America's Industries
Patrol Chief