Page 8 Friday, Dec. 19, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER 1 LITHIA 1847 ROGERS BROS. Today & Saturday Give the Bride ■ * 2 - BIG HITS - ' "Sterling Craftsmanship" that look« so amazingly like solid silver — in the newest and handsomest of all chests. Jewels for her table 'lie ’ll always adore 2 THEY'RE BACK! w aerve o • - NEWS FKO.M ------ also “THUNDER OVER THE PRAIRIE’’ «2.45 w Illi FOR TOP OF STOYE I SE Tea Pots (Flame ware) Sauce Pans (Flameware) I Qt. 1'4 Qt. 2 Qt. Double Boiler (Flameware) 1 Qt. 2 Qt. • Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Estes re­ $1.75 turned home Sunday from a two By SCHOOL PUPILS $1.65 weeks visit to Crescent City, Calif, The children of Room 3 wrote © and Oakland. Ore. SI.95 • Mr. and Mrs C. C. Collins of these Christmas poems: W $?.'!5 Medford visited friends in Talent Hurrah for Santa, jolly and fat, JK Sunday. Here he cornea with a bright red © $3.15 hat 1 * • The Community club held its $3.95 annual Christmas party at the Down the chimney he comes ker- ft All Pyrex ware guurnntced for a period of two years city hall Wednesday. Each mem­ plop. uguinst breakage by heat. ber exchanged a small gift not Then up he jumps with a great S exceeding 10 cents. big hop. 1 “ Be a better cook with pyrex ware . . . Bake, 1 1 1 • The Talent fire department was It was the night before Christmas. Serve and store in the same dish called out early Tuesday morning to the home of Harvey Walters There was not a sound in the house. | It was a small fire and soon ex- . tinguished with chemicals. Outside When down the chimney | a smoked kitchen, very little dam­ Came Santa in his best red blouse. And brought me a toy that looked age was done. like a mouse. • Mrs. Clarence Homes of Ash­ 1 tf V V V land called on her father, Mr. I.1 Lamb, and sister and brother-in- Christmas time brings lots of fun. law, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Estes, If Santa has his work all done; CHANGE Allis DEFENSE Then he brings lots of toys Sunday. At a meeting of Bellview grange For all the good little girls and • Considerable anxiety is felt by WATCH REPAIRING Tuesday evening several moves boys. Mr. and Mrs. W’ill Bates, whose, were made toward closer coopera­ son Royal and family recently. Expert Swim« and American Mr. Otto Wilda and Mr Robert tion with local civilian defense ef­ moved to Honolulu where Mr. watch repairing. Stair wuith helped some of the fourth forts. The grange hall is to be do­ • Bates is a government employe , Sage ■ timed ami n-gulated I- HEE on nated one day a week for first grade boys and girls make a Na ­ Another from here who is in the 1 our Electric Time Mlchromrtrr war zone is Roily Niswonger, son tivity scene for the lower hall of aid classes which will be open to of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Niswonger. Lincoln school. The figures of the grangers, club women and P-TA RAMSEY’S JEWELRY members and it also was voted • Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Olsen left Christ Child, Mary, Joseph, the to prepare means of blacking out wise men, angel, shepherds and STORE Tuesday for Wakefield. Kan to the hall in order that it might be visit their parents and many animals were made of clay and available Swedenburg Bldg. Ashland for emergency use painted in bright colors The city other relatives. J 'MWWStfWSemMWmmMS. of " Bethlehem can ------------- be seen ..I in the - •------- —---- • Mrs. J. J. Tryon, accompanied | distance. The modern battleship of the by her sister, Mrs. Wallace Glover Richard Hall and Neomah United States navy compares in and niece, Mrs Lucille Kane, re­ turned from Portland Thursday Baugh are absent from the third evening to assist Mrs. Tryon in grade. The children of the third grade closing out her store and house­ I hold goods. Mr. and Mrs. Selby of made booklets, plaques and cards skyscraper In Chicago, Philadel­ An Idaho have purchased the store for Christmas gifts for their phia. Pittsburgh, Cincinnati. De­ troit or Baltimore ( nbealahle operated by Mr. and Mrs Tryon. mothers. Mr. Tryon recently passed away. The Selbys are experienced in the meat and grocery business. They i plan on a complete overhauling and reconditioning before reopen­ ing the store to the public. Mrs. Tryon will make her home in Un­ Try Our Milk ami ('ream derwood. Wash, with' her sister Large Modeling Clay Sets AN ASHLAND PKOIH'CT and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Glover, and will be sadly missed by her many friends and Table Tennis Sets neighbors. They left for that place Wednesday morning. * Basketball with nets • Fred Lyons received word Mon­ day that his mother at Los An­ geles had passed away. Rotary Printing Press Phom- «732 • Mrs. Leia Klimek is spending a few days in San Francisco where w. Make-It Toy her husband is employed in the ship yards. • Mrs. Doris Ensele of Wagner Pot o’ Gold Game Creek left Saturday for San Di­ ego where she will join her hus­ band who is being transferred from the east coast to San Diego. Mr. Ensele is connected with the air branch of the U. S. navy. You save with Green Stamps • Mrs. Anna Dickey left Thurs­ day for Jacksonville to spend the holidays with her sister and family. • Talent basketball team plays Phoenix the first conference game "On the Plaza" at Talent. The Talent drill team will perform. • Harvey Thayer and Harvey Maxon left last week for Seattle where they will be employed in the Boeing aircraft factory. Lincoln School and June Clyde 79c Blue Flume Percolator with 6 Blut* Flamen art* (lips Tone in 1847 Rogers Bros “Si .er Theater" Every SufTFTlri with Eddie Foy Pie Pinte, Measuring Cup, <1 (ostarli Cups, wire rack serol«* with Utility Pie I’late Lid und «i û» 4 custard cupw «Jz -A Jewelry Store TALENT NEWS “COUNTRY FAIR” 15c Measuring ('ups 20c, 25c I’ie Plates 35c Cake Plates 50c, 65c Utility Dishes 15c, 65c Loaf Pans 75c 59c, 65c, Casseroles 59c Custard ('ups (6) and rack ECONOMI SET MATCHED SET Ti|X |ni.hl(lcle Protection nt ICeaMoimble liatea M. T. BURNS , ON THE PLAZA S JUST ARRIVED! LOADS OF CHRISTMAS CANDIES! with Eleanor Powell and g 'A % J. V. W. 5 & 10 <1 An All-Star Cast •1 I 3 at WESTERN AUTO Dr. L. W. Stuffers DENTIST Hoars 9-12 and 1-5 Medical Bldg. Phone 5211 Dry Blox and Slabs Gunter Fuel Co. 42 Helman ONE GUESS Our New Comprehen­ sive Personal Liability Policy Provides the Broadest Per­ sonal and Family Liability Protection Available, includ­ ing Automobile -one policy, one premium, one low cost. See us for details. Billings Agency I REAI. ESTATE and REAL INSURANCE Phone 8751 ... 41 East Main ■ - from A. C. Nlninger Gene Hopper Ben Anderson Dick Huber Bill Gelling . . . ih as good as another— you can’t tell what kind of an accident will irefall your car! Play safe—insure against all possible risks so you can’t lose financially. Let us explain how it can he done: Your own car, your liability to the other fellow, protec­ tion of yourself and the oc­ cupants of your car. > Dial 5751 syar/nna - . - J. F. Emmett 74 N, Main — Phone 7231 Ashland, Oregon y Don’t forget those two big Swift Premium Hams to be given away absolutely FREE at 7:30 Wednesday night, Dec. 24 Last chance for Western Auto low prices Toys and other Christmas Goods Auto Accessories Radius Bicycles Refrigerators Camp Goods Sports Goods Electric Appliances Tree Ornaments ('ar Radios Tires Dolls Heaters Electric Trains Washing Machines Fishing Tackle Tricycles Gaines, Toys Wagons 5 I I *• I § I These are only a lew items of our Complete Christmas Stock (iifts to please everyone priced to please you! WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY CO .1. G. MAI HIE Authorized Denier V « £