Friday, Decomber 19, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 7 pHE’SUNNY SIDE OF LIFEj I CLASSIFIED If DEPARTMENT iMiHHLu-U/ajTIÏI 1 Clean Comics That Will Amuse Both Old and Young BIG TOP j By ED WHEELAN Heavy-fluty Motor» aiela parts bodies, tire*, holata and used trucks. TRUCK WRECKING COMPANY 10tb & M K Hawthorne Portland, Ora, RABBITS AND SKINS POULTRY AND RABBITS WANTED Good white fryer rabbit «kina tiOn to 90c p**r lb. Write pout card for prlc»*« and Information. Ruby Ai Co., 935 ■. W. Front, Portland, Oro. FILM DEVELOPING-“ PICTURES frrTO kodak films on Ibautiful Chrlztman Greeting card* with envelope, to match, Si 00 per dozen. 8>-n4 bucks a day By J. MILLAR WATT POP—Come Aero««, Mi»ter To toast huts, sprinkle them in thin layer in shallow pan. Heat slowly and cook until nuts are light brown in color, stir frequent­ ly with fork. • • • Dry atmosphere and high tem­ perature are the two biggest dif­ ficulties in growing house plants. Unless you have a good heating system, which gives you air- conditioning, it’s necessary to put evaporating pans on the radiators to increase the humidity in the house, so that plants will do their best. Put health in eveiy lunch box! WITH THESE GRAND EATING ORANGES At the Guest-Room Best for Juice Door 111 lbiEHsMf«* or 6UÍSfS’ ROOM FOR AlW SIAM if WR afflHb UP VET RfPORIA N It'll» WMlS- Pf R 16 WIFE nW IS MUíWó KXVH5ÍAIRS, AHXIOÜS «RUE «REAAFASÍ •rtRWPtS ¿0NFtR£X¿I Wl* A lOUt» SIHi-H, HE 1MWRS HE HEARS WM, AND UPTUSt» "KlR POOR IftTbb, AHD REPORTS BACK HE ¿Alti HEAR A üti’tó UOW.tT MVSFHAlF BUS T he sham flawhó California Navels are the perfect oranges for lunch boxes, recipes and between- meals or bedtime eating. They are ¡ttdltu. Peel in a jiffy. Divide easily into firm, juicy sections! Their juice is richer in fla­ vor. It has more vitamins C and A, and calcium, mtrt htaltb in every glass. Those stamped “Sunkist” are the finest from 14,000 cooperating growers. SEEDLESS I LANG ARMSTRONG ¿OHPROMI5B W PA- ftUOWi AR6UHEHT WMfH» COUWItRS All Of ■ItKLLIlfe »JAU.C0Ü4H-. MEH »*rfiN6 FOR HALF » WWE 1HEM. LET THEM ffiEAS BYKCLARIN6 „ _ _ _ ruoli 1W inni HE'S nt > HUHMT nveeicf nt ¡win, neu AH HOUR FOR FAMILY 1Ó SlEEP N® WAIT BRFAKFAStj FLATLY HUH “ INBNtmY.N HOPES RbR 1kEM, US 5« DOWN ' ’ W> Wft SOHtftW WltHoUfUCM ■ÙEM'RWÌHOW “O. K. then, if yon Insist, heads you finish him off!" 6UÍM» lUlu «fW iPfA 6EÍ OUT'OF lhf HAU, Wf If* flMftlCit'UP SO ¿AN SUP Di­ 'ti BATHROOM Sunkist California Navel Oranges