Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, December 19, 1941, Page 2, Image 2

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    Personal Touch
Friday, Decembor 19, 1941
Page 2
Bratling President’s War Message
r fx. (X fv.fv.D. r. (t.fv. p. r.fv* n* r* a *
Defenders of Malaya
; A General Quiz
(A. <V. (As <X. (V. fb. (A. (N. (V. (X. fX.
(V- (K. ft. ft. ft. <X.
The Queitiona
Washington. II. C.
With American industries crying
for war materials, the government
has finally got around to seizing a
giant horde of semi-manufactured
war materials originally intended
for the conquered countries.
Tons upon tons of steel bars, steel
rods, steel sheets, ship plates, tin
plate, copper wire were ordered by
Poland, Czechoslovakia. Holland
and Belgium, some of it three years
•go. It has been in warehouses and
idle freight cars ever since, despite
the scarcity of raw materials and
despite the fact that some indus­
Instead of sending her pres­ tries are even closing for lack of
ents through the mails, this them.
young lady prefers to deliver
Why this horde of priceless ma­
them herself. It adds a personal terial remained untouched for so
touch that is greatly appreciated long is a mystery. But the secret
is first, government red tape and
by friends on Christmas day.
bureaucracy; second, the fact that
owners of these materials, who
were holding them for higher
prices, did not want to sell.
The old Export Control board un­
der Gen. Russell Maxwell, who is
View of house of representatives in session as II voted unanimously
now devoting his abilities to the
Near East, did nothing about this that a state of war existed between this country and Germany and
treasure horde.
But now Henry Italy. President Roosevelt sent a brief message asking congress to rec­
That harbinger of the holiday sea
ognize a state of war with Germany and Italy. The message was read
son. the cheerful Christmas Seal, Wallace’s Economic Defense board
oarely four hours after Germany and Italy announced declarations against
has recently made its appearance
A small haul was made earlier the United States. Speaker Sam Rayburn presiding (seated at base of
as the National Tuberculosis asso­
ciation opened its annual drive for this year in Hoboken, N. J., of alu­ American flag).
funds to continue work in the pre­ minum and other materials, but the
vention and cure of this dread dis­ coming seizures are on a far great-
er scale. Of one commodity alone,
,The idea of the sale of seals to tin plate, there will be 100,000 cases,
aid the fight against or 15,000 tons, taken from three
areas. New York, Philadelphia, and ;
tuberculosis origi
nated in Denmark Baltimore.
The total haul of all commodities
in 1903 The follow
ing year the first will be between 20 and 25 thousand
seals were sold. The carloads, which, at an average of
idea gained almost 50 tons to the car. means over a
immediate popular­ million tons.
ity and soon spread
The Economic Defense board will
to neighboring coun
use only $200,000 to finance the
requisitioning of all this material, I
Christmas seals appeared in the the value of which runs into many
United States in
millions. Most of it will be seized :
1907 when Miss Em­
and sold again on the same day, so <
ily P. Bissel of the
the $200.000 will be merely a re­
volving fund.
• • •
Red Cross chapter
designed a seal that
was sold locally.
One of the Italian ship officers in
The campaign was
detention at Fort Missoula, Mont.,
so successful that
; wrote his wife in Italy a letter
the next year the National Red i which U. S. officials are sure will
Army heads are shown above as they studied and discussed war
Cross adopted the idea and conduct­ i never reach her.
plans and maps in Washington. They are, I., to It.: Col. E. P. Sorenson,
ed a nation-wide campaign. From
The letter will get to Italy, all
then until 1919 the Red Cross con­ right Mail is still being exchanged Material and Supply division; Lieut. Col. II. L. George, Air War Plans;
tinued the annual Christmas Seal regularly between the two coun­ Brig. Gen. C. Spaatz, Chief of Air Staff; Maj. Gen. II. II. Arnold,
distribution. In their last year the tries. But authorities are certain Air Corps Chief; Ma). II. Hansell, Air War Plans; Brig. Gen. M. Scanlan.
nearly that the officer’s letter will not get Chief of Staff, Air Intelligence; and Lieut. Cel. A. Vanaman. Secretary of
by II Duce's censors, for. in hungry, Air Staff.
Beginning with 1920 the National battered,
Italy this
Tuberculosis asso
poignant message would not be
H elation began distri­ ‘‘good propaganda.”
bution of the seals
This is the reason:
“We left Philadelphia for the city
of Missoula,” wrote the husband.
‘The journey lasted three days and
three nights on a train and was a
real pleasure. We did not lack a
The designs of these thing because we traveled in a Pull­
stamps have been man. At meal times we turned it
the work of promi­ into a dining room and, at night
nent artists who into a dormitory, The meals were
interpreted magnificent.
the Christmas spirit
‘‘I can tell you that for me the
each in his own way.
journey was one I had dreamed of
In addition to tile United State.*- for years and then, in an extraor-
approximately 40 other countries dinary way, it came true. As I
have adopted the Christmas seal for said before, this place is beautiful.
raising anti-tuberculosis funds.
all green with woods and surround­
ed by hills. The air is fine and
Uncle Sam will soon make profits healthy, my appetite very good and
by selling Christmas presents sent the food abundant and exquisite.
through the mails, but he would
“We do not lack milk, butter,
much rather deliver them—and he meat, bread, vegetables, fruit,
would, if he knew where they were sugar or coffee. When I am eating
supposed to go.
I always think of you, who are per­
American people are so rich and haps without food.
No one can
in such a hurry that they don’t even complain about the guards. They
take the pains to see that their gift» treat us with every respect and
sent by mail are properly wrapped consideration. ”
and addressed. Of course, all are
Note: To Americans the effusive
not careless about it, but the post
description of the food as "abun­
men do have a hard time during dant and exquisite” is interesting,
the holidays.
because the alien prisoners at Fort
Extra mail clerks receive millions Missoula are fed straight army
of dollars in wages, and a good fare. In quality and quantity
share of this extra force is kept busy their rations are exactly the same
handling poorly wrapped and im­ as those of U. S. soldiers.
properly addressed packages. Many
• • •
thousands of Christmas gifts will
be sold because they contain no
Uncle Sam will now step up its stride in shipbuilding, and new records
For years, the heaviest foreign
clew concerning their sender or the
will be set. This soundphoto shows the launching of two destroyers at
intended destination. The "unad-
the Charleston, S. C., navy yards, the No. 634 U.S.S. Iloran, which was
dressed” department of the inquiry Despite much public protesting, the named for the hero of the cable-cutting feat in the Spanish-American
section of the post office in large
ese militarists to import huge quan­ war, and the No. 635, U.S.S. Earle.
cities resembles a warehouse.
tities of this vital strategic materi­
Some gifts cannot be held long,
al. Now appeasement chickens are
such as alligators from Florida, live
coming home to roost.
chickens, turkeys, or fruits. These
With defense production swinging
are quickly sold and the sale price
into full tide, the U. S. suddenly is
held in a fund which is ultimately
confronted with a serious scrap
turned into the treasury. When ah
shortage. For various reaapns, de­
efforts have been exhausted, the un­
fense chiefs are saying nothing
identified and unclaimed packages
about the situation. But it is very
are sold by an auctioneer.
acute, A number of steel makers
have privately reported curtailed
Wrong Use
production schedules in the offing
The name Kriss Kringle is some
because of inability to obtain need-
times erroneously used to designate
id supplies of scrap.
Santa Claus. Kriss Kringle is a cor­
One important plant executive
ruption of the German Christ-kindel
went so far as to describe his con­
the Christ-child.
dition as "almost desperate.”
First Christmas Seals
Originated in Denmark
To Fight Tuberculosis
Army Heads Discuss War Plans
Uncle Sam’s Newest Destroyers
The Aniuitri
This picture shows part of a bat­
talion of the Dogra (Indian troops)
a* they crossed a lake on rubber
boats, near the Important British
base of Singapore. They are de­
fending Malaya against the invad­
ing hordes of Japanese.
Deliver a ‘Note’
Mountain Beauty
Christmas in the Swiss mountains
is full of scenic enchantment and
poetry. Every hamlet and every
village is a wondrous vision in
white, with its fleckless beauty still
accentuated by the sapphire blue
of the sky.
I’lopl. ’s Will
of the German embassy In Wash­
ington (left) and Herbert Von
Strempel of the embassy, deliver
a note from their government an­
nouncing that war now exists be­
tween Germany and the United
In Defense of Java
• In NR (Nature’s Remedy) Tablets,
there are no chemicals, no minerals, na
phenol derivatives. NR Tablets are dif­
ferent— ad difl erent. 1‘urtly ft triable—a
combination of 10 vegetable ingredients
formulated over 50 years ago. Uncoated
or candy coated, their action is <lr|M-nd-
able, thorough, yet gentle, as millions
of NR’s have proved. Get a 21^ bos
today ... or larger economy size.
Tip on Toys
To be in demand, toys should be
educational, full of action, or dupli-
cates of large articles. Most toys
used through the ages fall into one
of these three categories.
Hearing Ills
We deem those happy who,
from the experience of life, have
learned to bear its ills, without be­
ing overcome by them.—Juvenal.
One of a large fleet of U. S.
Brewster Buffalo fighters used by
the air force of Netherlands East
Indies for the defense of Java. The
Buffalo has a top speed of 350 Mi’ll,
and a range of 2,500 miles.
armament consists of four 50-caliber
machine guns.
Partial Blackout
Four Japanese cherry trees, symbols of bygone friendship between
the United States and Japan, were cut down by zealous patriots near the
inlet bridge of the Tidal Basin early today. The trees were four of the
largest that surround the basin. Photo shows a park policeman inspecting
the damage done during a temporary blackout.
WOMEN (,^d)
If you're cross, restless, nervous
—suffer hot flashes, dizziness-
caused by this period in a
woman's life —try Lydia Pink­
ham's Vegetable Compound.
Made especially for women. Helps
to relieve distress duo to tills
functional disturbance. Thou­
sands upon thousands of women
report remarkable benefits. Fol­
low label directions.
_______ y
Poor Judgment
The foolish and vulgar are al­
ways accustomed to value equal­
ly the good and the bad.—Junius.
with backache?
Everyone is getting increased
wages, except the poor postman.
The cost of living has gone up but
he can't strike against the govern­
The army air corps is wind-tunnel
testing a new single-engine fighter
plane that will do 512 miles an hour,
100 miles faster than any other
plane in existence. All the bugs
have been eliminated from the plane
except one—finding a pilot who can
safely fly a plane at that terriflr
1. An ancient high court which
sat without u jury.
2. A household.
3. An acrostic.
4. The Thames.
5. Mongooses.
6. Handwriting.
7. A firkin.
8. Fielding H. Yost.
9. Although the stnrs hnve been
scientifically studied for hundreds
of yours, not one was ever meas­
ured until December 18, 1020,
when the diameter of Betelgeuss
was determined with the aid of a
special type of interferometer at
the Mount Wilson observatory in
10. The lifeboat wus a British in­
troduction The first was launched
at : ith Shields in 1718. Them
were many wrecks and great loss
of life in the stormy waters at
the entrance to the Tyne, and
South Shields residents offered a
prize for the design of a boat capa­
ble of riding the rough seas. The
best points in the various designs
submitted were combined in ths
first boat.
Nothing cun ruin our country if
the people themselves will under­
take its safety—and nothing cun
save it if they leave that safety
Hans Thomcrn. charge d'affaires in any hands other than their own.
I —Daniel Webster.
Post Office Auctions
Gifts ‘Lost’ in Mails
Checking Damage to Jap Cherry Trees
1. In British history, what is
meant by the gtur chamber!
2. Whut is n menage?
3. Whut nunio is given tn a
poem in which the initial letters
of the lines, when tuken In order,
form a word or words?
4. If London bridge should fall
down, into whut river would it
5. Whut is the plural of the word
0. At whut is a calligrapher
7. One-fourth of a burrel Is
culled whut?
B. Who couched the ‘‘point-a-
minute" team fumoua in football
9. When was the first star
10. Which country first intro­
duced the lifeboat?
This picture shows the U. 8. capi­
tal during a partial blackout. For
the first time in the history of Amer­
ica lights in and on the Capitol
dome have been extinguished.
XV/HEN kidneyi function b«dly »nd
▼▼you *“W«r • nagging backache,
with ditzintM, burning, scanty or too
frequent urination and getting up at
night; when you feel tired, nervous,
all upset... use Doan'« Pill».
Doan'» are especially for poorly
working kidney». Million» of box»»
are used every year. They are recom­
mended the country over. Atk your
D oan spills