\ *Z4« Pap** *Z4o/ eUal. ASHLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 19, 1941 Volume X MITIII t(> lie prix«- come WH» the Wiiki to the anxious anything yoii they are re lied "Ye«. semi Isolatloniirt Wheeler talked "too much" laat week when he de­ nounced the navy for being asleep had we become disciple« I of Wheelrt we would have all been I asleep •• I .E l lI)E It EFI.E4 Tl<>NN To the Editor: "Christmas! Bah!" said Old Scrcxjgr Hcroogr hated Chri»tm«a because he neither gave nor re- ceived in the right spirit. At Christ ma« we should strive to make others happy That is the only way that we ourselves can be li.ippy Those little gifts of r, membrance mean much If they are expressions of love The Christina« tree now an al­ most universal symbol, 1« derived from the Egyptian uae of a palm branch of 12 shoots to signify the completa year, a custom that pre­ vailed long before the Christian era Th»- present significance of the Yu let ide tice la «aid to have orig­ inated in Germany. The us«' of ev­ ergreen decorations particularly mistletoe, has been ohaerved since the time of the Druids, an order of priewtetaft of the ancient Bre­ tons. who claimed to possess cura­ tive powers and held mystic rites with the mistletoe in th»* deep forests at night under the light of the moon. We have commercialized the day. we have, as we thought, grown blase and thrust the forma <>f religious observance out of our lives But when Christmas comes, we sing Its songs and therein Christmas livesa for u« The spirit of Christmas hasn't changed a whit l-et us ull echo the toast of Tiny Tim "God bless every one!” I CIVIL DEFENSE WORK PROCEEDS The local civilian defense organ Izution headed by llHiiy McNair reports a continued leglNtiatlon for civil defense work, but that there 1« «till a great need for more volunteers, particularly raid observation service. Although there have blackout« thi« pant week, the laid warning service 1« «till main tuining a 24-hour watch at sev era) point« In thi« section and th< «hottagr of observers han worked a hardship on the present staff McNair |s>lntrd out that with ad ditional volunteers, shorter watch ••« may be maintained and the dif ficulty In securing «uhntitute ob «elver« will la- lessened Effective today, Friday, the ci­ vilian defense office which has been In the armory will be located In the welfare office at the city hall Harry McNair, who will have charge of this office, ha* also been hirer! by the city a« a tegular member of the fire de- partment to insure the presence of a man on duty when the de partment 1« out on night call« He will «till be free to continue hi« volunteer work for civilian de fens«- during the day. but will be required to remain at the «tation nights pie pa red to go on Wednesday to confer with army program is as follows: C*s<*a coming before the court for the first time a secretarial officials and government agencies Pastorale and chorus. "Through of Justice M T Bums this |>a«t science course beginning the win- in regard to problems arising the Night" Mrs Sias and choir. week included the following: "And the Angel Said Unto from camp construction ter quarter. Robert D. Foster was arraigned Earlier in the week the coordin- Them” solo, Arden Hall. Students desiring to enroll in and bound over to the grand jury thia Hccretariai science couise will «tor organized a housing survey "Glory to God in the Highest" under 11.bOO ball on a check-forg­ find no difficulty in entering on in Medford at the direct sugges­ 1 choir. ing charge "Now When Jesus Was Bom’’ Jan 5, as beginning couise« in­ tion of the construction quarter­ William Henry Breeze, Talent, clude master’s office in San Francisco. solo, Harlalee Wilson. stenography, English com ­ paid II and costs for driving with­ position, orientation, buxine«« psy­ The coordination board was urged I "Far Across the Desert Sands" out A tail light choir. public «peaking and typ­ to make the survey as soon as Gene Virgil Tice. Ashland, was chology, "And Lo. the Star" solo. Arden possible because indications [joint­ ing Ih addition to these offerings fined $2 50 and costs for driving student» who previously have had ed toward an early authorization Hall. too clone to another car, I "O’er Bethlehem City" choir. training in stenography or on construction. Seeley Fedrick. Klamath Falls, some "And They Came with Haste"— Since Ashland 1« cooperating typingiwill be able to get applied paid $2 50 and costa for having stenography ami advanced typing with the coordination board, the solo, Betty Jo Bums on operator's license “In a Humble Cattle Shed”— A standard Red Croaa first aid survey probably will extend here Robert B Slagle, Talent, was quartet. Betty Jo Bums, Dorothy I M will be taught by Jean F fined $5 and costs on a charge of Eberhart, certified Red Cross in­ Parr, Harlalee Wilson. Raymond driving without a warning device structor in first aid. It will carry Renzema. "And They Fell Down and Wor­ two hours of ntandard college cre­ shipped Him*' solo. Dorothy Parr. dit and will meet problems every | Telephone calls handled by the "Gifts for Lord Jesus"- womens Thursday evening for a period of Pacific Telephone and Telegraph chorus and trio. Mesdames Alta three months. company in Oregon Sunday, Mon­ Payne. Carrie O'Harra and Mil­ The college also is planning to day and Tuesday of last week dred Rogers The Ashland public achtxds I m - offer additional evening claHses in “And Being Warned of God"— sued a letter to parents last week physical science and zoology. Ad­ soared to all-time highs, with lo­ informing them of plans to be ditional particulars can be re­ cal calls generally being up be­ solo, Mrs Alta Payne Flashlights and batteries were The Medford high school gym "Princes Three. Their Mission adopted by the schools in the ceived about these classes from tween 30 and 40 percent and long distance calls being up from 20 Done"—choir and male quartet, will be the scene of the first an­ i among the first products upon event of an air raid alarm during the registrar's office to 30 percent. Arden Hall, Milton Renzema. Har- nual southern Oregon conference ; which ceiling prices were estab- school hours. The normal number of originat- lalee Wilson and Raymond Ren- jamboree tonight, beginning at I lished. According to the plan, students Deon Henderson. OPA adminis- Ing calls per day handled by the zema. 7:30 o’clock, when all basketball would immediately be sent to their company in Oregon before the "Once Again the Bells Are | teams in the conference: Medford, I trator, issued the following ex­ homes where they are to remain emergency was approximately Ringing."—choir. Ashland, Grants Pass. Roseburg planation : until the "all-clear’’ signal. Then "I call upon every patriotic 1,100,000, Mrs. Stephen Epler is director I and Klamath Falls will be seen in if more than one hour of school The Ashland high basketball manufacturer, distributor and re­ In practically all exchanges, off- of the choir and Mr®. C. Adrian I action. time remains they are expected I team made a clean sweep of it» Each team will play the other tail store handling flashlights to to return to their classes During central Oregon road trip laat duty operators reported for work Sias is pianist The public is in in a 10-minute game and the win­ comply stricty with the price lev­ an alarm the students will be in­ week-end when they trounced voluntarily as soon as they learn­ vited. The church is located ner will be decided for the eve­ els provided in the OPA emergen­ structed to avoid business and Redmond 26 to 11 and won a pair ed of the emergency, and scores Second and B streets. ning on a percentage basis cy schedule. (The schedule forbids railroad districts as far ns possi­ from Bend, 19-18 Friday night and were needed. Many of the long distance calls Awards will be made to the var­ manufacturers, wholesalers, job­ ble. 31 to 26 Saturday night. were concentrated on long haul ious teams for their skill in dif­ bers or retailers to sell at prices • In the fiist game at Bend, i routes to the east, north and ferent departments of the game. above the highest prices quoted to PLAZA ACTION SOUGHT Marcu« Balfour, a transfer from : south. As a result of advance en­ During the intermission there will them during the two months end­ Mayor T S Wiley, City Attor­ North Dakota, suffered an injur­ The Southern Oregon College of be a foul-shooting contest with ed Dec. 1, 1941). and construction work, ney Frank Van Dyke anil G. M ed knee which will keep him on gineering "We are at war with foes that for several months in Education is attempting to ascer­ one player from each team com- Green appeared before a meeting the bench for about a month Bar­ underway any night may dump their bombs anticipation of just such an tain the number of men between peting. of the state highway commission ney Riggs, playing his first year' emergency, a large project was the ages of 19 and 26 who are It is planned to hold this jam- on American coastal cities and in Portland Thursday afternoon. of high school ball, saved his club lushed to completion which added American citizens; who are in boree each year with the honored towns. Flashlights are urgently The group sought action on the from |M>8sible defeat when he step­ a large number of circuits to the good physical condition; who have rotating among the various needed by civilian defense aids and pending Plaza comer project. ped to the free throw line with the east Half of these circuits were had at least one year of college, host citizens They mean more than score tied 18-all and sank a gift placed in service last Wednesday and who might be interested in a towns in the conference. light they mean lives." shot in the closing seconds of the and the rest were cut in before new primary course in civilian pi­ Friday night encounter. lot training. This course would AL SIMPSON the week was over. The Grizzlies' next game will be begi n early in February. and Companion at home when they meet the Che- CHRISTMAS TREES CAN BE Any young man who fills the Are Invited to Be Guents of the inawa Indians in a two-game ser­ TREATED TO RESIST FIRE above - mentioned re>( re *"«»"*- The district committee of the The Southern Oregon College of contact Marshall E. Wood- Ashland district of the Bov Scouts Education basketeers remained Southern Oregon Miner ies Dec. 29 and 30. Christmas trees may be rend­ should ell. coordinator of civilian pilot ered highly fire-resistant by a training, at the Southern Oregon met at the Plaza cafe Monday eve­ undefeated in Oregon Intercolleg­ To See Their Choice of ROTARY CLUB HOLDS simple process worked out by the College of Education in Ashland ning for their regularly .scheduled iate play when they stole a close the Following CHRISTMAN PARTY monthly meeting. game from Eastern Oregon here United States bureau of agricul­ The Ashland Rotary club held tural chemistry, points out T J. at once. Varsity Theater Election of officers and routine Friday night. 57-55, and won moie • its Christmas party Thursday Starker, professor of forestry at business were quickly cared for easily Saturday night. 63-48. from Programs: noon at the Episcopal pariah Oregon State college The material MEDFORD MAN TO HEAD and a considerable portion of the the Eons. (Friday and Saturday) house. Each member stopned at used is ammonium sulphate, a COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY meeting given over to the discus­ Monday night Don Faber, for­ one of the schools and picked up common fertilizer obtainable at Dr E. R. Durno was elected to sion of advancement of Ashland mer Ashland high basketball "GREAT GUNS" a young guest to accompany him most feed and seed stores. ___ brought w____________ _ college head the Jackson Countv Medical scouting. coach, his Albany to the party. "HIGHWAY WEST' Officers elected were R. I Fla- team to town and was trimmed bv The amount of ammonium sul­ society at a meeting of the group A Christmas tree was featured phate to use Is one-fourth of the at the Medford hotel last Satur­ harty, chairman: Henrv Enders, the Sons. 43 20. and a^ain Ti>«®- at the party and a small ••iff was weight of the tree. It is dissolved day. (Sunday. Monday. Tue^dwy) vice chairman: Theo J. Norby, dav night to the tune of 39 to 20. I presented to each student guest. In 1 ’ \vnfpr Fnr pnoV, Those attendin'» f’-nm A district co’"r'is»lor,cr and O' ’’d Coach Jean Eberhart was well “THE THIEF OF BAGDAD" • of material, and then the freshly were Dr Harvev A. Woods, retir­ Wenner, finance chairman Mem­ pleased with the way his ball c’"b HARRIS GROCERY SOLD cut butt of the tre»* is immersed ing president: Dr. Gordon Mac- bers of the committee are C. J. stacked up against the str”'"* • Mrs. Fav Harris has announced In this solution after which the Cracken Dr. Mattie B. Shnw, Dr. Baughman Norman Kerr, Walter Eastern Oregons from I.a Gr ’ Please Call at The Miner Office sale of the Harris grocery store tree is left in a cool place away E A Woods, Di. R E Poston, Redford. W C Savin. W A Sni­ and hints that his team r-- for Tour Gueat Ticket« on Fourth street to Mr and Mrs. from direct sunlight until most of Dr. G. W Gregg and Dr C, A. der. E. S Corthell, Homer Rillings, expected to go well up the ladder Haines. A. O. McGee and W. E Cook. in conference play. C, M. Frazier of Greeley, Colo. the solution ia absorbed. Court Proceedings College Offers New »Subjects Next Term Hilt In Top Place In League Bowling Telephone ('alls Hit All-Time Record Schools Give Air Raid Inst ructions Basketball Jamboree Price Ceiling Set In Medford Tonight For Flashlights AHS Quint Downs 2 Teams on Road Trip SOCE Seeks Reopen Pilot Training Class • Boy Scout District Committee Meets College Catrers Show Power in First Games