Page 8 Friday, Dec. 12, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Continued from page 1 zie Wright. Frank Ward, Donovan M-ard and daughter Diane, E O. Robinson, Gus Goldenpenny, Loyd NOTICE! If you don't want to sell your property, don't list it with ua' C. H I F F M A N — «■ I Today & Saturday 2 - BIG HITS - 2 For Real Estate 65 N. M>Un £ 315 E. Main J Our New Comprehen­ sive Personal Liability Policy Provides the Broadest Per­ sonal and Family Liability Protection Available, includ­ ing Automobile- one policy, one premium, one low cost See us for details. TWO-GUN TROUBLE Comes to town! J. F. Emmett 74 N. Main — Phone 7’31 Ashland. Oregon Lui per and her mother who in a at X her home. Edwin S Richardson and daughter Betty, Arthur Nelaon, O. Bernheizel, L. B. Clevenger, John De Witt, Will Dutro, Hany 1H* Jamett, W Gran. Fred Ha.vnea, Elmer Jack- I son and son Gene, and Mrs Perry and Mrs Gilbert of Hornbrook • An election was held at the club house Thursday evening to determine which labor union would be recognized in this community, with the CIO receiving 56 votes I an.I the Ab’l. »4. I • Jackie Clark was visiting friends in Hilt Sunday for a short time as he was enroute back to army camp. • Mr. and Mrs W A. Gran and son Billy and Jack Eddy attended a show in Ashland Sunday eve­ ning • Volunteers for civilian defense work here were asked to report at I ' 1 WATCH REPAIRING Expert S m I mm and American Match repairing. Your Match 'timad and regulated FREE on our Elec-trie Time Mlchrometer., INSURANTE l>v|M-ii« J. V. W. 5 & 10 •I "On the Pinza” ë OJ9DEJÌ NOUS * ALICE FAYE * CARMEN MIRANDA -JOHN PAY~NE> Prices are advancing BUY NOW AND BE SAFE! CESAR ROMERO I I ----- TIRE SPECIALS------ On U. S. Royal Master, U. S. Royal Deluxe or the U. S. Tire; also Firestone and National Silent Safety Tires. 25 for Your Nana- Printed Discounts on larger quantities You add greatly to the individuality and impressiveness of your greeting cards when you have them printed to your own sfieclfications. THE BEST SELECTION IN ASHLAND! TECHNICOLOR with Cobino Wright, Jr. George Barbier Sheldon Leonard Billy Gilbert J 600x16 U.S. Royal Deluxe reg. price $16.40, sale price 600x16 U.S. tires reg. price $10.90—Now 600x16 National Silent- Safety (a premium tire) reg. price $17.80—Now 600.16 guaranteed rebuilt tires, ” 4.75x19 rebuilt— Sale price 550x17 rebuilt Sale price I $12.50 e $«.70 Christmas Traffic Jams Your telephone company hardly ever has traf­ fic jams—except on Christmas. To handle the Christmas long distance traffic we would have to double the highways of speech between many places, and leave most of them idle the other 364 days of the year. We will have everything we’ve got ready for this year’s Christmas rush. Far more people than normal will be working Christmas Eve and Day. But if everyone wants to talk long distance as they did last year there will be traffic jams and delays. If your calling that day isn’t particularly urgent it would help a lot if you called early Christmas week or a day or two after the holiday. Thank you. $14.00 e $7.00 $5.00 $5.95 If you need tires—NOW is the time to buy. Our stocks are complete. I METZ I * 5c-10c-$l Store An Unbeatable Pair * Try Our Milk and Cream Green Stamps THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEORAPN COMPANY AN ASHLAND PRODUCT Reed and Young Texaco Service Chrysler and Plymouth Dealers Phone 4501 ¥ / Clover Leaf Dairy Phone H78‘! 7T