Friday, December 12, W4I SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 6 had lived he would have made part of these islands yours, Karen." “We don't know that," Karen said. "I don't believe he ever even heard I was alive. Oh, what a shock­ ing deprivation!” "He undoubtedly did not know you were alive." Colt agreed. "If he had known it. he would never have let them get his island away from him. He would have saved it for you. full bodice sections are excellent A lonely old man, with no kin left for the larger figure and the vestee so far as he knew—it's reasonable section between continues us ■ that he should be reckless with his Only That property; and undoubtedly he was think smart slimming belt. If you want Candidate—Wliat did U fUliMS very hard beset when he sold Ala- of my speech ou sound economics? a dress which is decidedly differ­ ent mukc this part of a lighter Listener—Well, there was enough CHAPTER 1 heard it said he was in the opium koa. But if Garrett Waterson had tone than the rest of thr dreNS, or trade. And then again I heard it known he had a granddaughter, sound. contrast it In beige, for instance, The weathered, one-eyed little pi­ said he was trading Chinese girls; things would be different now.” NOTHIN«; 1)OIN() if the dress is to be brown. She looked at him gratefully. It lot who called himself Captain Ra­ and if any authorities took to over­ • • • mey was an unfamiliar figure on the haul him—why. he just drowned was hard to imagine John Colt fail­ Pattern Na. Hall I* In «1««« M to Si. terraces of Honolulu’s luxury hotels; 'em.” ing in anything; and this, rather "Won’t you come into the parlor ■tM :ni require» SI, yard« 33.Inch material. Where the light is burning low?" he was here now, at the same table "Do you happen,” Colt asked Ra- than his smile, with its easy, super­ Contrail «i-ctlon would taka •« yard For with Karen Waterson and John Colt, mey, "to know of anything that ficial warmth, conveyed a certain “No, thank you, Mary darling! thl« attractive pattern «end your order to: 1 don't like mushrooms, you only because he was trying to per­ Richard Wayne actually did?" reassurance to Karen. know." suade Colt to charter his Diesel Ramey, who hated to have hi* “I have been very fortunate in BKWIN41 CIRCI.R PATTHBN DEPT. boat In this connection he was tell­ stories winnowed out, put forward finding out what we needed to 14» Nrw Monlgomrry Street ing a rambling story concerned with his next offering with some heat. know," John Colt said now. "Some If He Could San Franrlaro Calif. reefs and shoals, and the tricky cur­ "Well—everybody knows about the of it has cost a little money, but not Harry—What would you think of Knclol« 13 cent* In coin* for rents of the South Seas; but now he time he threw the U. S. Revenue too much. I'm glad to say that all a man who would constantly de- Pattern No............... ......... Sit«................ stopped abruptly in mid-sentence. officer overboard. I don't know why reports are extremely favorable. We ceive his wife? Naina ............................................................ His single eye was looking across they never hooked him for it, but I have dug up more witnesses, and Jim—I’d think he was a wonder. Addreva ........................................................ the lanai of the Royal Hawaiian, got my suspicions. And everybody more conclusive testimony that we across the dimly lighted little tables, knows he was the one who shot old could possibly have hoped. And As thr schoolboy wroty It: "Peo­ to the steps which led onto the open Chief Tahiti, and the only reason he when it comes to the present condi- ple in this country are allowed air terrace where they sat only one wife. This is called Kiplinn Found His Anger never come to trial the natives tion of your island—” monotony. "There he is,” he said after a wouldn’t let the French authorities "It isn’t my island yet” II «s Profitable to Another moment His voice dropped from take him, and the whole business "You simply have to hold in mind its narrative sing-song to a tone of got lost in the files. And then there that it is rightfully yours. And it’s A member of a Ladies’ Aid A l>us driver once crushed his reality. "That man. there on the was the time he boarded the British going to be yours in actuality. Your vehicle into one of the trees out­ steps, is Tonga Dick." merchant sloop, and took the cap­ claim has a wealth of legal prece­ ciety in a small town went to bank to deposit, us she told side the home of Rudyurd Kipling. Karen Waterson. her lashes veil­ tain off. at sea; and nothing came dent here, principally because of the banker, "some aid money." The author wrote thr man de­ ing her sharp curiosity, moved her of that because nobody on the sloop, Unfortunately the banker thought manding reparation. The driver head a little, slowly, so that she not even the captain himself, would white man's habit of separating the could look at the white-clad figure testify. All such phoney stuff, like natives from their things. What I she said "egg money," and re- ignored the complaint and sold ths started to say is that the Alakoa plied: ‘*; Remarkable, isn't it, how Ramey pointed out letter to a friend for 10 shillings. that . . ." plantations are in wonderful shape old hens are doing these "The one with the tray of dishes? Not receiving an answer, Kip­ “But w’hat does he do to make —I don't see how they can possibly well the days?" Oh, excuse me, I was looking at money?” John Colt asked. ling penned another note threaten­ net less than forty or fifty thousand Then I he couldn’t understand the WTong door.” ing legal action. This southing let­ Ramey looked sulky. Karen Wa­ a year. There will be no trouble at why the woman gathered up The man designated as Tonga ter the driver also ignored—and terson saw a hopeful flicker pass all in financing a continuance of ac­ passbook and hurried from Dick moved down to the lanai with sold. tivity, without any hitch, as soon as bank! a loose leisure. The lights of the Finally losing patience, Kipling you take over. Old James Wayne hotel lounge were behind him, so called on the mun und angrily Checking Up has evidently been an excellent that the girl could not see his face; demanded an explanation. manager. After you have taken pos­ First Salesman If Ar, you can’t but she saw that he was slim as a "I was hoping that you would that man an encyclopedia! session, it may prove wise to em ­ slat and that his slow stroll almost write me some more letters. Sell­ Second Salesman Uhv not* ploy him as such. That would be slouched and almost swaggered, ing them is most profitable," re­ Firtt Suleiman llrrtuu he knourt feasible with some men—1 don't while denying both. Watching him. everything there is to know. plied the man. know whether or not it will be pos ­ Karen gathered a suggestion of Second Salesman Well, he’ll enjoy sible with James Wayne. ” easy-going arrogance which she reading through it and finding the The driving energy behind John errors. found faintly intimidating—perhaps Colt never caused him to hurry, nor because she had too often tried to A Record to stumble. He knew how to attack imagine what this man was like. Myrtle—How does that fancy IUST the kind of dress the lurger swiftly, but his plan of attack was A table captain led Tonga Dick to clock go that you won at the county •J woman appreciates—it is inter­ alw’ays thorough to the last detail. a place at one side, under a wine esting and individual and at the fair last month? "I have not the least doubt. ” he palm. Karen saw a match flare in Vernon—Fine! In fact. It docs same time manages to make told Karen, "that we ’ ll win your the shadows as he lit a cigarette; Creomulslon relieves promptly be­ pounds seem to disappear. The case. Of course there will be sev- an hour in less than 45 minutes. then she turned back to the two cause it goes right to the scat of the eral appeals. But I am now con- men at her table. trouble to help loosen and expel ,. (X- (I- (X- fX.fl. fl. (I. (I. fl. fl. fie (X. fl. fl. fl. fl- fl. fl. fl- fl. fl- fl. fl. (X. fl- fl. fl. (X. fl. fl. fl. fl. fl- fl-, fl. fl. vinced that in the end Alakoa will 5erm laden phlegm, and aid nature A shiver had run across Karen’s ? » soothe and heal raw. tender, in­ be yours, just as ihevitably as sun- shoulders as she turned from her in­ flamed bronchial mucous mem­ rise. Very little is left to be done. ” spection of Tonga Dick, but she was branes. Tell your druggist to sell you Karen drew a deep breath, trying not cold. No one could be cold in A quiz with answers offering ? a bottle of Creomulslon with the un­ derstanding you must Uka the way it to contemplate rationally this in­ that mild, blossom-fragrant air. The quickly allays the cough or you are credible dream in which she, un­ truth was that she was disturbed by : information on various subjects * to have your money back. accountably, found herself playing a a sense of utter unreality. Hono­ living part. lulu itself seemed unreal, and ? ? (V. o. fk. fV. (V (X. (V (\. fU (X. (V. (V (V. (\. (V (V. fV (V fV (\. (\. (V. (\. (V. fV. (V fV (\. A- (V night lanai of the hotel seemed "The one thing 1 would like to (V for Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis most unreal thing in it. know now is just what this Richard graduated from West Point since The Questiona Wayne, this so-called Tonga Dick, Mostly that illusion was in its founding? To Laugh is doing here.” texture of the night itself. It was in One inch of joy surmounts of 1. In what sport do the partici ­ The Ansuiera the mild caress of the soft air, and "He's one of the brothers, isn’t grief a span, because to laugh ta in the strangely quieting, strangely he? Isn't it natural that he should pants wear bathing suits but try 1. Surf-board riding. proper to the man.—Rabelais. exciting odor of many blossoms. come back under the—the circum­ to keep out of the water? Cascade tunnel in Washing- 2. 2. What is the largest railroad The half-darkness of the starlight stances?” ton (7.79 miles long). seemed full of the ghosts of long for­ "Possibly; but not necessarily. tunnel in the Western hemisphere? 3. Finns. TEXACO STAR THEATRE gotten things, crowding close in the Richard Wayne may or may not ex­ 3. What is another name for the 4. Russia. warmth of a night that could not pect to inherit a part interest in the Suomi? ■» • » 5. In 1937. turn cold. island of Alakoa. Certainly he has 4. What country ranks next to fl. Neptune. Karen supposed she would have been at outs with his whole family the United States in the number 7, Chile and Argentina. felt differently if she had been here "Well, everybody knows about the for some time. I would like to know of miles of railroads? 8. The Congressional Medal of as a tourist, to relax and to enjoy, time he threw the V. 8. revenue exactly why he is here.” 5. In what year did Joe Louis Honor. but she was not For the first time officer overboard.” “But if our case is complete—” win the world’s heavyweight 9. New York (western part). in her life Karen found herself in a “One thing could beat us, and championship? 10. Since its founding in 1802, no position of attack instead of defense across his features, and she knew break our case completely, and lose 6. The trident is the symbol of more than 23,032 cadets, including —gambling for stakes that a year it represented Ramey’s impulse to you Alakoa forever. One thing, and authority of what god? foreigners, have been admitted ago would have been beyond her make up an answer to suit But the only one thing.” 7. The massive bronze statue and 12,661 of them graduated. To­ belief. flicker died. Something hard and “And that?” known as Christ of the Andes is day fewer than 7,000 of the 90,000 Ramey, the little one-eyed sea­ watchful was always waiting behind Every Wednesday Night "If you don't mind. I'd rather not on the border between what coun­ officers in the United States army tramp. was talking to Colt about Colt’s habitually genial eyes. After discuss that angle of it, even with tries? WITH are West Pointers. Tonga Dick. Like a hundred others men had known him for a little you.” 8. What is the highest military who odd-jobbed in the Islands, the while they did not offer him home­ His eyes did not avoid her as he decoration offered by the United It’s not how much you pay, but weather-faced Ramey contained a made stories about anything. said that; his practiced air of can­ States? how well it is received, that makes vast store of Island information— ”1 don't know," Ramey said sul­ dor remained imperturbable. Never­ 9. In what state are the Finger a (Christmas gift welcome. That’s mostly unusable—and very little lenly. Suddenly he flared up. “Give theless, a small unwelcome chill why Camel Cigarettes and Prince Lakes? else. OKHtlTM me a few weeks below the line.” he touched Karen. A shadow of some­ Albert Smoking Tobacco make U»»® \ 10. How many cadets have been TH« TEXACO “This here Dick Wayne—Tonga almost snarled. “If you think there's thing very like unpleasant mystery such ideal gifts. The cost is mod­ WORM SHOR jtíT* 1 Dick—he’s what you might call the anything in the everlasting Pacific was beginning to creep into a situa­ est, the welcome assured. For PIATII!* j »ik«» ' Camel is America ’ s favorite ciga ­ black sheep of the Waynes.” that I can't find out—” tion that was already disturbing. Out of Order rette, and Prince Albert Smoking 1 C»S “He don’t figure much, around »»{SENTID IT Karen Waterson was amazed at “It must be something pretty poi­ Tobacco is the National Joy Hawaii,” Ramey explained—“noth­ the ferocity of the little man. Very sonous,” she said. It is because things have been Smoke. Local dealers are featur­ ing like his uncle does, not even like evidently, Ramey’s pride was “On the contrary, it is a contin­ put in the wrong order that the ing Camels in your choice of two his two brothers. Generally speak­ touched. If an odd-job man in the handsome gift packages — the ing. you can leave him out of the Pacific did not possess a futile om- gency that I think improbable in the present chaos and disaster is upon Camel carton of ten packages and extreme. I think it is impossible picture." niscience, presumably he possessed that we lose. But I still would like the world. The order, expressed a gay package of four "flat fif­ in four words, has been: Money, "My experience,” John Colt said, nothing at all. to know more about Richard things, man, God. The new order ties.^ Prince Albert is featured in Wind and Opinions “is that to leave any factor out of a the pound tin and the pound glass But now John Colt sat back; his Wayne.” Wind puffs up empty bladders; picture is like leaving a plank out candid air of interest withdrew it­ will have to be God, man, things, humidor in specially designed "Why wouldn’t it be a dandy money.—The Bishop of Exeter. Christmas gift wrappings.—Aav. opinions fools.—Socrates. of a ship.” John Colt’s pleasant, self, gracefully, not too fast. idea,” Karen said hopefully, "for me deeply suave voice carried the re­ ‘‘I’ll see you later, Ramey, Let to talk it over with Tonga Richard assurance of actuality and of the me hear from you in a week." himself?” things which John Colt knew how to For a moment Ramey was mo- "For you to—what?” control. “Black sheep or not, he I’M SEN DING CARTONS OF CAMELS "Ask him why he's here.” can’t be insignificant, because he is tionless, reluctant to leave a scene "Are you being funny? ” which he could seldom afford; but THE TO ALLTHE SMOKERS ON MY one of the Waynes.” “Well, isn't he the only one who “In some ways,” Ramey admit­ he tossed off his drink and rose. CAMEL GIFT LIST. CAMELS ARE ALWAYS ted, twirling his whisky soda, “Ton­ “Okay," he said. “Good night. Miss knows?” Waterson. ” "Ha-ha," said John Colt dutifully, ga Dick has been the most talked ÍACKAGES WELCOME When he was gone John Colt rest­ mistaking his cue. about of all the Waynes.” ed his folded arms upon the table THIS CHRISTMAS “I mean it, John,” Karen said. "I “Talked about?” Colt prompted. “He was always the wild one, »? and leaned across it toward 'Karen. suppose Richard Wayne’s brothers ARE SO “Frightened?” he asked sympa­ know what I look like, by this time. Ramey remembered, “even when thetically. But Tonga Dick has just arrived; he was a kid. He pulled out on his GAY ANO She met his steady gaze with eyes it’s very possible that neither you own when he was eighteen.” colorful ! “How is it he’s talked about,” that were clear and cool under dark nor I have been pointed out to him. John Colt suggested, "if he’s never brows. “Wherever I am,” she said, If not—why can’t Mr. Wayne and I "there will always be a little of the have a clubby little chat?” here?” "People keep wondering what his spirit of fresh country butter, un­ John Colt looked at her acutely; racket is," Ramey said. “After Ton­ conscious and unsubdued. No, I’ll undoubtedly she had surprised him. ga Dick broke off from his uncle, be honest. I do feel a little lost, I "Just what is it you want to do?” people always wondered what he think.” “Well—for instance, if you will “You’ll be over that in a few days. leave the table. I'll have him come was up to, and how he got by so well. He’s got him a good fast After all, aren't you practically a and sit in your place.” AT YOUR schooner, carrying both power and native daughter? You mustn’t for­ Partly, Karen knew, the sugges­ DEALER’S NOW sail, and he goes whacking around get that you came within an ace of tion was born of an irrepressible TheCimelcirton of the South Pacific, all over, from Viti being born in the Islands yourself, curiosity to know more about Tonga 1» PKkiiM of J»’«— Levu to the Tuamotus. Used to be, child.” Dick. But partly also it was the ■l«othenovelC«mel THE SMOKE OF SLOWER-BURNINQ CAMELS CONTAINS “hou«e” containing “There’s nothing here,” Karen result of a desire to take part in ac­ people thought he was in the copra 4 flat fiftlea. Doth trade; and even after the price of murmured, “that doesn’t seem tion—any kind of action—that would handsomely wrap­ copra went to nothing, some still strange. Even all these people from relieve for a little while her intolera­ ped—ready to give. give figured he was trading shell. But the Pacific coast look strange, as if ble drifting in currents which she than the average of the 4 other largest-selling Hi Camela—Ameri­ that boat of his can’t carry any they didn't belong here. Like snovy could not control. ca’« favorite ciga­ clgarettea tested—lesa than any of them—according cargo—ain’t built for it. And there's on a straw hat. I don't feel as if I John Colt slowly sipped the re- rette. to Independent scientific tests of the smoke itself I always been others that said—well belonged here either.” mainder of his Scotch before he re- He operated his reassuring smile. plied. Almost visibly she saw him you know how people talk.” “But, you see, you do belong here. conclude that, after all, Karen knew “They said—?” "Oh. of course there was always These islands were your grandfa­ little that could prove helpful to tn« a lot of wild stories.” said Ramey ther's stamping ground before any Waynes. deprecatorily, but with relish. I ve of these people were born. If he (TO UE CONTINUED) PATTERNS SEWBNG COKCLE f btjA LA N L e MAY L How To Relieve Bronchitis ASK ME I j lASKMS ANO7HER jl ___ ______ CREOMULSION FRED ALLEN TEXACO DEALERS i 28% LESS NICOTINE CAMEL- THE CIGARETTE OF COSTLIER TOBACCOS