Friday, Dec. 12, UHI SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 5 TALENT NEWS LUlilHiUlilNil» u Washington School • !>;m Frink left last week for Canada with Mr. and Mrs W An­ The children In Room 2 had a derson who spent the summer in little party Tuesday We served the Rogue River valley. slices of avocarlo on buttered • Harland lew of thi- 19th Bomb­ < III IK II OF < IIIIIST ( A IIIOI.K ( III 1« II crackers We have been learning er Squadron stationed at Pendle­ Second and B Street» Rev. W. J. Meagher, Pastor about seeds nwil» An avocado has a ton, returned after a month's fur­ Earl F. Downing, Minister very large seed We have one seed lough here visiting his parents Mass at 0 a m Sunday Bible school 9 45 a m Sunday school for children oun that sprouted and has a tiny • The play given Friday night Morning service II o'clock The ducted by several Sisters from plant growing out of It Mrs Lutz by the Junior class entitled ladies' trio, Mrs John Payne, the Sacred Heart Mmdwny of brought us an avocado plant In a "Where is Grandma?” was a fi­ Mrs Earl Rogers and Miss Doi-i Medford following muss big green pot It Is 2k inches tall nancial success as well as greatly olhy Parr, will sing "Lift •Thine Many of our boys and girls enjoyed by a large audience. e Eyes." Hermon, "The Everlast Ing FIRST METIIOIHNT < III III II have had mumps Most of them • Mi and Mrs Roy Everett of Arma " are back at school now Elaine Ely. Nev are visiting Mrs Ev­ Cor. N. Main and Laurel Sts. Christian Endeavor 6: 30 p m Wallace, Roger Dahl. Roy Rogers. erett’s parents, Mr and Mrs file Junior, high school, young people's i Dr. George W. Bruce, Minister Marilee Mason, .Ion Cooper, IJoyd Carver They plan on a week’s visit. ami adult societies Sunday church school 9:45 a Haynie, Philip Hennlnv and I in to the children's hospitals Holy Communion 9; 30 it rn by adult choir and young people's Wednesday. Every bov and girl has a paner transacting business In Talent and Choir will inert 7:30 p in choirs Christmas tree which he decorates Medford Monday. Prayer meeting and Bible study with stars or pictures when he • Alfred Graham received word Thursday last week that his brother Charles We air living in the moat dis 7:30 p. m Wednesday. brushes his teeth tiessing days mankind has ever W<- have some prettv Christmas had passed away at his home in I I LI. GONl'EL TEMPLE known ami it la now more essen­ pictures on our »’«Ik We are Spokane, Wash The two brothers tial to live dose to God than ever E. Multi and Sisltly ou Blvd. planning a short Christmas pro­ were in the sawmill business there for many years Mr. Graham has before Every person should find gram for our room I.. I*. Furman, Pastor his way to the house of God and Rwm 8 has two new pupils. often visited here with his bro- .Sunday school 9 45 a m pay his devotions to Deity You Their names are Janis Mav from ther’s family. should mukr the good resolution Morning worship 11 o'clock Milton-Freewater and Richard • The annual art day held last C. A service 6:45 Sunday eve­ i Sumerlin from Mvrtle Point We Wednesday was well attended today that you will attend church Many unusual relics, pain tinea services regularly ning Evangelistic service to fol­ I all welcome them ver»’ much You are cordially invited to low ul 7.30 o'clock. Room 7 has lust finished their knitting and quilts were on dis- worship with us C A service and choir practice Christmas cards and wooden toys play. Sopie of the articles were e for the children in Portland hos- over 100 years old. Members of 7:30 Tuesday evening I ltEE METHODINT t ill l<< II Bible study and prayer meeting pltals The cards and tovs will be the club served tea and cake sent bv the Junior Red Cross We • The P-TA held a regular meet­ East Main Street 7:30 Friday evening ■John It Port, Pastor Everybody is cordially invited painted the toys with bright shad­ ing Friday afternoon. A beautiful American flag was purchased for es of enamel. Sunday school at 9:45 a m to all services. Two years ago we sent copies prosentation to the room having Bernice Bente, superintendent in of our Washington Mashes to 27 j the most mothers at P-TA meet­ I I'lR.ST PRESBYTERIAN charge Refreshments other Ashland* In the United ings each month Morning worship ut 11 o'clock < III IK H States Ashland. Pa has been ex- ’ wen* served by Mrs Bert Slm- Junior meeting and Young Peo­ Howard <«. Eddy, Minister ceptionallv nice about writing us i mons and Mrs George Hartley ple's meeting at 6 45 p in Even­ Morning service 11 o'clock Can­ Wo have fust received 26 fine let- • Edwin Hughes, well known in ing worship at 7:30 p. rn "The Htory of Bethlehem," I tern written hv punll» of the sixth Talent, passed away at his resi- Mid week ptayrt meeting Wed­ tata. by the choir under the leadership grade of the W C. Estter school. 1 dence in Medford Thursday night nesday evening at 7:30 p is Miss Florence Allen and accom­ I Miss Edith Williams Is the teach- after a long illness Funeral ser­ You are welcome to till services I of panied by Mrs J. W McCoy at i er We enjoyed these letters and vices were held Monday and In­ —•--------- terment was at Medford. plan to answer them NEIGHBOIIHIMID CONGREGA- the organ. e Rrxim 5 is decorating their room • Talent grange met Thursday I I ION XI < III 1« H FIRST BAPTIST CHI I« II with silver and red stars for Chris- night and made plans for the an­ Boulevard and Marian street» 1 mas Janet Corrv brought a large nual Christmas party to be held .1 K. Turnbull. Minister Clarence F. McCall, Minister silver star This -l 9:45 a nt . Mrs Bible school 9:4ft a m. Classes want more stars The decorating is exchanged by all YGA met at Glenn Prescott, superintendent for all ages. committees are making the room Bellview Wednesday night HEC Worship service 11 a in Subject Worship at 11 a. ni will meet at the home of Mrs look verv nice <>f sermon, "Preparation Stanley Robbins In Ashland, Dec m . prayer. Room 5 is making nut cups for Wednesday, 7 30 p Christmas." 8 30 p m . the Junior Red Cross iwrV»«« 16 Several members of the Tal- praise and Bible study Choir practice 7 30 p. m. Miss Humphreys will take these ent grange have formed a dance i'etsonal workers' study class nesday gifts to the children who haven't. club and elected Floyd Lacy presi­ A canvass of the Washington dent: Mrs Florence Hartley sec­ school shows that many of our retary-treasurer: Mrs James Fire­ boys and girls have fathers or stone hostess, and Harry Wea- brothers in the service of our gant caller The program opened for the evening with several duet countrv Geraldine Iwithmp brother, and solo accordion numbers play- Fort Stevens Ors. — .X gd by Raymond Gross and Keith Mary Wilcox two brothers, Badshaw, followed by a guessing game called "art gallery.” The Fort Stevens. Ore Four Fowler children brother. program concluded with R A Preston showing motion pictures. Fort Stevens. Ore. Four Clary children brother. • Mr and Mrs John Malone and family moved from the Barnes Camp Callan. San Diego, Calif Four Moseley children brother. orchard south of town on the old Pacific highway to route 4. Med­ Fort Stevens, Ore Charles Manning brother. Tex­ ford. last week • Victor Milbum of Thompson as Bobby Frazier brother, air i drive took a week. Prizes were corps .California Shcrald Calhoun brother, Fort awarded Monday, Dec. 8 Mr God­ dard s room won first prize The Stevens. Ore. Xerrill Clifton - brother, Fort weight of papers collected is as follows: Stevens. Ore Room 1, 438 pounds; Room 2. two brothers. Eldon Durham - speaking of ('hrixtrnas gifts, 350 pounds: Room 3. 350 pounds army and air corps. Room 4. 2315 pounds: Room 5, what could please the Missus more Barbara Kent brother, naw 1201 pounds; Room 6. 4662 pounds; The game committee in Room than a year of freedom from wash­ 5 is teaching us how to play poi­ Room 7. 1234 pounds, and Room 8. day. Just think, 52 free days in son seat and heel-toe relay We 5550 pounds. Allan King, a sergeant at Fort like these games Wanda Jean 1912! Sounds like an impossible Parker, Dorothy Feagin«, Patricia Lewis. visited the Washington gift, but the Ashland Laundry Com­ Dahl. Glen Overstreet and Victor school where he attended. He told Smith are members of the game us many things about army life pany not only makes it possible but committee provides a service to meet your The other grades visited Mr. Goddard's room Monday morning budget. to hear President Roosevelt tel' us about Japan. The president sounded sad when he talked about war This is the first time in his­ tory that all the people have heard the president ask congress to declare war. .The P-TA conducted a paper drive through the schools The Pilone 7771 : 31 Water St By SCHOOL 1*1 1*11 M THOUGHTFUL SUGGESTION Creek was a business caller here Wednesday. • J J Tryon died at the Com­ munity hospital in Medford Thurs day night of last week Mr Tryon was 67 years of age and had been a resident of Talent for the past 15 pears where he operated a mer- cantile business He was taken to Portland for funeral and inter­ ment Mrs. Tryon, Mrs M er, a sister of Mrs. Tryon, and Mrs Mary Porter, a sister of Mr Tryon, left Saturday evening for Portland. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon. I I and give JEWELRY. It’s the gift that is sure to please every time. Take advantage of our big selection and moderate prices. RAMSEY JEWELRY STORE “Home of Better Jewelry’’ Nuedenbiirg Building • A Ashland, Oregon •• tMf KÜ S’« ». >• -■ 41 w R EXTR a \ a Ì l ___________ » // n\v FOR NOT _ V _ FARE! JOIN THE THOUSANDS who go Eut through sunny California— through romantic San Francisco and glamorous Los Angeles. On roundtrip tickets to New York, Chicago and most other eutern cities, you can go this way for not lc extra rail fare. Southern California Ail-Winter Sun Festival! WIEN YOU GO EAST through California, you can see some of the 300 events of Southern California's All-Winter Sun Festi­ val. From now until March, there'll be something doing every day in the land of palm trees and movie stars. For free list of Sun Festival events, see your S. P. agent or write Ormandy, 622 Pacific Building, Portland, Oregon. J. A. The Friendly Southern Pacific See your local S.P. agent or write J. A. ORMANDY, Ges. P mi . Agi., 622 Pacific Bldg., Portland, Ore. ASOLANO LAUNDRY COMPANY For the ideal washday— Just call, That’s all.” Winter Comes! Accidents multiply as road conditions make driving risks more numerous. Cold weuther requires more fire—and where there is fire, there is always the danger of it becoming master. Gifts for the home are sure to receive a warm welcome — especially electrical lamps and appliances which are truly practical and enduring gifts, So visit your electrical dealer today and get the best gift of all for real Cnristmas happi­ ness and cheer! There's no time like winter for good Insurance protec­ tion. Nee us now. Billings Agency REAL ESTATE and REAL INSURANCE Phone 8781 41 East Main Ashland Light Department Your SERVICE Department X