Friday. Dec. 12. 1»41 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 4 Southern Oregon Miner About People You Know CHAS. M GIFFEN W11J.IAM SAVIN Publishers Published Every Friday at 167 East Main Street ASHLAND. ©REGON • J. C. Walls, who Jias been • Miss LotUe Beawick la confined working in northern California, to her homo with the flu has returned to his home in Ash­ • Allen Miller, who has been vla- land ' it inn at the R E. Bell home since ¥ ★ • C. C. Chapman of Hornbrook, I Thanksgiving, returned to Seattle Entered as second-class Calif, was a business visitor in Monday where he will be em­ SUBSCRIPTION matter February 15, Ashland Tuesday. RATES ployed. Mrs Miller will join hint 1935, at the postoffice at • Mkas Mary Avery, Bob A vary later, having remained for a (In Advance) Ashland. Oregon, under and Art Struve returned Sunday longer visit with her parents ONE YEAR $150 the act of March 3, 1879 from a two-weeks trip during • D. F. Reynolds left Monday 80c SIX MONTHS which they visited friends in night for southern California ★ (Mailed Anywhere in the Dunsmuir and San Francisco. with two truck loads of Christ- j United States) • J. A. Youngs who spent several mas trees. He also will visit rela­ TELEPHONE 8561 weeks visiting relatives and tives while there. friends in eastern Oregon has re­ • Mr. and Mrs Roscoe Applegate SET YOU FREE” THE TRUTH WILL J turned to Ashland. made a trip to Montague, ’ Calif. • Mrs. Maude Clemenson and Sunday afternoon, ADEQIATE COAST DEFENSE ESSENTIAL daughter. Miss Camille Clemen­ • Mrs A R. Kincaid made a bus­ son. attended a joint convention iness trip to Medford Thursday Now that the United States of America is in the of Oregon and Washington hotels • Mrs. M A Ring who has been confined to her home from ill­ thick of World War No. 2, considerable anxiety is being in Portland last week-end. • Mr. and Mrs. Walter Winkler ness is still in bed. but some bet­ expressed by Oregon citizens relative to defenses, or are in Portland where Mr. Winkler ter. perhaps it would be more appropriate to say lack of has entered a hospital for medical • Mr and Mrs John Arnold who have been living at Dallas, have defenses, on the Oregon coast and over Oregon in gen­ treatment. • Ed Hoekstra who has been vis­ moved to Medford where John eral. It is fully appreciated that the army was caught iting in Portland and points in was transferred. He is an employe | has returned to Ash­ of the Southern Pacific, working by surprise just as much as the civilian population, Washington land. in the office department. and that as quickly as the several units comprising our • Floyd Ihirvis of Redding. Calif • A group of grange members L. is visiting in Ashland with friends met Tuesday night at the Wade1 fighting forces can be moved there will be as adequate and relatives. Wallis home to practice for the defense for our entire coast line as modern military • Miss Hazel Bruner, teacher in Christmas play which they will the Yuba City, Calif, schools, present Dec. 16. Mrs. Byrd Is science is capable of devising. spent several days visiting rela­ chairman of the play. Because of lack of war industries in particular and tives in Ashland last week. • The members of Bellview P-TA • Mr. and Mrs. T J. O Harra and will have their Christmas party many other industries that contribute to national de­ children of Chiloquin are visiting Friday, Dec. 19 at the school fense in a big way, it is possible that the would-be in­ relatives and friends in Ashland house for the pupils. • More helpers are badly needed 1 vaders prefer to attack those sections of the coast BELLA IEW NEW S for aircraft opservaUon stations where war industries are in operation on a huge scale. | located near Herb Moore's • A group of the Bellview grang-I • Mr and Mrs Norburg and son Failing in a successful attack on these industrial cen­ erS went to Gold Hill Thursday spent Sunday at Prospect, guests ters, the bandits, just for the sake of infusing more night to attend the agate meeting of Mr and Mrs. Jerry Warren Gold Hill grangers. Those at- terror in their campaign, might take a notion to „ give i ' of * — kuuuij were Mr. and Mrs. A. R MARY ELIZABETH ItRl'NER —— A A A xJ — —* ** — xx Y-» 1 • A — « wx • »x XX wx xx F A X-* «« A A XX 1 xx « ■ V xx T ?-1 — —. —. 1 a less protected area a blitzing in an effort to lower, Kincaid. Mr and Mrs. h . b . car- Funeral services for Mary Eli­ the morale of the citizenry. It is such a possibility I “dlkJy In I zabeth Bruner, 85, were held Mon­ 2 «_ there were _ more i train i Mr. and Mrg Glen Bennett of' day afternoon from the Idtwiller that makes many of x — us — wish ­ were guests of Mrs. Ben- | Funeral home. Mrs Bruner, who ing camps on the Oregon and northern California Medford nett's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ros­ had been suffering from ill health for several years, died at the home coast line. We are not borrowing trouble or "seeing coe Applegate, Saturday and Sat-. of her daughter. Mrs. James Yeo, urday night things” when we visualize a blitz attack on our lovely • George Yockel and Elmer Byrd Saturday. She is survived by three Mrs. James Yeo, Ash­ Oregon coast, with nobody knows how much damage left Monday morning for Burling- ■ daughters. land; Mrs. Norman Ashcraft, Can­ 1 ame. Calif, with a truck load of and loss of life resulting therefrom. yonville, and Hazel Bruner of Christmas trees. It WOUld be a further relief to know that the pro- • The Bellview Embroidery club Yuba City. Calif ------•------------ posed cantonment for the Rogue River valley J®«1 Thursday with i Mrs. Roy I r D V will be Crow A 1 1 n'l-lrvk A o’clock 1 luncheon was LOCAL GIRL LN HONORARY a reality in a short time. Without doubt location of served, after which the group en­ Marilyn Christlieb of Ashland visiting and needle work was chosen for membership in Pi a large military force in this vicinity would mark this joyed Present were Mrs George Helms, lambda Theta, women's national section for enemy attacks, but that is one of the haz-I Mrs Herman Helm, Mrs Edwin educational honorary at the Uni­ Mrs. Claude Conley. Mrs versity of Oregon She was initiat­ ards we have to face in seeking adequate protection. ' Dunn, H. B Christlieb and the hostess. ed last Saturday evening at a spe­ Let us hold the thought that Oregon will receive more Mrs. Crow. cial ceremony on the campus. a Specials. I.ols and lots of the very drixMx you want now , . . xpnrkllng col­ orful dremes In nil th«* newtwl winter - Into spring style« specially seltN'lesI for this prr- Chrlstnuks «ide. IBE1TTy JAME MESS SMOG» FLASHLIGHTS!! A Flashlight for Every Purpose! And Remember, only 11 shopping days until Christmas SIMPSON HARDWARE recognition in a military way and in the meantime let, our citizens do their share toward national defense uncomplainingly. (LEASING WITH MODERN EQUIPMENT Permanent PRICES! SUITS PLAIN DRESSES Til IP PLAIN COATS i OR ANY THREE FOR are important in hauling FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY COLLEGE CLEANERS 828 Siskiyou Blvd KTKfliE Phone 6336 the nation’s defense I i I I I I 1 I I CHRISTMAS GIFT SALE materials Hundreds of gifts for every mem­ ber of the family at special sale prices until Christmas. FREE CHRISTMAS WRAPPING for all gift purchases EAST SIDE PHARMACY I REMEMBER WHEN - -a box social was a society event? Each lady was expected to eat supper with the gentleman who bid highest for the lunch she had so lovingly prepared. Sometimes the wrong man insisted in bidding the highest. Remember? We “bid high” in friendly considerate service for the helpful opportunity of caring for those you hold most dear. DEPUTY COUNTY CORONER Litwiller Funeral Home We Never Close—Phone 4541 o SELBY CHEVROLET CO.