Page 8 Friday, Dec. 5. 1041 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER LITHIA Dry Blox and Slabs Gunter Fuel Co Today & Saturday 2 - BIG HITS - 2 E N T K K T A I N M K N T Friday, Saturday Dr. k W. Staffers DENTIST HARMON OF MICHIGAN Hours 9-12 and 1-5 .Medical Bldg. Phone 5211 «tarring Out of out of btUUff - csnwjbsir love iui <4 BENNETT ’ •— IMIS HAYWARD. sun of Tom Harmon NOTICE! If you don't want to sell your property, don't list it with us! . H U F F M A N For KetU Estate 65 N. Main & 345 E. Main Ì1ÌUIÌTE CRISTO Charlie Ruggles Expert S h I hk and American watch repairing, You> watch timed and regulated FREE on our Electric Time Mh-hrvineter. ill “PARSON OF THE Vinta Louise Tyroa Power 11* a reckless American fly«w . . curvaceous Belt) Grable In songs, dances and romance« hi "A Yiuik in the K. A. F. coming to the Varsity Sunday. Monday mid Tuesday. BELLS LEW NEWS WATCH REPAIRING PLUS and RAMSEY’S JEWELRY STORE Sweden burr Bldr. A m H huid AUTOMOBILE - FIKE CASUALTY - LIFE INSURANCE Dependable Protection at KeuAOiMvble Kate» M. T. BURNS ON THE PLAZA Our New Comprehen­ sive Personal Liability Policy Provides the Broadest Per­ sonal and Family Liability Protection Available, includ­ ing Automobile—one policy, one premium, one low cost. See us for details. J. F. Emmett 74 N. Main — Phone 7231 Ashland, Oregon BETTY GRABLE HINDSIGHT ON SPORTS • Mr. and Mrs Walter Hash and Mr and Mis. Robert Rosenbaum and son of Klamath Falls were dinner guests Friday evening of Miss Agnes Jones and G. W. < / / Jones of Ashland. The dinner was in honor of the 80th birthday an­ By 1 TOLD YOU SO niversary of Mr. Jones Mr. and i Mrs. Rosenbaum returned to their The people who run the athletic I»***’ SUH* home Sunday. department of the Myrtle Point • Mr. and Mrs Earnest Roger high school apparently are smart­ UH , returned to Keyport. Wash after er than some people give them spending 10 days at their home credit for being A few weeks here. • Mrs Harry Farmer is spending ago a sports column in a Med­ paper took several digs at several days with Mr. and Mrs ford Myrtle Point for not accepting Elmer Byrd. Medford high s challenge to a • Miss Marie Walker attended a Thanksgiving day football game dinner Sunday given by Miss Gla­ to be played in Medford dys Whitson of Ashland. At the time, both schools wen- • Mrs Elsie Reser from near school Portland has arrived for a month's undefeated in class A high Medford competition football visit with her sister, Mrs. Ella wanted the game so as to eliniin- Ttue. • Wendell Reynolds who was in­ ate one or the other from the Ac- jured two weeks ago is able to be states mythical title race paper, Medford cording to the back in school. I • J. Z. Walker and Earl Hamil­ Myrtle Point refused the challenge ton spent the week-end in Port­ because they thought Medford was land on a combined business and too tough for their team This department would rather pleasure trip. J. Z. Walker will leave Satur­ think Myrtle Point officials had a day for Kansas to bring his mo- premonition of what was to come | ther. Mrs. M J. Freeburg, here on Medford's regularly-scheduled for a visit Mrs. Freeburg has game with the then once-beaten Ashland Grizzlies If that b«* true. been quite ill. • Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Dead man d Myrtle Point officials can take a were guests of Dr. and Mrs. C. F. bow for their premonition was Tilton Friday evening at a goose correct. As you will well remem­ ber. Ashland smacked down the dinner. • Donald Axel returned Friday highly-rated Black Tornado to the from Klamath Falls where he tune of 20 to 13 This happened on the Medford turf on the eve­ : spent several days. • Mrs. James Metcalf arrived ning of Nov. 7. Why then, should home Saturday from a several Myrtle Point have signed for a Accidents multiply u* road days visit with her sons in Cali­ game with Medford who had once been beaten ’ This, understand, is conditions inukc driving risk« fornia. more nuiiM-rous. • Mr and Mrs. J. E Gowland if Myrtle Point officials had th«- have sold their ranch to Mr and premonition that Ashland wasn't Cold weuthcr requires morr Mrs. Henry Kerby of Neil creek going to bite the dust at the fire—and where there I« fire, | and will give possession the last hands of the Pearpickers And then there is the little in­ there I« always the danger of this month. of It becoming muster. • The Upper Valley Community cident at The Dalles last Friday club will have its regular meeting night when a guy named Keith There'« no time like winter next Wednesday. It will be in the DeCourcy riddled the Medford line for good in«uriincr protec­ to bits to run up a 28 to 0 score form of a Christmas party. Mrs. tion. See us now. Maybe Myrtle Point had a pre ­ Dunn. Mrs. Conley and Mrs. Ko- ble will have charge of the tree monition about thia too. Mayb«- in and treats and Mrs. Brantley, genera), they thought Medford Mrs. Heilmeyer and Mrs McCoy just wasn't of championship ma­ will be hostesses for the after­ terial and don't deserv«- to be noon. Members who haven't a “raked over the coals" for their REAL ESTATE and mystery are asked to bring a gift refusal to play Medford HEAL INSURANCE for exchange. total of enlistments for the year • Miss Marie Walker entertained Phone 8781 41 East Main with a turkey dinner last Thurs­ to date to 973 out of 2271 appli­ cants. day. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. J Millard Grubb and son Walker. ' Mrs. Aileen Kay and Miss Gladys Whitson. • Mr. and Mrs William Turner returned Monday from a trip to Hie Dalles They spent a few days at Warm Springs where both took treatments. Ruby Tur­ ner joined them for a day's visit at The Dalles. Winter THE RAWHIDE RANGERS” with Johnny Mack Brown Sunday, Monday and Tuesday “FATHER STEPS OUT” with Lorna Gray and Jed I’rowdy Wed. and Thurs. Mid-Week Special Adults liic - Kiddiew lit* INI LI l»INewiston 9, Baker 9, high school to see a movie about Klamath Falls 7, McMinnville 6, traffic safety. Stanley Church, di­ I-a Grande 6. Bend 5, The Dalles rector of traffic safety, told them 1, Astoria 1. how pedestrians can help prevent The accepted applicants repre­ auto accidents. He also told them sent almost 33 percent of all those about bicycle safety. The picture who applied, 533 having made ap­ showed very clearly the rules for; plication throughout the district traffic safety. I during the month This boosts the EXAMINER HERE TODAY A traveling examiner of operat­ ors and chauffeurs is scheduled to be In Ashland today. Dec. 5, and will be on duty at the city hall from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m All those wishing permits or licenses to drive cars are asked to get in touch witji the examiner during these hours. —,----•------- Sailors in Uncle Sam’s navy who are performing “night watch” re­ ceive an extra meal every night while on duty. X BEST Men’s Suits Ladies’ Coats Plain Dresses 50c. AHO/, *5UJAB. VA LOOKS LIKE MILLION BUCKS' P-SS-T- POPEVE - ’ X ARF-ARF IT MUST COST PLEMT'f TO BLN A NAV4 UNIFORM LIKE THAT' TA GETS UNIFORMS FREE WHEN WA ENLISKS AN' FREE FOOD AN' NO DOCTOR OR BILLS 2.5 for Your Name Printed DiNcounts on larger quantities You add greatly to the individuality and impress! ven rsN of your greeting cards when you have them printed to your own specifications. THE BEST SELECTION IN ASHLAND! —and without inventing heavily in new cloth«*«. Just gather them up ami «Mid to uh for |M»rfe<*t rleunlnx. We’ll restore their «niartm*n«! & Delivery STANDARD CLEANERS “If It can he done We can do it” POPEYE, 9 THE RECRUITING OFFICER, HAS FOOD MRS. PEARL EMERSON Funeral services in charge of Dr. George W. Bruce were held at the Llitwiller Funeral home chapel Monday for Mrs. Pearl Emerson of Portland. Mrs. Emerson, a niece of W. H. Worthington of Ashland, passed away Nov. 28. Navy Recruits 180 Men in This District GEE, THEM IM TH’ NA\/^ THE PA