Friday, Dec. 5, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER COLORFUL SOUTHWEST IS AT ITS BEST enricen or ciucisi' «•com! und B Stiert» Euri F. Downing, Minister Bible school 9:45 n in I, (I Gt ■■sham, superintendent Morning service II it in An- them, "I Waited fot the I an d i Mendelssohn I Sermon. "If We Walk in the Light of God " <’ln 1st Ian Endeiivoi. 6 30 p III Junior, high school, young people's and adult societies Evening service 7 30 Heimon, "All Tills and Too.” Midweek service 7 30 I' Hl Thursday I I IBM I BAPTIST ( III ll< II •I. IC. Turnbull, Minister WOULD EMERGEN! I Nl'NDAY Bible school 9.45 a m Classes fm ull ages Wmship ut II a. hi . Izadles’ quartet, "I Heard the Voice ot Jesus Say" (Tovey). Heimon, ah Hiding flare A special inessagi fm a storm-ridden wot hl Next In series on Isaiah Duds Nujipci Young People's Union 6:30 p. m. At 7:30 p in. Prophetic Mel­ ange Subject, '"Hie Final World Empire and the Stone Wm ti Smiles" i Next in series from the Ptophet Danlid) Wednesday, 7:30 p in., prayer, TRINITY EPISCOPAL < III IH II praise and Bible study 6:30 p III Clutlde t. Smrr. V Personal woikris* study class • Holy Communion, H a m. ( ATIIOI.K ( III IK II <'hutch school, I* 30 a in Sei mon and Holy Communion. Lev. W. -I. Meagher, Pastor II a in Mass ut 9 u. in. Sunday. Holy Communion 9:30 a in Sunduy school fm children non­ Wednesday ducted by several Misters from Bishop Dugwrll will be present the Sacred Heart academy and officiate at all services and Medford following mass. confirm n clnss Hundav mornin • The loose offering will lie given to I IICM ME'HIODIS’1 ( III IK II the Bishop for the Endowment ( or. N. Main und laiurcl Sts. fund of the diocese Di. George Bruce, Minister You are cordially invited to Sunduy church school meets at wmship with us It 15 a tn • Morning sermor, subject, "Bless­ I Now it die time of year when people tron> all over America arc heading for die FREE METHODIST ( III IK II Colorful Southwest to enjoy die abundant sunshine and the famoui winter ed uie they that hunger and thirst East Main Street resorts, dude ranches, national parks and countless scenic attractions. Above is after righteousness" The adult John It Port, Pastor diown Superstition Mountain in Arizona, a giant cactui and one of Greyhound's choir will sing an uppropnute an­ Sunday school at 9:45 a m them with R. II Cooke directing luxurious new Super f.oache*. Greyhound serve* all of the fascinating South Bernice Bea re. superintendent In west over a network of *cenic routes, bringing this interesting country within a Evening sermon at 7:30 o'clock charge day or two of Pacific Coast points. Subject, "Soul Anchors" Morning worship at II o'clock Mid-week Bible study hour at Junior meeting and Young Peo­ 7:30 p in Wednesday. TALENT NEHM school gym The play was of mys­ ple's meeting at 6 45 p m. Even­ tery and comedy. The cast of • ing worship at 7 30 p in • The sawdust burner at the Mo characters included Jean Fieguth. FILL GOSPEL TEMPLE Mid-week prayer meeting Wed Keen sawmill was blown over last Beulah Balderstooe. Floyd Yar­ E. Main arid MIsMyou Blvd. nrsday evening at 7:30 p is week by a heavy wind that al- nell, Claire Withrow. Albert An- I.. I*. Furnuui, Pastor You arc w< Icome to till set vices most destroyed the structure. demon, Wanda Lue HUI, Earl • ___ Sunduy school 9:45 a in Thin • Mis Ola Anderson, only daugh­ Jones and Alicia Birdsell. Morning worship 11 o'clock. NEIGHBORHOOD < ONGREGA- ter of Mr. and Mrs Hugh Spruill, play was under the direction of C. A. service ti 4ft Sunday eve­ passed away at a local hospital Helen Romanger and Miss Votaw TIONAI. < III ICCII ning Evangelistic service to fol­ Wednesday at the age of 24 years. Boulevard und Morton Streets low nt 7 30 o'clock. She was married in October 1939 | ( larem-e F. McCall. Minister C. A service and choir practice Funeral services were held at the Bible school 9 45 a in . Mrs 7 30 Tuesday evening Conger Funeral home in Medford Glenn ITescott. superintendent Bible study and prayer meeting with Reverend Dawes officiating. Worship service II o'clock Ser­ 7 30 Friday evening. Interment was made in the Phoe­ mon subject, "Arrived at laist " Everybody is cordially Invited nix cemetery. Missionary meeting at 2 p in to all services. • Mi and Mrs. Floyd Young had Wednesday. Dec 10. at home of as their guests last week Mt. and Mis Hilt <>n Murton street HUNT PKENBYTEK1AN Mrs Charles Donaldson of Oak­ • (III ICC II land Calif REV. TI IlNBI l.l. IN MERIES Howard G. Eddy, Minister • The community was shocked at , OF PROPHETIC ME.MNAGEM the tragedy of Harvey Zemke, worship 11 o'clock Morning Rev J R Turnbull is present­ Choir leader, Miss Florence Al­ who accidentally shot himself ing a sérica of Sunday evening ad­ while wandering through the An­ dresses on the Prophet Daniel, len Organist, Mrs J W McCoy derson creek hills Saturday. Har- j using a large colored chart which vey attended the Talent school he drew himself. Ijist Sunday eve­ WOMEN'N < 'I.ASS NEWS last year and was 18 years of age ! The Izoyal Women's class of the ning in- on "The Divine at the time of his death. Foreview of World Empires, their Church of Christ met Thursday of Character and Doom” Next Sun­ last week at the church The af­ • Hat dd Thompson who is em- l day evening he speaks on 'The ternoon was spent In m-wlng for ployed at Silverton spent a few H na I World Empire and the Stone the Boys' Home nt Eugene, a pro- days at home with his parents foot ot the Christian church Ro last week. Im h Smiti-s This will be followed by an ad­ freahments of pumpkin pie and • Mis Gladys Gale of Ashland dress on "Four Beasts of Prey," whipped cream were served by the visited her parents. Mr. and Mrs. und another • *' Ashland, Oregon •• • M T Southern Oregon Credit Bureau Reporting Office Ashland Phone 3751 240 East Main, Ashland General Office Medford Medford Center Building Phone 2261 YOUR CREDIT RECORD You make it, We Record it! FOR THE IDEAL CHRISTMAS PRESENT Your Favorite Magazine with the SOUTHERN OREGON MINER at Unbelievable Savings! TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE SAVINGS NOW! PRICES ARE GOOD FOR BOTH RENEWALS OR NEW SUBSCRIP­ TIONS. INQUIRE AT THE MINER OFFICE FOR OTHER MONEY-SAVING COMBINATIONS! Read the Southern Oregon Miner Complete coverage of local hap)>enings each week and news from the communi­ ties of Bellview, Hilt and Talent. Also current news picture«, comics, fic­ tion and many other features. SPECIAL SUBSCRIPTION OFFER Enclosed find $ ............. for one year’s subscription to the SOUTHERN OREGON MINER (new or renewal ..) and one year’s subscription to (magazine choice) Name Add reMs (new..... , renewal