Friday, Dec. 5, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 4 Southern Oregon Miner About People You Know CHAS M. GIFFEN WILLIAM SAVIN Publishers Published Every Friday at 167 East Maia Street ASHLAND, MtDGON • A I ii I mii meeting was hold nt the hull Wednesday evening with H I cpreselltatiVeN of both the CIO and AFL addressing the gloup An election is to be hold Dee I io decide between them hole • M in W A Gian served as | boat chn Wednesday evening when friends gathen-d to help Mi (¡ran 1 celebrate his birthday Those pie sent were Mr. and M in W W Walker, Audrey, Billy and Bustei Walker ami Mr and M in Walt Fostei Games weie played and refreshments Nerved at the close ot the evening • Billy Gran accompanied liaiold Cedros and Bernard I a- win of Yre­ ka to I'alo Alto to spend the week end as guests of the Yreka 20 30 club, and attended the Stanford California foot laid game, return­ ing home Sunduy night • Untold i«mgi- attended the Ore gon-Oiegon State game at Eu gene Saturday • Rev. and Mrs C W Astleford • Mi and Mrs Raymond Rugei and *mw of their oenglegation of Klamath Falls are guests o. from Talent Methodist church vis­ Mrs J R Huger this week ited the First Methodist church in • Born to Mr mid Mis Arvhu ¥ ★ Ashland Sunday evening, lies Donoho on Nov. 30. a daughter Entered as second-class Astleford preaching the sermon. SUBSCRIPTION • M i*. O'Harra has returned matter February 15. RATES • Mr and Mrs Arthur L. Coggins from a business trip to I*os An­ IBM, at the poatotfice at tin Advance) are visiting with their daughter geles. Ashland, Oregon, under in New York City. • Mis li G Travis went to Med ONE YEAR ...... $150 the act of March 3, 1*7» • Mr and Mrs S. A Peters have I ford Monday on business SIX MONTHS »Oc sold their porperty between Siski- • Mr. and Mr* Robert Hutchin i Mailed Anywhere in the ★ you boulevard and Walker avenue son of Stockton visited with Mi United States) TELEPHONE »561 to Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Lindsay of I and Mrs. J G Emmett Monday. Oroville, Calif The deal was made • Frank O'Cuttnoi, who tenches through the Huffman real estate at Kerby, spent tile week end with agency. his aunt. Mrs. Hattie M Konop • Bill Alden. Clint Baughman and • M in P II Stansbury " is In Port J Edward Thornton went to Sa- I land thia week visiting with I lern Saturday night to attend an j friends At the Quarterbacks banquet Wednesday night Kiks nwettng • Sid Reed. Earl Leever and Jack Virginia Stevenson Ol Young went to Medford Friday to Prospect is visiting Mr. and Mrs there were many evidences of a healthful attitude of attend a Plymouth meeting. • M i ,oi.l Mi ■ !•'!'H'nt Villi de F. O. Livermore. • C E. Huffman was a business Weghe anil son Joseph and dnug supporting the team “win or lose." • Mrs Maude Stanley was called in Medford Monduy. ter Agnes mid Mi mid Mia lien There is no denying that we all like to have a win­ to Macomb, ill. the first of the visitor • Will itodga -ittended an I k ly l>e Cleiek were in Yreka Sat week by the death of her mother. meeting in Portland Friday night ning team, but in general there has been too much ot a Mrs. Jennie Hamilton. urday meetoing in Portland Finlay • Mi mid Mrs Richard Williams tendency on the part of the public to demand winning • Among those attending the night. mid son Roy weir shopping in game at Eugene Sat- • Mrs Kelly Parsons mid daugli Medford Saturday. teams. This sentiment has resulted in more emphasis homecoming urday were Aubrey Miles. Bud have returned from a visit • Mi mid Mrs Fete Favero and being placed upon football and basketball, especially I Gandee. Earl D. Nutter, Dr. Wal­ ter with Mr. and Mrs. 1». Mclxm- Zoe Favero were Yreka vlsltois ter Redford, Dr. Stephen Epler, the former, than they deserve and uoaches are driven I Jean Eberhart, Marshall Weodell, gal ill l*akeview. Saturday • F. L. Nutter received word that • Mrs Roy Rushton mid dmigli to turn out winning teams with their jobs at stake. The Carl Brower. Miss Margaret his brother. Charles P. Nutter ter of Medlord weie visiting hei Mr. and Mrs Olan Sneed. passed away at Delta. Colo. Fri­ demand for victory also creates an unhealthy state ot I Short, parents, Mr. and Mrs It Will- Mr and Mrs. Charles Fortmiller. day of last week rams. Monday mind among the youths participating. Mr and Mrs. G M. Green and son • • Mi mid M in St Clair and cini - and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. James To win games should not be the prime purpose of McNair. I R Frideger, Weldon PAST MATRONS <1.1 It dren were in Yreka Satin day. • M in V Nebeker. Mia Hen Ol- high school football. The mental, physical and moral’ Heard. Miss Dorothy Frideger. MEETS WITH MRS. MeNAIK lorn and Mrs. ltoblnson weir Tile I ’ lmt Mations chib of Alpha Dale Kaegi and Miss Ellen Car­ Frank Ohlund training which the youths receive from playing the ver. guests of Mis chapter No. 1, OES, was enter- Monday afternoon. game thing. ____ is really _ the important _ _ A coach may be • Guests of Mr. and Mrs Leo taint'd at the home of Mrs Hal McNair Thursday evening of last • Roy Hold, who suffered u hip unable to turn out a winning team, yet, through his Jammerthal at dinner Thursday Of week Eighteen guests were pre- injury ut the mill two years ago, is leaving Wednesday night tin example and inspiration accomplish more real good tor GeorKe w Bruce. Mr and Mrs sent. Sacramento to have x-rays taken the bovs than if they won every contest during the wuiiam Worthington, Dr and Following the business meeting and a general check-up. the group engaged in visiting and Monday's mid Tuesday's heavy whole season. Too, it is not good for the playeib to win Patrick, Mrs. Ada Rose and Mrs needle work. Miss Lydia McCall • and Mrs Leah Caldwell, retiring rains and snow in the mountains consistently—the game of life in which they will soon e . a oidenburg were presented gifts have halted logging operations in " ® - ........................... — I • Jack Bentley of Fort Stevens officers, this district. engage is not made of uninterrupted victories. There I I is home on furlough. from the club "Win Or Lose" Support! We’ll be SNOWED UNDER this Christmas /V V I the downs come with the ups and sometimes it seems i I more often. The player who learns to lose with grace i as well as to win without losing his equilibrium, has obtained one of the best things high school football has to offer. So let’s continue this attitude of enthusiastic sup-1 port “win or lose’’ which helps keep high school ath­ letics in their proper place where the most good for the i most students results. ★ * ( "It Isn’t practical to provide a telephone ay .rm BIO enough for all the folks who want to chat aerose the miles on Christmas Eve and Christmas Oay. “Hundreds of us will be on duty to put your calle through. If they're delayed — and some are bound YOUNG PEOPLE FETED Rev and Mrs. Howard G. Eddy and daughter entertained the young people of the Presbyterian church at their home Sunday af­ ternoon. Plans were made for a young people's organisation which will meet at 6 15 at the church Sunday evenings At the close of the afternoon refreshments were ♦ ■r \ 1 * The Hole In Your Sock! “Hidden around this country in private purses now is the astounding total of more than $6,000,000,000," writes Paul Mallon. “Much of it is in mattresses, socks and private safes. The evidence is clear that a hoard-1 ing era . . . has reached suspicious proportions since the first of this year.” Many of these hoarders believe that they are pro­ tecting themselves against either inflation or a govern­ ment fiscal policy which might force them to invest their money. But, as Paul F. Cadman, economist of the American Bankers association, points out, they have small chance of success. “Hoarded currency is a prac­ tically useless method of protecting the holders of property against the arbitrary acts of government,” says Dr. Cadman. “Early attempts to hoard money in continental Europe to avoid governmental levies dur­ ing and after the first world war were met by blocking bank accounts and suspending transactions on the ex­ changes. Outstanding currency ceased to be legal ten­ der or to have any validity unless it was presented to a government agency and stamped to indicate that a tax had been paid or imposed conditions had been met. The holders of currencey found themselves in exactly the same position as the owners of bank deposits.” The hoarding of currency is about 100 percent fu­ tile—and, on top of that, hidden currency is always in danger of being burned, stolen, or otherwise lost to the owner. Put your money in the bank or invest it. You will sink or swim with the rest.—Industrial News Review 1 WOMEN'S GKOl I’ MEETS The Women's Association of the Presbyterian church met in ail- day session Thursday with thé business meeting held ut 10 a m. At noon luncheon was served by Mrs E S Coithell, Mrs J W King. Mrs. Elizabeth Thompkins, Mis. George Nicholls and Mrs Stella Adams A program and social hour with gift exchange filled the afternoon hours. ★ • Itoli! to Mi and Mis Monroe on Nov 26, a non I« Ila rold Be Thankful-Be Merry~Be Happy-Because You Live in America to be — pleaee understand and be patient. “Thank you. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE ANO TELEGRAPH COMPANY P TA MET LAST NIGHT The Junior-Senior P-TA met last night at the junior high school building An interesting panel dis­ cussion conducted by high school students was enjoyed by the group The Ashland Choral club under the direction of Mrs Stephen Ep­ ier also apjieared on the program Mrs R 1. CYosby presided over the business session PLYMOUTH «*111.1» MEETS The Plymouth guild of the Con­ gregational church met with Mis C E Blegrl Wednesday of last week Mrs Wilmer Hilt was In charge of the business meeting and devotional service At th.- close of the afternoon the hostess. assisted by Mrs Elmer Biege I, seived dainty refreshments WW »W .»'< Sf« ¿X mi Ù vwm C om L a 21 CARDS Assorted Boxed 25 CARDS All Different Boxed Keep the Slur of Hope and Freedom Shining in America BUY U. S. DEFENSE BONDS AND STAMP? 21c 49e Also Broken Lots at 2 for 5c and 3 for 5e Harry Chipman’s