Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, December 05, 1941, Page 2, Image 2

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Friday, December 5, 1941
Washington, D. C.
The President has on his desk a
confidential report that would warm
the heart of the defense-harried lit-1
tie business man if he could read it
Submitted b; Lowell Mellett, on*
of the "passion for anonymity"
vl NtuJi Katfnnoo Service )
White House secretaries, following a
(Consolidated Features—WNU Service.»
Successful farmer-poultrymen pay
careful survey in 35 states, the
EW YORK—On the bestowal
memorandum by inference severely nearly as much attention to the way
end of the Maria Moors Cabot
criticizes OPM and war department they feed their pullets and laying
Latin-American Journalism award,
j hens ns they do to tha kinds
handling of defense contracts.
recently presented, is the 80-year-
found that little business 1 feeds they provide.
old Dr. God­
For one thing, abrupt changes
Dr. Cabot Inject» frey Lowell generally is bitterly disgusted with
the whole defense administration, is the diet may cause the birds to
Hit Bankroll and Cabot of
convinced that it is being run by "off feed" and result in lower egg
Self Into Progre»» Boston, also big business and corporation law­ production and slower growth, as
a generous
yers, and is up in arms politically will the use of stale feed.
contributor to democratic enter­
If a change in diet must be made,
about the matter. Mellett warns
prise. For many years, he has been
that the administration had better it is suggested that it be gradual
a steady ground-gainer against the
do something about the situation and extended over a period of at
disturbers and trouble-makers, not
and do it fast or it will be just too least a week or ten days.
in political theory, but in his activi­
Important too. is sufficient hopper
bad in next year's crucial congres­
ties in the field of science and the
space, lest the more timid birds in
sional elections.
humanities. He not only bankrolls
A long list of specific grievances the flock go hungry. At least 10
progress, but helps it over the hur­
are detailed in the report: Little linear feet of hopper, with hens eat­
dle by his own resourcefulness and
firms are excluded from defense ing from both sides, should be pro
inventiveness — the true Yankee
orders in favor of big competitors, 1 vided per 100 laying hens, and a suf­
genius here.
ambassador to Russia, Is shown
even though there was no difference
One of the tirst American merchant «hips Io be given a gun in ac­ surrounded by reporters after he
South America ought to be
in their price*. Endless run-arounds number of containers to prevent
cordance with the revised neutrality law which permits U. 8. ships to arrived In New York, en route to
particularly interested in Dr.
from OPM and army brasshats be­ 1 crowding.
When there are enough separate enter belligerent ports and combat zones Is shown here with the gun Washington Io report on Russia's
Cabot's now successful and
cause the little business men had
working scheme to bottle sun­
no "in" with the big shots. Small pens a good idea is to separate the being bolted to the stern mount. Photo was made at an East coast stand before the Nazi ma< bine, and
the effect of U. 8. Irase-lend aid.
shine and keep it in the cellar,
manufacturers put out of business timid hens from their more aggres­ port. The ship's name Is withheld at the navy's request.
like jelly or preserves. His 1937
by the priority system which en­ sive companions, mnking a small
grant of $616,773 to Harvard uni­
ables big concerns with defense con­ pen of this group. They will soon
versity was a great help in
tracts to hog supplies of raw ma­ forget their timidity.
One practice followed by many
storing solar energy and today,
in Florida and other southern
Mellett also implies that the Divi­ poultrymen is to provide only a lit­
states, household hot-water rigs,
sion of Contract Distribution, estab­ tle more feed each day than the
fuelled by trapped sunshine are
lished several months ago to help birds clean up.
The left-overs, if clean and dry.
almost as common as oil burn­
little business, has so far accom­
ers up north.
plished very little in the way of re­ can be mixed thoroughly with the
fresh feed in the hoppers, and in
The next year. Dr. Cabot gave a sults. Small business is still out in
the cold when it comes to getting an this way. there will be no accumu­
similar amount to the Massachu­
lation of stale feed at the bottom
equitable share of defense work.
setts Institute of Technology, for the
The gist of the report is an old of the hoppers, reducing likelihood
same purpose. His many contribu-
story to the President For months of mold.
tions to the useful arts of peace,
Feed mixtures containing flsh oil.
have been telling him the
including his enthusiastic co-opera-
same tiling, although not so com­ as sources of vitamin A or D, should
tion with aviation. may well be put
prehensively and effectively.
Th* be bought or mixed in small quanti­
down as an antidote to war. He
creation of SPAB and the Contract ties so that they can be used within
learned to fly a seaplane in his late
Distribution division was an effort 10 days or two weeks.
years and invented a system by
to reffiedy the situation. But these
which a plane can pick up fuel in
agencies are manned with the same
type of executives who have been
He attended M.I.T. two years,
running the defense program from
finished at Harvard in 1882 and,
the start—big business men.
Three billion seven hundred dozen
after laying the foundation of
There isn’t one little business man eggs are expected from American
his fortune manufacturing lamp
among them.
, hens in 1942 to provide an adequate
supply for home needs and for the
Lone Refuge.
branched out in gases and car­
I.oui« Boudreau, 24, ha* signed a
In fact, in all of Washington there British.
bides. He has always insisted
Joachim von Ribbentrop, Grrman foreign minister, is shown (center two-year contract as player manag­
This increase of 11 per cent over
is only one place where a little busi­
that democracy, to survive,
ness man is functioning in behalf the expected 1941 production has background) as he addressed the foreign ministers of Axis satellites er of the Cleveland Indian*. Bou­
must plow a lot of its gains
been called for by the government be­ after the signing of the anti-comitern pact in Berlin. Von Ribbentrop dreau. who is «hown above, was the
of small business.
back into the business—which he
That is in the justice department, cause of the vital part eggs play in said that Hitler already has won the war in Russia, and warned that Indians' *horl*top for the pa«t two
steadily does. His Latin-Ameri­
where trust-busting Assistant At­ the nation's diet, according to C. F. U. 8. help to Russia or Britain would avail nothing.
can journalism awards are in
torney General Thurman Arnold has Parrish of North Carolina State col-
honor of his late wife.
set up a Small Business section and i lege.
During the next six to eight
installed as its head a genuine little
months, there will be a special need
N 1913, Carlos Davila covered business man.
murders and fires for El Mercurio
He is Guy Holcomb, a strapping, for good feeding and care to get
of Santiago de Chile. He was a good two-fisted Atlanta filling station op­ ! increased production from each hen.
reporter, telling what happened, erator, who has never had a pub­ After that time, greatly increased
rather than lic job before, hates redtape, and numbers of pullets will come into
Prize Journalitt what he loves nothing better than to tangle production.
The number of layers on farms at
Expound» Faith in thought with a brasshat who is pushing
the beginning of 1942 is expected to
Militant Democracy ought to around a little fellow.
Operating from a cubby-hole of­ be 10 per cent greater than during
Later, as president of Chile and am­ fice, with only a secretary as his the early part of this year.
bassador to Washington, he main­ assistant, and without fanfare and
This is one time when farmers
tained much of this same detach­ hoopla, Holcomb in the month he has should really use all their skill in
has getting more eggs from their hens.
chalked up an impressive record as Careful feeding and management,
One thing that he observed in
a defender of little business men. essentials of any good poultry pro­
1936 was that the world was go­
He has got them contracts, supplies, gram at any time, should be brought
ing to hell in a hand-basket un­
and entry to official doors previously into use by everyone during this
less there could be a successful
collective “organization of
Favorable egg prices, together
If you are a little business man
peace." He also observed that
and are having defense troubles, with the government pledge to put
it would be foolish to think that
Holcomb is the one man in Washing­ a floor under prices, provide a
treaties would be an effective
ton to tell them to. He may not be strong incentive to boost production.
stopgap against the onesming
able to help you, but he'll certainly
apocalypse, He was away out
try. There will be no complaint on
in front in urging bold affirma­
that score.
tions and aggressive action, in­
• • •
stead of pacifisUc negations as
the survival technique of
The government’s interest in
The reported new French hookup
democracy—in which he is a
farm working man has ex-
fervent believer.
bad time for the British—which un- ; tended as far as his working
One of the four Latin-American
doubtedly is why 'the Nazis put the
recipients of the Maria Moors Cabot
Pointing out that the wholesale
screws on Vichy so vigorously. Un­
prize in journalism. Dr. Davila has
price of overalls has gone up 35
der these circumstances the Nazi
exemplified his faith in a militant
per cent and the wholesale price
squeeze on Turkey can be expected
and crusading democracy, which
of work trousers 37 per cent in
to tighten almost momentarily.
faith he expounds in the public func­
the past two years, the Office of
In fact, the mor* the Nazi drive
tions attending the prize award. A* in Russia bogs down with weather, J Price Administration now is act­
editor of the Editors Press service,
the more likely is Hitler to take the ' ing to keep the cost of this wear­
First photo of the capture of the
he is possibly the most important
ing apparel from getting further
easier, warmer, short cut through
German ship "Odenwald" by U. 8.
journalistic liaison in the new cul­
Saburn Kuruou, special Japanese envoy bearing hl* government’s navy cruiser in south Atlantic.
Turkey toward the oil fields of the ; out of line.
tural and, to a degree, political
Chambray, cotton coverts and
final terms for peaceful settlement of Japanese-American differences In Boarding crew of U. 8. sailor*
Caucasus—and also toward the Brit­
entente between North and South i
denims, widely used materials
the Pacific, is shown (right) with Hccrrtary of Slate Cordell Hull (cen­ Is shown alongside of the “Oden­
ish oil fields in Mosul and the Eu­
for working clothes, have been
ter) and Japanese ambassador Kichisaburo Nomura, a* they entered the wald" which flrw the American flag
phrates valley.
added to the list of cotton goods
After becoming editor-in-ebief
White House grounds after leaving the state department.
For months the Nazi* have been
as U. 8. 8. “Wllmoto."
now under a definite price sched­
of La Nacion, he came to Wash­
bringing small boats down to the
ington as ambassador, in 1928
Aegean via the Balkan railroads
price on the fabric is expected to
at the age of 34. He became
and the Danube, and are reported
head off the inevitable increase
president of Chile in 1932, in a
almost ready for landing party at­
which comes when the work
period of political upheaval,
tacks on coastal points in the Mid­
clothing crosses the retail coun­
helped incline his country to its
dle East.
present liberal trend and land­
Preparing to meet this. General
The OPA, of which Miss Har­
ed back in the United States
Wavell has been sending a con-
riett Elliott, consumer consultant,
where his daughters were edu­
stant stream of reinforcements from
is assistant administrator, acted
cated and which he considers
India, most of them to Iran, Iraq
last spring to put standard print
the world's hope for democratic
and Palestine. The British say they
cloth and other higher grade cot­
leadership. It is doubtful wheth­
are in fairly good shape—though still
ton goods under a "ceiling."
er we have in South America
woefully weak in tanks.
Since then fabrics for work
any U. 8. A. citizen who can
Faced with this crisis, the Turks,
have increased in price
match Dr. Davila's penetration
as usual, continue to be the enigma
until they are out of line with the
of the mind and institutions of
of Europe. Diplomatic betting is
established ceiling.
another country.
they will bow to Hitler.
Living in New York off and on for
quite a few years now, he mixes
around casually, knows a lot of peo­
Bill Bullitt, former ambassador to
ple, speaks quite a lot of our idiom France, was asked by photogra­
Pasture land promises to be one
and demonstrates hemisphere sol­ phers to pose with strip-tease queen of the most profitable sources of
idarity in his small, compact, Ann Corio, as the two happened to farm income in the next year or two
alert person as few North or South board the same plane in Hartford, in view of the steadily increasing
Americans have ever done.
Conn. Bullitt declined. Comment­ defense demands for meat and dairy
Bombs and bullets were some­ ed La Corio, “He'd better never run products. In order to obtain the
times an obligato to his rapid rise for office—my fans will snub him most profitable results from pasture,
Flanked by district leaders William Hynes (left) and Patrick ¡.
in Chilean statesmanship. He helped at the polls!"
a program of good soil management
build the Chilean state and know*
President Roosevelt, the nation's
A confidential commerce depart­ Including the application of fertilizer Fagan (right), United Mine workers’ chief John L. Lewis is shown after
that democracy is not easily come ment report estimates that by the is essential. Such a program not leaving the deadlocked “peace conference" with steel officials. Their first purchaser of Christmas seals
by. He say* we were »oft, but ar* fall of 1942, 8,000,000 workers will only will produce grasses richer in failure to agree on closed shop issue was the signal for a general strike of the National Tuberculosis asso­
toughening up and getting back our be employed in defense industries. needed vitamins and minerals, but In “captive coal mines." Later, the miners agreed to submit the dispute ciation, buys bls seals from Steven
to mediation and the strike ended.
"crusading spirit and stoic fiber."
Ilohanos, artist who created seal.
The number is now 1,500,000
will promote mor* rapid growth.
Methods and Food Quality
Are Important Items.
‘U. S. Help Avails Nothing
‘Flax cr-Managcr'
High Egg Production
Is Government Goal
Farm Work Clothes
Under Price Control
Before Miners Accepted President’s Terms First Seal Purchaser
Profitable Pastures