Townsend. father of the pension plun ululili before u congirssional committee recently that at least Hitler provided work for hla peo­ ple which was more than thia Volume X country was doing. All of which caiiNe« us to wonder how long the avetage American worker would enjoy working under the' German bouts, wage« and work-I Ing conditions 1 1 1 The Tokyo pre«« declares that wur la Inevitable, so why do the Japs go to the needless expense of «ending a x|x>clal envoy over Thirty-eight miles south of Ash­ here. land in the southern slopes of the • Siskiyou mountains, they dedicat­ THIS AND THAT ed u new state yesterday. ll> Ol.ll TIMER A delegation of smartly garbed To the Editor: mixing with be-whis- College football season used to townspeople, kered miners, two brown beats end on Thanksgiving day when a and newsreel camera men, bunch of the pigskin artist« were heard five Judge John W "graduated " Since the advent of Childs Superior of Crescent City proclaim the "bowl" contests, the lads now new state of "Jefferson,” to be can loaf around the college until the known and recognized as the 49th the weather get« warm state In the Union * Representatives from as far Hitler «aid f he * wouldn't take off south Sacramento and ax far his uniform until the war is over north ax ax Horneburg gathered on Wonder how he managed to get the courthouse lawn in Yreka to into hl« red flannel« for the Rus­ hear protests that both Oregon sian campaign' and California had neglected the r f f bonier regions of the two «tâtes, And to ndd to the tribulation« while camera men repte of the school board, nocturnal vis Meriting newsreel Fox Movietone, News of itors raided the high school pan­ the Day, Universal News. I’ata- try! mount New» and Bathe New« mer­ r r r recording the Maybe If I the Salvation Army rily ground away, event kettle plan was adopted some history-making by the untimely death loose change 1 could be garnered of Shocked Gilbert Gable, late mayor of for the Christmas tree fund Port Orford who started the « movement, secessionists neverthe­ The small boy look« with less agreed to carry on his work askance on Governor Sprague’s under the leadership of Judge advocacy of a lengthened «chool Childs Moreover, even though the term boundaries of the new state have * tentatively set up as "larger Moscow ha« the largest bell In been than the N<-w England area", thev the world Hitler must be wonder- promised to put additional pres­ Ing now for whom it will even- sure on Klamath. I^ake and Jack- tually toll son «»unties to Join their move­ f f About time to hand the Japan- ment It was a mixed crowd of aston­ e«e envoy hi« hat and bld hlm ishingly serious and sheepishly gotjdbye grinning people on hand for the • inauguration. Even the photo­ graphers from national picture Elks Memorial to magazines, admitting that it marie Be Held Sunday I*. M good copy, did not quite know The annua) Elks memorisi «er- what to think A large number of vice will be held at tht- Elk., ten. the rebels appear to be willing to pie at 2;30 o’clock Sunday after- carry the movement through to noon This service, an Impressive the finish Others indicate that memorial to ail Elks, 1« held the the publicity is bringing the de- first Sunday in I>ecember each sired results. A lx»s Angeles syn­ year and la open to the public dicate is reportedly planning to Rev QMM W Bruce Will set up a $250000 chrome plant in •«peak and a fine musical program, the Scott Valley section. Other including numbers by Mrs Ste­ offers in developing the mineral phen Epler, the college orchestra ri-si-urex-« of the area i are being under the leadership of Miele Ijm- receiver). den. and by the highschool boys Just how far the movement will quartet, has been arranged for be carried is not known The state of California has recognized the plea of the section by ordering a Records Indicate two-rlay hearing on the mineral Driv'nfr Tmnrnvemenf resources later this month At any rate, they had a g Despite a substantial incres«- in the use of motor vehicles in time As one old miner put it. "By Oregon thia year the traff- <*<"'■ dang, it's the best crowd since rate at the end of the first 10 they lynched those guy«, «lx years months was exactly even with th«- ago!” rate for the name nerlod In iO40 Ear! Snell, secretary of state, dis­ closed today The rate is 11 1 persons killed [>cr 100,000 000 miles of trsve' Since this death rate Indicate« the number of persons kill*-«! in re 'The annual Christmas concert latlon to the exposure to accident, and since increased traffic volume presented by the Junior high mean« greater exposure to acci­ school chorus and the high school dent. the fact that the rate Is no a cappela choir, accompanied by higher than It was last vein whet the high school orchestra, will be the exposure wax les« is an Indi­ given at the junior high gym cation of the improvement in Ore­ Thursday evening, Dec. 18. Consisting for the most part of gon driving. Snell declared The October death rate this sacred numbers, the program will year wax 12 7 while for the same include several classics and a month In 1940 it was 14 3 This group of Christmas carols The improvement wax effected in the two groups will sing several num­ face of an 18 percent increase In bers separately and will then com­ bine to make a huge chorus of travel during the month • ----- over 125 voices, one of the largest BISHOP lil'K SUNDAY home talent choruses to ever ap- The Right Reverend Benjamin pear in Ashland. D Dagwell, Bishop of Oregon, will A cantata presented by this I m * present and officiate at all combined chorus will climax the services at Trinity Episcopal program and special decorations church Sunday morning The and lights will add to the beauty Bishop will pi esent the sermon at of the music. 11 a. m. and the public is cordial­ There will be no admLssion ly Invited to attend this special charge to this concert, but those service. attending will be asked to bring whatever they can in the way of CLIFTON A. SHUTTS food which will be distributed to Funeral services for Clifton A. the needy. Shutts, 84, will be held at l :30 p m Saturday at the IJtwiller Fun­ eral home Shutts worked for 21 Jr. Hi Hoopers “Hot” years in the Ashland park depart­ ment, having been forced to retire ’n Season Opener five years ago by ill health. His The Ashland Junior high varsity wife died in 1937 and he is sur­ basketbailers looked in mid-season vived by two foster children, A R. form on the local maple boards Scott, Yreka, and Mrs. Lucille Tuesday night as they trounced Lowell, Vancouver, Wash the Sams Valley high school quin­ tet 55 to 17 in the Ashland bas­ ketball season opener. I Little Jay Samuelson was “hot" A. O. McGee anti his teammates continually fed mid Companion the ball to him. He accounted for Are Invited to Be Guests of the ' 21 of his club's points during the Southern Oregon Miner time he was in the game. Kerr, the only other letterman on the To See Their Choice of Simpson five, tallied 10 points. the Following Coach Simpson used 12 men in the Varsity Theater clash. The junior high seventh and Programs: eighth graders, after trailing the (Friday and Saturday) first three quarters, made a clean sweep for Ashland when they "SON OF MONTE CRISTO" turned back the Sams Valley PARSON OF PANAMINT" i graders 20 to 16 in the prelimin- | ary lambert, Jandreau and Pro­ (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday) vost tied for high scoring honors of this game with six apiece. Mil- "YANK IN THE R A F " kowski was high for Sams Valley I with 11 • Piense Can at The Miner Office • Mrs T 8. Wiley visited In Kln- for Tour Guest Tickets 1 math Falls. Tuesday, with her daughter, Mrs Bill Miller. SECESSIONISTS DEDICATE STATE OF JEFFERSON DEC. 18 SCHOOL CONCERT DATE *Z4< Poff* ^kai Jku. £anion» decided to let fate determine where they would «pend their 15-day furloughs; so they hung a map on the wall and let their knives select their destinations. Jack's knife landed in Ashland —and so did Jack, Sunday. Hunt has made many friends already and reports that he is enjoying his furlough. He also assisted in the flag presentation at the Quarterbacks' banquet Wednesday night. One injury and considerable damage resulted from two acci­ dents which occurred in the Ash- land area due to slippery road conditions the past week. Mrs. Paul Sparks of Medford received a scalp injury and minor bruises when the car in which she was riding skidded and turned over on the Klamath Falls high­ way. Mr Sparks and four other passengers in the car escaped injury. The other accident, involving two trucks and a passenger car. occurred Tuesday morning on the Pacific highway near the north city limits The two big trucks driven by Don Kerby of Talent and Louis Ramirez of Turlock. Calif., met headon when the semi­ trailer driven by Remirez skidded into the left traffic lane in the path of Kerby's truck. The Remi­ rez truck turned on its side in the ditch at the south of the highway and although the impact practic­ ally demolished the front of Ker­ by's truck, it still remained on the highway. A passenger car driven by Mrs. Earl Anderson also was damaged in the accident Mrs Anderson was following the Kerby truck when the headon crash drove the truck back into the front of her car. Drivers of all three vehicles luckily escaped injury. The famed Roth String Quartet ■ is scheduled to present a concert '•There have been over 200.000 in the auditorium of the Southern re port e Bettv Lee Walters of Altade^" Calif, and Esther Carter of E’- wood, Neb.