Friday, Novmeber 28. 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page ? CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT Fun for the Whole Family NURSERY STOCK By ED WHEELAN BIG TOP AT LAST! ROCKHILL EVERBEAR- ING STRAWBERRY plant» reanon- ably priced Wonderful berry. I4»1fc perfect. Plant 100 new, harvest berrle» worth 115 00 next Hummer, 2jc each postpaid, any quantity. Green Mountain Berry Growers Castle Bock. Wash. TRUCK PARTS Heavy-duty Motors, axels parts, bodies, tires, hoists and used trucks^ TRUCK WRECKING COMPANY 10th * S E. Hawthorne Port la nd. Ore. RABBITS AND SKINS POULTRY AND RABBITS WANTED Good white fryer rabbit skins K0e to 90c per lb. Write postcard for prices and Information. Baby B Co.. 935 S. W Front. Portland, Ore. " FILM DEVELOPING ~ PICTUP.ES Trim kodak films on Beautiful Christmas Greeting cards with envelopes to match. 11 OS per dozen S. nd negative, or write for sample Superior Picture Co., P. O. Box 489, Portland. Oregon. SCHOOLS LALA PALOOZA WELL, SHERLOCK, WE BEEN WALKIN' IN CIRCLES FOR HOURS AN’STILL WE AIN’T NEARER MY By RUBE GOLDBERG Diamond* v». Lollypop» TAKE IT EASY, I SIS “WE’LL FIND'EM-I'M CONCENTRATIN’ MEANWHILE THE ASHMAN'S CHILD IS WEARING LALA'S ‘BEADS" TO SCHOOL FBZFABB WOW FOB FVTVBB ZABW WKIIL1 TOO LAABM Earnings more than pay tuition. MOLZB BABBBB COLLZOi 104 First So. Seattle, Wn. _________ FORSALF________ WHAT A WASTE OF MONEY, MY CHILD!-THOSE TRINKETS MUST HAVE COST ALL OF THIRTY CENTS WO CHICK SHOBTAGB! Now Hatching Weekly, Dubl-Doilar New Hampshires—U. S. Certified Leghorns Vaihon Island Co-oper­ ative Hatchery, Box 3, Vashon, Wn. 15 Young Hounds. Well-trained on all game. None better. Stock broke. No bad habits. 1« Hound Pups from trained parents Millard Bum- aide, Glenoma, Wash. ATTENTION. ARTHRITIC». IF ALL OTHERS have failed, write for our free bo<4clet. Bulter Ray clinic, Ya­ colt. Wash. FOR SALE—Garbage Route Long established. Open territory, vast area. Income 1925.00 month. 1 Cher, truck 1941; 1 Chev. truck 1937. »12,506. Terms. Owner. 2227 Lef­ ler B4„ Los Angeles,. Calif. By C. M. PAYNE S’MATTER POP— Ju»’ a Little Fella’ Understands’ Auto ccsirt I2S0 a month income. I new mod. cottages. 6 rm. house. Price 110,000-—14.000 down; bat. terms 1152 B. Main, Sprinrfleld, Oregon. SERVICE STATION—Two electrl« pumps, garage, and good home In southern Douglas county. Gocd op­ portunity for mechanic with lim­ ited capital and own tools. Owner has other business Bert Wells, 41» Bast Lane, Boaeburg. Oregon. COTTAGES and rocmlng house, choice location tn Seaside Particular^ write Box 1073, Seaside,, Oregon. TBAPPBBS TRAP FOX OP. COYOTE: Bare ground and deep snow trapping. Free circular F. Q. Bunch, Welch, Minn. Box 53-B Wright's Health Underwear Men’s wool union suits and also wool shirts and drawers give greatest satisfaction to wearer. Wo use western wool. Also new patented rein­ forced supporter dou­ ble crotch gives long­ er wear and more exo u • e*T ore-comfort. Try out these garments and enjoy their body comfort. Ask at your retail stores. Do it now. ZUT WBIGKTS UMDEBWBAJB FOB CHBISTMAS WRIGHT'S UNDERWEAR CO. 348 Broadway Mew York Delicious Recipes Free By J. MILLAR WATT POP—It Probably Will Bear Table Fork» Would you like to try a brand- new delightful recipe for Apple I Cake, Coffee Cake, Herb Bread, Or- i ange Bread and dozens of other appetizing recipes? Just drop a post card to Standard Brands Jnc., Dept. W, 691 Washington Street, New York City, and you will re­ ceive a grand cook-book absolutely free.—Adv. Relief At Last For Your Cough Creomulsion relieves promptly be­ cause it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, in­ flamed bronchial mucous mem­ branes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the un­ derstanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis THE SPORTING HING LANG ARMSTRONG SECOND HELPING F inishes dessert at coosi H EMMA'S AW LOOKS 10 SEE If THERE IS MORE 1WRI H. LOOKS YIMtNlKLY M W661R1 BOWL, 1ÜVN6 fc «IV E COLSM EW» 1HL It’D UMS 1b HINT, 8V SAVIN« |H LOW Û.EAR VOICE.• MV,fHAT has GOOD!* IWFDRIVNAltLV HO ONE TWS MY AHtNDON ftVES HlMSElE OVER -ft EtELlK ABUSED. 1WES SCRAPES SPOON OH PLAIE f> IWPICME HE IS THROUGH ANO SENDV FOR MORE All ELSE FA11W6, WHISPW 10 ftolWER MUY HE ASK FOR MORE ? OHRS F inishing MAKES I AST Emir hMKPfRiW t> MOTHER, WMTFUU.V ‘WF PH STILL IWN6RY ! * s*»* w siRRPfs nn? R* SHOW Ptff-TOStt If HE MIMLP ANYTHIN« WW.FR ENDS. CHEERS UP. OH 5POTTIH6.0H 1ME WAV OVF, A WRV LARK COOKIE CRUMB 4 WNU—13_________________ 46—41