SOUTHERN OREiXJN MINER Friday, Nov. 2M. 1941 IAI.ENT NEWN • Mi ami Mm l,yl* Tame of th< 1 >ea Saturday and Mr» evening • Mi iiri'l Mm Glen Brown and family of Moiiix county, were week end guest» of Ben Clark ami Ml and MII Allen Claik over the week-end • Guests at the laigan home for 'thanksgiving dinner were M ih Bertha Hungute Mr» Elizabeth Palmer, Mr and Mm Don Hun- gate, Mrs Blanch I i ungate, Mr ami Mr» Harold Sloper and two children, Mr. and Mr» Floyd Goin. Glen laigan, Mr and Mm Ben Webster and daughter and Mr and Mr». Boh Logan. • Ml»» Betty Nichol» of Bellview »pent the Thanksgiving holiday with Barbara Terrill Betty 1» n former resident and attended the Talent school. • Mr and Mrs Ro'and Parks nd daughter Tammy of Sprague Riv er returned to their home Satur­ day after attending the teacher»' Institute and visiting relative« in Talent and Ashland for the past week • Mrs M I’ Dun and Mr» Wil- liard Dudley and daughter Verna May visited friend» in Talent Sunday • Mr and Mr» Steve Waldon of Oakland, Calif, who have been guests of Mr and Mr” Rilev Nis- Warner for the laat week, returned to their home Mondav • Mr ami Mrs Archie Estes left last Tuesday for a week's vacation at Crescent City where they spent Thanksgiving with Mr and 'fra Charles Estes, Mr Estes' brother and sister-in-law Before returning home they will visit Mr«. Estes' father and mother, Mr. and Mm. John Smith, at Glendale • Grant Bar neks and Mr Mrs Clyde Barricks left Wednes day morning for Washington where they will make their home Mr and Mr» Bill Hotchkis» will occupy the property where they vacated on Railroad avenue • Mr and Mrs I>'wls Maynard Of Selah Wash, who were called by the death of Mr» Maynard’s mother. Mr» G W Barricks, re­ turned to their home Friday • Mrs Iuzzv Wogamott. who spent the past three month» at Locust Grove, Okla., returned home last week • Mr.“ Anna DiekCV Is St......... the week at Klamath Falls and is a guest of Mm Christeen Duncan • Ml ng service; duet, Mrs L Merriman and J ft Turnbull, sermon, "The Invine Foreview of World Empties, Their Charactei und Doom." (First in aerie» of Daniel'» prophecies, using hand- painted chart). Wednesday. 7 30 p. m, prayer, praise and Bible study. < viiioi . ic < hi r < ii FREE METHODIST < HI IK II Enol Multi .Street John II. Poet, Pastor Sunduy school at 9:45 a m Bernice Beare, superintendent in charge. Morning worship at 11 o'clock Junior meeting and Young Peo­ I ple's meeting at 6 45 p rn Even­ ing worship at 7:30 p. m Mid-week prayer meeting Wed­ nesday evening at 7 30 p no You are welcome to al) service» NEIGHBORHOOD (ONGREGA- iIONIL < ill ik n Boulevurd and .Morton Street» Clarence F. McCall, Minister Bible school 9:45 a m. Mr» Glen Preacott superintendent. Regular wor»hip at 11 a in Sermon subject, “Come ami See " At 6:30 p m Tuesday, Dec 2, covered dish »upper followed bv practice Hinging and picture» in preparation for a more fitting cel­ ebration of ChrlHtmaa All chil­ dren. adult» and community friend» are invited to any or all of these event» The pictures will be shown from about H o'clock a < Hl K< II OF THE N'AZAKE.N'E llrrtriuid F. Peterson, I’aator Fuerth and C Streets Church school !» 45. llev. W. <1. Mciigher, Pastor Mas» at 9 a. m Sunday. Sunday school for children con­ ducted by several Sl»ter» from the Sacred Heart academy of Medford following mass. e FIRST METHODIST ( III IK II ( or. N. Mitin and laturvl St». Dr. George W. Bruce, .Minister Sunday church school 9:45 a m Allen O. McGee, general super­ intendent, ha» appointed a com­ mittee which is working on the Sunday church school Christmas program. Morning sermon at 11 o'clock Subject, "The meek shall inherit the earth " The adult choir under direction of R H Cooke will lead the singing and give an appropri- ate anthem Evening sermon at 7 30 on sub­ ject, "Fate! Fate! What a drama­ tist thou art!" Young people» choir will lead the singing and will sing the anthem, "Nature» Anthem of Praise" < Sullivan) Solo |>art by Frances Brobart Mid-week Bible study hour at 7 30 p. m Wednesday • • ltM EITION FOR NEW MINISTER AND FAMILY • Mr ami Mr» James Gilleeapyi* Mr and Mrs Don Evan» of anri Mrs Mary Trejillo visited Klamath Fall» ____ visited ______ with _________ Mr. with friend» in Gold Hill Thank»- and Mr» C. E Horne Thanksgiv- A public reception was held giving Wednesday evening at tne I'ic.i byterian church honoring the Rev and Mr» Howard <¡ Eddy am daughter Virginia J W M< o presided over the rro-eting We! come for the Ministerial associa tion was given by Dr. George W Bruce and for the congregation by Wirt M Wright After a fine program refresh merit» were nerved under the di­ rection of Mm Theo J Norby and Mrs J A. I-angtry land journeyed to Eugene laat week and visited Mr. and Mr a. Herman Rornan»ki Mr» Charlea Stockstill, mother of Hazel and Mrs. Romanski, who hail been vis­ iting her daughter and »on-in-iaw for the past two week», returned with them to her home in Ash­ land • A large number of the Talent grange and their friend» gathered | at the hall for a turkey dinner on [ Thanksgiving day. A fine program I followed, opening with a »kit en- 1 titled "Tlie First Thanksgiving"! Mrs. Stanley Robbins gave a read­ ing The YGA member» presented a school play, "The Newlyweds’ First Thanksgiving This was greatly enjoyed The meeting closed with a vocal solo by Mr« Rhisla Hensel. FAMILY Extends To All a u MERRY CHRISTMAS” ASHLAND ICE & STORAGE CO For borne delivery. Phone 6761 m r HD ■ CHRISTMAS WELDS MANY GOOD FRIENDSHIPS! J Saint Nick makes ’em stick—and Oak Street Garage and .Machine Shop welds hold for keeps, too! S. Claus is pretty good at joining old friends and relatives and the Oak Street Garage and Machine Shop also has a specialty—As the year-around welding head- (piarters for ranchers, farmers, tractor and truck operat­ ors—because our welds HOLD! Y ps , OAK STREET GARAGE and MACHINE SHOP »7 OAK STREET, ASHLAND "We build Storage Tanks' PHONE 4M« < • .. Seo this range at your Gas Company TODAY! NEXT CHRISTMAS! Start next year’s celebra­ tion this year. Plan to be in your own home by Cnrist- mas 1942! ASHLAND LUMBER COMPANY Phone 8'191 7ÁeSUNG0LD Oak Street at Railroad KEN WEIL, Manager BUY CHEAP DO YOU KNOW ThatTheAverage Monthly Bill For Both Coo king and Water Heating ON GAS Is Only $ 96 PER MONTH LOOK CHEAP FEEL CHEAP BUY GOOD FEEL GOOD LOOK GOOD THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR QUALITY! SIMPSON HARDWARE i WEDGEWOOD CAS RANGE CALIFORNIA- PACIFIC UTILITIES CO.JI