Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, November 28, 1941, Image 6

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Practical and Economical
Friday, Nov. 21, UHI
• Mr, and Mr«. 1» W Myers, Mr.
and Mrs. George Nichols and Bet­
ty and Donald were among the
dinner guests at the Milton Nich­
Room 8 had a health project for ols home in Valley View on
the "open house" Thursday night. Thanksgiving
Nov 13. A question was raised • Mi and Mis George King o.
about the difference of sterilisa­ Ashland and Kenneth Wenaus
tion and pasteurization, ax we wen* dinner guests Thanksgiving
were discussing how to keep milk of Mr. and Mrs Theo Wenaus ami
safe. Also, some started on post- family.
I ers, plays and modeling to show • Mr and Mrs Arnold Olson
| the safety of milk
made a trip to Yreka last Thins
Room 8 has noticed an interest day
| Ing subject of nature in an elm • Mr and Mrs Walter Davis
' tree near the front of the school. J ■ were hosts at a birthday dinner
We saw a bluejay visiting a grey I honoring Mrs Davis's sister, Mis
squirrel’s nest The grey squirrel ( Floyd Parks of Central Point The
didn’t particularly like his com­ guests Included Mr. and Mrs A
pany and tried to chase him R Kincaid and Eunice, Mr. and
away The bluejay seemed to think Mrs Henry Stenrud Mrs Soren­
it fun and flew from branch to son, Miss Marie Walker. Mrs Ella
branch with the squirrel after him True, Mrs lx>uis Pankey, Mr and '
Part of the sixth grade boys Mrs. J E Gowland, Mis Gus Hll- I
art* making wooden toys for the 1 ! Hard of Klamath Falls. Mi and I
Junior Red Cross. Each boy is Mrs. Floyd Parks of Central j
going to make about three wooden j Point and hosts, Mr and Mm 1
toys They are going to hospitals Davis and daughter, Lydu Path I
and some might even go to Brit- I | erlne.
• Wendell Reynolds is absent
Washington school had an "op.- from school this week due to u leg I
en house" Thursday. Nov. 13 an I hip injury sustained Satindayj
■ Classes started at 7:30 The chil­ While getting out Chi 1st mas tics 1
dren came in. took their places • Members of the Upper Valley
and began their work This lasted Community club are inited to be
I for about an hour We ended with guests of the Ashland Civic club
two songs. "God Bless America" at a luncheon next Wednesday
and "America." Miss Mitchell • Hot lunches were staited last
played the piano and Miss Hager Wednesday for the Bellview school
led. Mr. Goddard welcomed the I pupils Mrs Luke Willis is in
people There were about 170 charge.
guests and 160 children It felt • Mrs John Walker and two chil­
very funny coming to school at | dren from Alamosa, Colo arrived
night, although we had fun doing , Monday for a visit with the J Z
our work.
Walker families and later will go
The girls in Room 7 are making to Seattle to visit Rev. David Wal­
spatter-work Christmas cards We ker and Tom Walker.
are going to send them to the • Mr. and Mm J E Gowland,
Junior Red Cross who will send Mr. and Mrs Brown. Mrs Vai
them to some of the different Lnlow and Mias Aileen In low, Al­
children’s hospitals.
bert Arnold, Henry Carter and I
Betty George, who has been go­ Louis Pankey represented Bell- '
ing to school in Lakeview, has view grange Friday night at the I
come back to Washington sixth I country square dance held at the
grade for the rest of the term.
‘ Dreamland dance hall in Medford
The boys of Washington school
are practicing basketball Twenty • Mr and Mrs A Diddy <4
boys have turned out for practice Marysville, Calif visited with Mr
We hope to have four teams The and Mrs S A Aldrich Thursday.
play shed is going to have new Friday and Saturday.
backboards Mr Norby told the
Cub Scouts and the other boys
that he would give them a chance
to practice on the junior high
school floor.
All the rooms of the school had
eye tests last week.
Marcella Prettyman made two
rag dolls After she had sewed
and stuffed them she made clothes
for them and painted faces on
each. They are dressed in overalls :
and a dress She embroidered the
hair and eyebrows on them. They
are going to the Junior Red Cross
to be sent to one of the children's
hospitals in Portland.
Washington School
—of course you wouldn’t. Santa . . .
and neither do Ashland residents who
have learned of th«* easy, economical
Ashland Laundry way.
Don't let colds or washday fatigue
mar your holidays when it is so easy
to just call tin* Ashland Laundry
Phone 7771 : 31 Water St.
“For th«* ideal washday—
Just call,
That’s all.”
and remember
you’ll enjoy the whole year more if you make
insurance a gift to yourself this Christinas.
It helps a lot to know that dependable in­
surance is safeguarding you against unex­
pected losses — losses that can mar you«
whole future as well as upsetting your pre­
sent plans. For friendly advice on your in­
surance problems, see . . .
• Mr. and Mrs. William Welch
and son Billy of near Yreka were
dinner guests Friday of their
daughter and husband, Mr. and
Mrs. Irwin Ross.
• Mr and Mrs Earnest Roger
from Keyport, Wash, are spending
several days at their home here
and visiting relatives and friends
Earnest is stationed at the naval
base at Keyport.
• Mr. and Mrs Walter Hash spent
Sunday in Klamath Falls visiting
Mr and Mrs. Robert Rosenbaum
and baby
• Mr and Mrs. F C. Russel
spent Wednesday and Thursday of
last week with Mr and Mrs
Frank Bechtel of Klamath Falls.
• Mr and Mrs. Gene Seitz and
baby were dinner guests Thanks­
giving of Mrs Gertrude Seitz and
daughter Ruth.
• Mr. and Mrs. Allen Miller from
Seattle arrived last week for a
visit with Mrs. Miller's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. R. E ~
• Mr. and Mrs. Wade Wallis
spent Thanksgiving with their son
Lee and family of the Applegate
• Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Deadmond i
were dinner guests at the Mrs |
Dott Williams home Thursday.
• Miss Veda Williams entertained 1
at a dinner party last Wednesday ,
evening. Her guests were Betty
J. Dunn, Ruby Webb, Chet Fow­
ler, Russell Hawk and Martin
Toys That Do Things!
heavy Range
Army plane with guia on each
wing that <dioot hone»«-to-good-
ness spark»! Air corp» inslgniu
¡minted on each wing. 8-lnch
wing spread.
The 8-inch tank turn» sotner-
sauit» . . . then goe« merrily on
iU way! The 8'j-inch tractor
(Each bulb burns lnde|M*iideiitly )
—but that is no reason that you should not
continue to get new-car performance from
your present car. Stop in at Caton’s for a
complete check-up on brakes, wheel align­
ment, lights and other details easy to neglect
but which are vitally important to the per­
formance of your car.
AND REMEMBER, Caton’s body repair
and paint shop can work miracles in the
appearance of your car.
PHONE 5311
(Siskiyou Boulevard and Indiana Street)
A camera is a per­
fect Christmas gift
because It’s a pleas­
ure-giving gift. . . .
Young and old, w«*
all enjoy snapping
pictures that will
remind us of happy
occasions !
Sparkling cry»tal g la»» com­
bined with shiny metal plate
In serving wts for table and
They make noises and ring liells
and chimes when these funny
toy* are pulled by tiny hands.