SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Friday, Nov. 28, 1941 I ■ U rg pl 1 flj g I < -WU I • Bob Herndon and family of Eu 5.S1?'' l-eonnrd Caln of Oakland, father-in-law of. Billy Herndon, spent Thanksgiv­ ing week-end at the Walter Hern­ don home. While here the men en­ joyed a goose hunting trip with Walter Herndon. • House guests of, Dr and Mrs W J (’ran da II last week were Mrs M Anderson and Mr and Mrs Ted Nicholson and children of Fort Klamath. l.\Jl KV KEEPS JANDKEAl' FROM BASKETBALL LINEl’P Charlie Jandreau, triple threat left halfback for the Ashland high school football team and a main­ stay in the Grizzly basketball lineup, suffered a broken fibula, the small bone of the lower leg. an x-ray revealed this week The bone was broken in the third quarter of the Roseburg game here Thanksgiving day. The leg has been placed in a cast and Jandreau is attending classes on crutches He is expected to be out of the basketball lineup for at least a month. THOMAS-VINSON Miss Betty Thomas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs J. B. Thomas of Ashland, and Ben Vinson of Os­ wego were married Nov. 19 at the Presbyterian church in Oswego. Mrs. Vinson is a teacher in the public school at Oregon City and Mr. Vinson is working with a lumber company in Oswego. ------------•------------ • Rev. and Mrs Axelford of Tai- ent called on Mrs. Charles M Gif- fen Wednesday afternoon. • Dave Putman, Martin Herrin and Jack Sears were Yreka visit­ ors Monday evening. e • Dr and Mrs V. V. Caldwell • Millard Grubb attended a Ma- and children of Portland were sonic meeting in Oakland Friday guests of Dr. and Mrs. Walter i and Saturday. Redford last week. * Thanksgiving guests of Mr and Mm (J j.; Roberson were Mr and Mrs. Earl Dininger and children. Laverne Roberson of Seattle, Mr. and Mrs Howard Mayberry and daughter. Max. Winfield, Clara Ann. Charlene anti Venita Rober­ son. • Wallace Lilly of Lakeside. Ar­ izona Willard Dilly and Mr and Mrs John 8. Duncan and sons of i Del Norte, Colo are visiting Mr and Mrs. Jesse Dilly. Merry Christmas ('heck List Camp Goods Electric Appliances Car Radios Dolls Electric Trains Fishing Tackle Games, Toys Radios * Refrigerators Sports Goods Tree Ornaments Tires Heaters Washing Machines Tricycles Wagons These are only a few items of our Complete Christmas Stock Gifts to please everyone —priced to please you! WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY CO JAMES <«. MAC KIE Authorized Dealer entertained Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Boyer, John Boyer, Mr. and Mrs. Mellbum Mast of Portland and Mrs. Della Braymer at Thanks­ giving dinner. • Mr and Mrs. Carl McKinnis of Vancouver, Wash, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Me- Kinnis. • Miss Celene Morgan visited with Mr. and Mrs. Dee Newton in Medford Thursday and Friday of last week. STEARNS PLAZA GROCERY A light, clean, convenient place to shop. Save on staple groceries this week and have more for Christmas . . . Last chance for some of that full cream cheese at 27c a pound. SUGAR—100 lbs. $5.78; 25 lbs. $1.52; 10 lbs. 61c Swansdown or Drifted Snow Flour—19 lbs. $1.79 38c Sperry’s Rolled Oats—9-pound sack at“WESTERN AUTO Auto Accessories Bicycles • Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and Mrs Harry Carlton were Mrs. Dom Provost and sons. Dr. and Mis. Harvey A. Woods and sons, Mrs. Dottie Van Scoy of Eagle Point, Miss Jane Carlton. Miss Deila Carlton, Darry Plagman and Rilling Schuerman. • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Billings 1 and son of Dos Angeles are visit­ ing with Mr. and Mrs. Homer Bill­ ings. • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bamthouse ARE PRACTICAL AND ECONOMICAI This year select a gift that will really be ap­ preciated. Modern ef- ficient electrical ap- pliances give year of service and are a last­ ing remembrance of your Christmas Greet- Triangle Pancake & Waffle Flour—Lge pkg. 20c Kellogg’s Cornflakes or Post Toasties— Large packages—3 for 20c 15c SALMON—Fancy Chinook flats—tin Ashland Canned Corn, cream style or whole kernel—No. 2 tins, 2 for 25c 9c Ashland Canned Pumpkin— No. 21/« tin 10c Meco Grapefruit— No. 2 tin 10c Meco Tomatoes— No. ‘I’/t tins Campbell’s Tomato Soup— 3 for 23c; dozen Extra Fancy Blue Rose Rice— 3 pounds Large or Small White Beans and Baby Limas—3 lbs. 23c; 10 lbs. Red Mexican, Black Eye and Pinto Beans- 3 Ihs. 19c; 10 lbs. Large Limas and Red Kidney Beans— lb. 91c 19c 69c 63c 10c ☆ TIIE PLACE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY Jordan ELECTRIC COMPANY ☆ 61 North Main Street : Free Delivery