Southern Oregon Miner Published Every Friday at 167 East Maia Street ASHLAND. •REGON Friday, Nov. 28, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 4 About People You Know CHAS M GIFFEN WII4JAM SAVIN Publishers spending a week with relatives at Rogue River. • Mia Johnny Veranilvs and son ■pent the past week at tin* home of her parents, Mi and Mr.« Tony Mendes Also Mrs Wayne Ben- kosky of Dunsmuir was home for Thanksgiving. • Al* Warrens returned home from a week's visit at Durham with his family • Mr. and Mrs Ben Ollom drove to Grants Pass Sunday. • Mrs Irene Tallis drove to Mr« I ford Wednesday • Mrs Kay Elliott left by for Portland Wednesday morning I for a visit. • Mr. and Mrs. Merrick Thorton IIII.T NEWlT and son and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Andrews and sons were guests of • Mr and Mrs Nelson Watts and Mr. und Mrs. George Andrews children June and Gene of Chico * arrived Wednesday to spend the ★ Thanksgiving. Entered as second-class • Mrs Ruth King, Frank King holidays with Mrs Watts’ parents, SUBSCRIPTION matter February 15, and Ninon King were Thanksgiv­ Mr. and Mrs Richard Williams RATES 1935, at the poatofftce at ing guests of Miss Ethel Reid and and family. They returned home (Ln Advance) Ashland. Oregon, under Satu rday. her mother. ONE YEAR $150 the act of March 3, 187» • Mr. and Mrs R. L .Crosby en­ • Mrs. Maud Wert spent Thurs­ HP SIX MONTHS Mk' ♦ tertained the following Thanks­ day in Ashland at the home of Lt (Mailed Anywhere in the giving guests: Mr. and Mrs. L. E her daughter, Mrs Ernest Francis TELEPHONE 8561 United States) Crosby and children, Mr and Mrs • Mr and Mrs Sam Dunaway Verne Cary and daughters. Claude and daughters Marylyn and Betty. Cartridge and Ruth Snoody of I Mr and Mrs. W. A Gran and son SET YOU FREE” THE TRUTH WILL Billy, Norman and Ernest Dutro Roseburg. I • Mrs. Ehia Anderson entertain- and Donald Hood were among I ed Mr. and Mrs. Colver Anderson those who attended the ftl>all I of Benton Mines and Miss Louise game in Ashland Thursday! . Anderson of Junction City at • Mr. und Mis. McCullough ami daughter Donna of Klamath Falls Be sure to come downtown to the Christmas open­ Thanksgiving dinner. • Mr. and Mrs. Earl D. Nutter spent Thanksgiving at the borne ing tonight—you can't help but have fun mingling with , entertained Mr. and Mrs F. H of Mr. and Mrs biank Ward. the hundreds of enthusiastic window-shoppers, listen­ Dolan and children and Mr. and • Mr. and Mrs Bill lieybould and Mrs. Charles Blake at Thanksgiv- «laughter left Saturday tor Ari­ ing to the music of the high school band and watching ; ing zona where they plan to make dinner. the expressions of the kiddies as they receive their • Mr. and Mrs. A. A Madden en- their new home. Mr. Reybould is Mr. and Mrs. Robert employed there. gifts from old Santa who can still bring cheer in spite ! tertained Berry, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mad- • Gordon Alphonse of College of of the gloom and uncertainties of today. I den and son of Medford, Mr. and the Pacific and Sum Dunaway Jr George Riegel and sons and of Stockton Junior college wen- The merchants have cooperated almost 100 percent I ' Mrs. Mi's. Afton Hannah and daugh­ home Friday and Saturday. Both boys were unable to spend Thanks in providing prizes, decorating windows, arranging ters at Thanksgiving dinner. giving at home as their schools • Guests of Mr. and Mrs A H displays and assisting the chamber of commerce in the Peachey at Thanksgiving dinner played football that day and they details of the arrangements—so all that is lacking now were Mr. and Mrs. Lee C. Port of were required on their respective Applegate. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Port teams. is your presence to add to the contagion of holiday Jr. Pass. Miss Frances • Mr and Mrs Robert Trinca and good fellowship which will be the success barometer Port of of Grants Corvallis, Mr. and Mis. Mr and Mrs Gino Trinca attend­ Edwin Dunn and children. Bert ed a show in Ashland Thursday of the opening. Peachey. Mrs Bertha McKinney evening. • Gene Carr of Portland, repre­ The earlier opening date this year is also to your and Mrs. J. A. Gish of Portland • Mr. and Mrs Glenn Prescott sentative of the American Federa­ advantage in that it allows more time for a sensible and Mr. and Mrs. DeVries and son tion of 1-abor, was in Milt on busi- selection of gifts and the avoidance of that “what to of Medford were Thanksgiving neesM Saturday. • Mr. and Mrs Iwster Reynolds of Mrs. Anna Prescott. get panic the day before Christmas. Under present guests • Mr. an«l Mrs. Clarence Hahn of and sons Dean and Bobbin of Kia- conditions those useful practical gifts of today may Yuba City. Calif, spent Thanks- math Falls were visiting Mr I giving with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mrs. G. G. Black and family become the luxuries of tomorrow. Mr. and Mrs. W. Gran ami Henig. • Mr and Mrs E. L. Wilks and Sunday. | daughter and son, and Miss Jane • Dr. and Mrs R F Schlappi re- Hecker of Portola, C*alif. were 1 I turned home Tuesday from a guests of Mr. and Mrs H H. Gil- I I week's vacation trip. • Mr and Mrs Robert Trinca lette Thanksgiving. and Robert’s brother Remo were • Mrs. Jannice Leggett and Mrs Oregon farmers have been asked shopping in Ashland and Medford to participate in the nationwide Victoria Miller were guests of Saturday. campaign for the collection of Miss May Benedict at Thanksgiv- ’ • Clyde Hebard and son Jimmy scrap iron and stell to aid the de­ ing dinner. of Yreka were guests of Mr and fense program. Farms of the Uni­ • Guests of Mr. and Mrs W. M Mrs Ben Ollom Thanksgiving day Herbert Thanksgiving were .Mr ted States are considered one of • Mr and Mrs Frank Graves and the most important sources of and Mrs Herbert Russell Herbert. daughters spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Billings and scrap supplies, which now are ur­ relatives at Red Bluff and Red- gently needed for use by steel Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Chaney. ding. YOUR> YOUR i manufacturers for combining with • Rev and Mrs Howai IG • Mrs. w’ere Thanksgiving guests of Mr. children Fulton R. Williams and pig iron. CARX¿ MONEY returned Sunday from and Mrs. W. J. Montgomery. Robert B. Taylor of Adams, chairman of the Oregon USDA • Thanksgiving guests of Mrs defense board, is asking the coop­ Ida Crandall were Mr. and Mrs YOUR eration of all county boards in Ted Schopf of Klamath Falls. carrying on a drive for the collec­ • Mr. and Mrs John Wilkinson ENERGY tion of scrap iron in connection spent Thanksgiving day in Med­ with the current campaign to see ford with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. It’s nice to economize. But that usable machinery is repaired Wilkinson. money is only part of Grey­ • Miss Betty Weaver, teacher at early for use next year. hound thrift. You save wear on A graduated scale of prices for Heppner, spent the week-end with your car and wear on your farm scrap throughout the United her parents, Mr. and Mrs Charles States, based on distance from Weaver. nerves. Frequent schedules and consuming centers, has been set • Mr and Mrs. Homer Culbertson fast service save your time. up so that farmers will know ap- and children and John Baker were proximately what they will re- Thanksgiving guests of Mrs Sadie Next trip go Greyhound. You'll ceive for their materia) at the Stratton and daughter Marjorie. save money, time, energy, car ex­ various assembling points. For • Mr an«l Mis Flank pense—and enjoy every minute! Oregon a price of 61 cents perlOO entertained Mr. and Mrs Oley pounds at Portland has been es­ Olson and daughter and Mrs LOW FARES tablished. The amount received by Mary Olson of Kerby, Mr. and Oneway Roundtrip the farmers, however, will be this Mrs. Clyde Brown and Mrs. Helen price less the cost of shipping to Skidmore at Thanksgiving dinner. San Francisco $5.05 8 9.10 Haeger Pottery 29c to Portland and the cost of prepar­ • Guests of Mr. and Mrs I. C. Er­ Los Angeles . . 9.80 17.65 ing the scrap for shipment to the win Thanksgiving were Mr. ami Eugene .... 3.45 6.25 Westclox Alarm Clocks steel mills, the latter being ap- Mrs. W. H. Erwin, Mr. and Mrs Portland . . . 5.20 9.40 Shaeffer Pen and Pencil Sets proximately 12 cents per 100 Ray Schmeer of Portland and Mr. Depot: 101 East Main ar.d ____ ______ ________ Mrs. Gordon Schmeer of pounds. Phone: 3345 Champrel Bubble Bath The prices paid would not alone Medford. “Evening in Paris be enough to insure the thorough • Mrs. Frank Potter entertained combing of rural areas for scrap, Mrs. Grace Hall and children of All kinds of points out Chairman Taylor, but Little Applegate, Mr. and Mrs. farmers will profit in other ways i Basil Hall and son of Bly and GAMES and TOYS by helping provide an adequate i Glenn Potter at Thanksgiving supply of iron and steel scrap. If dinner. the flow of scrap is not sufficient • Mr. and Mrs. George Gillespy to meet needs, steel output will be of Sacramento were week-end further reduced, which will mean guests of Mr. and Mrs. James • Frank O’Connor, who teaches that farmers will encounter still Gillespy. at Kerby, returned to his work more difficulty in obtaining ma­ Sunday after spending the week chinery and other steel products. [ ■ size« with his aunt, Mrs. Hattie M. Besides, it will be a patriotic Konop. service. Our New Comprelien she Personal Liability Policy Provides the Broadest 1*1'1 xonal and Family Liability I'rol vellón Available. Includ Ing Automobile one policy, one premium, one low coat Set- UH for «letnilx J. F. Emmett 71 N. Main — Phom- 7281 Ashland, Oregon L« • > Christmas Join In I’hc Holiday Spirit! /Zwr (/¿ h ? REAL Value/ radually , in this country, wc arc learn­ ing bow to give, at Christinas. Wc have learned to discrim­ inate between the useless, futile and wasteful gifts anJ those which pcrjictuatc us in the hearts and the gratitude of those wc love. G This store takes the lead, we believe, in just such gifts as this. And they arc without number. You will always find junutbm^ for ntrybody, and at prices whidi yOQ shall decide yottrirlf. FARMERS ASKED FOR SCRAPIRON Chas. A. White JEWELRY * IS BROAIIY’S SPECIALTY! Here are a few «rift sugges lions that will really be appreciated ClmtebnoA C o M c I a <__________ i $1.25 Men’s Shaving Sets 50c up Ladies Utility Bags $1 to $2.95 Myrtlewood Novelties Billfolds and Men’s Fitted Cases Comb and Brush Sets ( ) ) ( V ( Í ATTEND THE OPENING TONIGHT 21 CARDS Assorted Boxed 25 CARDS All Different Boxed 21e 49c Also Broken Lots at 2 for 5c and 3 for 5c Harry Chipman’s ) —and plan your holiday purchases early • * • and remember that ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES make ideal gifts, You’ll be delighted at the beauty of the new, more convenient, more economical appliances that your ELECTRIC DEALER is showing this Chritsmas! Ashland Light Department “Your SERVICE Department”