Page < ** a Friday, Nov. 28, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER A l 11* n ti MEDFORD IN BIG GAME TONIGHT Gunter Fuel Co. •< S: 42 lleluuui V Dial 5751 Today & Saturday Dr. L W. Staffers DENTIST ORSON WELLES Hours 9-12 and 1-4 Medical Bldg. Phone 5211 t in CITIZEN KANE Sunday & Monday -y NOTICE! If you don't want to sell your property, don't list it with us! C. II U F F M A N Fur Real Estate 65 X. Main X 345 E. Main I WATCH REPAIRING Expert Swiss and American watch repairing. Your watch timed and regulated FREE on our Electric Time Mich nonet er. RAMSEY’S JEWELRY STORE Swodenburg Bldg. The Medford high school foot­ ball team, 25 strong, will face the The Dalles Indians at The I Mlles tonight in a game that lx billed as the mythical state champion-I ; sfllP The Dalles has been undefeated, ml ling up lop-side«i score« against all opponents except Mac-Hi, whom they defeated 7-6 Medford ha«i an otherwise perfect season' spoiled by the 20-13 set-back hand e*i out by the Ashland Grizzlies The game, expected to be one' of the most thrilling of the cur-. rent prep season, will b«* broadcast over KMED. beginning about 8 o'clock tonight. Regardless of who wins to­ night's game. Myrtle Point will! have at least a tie claim for the i mythical title They, besides The ‘ Dalles, are the only major unde­ feated team in the state If Medford should win, Myrtle Point can claim the title on the strength of its undefeated record, i Just can't erase that Ashlarul de- for, try as they might, Me«ifor«l feat. On the other hand, if The Dalles shouki end up on the long end of th«* score. Myrtle Point can claim a tie for the title The Pointers already have asked The Dalles for a gam«* but officials said they weren't interested until they finish their regular season. Tonight ends that season. • Mis D M Browci entertained > Miss Virginia Hobbs, Mrs Ella Applegate. Miss Gladys Applegate. Miss Voda Brower. Miss Velios Brower and Larry Hunter at ■ Thanksgiving dinner. • Mi and Mia M I* O liai i n. Ihilt- O'Huria, Bob O'Ilana and Mr. and Mia T L. O’Hatra weie guest« of Mi and Mia F J O'Hurra in Klainath Falla Tliunloe givlng LITHIA THIS SELF SERVICE STORE SAVES YOU MONEY! Friday, Saturday THE SWEET­ HEART OF THE CAMPUS” with Ruby Keeler Ozzie Nelson and Company 4-pound box Holiday ( hocolates Christmas (’aids 1c, 3 for 5c, 2 for 5< Chiin’s Tea Table (¡¡ft Stationery 25c to $1.19 Ixiads of (lift Wrappings 5c and 10c And innumerable other trift bargains MEN OF THE TIMBERLAND’ with Richard Arlen Andy Devine Ashland Sunday, Monday and Tuesday Sonja Henie in (»rrru .Stamps “SUN VALLEY SERENADE” AUTOMOBILE - FIKE CASUALTY - LIFE PUDDIN’ HEAD’ J. V. W. 5 & 10 INSURANCE Dependable Protection at Keaaomble Kates with Judy Canova "On the IS S»! M. T. BURNS Wed. and Thur*. OX THE PLAZA TUES - WED - THUR CHRISTMAS GIFT HINT Mid-Week pecial Adults 15c - Kiddies lie CHARLIE CHAPLIN INCLUDING TAX Kichurd Arlen, Andy Devine and Undu Hay cm who are « tarred in “Men of the Timberland" which la now showing at the Uthia Theatre. in PERSONALIZED • Mr. and Mrs. Claude Conley entertained Miss Irene Wehrli and M S. Centers at Thanksgiving dinner. • James Baughman and Mr and Mrs. Bill Bromley of Marshfield spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Baughman. • Dr. and Mrs. C F. Tilton were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Fowler in Klamath Falls Thanks- ' giving day • Mrs. C. F. McCall is recovering from a recent illness in a Port­ land hospital. THE GREAT DICTATOR with Jack Oakie rhey II make it a happier, more joyful Christmas! And they’re so much in keeping with holiday sentiment. Flow­ ers will say "Merry Christmas” in the most beautiful way of all. Whether it’s your wife, friend or mother, give Flowers! Produce Shipments Show Increase GRUBB FLORISTS Carlots shipments of fruit and vegetables from Oregon showed an increase of 136 cars in October over September, according to the plant division of the state depart­ ment of agriculture. October shipments totaled 2,278 cars and 1,183 trucklots. In September the carlot movement was 2.142 and trucklots 431. Potatoes accounted for the larg­ est movement, with 999 cars and 701 trucks inspected and certified last month. Pears were second, with 500.5 cars and 25 trucks, and third was onions with 312 cars. Apples, with 186.5 cars and 201 truckloads, ranked fourth. Ship­ ments of other commodities were under 150 cars. 271 Morton Ntrrrt, Ashland f ill I lowers and Potted Plants for All Occasions Give gifts for the home and you may be sure they’ll receive a warm welcome . . . Beautifully made and at prices to fit everyone’s Christmas budget. For Those Winter Driving NEEDS! For a “Bright” Christmas in every sense of the word, give lamps. You’ll enjoy the holiday season more —especially the holiday trips—if your car is prepared for winter driv f END TABLES ------- •------- • Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Brown ' and children of Hilt spent Thanks­ giving day with Bill Brown. ÛPDEJ) NOUS LAMPS LUGGAGE The smart gift for him her . . for them. WICK’S FURNITURE COMPANY 25 for Your Name Printed Discounts on larger quantities You add greatly to the individuality and impressiveness of your greeting cards when you have them printed to your own specifications. THE BEST SELECTION IN ASHLAND! Anti-Freeze Recaps Car Heaters New Tires CROSBY TEXACO SERVICE 5c-10c-$l Store - - - - - j r IF VA UUAMT5 TO GET AHEAD, th ' NAV<7 TEACHES VA TO AMOUNT \TOSUM'PN' POPEYE, THE WELL, \| I'D LIKE LIKE TO BE \ AN AVIATION I MECHANIC, < IF POSSIBLE/ RECRUITING UJELL I'LL BE HORN -SPOONED, I'M A'COURSE, IT’S POSSIBLE.” JOINING.' -TH' HAW GIVES VA -ME TH’ MOST COMPLETE FOR THE INSTRUCKTIONS IN OUTDOOR ANV ONE OF SOME LIFE ' FORT 4-ODD SKILLED TRADES OFFICER, GETS AIR - C O ND ITION E 0 I 7------------------------- - i ’ m an A viation MECHANIC, NOW! WELL, BLOW ME DOWN?1 VA CERTINÛLV GETTIN' ' PLEN'V O' FRESH AIR J HAW HAW You’re flying high in the Navy You live like a king I Free meal». Free medical and dental care. No rent to pay. And you get regular raise» In pay. What a life for a man who's young and ambitious I You get travel and adven­ ture and you learn a skilled trade that puts you in line for big pay jobs when you get out of the Navy. If you are 17 or over, get a free copy of the illustrated booklet, "LIFE IN THE U.S. NAVY/ from the Navy Editor of this paper. SERVE hour countrv .1 But LO VOI JR FUTURE,’ GET IN THE NAW NOW!