Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, November 28, 1941, Image 1

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By 01.1» TIMER
To the editor:
We are pleased to note that
there la a campaign now on to
eliminate the abbreviation "Xmas’
for tTiristmax When we substi­
tute the unknown quantity <X)
we lose the lenaon for our observ­
ance of Christmas We need more
than ever to realize the true Im-
(ant of Christmas.
Volume X
Number 48
Hy the time we have Joined H-e
Ke<l Cioaa. »«ought Christ max aeala
and donated to the Christmas pat
ty fund, some of us will t>e luckv
to have a nickel left for a Christ­
mas cigar
We again rise to remark that
the parking of nutomoblles so
close to the street crossings, there­
by obstructing the view of traffic,
la a menace to public safety and
should not be tolerated.
Our prisons are hardly more
than retreats, sanitariums, conn
try clubs, where the tired crimin­
al recuperates for new projects
It Is reported that enough silk
stockings will la* given for Christ­
mas to keep skirts short another
We used to send missionaries to
the Hawullan Islands
Now we
send fixitball players.
Credit Is Given for
Naw Enlistments
Secretary Knox of the nuvy de­
partment has announced that lo­
cal communities ate given credit
for each naval recruit and that lo­
cal selective service quotas are
reduced accordingly
Every young man who joins the
navy or naval reserve thus helps
to fill the kx-al selective service
quota Young men within selective
service age limits who have not
been deferred would do well to
consider the opportunities the UR
navy offers for specialized train­
ing and advancement while serv­
ing their country in Its emerg­
Age limits for the regular navy
are 17 to 31. and for the naval re­
serve the limits arc 17 to SO All
applicants under 21 must have the
written consent of their parents or
Many Players Report
for Basketball Squad
Nearly 40 prospective basket­
ball players have reported to
Orach Jerry Gaatlneau for the
Ashland high Grizzlies' 1941-42
squad J’taitn«- I* being held ev­
ery night In the Junior high gym
Gaatlneau and his assistant coach
Frank O'Neil do not plan to cut
the squad for at least two weeks
Under this plan, every player v ill
have an equal chance to make the
varsity team Those not qualifying
for the main squad will be i»kee
by O’Neil and have a schedule of
their own arranged
The Grizzlies open their season
against Redmond there Dec. 11
and play Bend there Dec 12 and
------------- •------- -- __
Sons Prepare for
Season Owner Dec. 12
Basketball practice has started
at the college gym for seven reg­
ulars and three reserves of last
year's Southern Oregon College of
Education team under the direc­
tion of Jean Eberhart
The Sons open their 1941-42
campaign here Dec 12 and 13
with Eastern Oregon providing
the competition I^axt year the
SOCE and EOCF. teams tied fot
th<- Oregon Intercollegiate basket­
ball crown
Eberhart also wax greeted by
six new men and is expecting
others when the winter quartet
------------------- •-------------------
Funeral services tn charge of
Rev Mabel Hildreth were held at
the J. P Dodge and Sons Funeral
chapel Tuesday afternoon for Mrs
Virginia May Taylor, 67. who
passed away Saturday morning
Mrs Taylor was born in Missouri
but had lived nearly all her life In
Ashland. Survivors include her
husband and six children: Mrs. A
R. Harden and Ethel Millet of
Ashland; Mrs E. R Butler of
Portland: Mrs. Fred Wolcott of
Grants Pass; Mrs R V Gently
of Nampa, Ida., and Mike Taylor
of Roseville, Calif.
and Companion
Are Invited tn Be Guests of the
Southern Oregon Miner
To See Their Choice of
the Following
Varsity Theater
(Friday and Saturday)
(Sunday, Monday, Tuesday)
Please Call at The Miner Office
for Tour Guest Tickets
Firemen Again Plan
Toy Repair Work
by Mat
Fire Chief Clint Baughman re­
ports that old toys are Just be­
ginning to trickle Into the fire­
men's repair department where
they are reconditioned to make a
happy Christmas for needy chil­
All old toys or dolls or parts of
toys are welcomed by the firemen
who have repaired hundreds of
toys in the past several years
Just call the fire station and your
contributions will be collected
Chief Baughman stressed the im­
portance of getting the toys in
now in order to allow sufficient
time for their renovation for use
this Christmas
The ladies of the Legion auxil­
iary again are repairing dolls un­
der the leadership of Mrs. Guy
Another fata) accident occurred
on the Pacific highway south of
Ashland Wednesday evening when
Mix Etta Florence Burns, 41, a
nurse in the Shasta I>am hospital,
was Instantly killed when the cat
in which she was riding over-
There was no other car involved
in the accident The report of the
stale highway patrol Indicated
that the road surface was wet but
not Icy Cheatei Royce, of the U
S bureau of reclamation at Red­
ding, Calif., who accompanied
Mrs Burns, escajted without in­
jury. The car, a 1941 Chevrolet
coupe, was badly damaged
Funeral arrangements are be-
ing cared for by the IJtwiller
Funeral home
Last Saturday four jx-rsonx
were injured in accidents caused
by slippery pavement on the Pa­
cific highway over the Siskiyou
Three of the injured were mem­
ber» of the 30th Infantry. U ■
army, en route in a convoy of 250
vehicles to Fort Ix-wls from the
Presidio in San Francisco
The army truck skidded and
nosed into a ditch, but the vic-
tims were not seriously hurt and
were placed in an army ambu­
lance which proceeded north with
the convoy.
John Btilanos of Portland suf­
fered a fractured leg and chest
Injuries when his north bound car
skidded and overturned twice on
the highway
-------....... - —
The well known Roth String
Quartet will give a concert at the .
Southern Oregon College of Edu-1
action at 8:15 Monday evening, 1
Dec 8.
The Roth quartet is recognized
as one of the outstanding organi­
zations of its kind in the concert
field today and has been much in
demand all over the United States
Some of their recent appearances
have been at the 18th Festival of
the International Society for Con-1
temporary Music held in the Uni-.
ted States for the first time this |
year and at a series of concerts |
at the University of Southern Cal-1
ifomia, Stanford university and
the University of Kansas City.
Recently Erno Balogh composed
a new work for them which they
are including in their programs
this year. During the summer they
were in Hollywood where they ap­
peared in a picture based on Schu­
bert's life directed by Alexander
Those in charge of the arrange­
ments for the concert state that
this is really a rare opportunity
for residents of southern Oregon
to hear in person an organization
that they have enjoyed many
times on the radio. Since Monday
evening happened to be an open
date on the quartet's western tour,
the concert will be presented at
popular prices It also was indi-
cated that public response to this
concert may pave the way to se­
curing similar music treats in the
Women’s Bowling*
League Under Way
The first games of the recently
organized women's bowling league
were bowled Wednesday night and I
resulted in wins for the Silver '
Crest Dairy and Palace Cafe I
teams The Silver Crest team won I
two out of three from the Bagley
Cannery team and the Palace
bowlers won two out of three |
from the Ashland Hotel Beauty I
Shop team
Honors for high sing'e and high
series for the evening were taken
by Ruth Aldridge with scores of
154 and 411
The women's league wax organ­
ized Monday night Alice Patter­
son wax elected president, Norah
Gandee vice president
Williamson secretary . treasurer
and Shirlee Enders and Alice Har­
ker directors.
Holly Gift Shipments
Need no Inspection
The individual who wants to
include some cut holly in Christ­
mas gift packages or who wants
to send a package of cut holly or
other Yuletide greenery need not
worry about getting inspection on
the shipment
The state department of agri­
culture points out that this year,
ax in the past several years, al)
gift shipments of cut holly may
be made to any point without in­
spection, certification or license
No inspection stickers are needed
for such shipments and the de­
partment is informed by the poet
office officials that such ship­
ments may be labelled properly as
Christmas trees, salai, huckle­
berry, fir, cedar boughs and other
cut greenery may be shipped also
without necessity for inspection
Only commercial shipments of
holly are handled through the de­
partment of agriculture and any
commercial shippers who have
questions to ask should get in
touch with the nearest department
The Ashland Downtown Quar­
terbacks club will be host to the
members of high school and Junior
high football squads, basketball
squads, high school drill team and
orchestra at a huge banquet which
Is scheduled to get under way at
7:15 p. m. Wednesday, Dec 3 at
the Junior high school gym.
It is estimated that there will
be an attendance of 320 at this
annual banquet which is a high-I
light of the year for the school
athletes and other guests and
which is one of the biggest and
gayest dinners to be given in Ash­
land each year.
The program committee headed
by J. H. Hardy promises plenty
of fun with group singing, intro-
ductions and an address by Irving I
E. Vining.
Bert Miller, Quarterback presi-
dent, has announced that the bal­
conies at the junior high gym will
be open to the public in order that
those who wish may join the pro­
Directors Meet
Tn Business Session
Members of the board of direc­
tors of the Ashland chamber of
commerce will meet this noon at
the Plaza cafe for a short business
session, according to an announce­
ment from President R. I. Fla-
It also was announced that a
Joint meeting of the Ashland and
Medford chambers’ directors will
be held in Ashland Friday noon,
Dec. 5.
Clearing up an accumulation of
The Home Builders class of the poutine business is slated for this
Methodist church met at the home noon's meeting. Flaharty said.
of Mrs. O. N. Wray last week. The I
party was in honor of Mrs Dor­ HILT AND LIONS SHARE
othy Mills, a former member, and
daughter of Portland. The after­
noon was spent in Red Cross' sew­
The Hilt team moved up to
ing. Delicious refreshments were share top place with the IJons
served by the hostess assisted by I bowlers in Monday night's games.
Mrs Henry Newton and Mrs. The IJons took two and lost one
Frank Culp. Next meeting will be to the Elks while Hilt took three
the annual Christmas partv on straight from the Greyhound Tav­
Dec. 19 at the home of Mrs. I^aw- ern team. Provost and Selby's did
rence Powell. Following the pro­ I not bowl their scheduled match
John Vannice took high single
gram the members will exchange
honors with 210 and Rob Bischoff
had the high series score of 537.
• Miss Catty May Smith spent J
Next week's competition will
Thanksgiving with relatives in find Greyhound vs Elks, Hilt vs.
Provost and Lions vs. Selby.
Silverton and Portland.
----- •-----
Truck and bus owners who have
not yet filled out and returned
national defense inventory ques- |
tionnaires received a second card
this week from the secretary of,
state's office
Accompanying the second ques­
tionnaire was the reminder that'
immediate completion of the sur-'
vey is essential to national de­
fense plans, according to Secre­
tary of State Earl Snell, who is
The Ashland fire department
in charge of the inventory in Ore­
gon. Government plans for the was called to the residence of H.
mobilization of highway transpor­ R. Magnus on Walnut street about
tation in case of emergency de­ 4 o'clock Thursday morning to
pends upon segregation and ana­ extinguish a garage fire The
lysis of the information sought in blaze had gained too much head­
way to be stopped but the depart­
the survey.
Seventy percent of the ques- ment succeeded in preventing it
tionnaire cards sent out in Oregon from spreading to the nearby
have been returned to date. Snell house.
The garage and a Willys pick-up
said, declaring this was one of the
best returns reported in the na- truck housed there were a com­
tion. The second mailing of ques- plete loss. It was indicated that
tionnaire cards went to the re­ some insurance was carried on the
maining 30 percent.
trucks are included in the truck
and bus inventory and owners of
these vehicles are asked to fill ,
out the questionnaires, the secre-'
The Ashland basketball season
tary of state said Many owners will open at the Junior high gym­
of light deliveries and nick-uns nasium at 7:30 o'clock Tuesday
have thought their vehicles were night, Dec. 1, when Al Simpson’s
not included in the category of junior high varsity and grade
trucks, but for the purposes of the ¡school squads tangle with Sams
defense inventory, these vehicle® Valley high school.
are to be considered as trucks.
A preliminary game will be I
Snell stressed the fact that the played between the seventh and
government is not intending to eighth grade teams of the two
take vehicles out of commercial schools
The regulars of Sams
use at a time when they are need­ Valley high will meet the junior
ed for private service nor does varsity in the main game which
it intend to use privatelv owned will immediately follow the pre­
vehicles without giving adeauate liminary.
compensation. All owners whose
Simpson has cut his squad to
vehicles are desired will be asked 22 players. Those who will prob­
to hire or lease them voluntarilv ably see action in the prelim are
at a time when they are not need- Childers, Landing. Provost, Jan-
ed by the owners.
dreau, —
Fowler. Merriman. Kan-
nasto, Miller, lambert and Fra-
The v arri tv will be chosen
Mrs. Elmer Byrd entertained »
general meeting of the AAUW a* among Samue'son and Kerr, onlv
her home Tuesday.
Mrs Em I’ returning
Berg of Medford assisted hv Miss I Coulter, Quackenbush. Marquess,
Marie Looslev, Mrs Wilbur Rnsb- I Wilson Sm’th, O’Harra Starnes,
nell, Mrs. James Priwo-g and Miss Flaharty, Morris and Arant
Cora Mason, ro^dnefed a m'md
table discussion. Mrs Frank Van Frederick VP»1 were married at
Dyke presided over the meeting. Woodland. Ca’if.. Nov. 19 Mr. and
Mrs. Mell snent Thanksgiving in
Ashland with Mrs. Mell's sister,
Mrs. Lillian Patterson Fansteel Mrs Rose Potter. Thev plan to
former resident of Ashland, and spend the winter at Winters, Calif.
----- •-----
Early Morning Fire
Burns Garage, Truck
Jr.-Hi Quint Opens
Basketball Season
The stage is all set, details are
complete and Ashland merchants
will ring up the curtain on the
1941 Christmas opening here this
evening, offering a prevue of new
Christmas merchandise and start­
ing what is expected to be a new
record for local Christmas buying.
Highlighted by the appearance
of Santa Claus at 7 p. m , coming
direct from his North Pole work­
shop and bringing a targe variety
of free noisemakers for the young­
sters of the Ashland trading area,
the affair is expected to draw a
capacity throng of 10.000 persons.
Windows are to be unvailed at
7:45 p. m., after old St. Nick has
given the youngsters their favors.
The high school band, under the
direction of Gordon Tripp, will be
on hand during the evening, pro­
viding Christmas music for the
occasion. Ashland street decora-
tions were being completed late
More than 115 Ashland mer-
chants are cooperating this year
in offering window prizes to hold­
ers of winning tickets,
tickets were distributed through-
out the Ashland trading area this
week in a comprehensive coverage
including Camp 4. Lincoln, Klam­
ath Junction, Siskiyou Summit.
Hilt, Calif., Bellview. Talent and
Ashland proper
Those persons bolding tickets
with numbers corresponding to
those in merchants' windows, may
claim prizes anytime Saturday or
Grand prizes will consist of
both cash awards and large, lus­
cious turkeys, on display at the
chamber of commerce offices.
These also will be available on
Chairman Henry Metz of the
retail merchants committee of the
local chamber of commerce com­
mented late yesterday that from
all appearances this year's open­
ing will be one of the best yet
held He said that already, ad­
vance buying of Christmas mer­
chandise is gaining momentum
and while shortages have been ex­
perienced in some lines, an expan­
sive variety of stocks appeared to
be available.
Governor Charles A. Sprague
added his voice this week in sup­
port of the 35th annual Christmas
seal sale, which opened Monday
and is being conducted over the
state by the Oregon Tuberculosis
association and affiliated county
public health associations.
In poinnting out the progress
which has been made in control
of the disease Governor Sprague
“Fifty years ago tuberculosis
was considered incurable. It now-
is common knowledge that the dis­
ease can be prevented and cured.
“Yet the chances of becoming
a victim of tuberculosis are still
great, when approximately 400
citizens of our state leave their
homes every year to seek care in
our three tuberculosis hospitals.
And there are about 2000 others
ill of the disease. Probably half
are unaware that they have it."
Oregon is attempting to raise
$90,000 through seal sales this
year, according to Lewis H. Mills.
Oregon Tuberculosis association
president. Ninety-five percent of
this sum will remain in Oregon
to be used by the Oregon Tuber­
culosis association and the countv
public health groups. Five percent
will be sent to the National Tu­
berculosis association.
Mrs. Phil Stansburv is seal sa’e
chairman for Ashland and is bet no­
assisted by Mrs John Miller and
Mrs. Robert Dodge.
------------- •--------------
New Dentist Leases
Woods Enuinment
Dr. L. L. Sumerlin, dentist, has
announced that he has leased tve
office of Dr Marcus Woods in the
Swedenburg building and ths* •
will begin his dental practice he»-P
Monday. Dec 1. Dr. Summerlin
comes from Myrtle Point wh"- '
he has been in dentistry for t’ •>
past 14 years
Dr. Woods, whose equinm<»”t
and office will be used, is serv’n»
as a captain in the army.