Friday, Nov. 21, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 8 ¡HINDSIGHT Gunter Fuel Co. ? ON SPORTS * * * Dry I »lox and Slabs 1 7X- Mtt DATUBil 1 ¡Grizzlies Mire Down In Astoria Game A sea of mud wax too much for the Ashland Ortas lies and they bowed before a team more adept i at playing in the muck and lout to Astoria 14 to 7 at Astoria Friday Dial 5151 42 lielnuui By I TOLD YOU SO i night 'Hie Fishermen scored in the first five minutes of the opening Another week-end like the last quarter but Ashland tied it up in | one and it will take a surrealist the second period. In the third I to unravell this collegiate football stanza Astoria again went ahead situation. Just who has the inside The locals nil sued a chance to get truck for a New Year's day trip to at least a tie when a double re­ DENTIST 1‘asadena and the Rose Bowl is verse went bed in the fourth per- Hours 9-12 and 1-5 something else only* a surrealist iod. could determine. Every team in Medical Hldg. Phone 5211 Playing in a thick fog _ that the Pacific Coast conference has made visibility practically nil dur been beaten at least twice. i ing the second half, Medford This makes the first year since jumped back from its unexpected tile Rose Bowl games were started loss to Ashland and stopped f NOTICE! m l'.Uii that a coast team will lem's Vikings 2« to 13 Salem have gone into the classic with unable to do anything with If you don't wain to sell two defeats. your property, don’t list it Tornado regulars and it was Oregon State, present favorite, until the fourth quarter that with us! has yet to clash with Montana and C. H U F F M A N lem scored, against the Medford Oregon, both being capable of up­ reserves The game was the last For Real Estate setting the Beavers. Stanford, home tilt for Medford 65 N. Main X 345 E. Main J considered a cinch to repeat last V. • year’s Rose Bowl trip, meets Cal­ ifornia and could get stopped there although it doesn’t look likely on paper. Washington clashes with . WATCH REPAIRING The Future Teachers of Amer­ Oregon and USC in the Huskies' ica. an organization of prospective only remaining games and certain ­ Expert Sw iss and American ly hasn't a cinch on either of these elementary teachers at the South­ watch re|>airing. Your watch Oregon College of Education, timed and regulated FREE on I games Washington State, the ern giant killer, draws a breather ’ have elected officers for the com­ our Electric Time Michrometer. against Gonzaga Saturday but is ing year The president is Nellie scheduled to meet Texas A&M at McLain of Ashland, vice president. Ilah Farrow of Bayfield. Colo RAMSEY’S JEWELRY Tacoma Dec. 6. Some authorities are eoiisiiler- recording secretary. Mallei Jewett STORE ' ing Washington State, but one of Medford; corresponding secre­ just can't get away from their tary, Borgny Romtvedt of lionan Swedenburg Bldg. Ashland set-backs at the hands of UCLA j za; treasurer. Doreen Del.isle of and USC by a score of 7 6 and Ashland; editor, Leola Lee of a 23-13 trouncing by Washington i Grants Pass, and librarian. Ruth But then if Oregon State were Froman of Ashland Ida O'Brien, supervisor of the chosen. WSC would be peeved be-1 AUTOMOBILE - FIKE cause they beat the Beavers. Then, | ttalning school and Florence Al­ CASUALTY - LIFE too, they lost to USC at the first len, supervisor of teaching In the of the season. Stanford, on the. training school, are advisers to the other hand, has been stopped by Future Teachers of America | OSC and WSC. Maybe they'd bet­ De|M*ndable Protection at ter send Idaho or some likely club and settle the whole thing. Reasonable Ratea LITHIA R TAIN M E N T l'bolle ?MI I'riday, Saturday Dr. U W. Staffers Friday and Saturday! ‘LIFE BEGINS FOR ANDY HARDY’ with Mickey Rooney and Future Teachers Hold Election of Officers Judy Garland rius- “SINGING HILLS »? with Gene Autry SUN • MON • TUE “CHARLEY’S AUNT” Featuring Jack Benny f The season's prognosticating | finds a total of 87 games with -a I correct selection on 59 of them for j an all-season average of 678. This! is the final week for Hindsight'sj selections and a sincere effort will I be made to reach an all-season j high. Here they are: Washington! over Oregon, Washington State I over Gonzaga. Oregon State over : Montana. Montana State over Ida- , ho. Santa Clara over UCLA. No- j tre Dame over Southern Califor­ nia, Minnesota over Wisconsin. Duke over North Carolina State, Texas Christian over Rice, Navy over Princeton. -•------------ M. T. BURNS ON THE PLAZA Kay Francis Wednesday Only Bargain Day 20e Basketball Practice Begins at Junior High Forty-five boys have answered ‘ Al Simpson's call for has- 1 I Coach ketball material at the junior high i ‘FRONTIERSMAN’ and practice sessions already are under way. Simpson says he has scheduled two games with Med- ford, the first one to be played here Jan. 9 at the annual jamb- oree and the other to be played at Medford Jan. 30. Letters will be sent to Roseburg, Grants Pass, Klamath Falls and probably to the reserve teams at Talent. Jackson­ ville and Phoenix. Simpson, how­ ever, will be unable to completely draw up a schedule until the high school and SOCE have completed their bookings. Only two lettermen, Jay Sam­ uelson and Dick Kerr, will return this season. Mark Marquess, who was a star on this year's football team, looks good on the maple boards. He has had previous ex­ perience with Medford. Provost, Jandreau, Wilson, Garrett, O’Ha­ ra, Quackenbush and Coulter all have two years of Ashland exper­ ience but are not lettermen. Simp­ son is looking forward to another successful! season and is drilling his team for a conference title. and HURRY! SELBY, GREYHOUND TEAMS WIN IN LEAGUE BOWLING ------------ •------------ JUNIORS DROP LAST GAME TO GRANTS PASS On a soggy and slippery field I at Grants Pass last Friday night, the Ashland juniors suffered their only loss in a successful football season that saw them tie Medford for the Southern Oregon Junior High conference title. The Grants Pass Frosh, previously beaten by Ashland 19 to 6, evened the score by taking the measure of the local juniors 7 to 0. Jamie Moseley and Mark Mar­ quess suffered injuries which greatly hampered Al Simpson’s eleven. ------------ •------------- FARMS ELECTRIFIED Oregon has made such rapid advances in farm electrification that it has jumped from 14th to ninth rank in the nation since 1934, according to figures released by the rural electrification admin­ istration. Only 28 percent of Ore­ gon farms were electrified in 1934, while today 72 percent of the farms are receiving the advantag­ es of rural electrification. The national percentage of electrified farms rose from 11 to 35 percent in the same period. ------------- •------------- OREN HAS< ALL COLE Funeral services weer held Mon­ day morning for Oren Hascall Cole, with Rev. Howard G. Eddy of the Presbyterian church offi­ ciating. Services were held at the Lltwlller Funeral home and Inter­ ment was in the IOOF addition to Mountain View cemetery. --------- «--------- • Mr and Mrs. Roy Wells of Elk­ ton visited several days with Mr». Katie Haney and Mr. and Mrs J. E Han^y. • Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Broady vis­ ited In Salem several days the first of the week. Marring Carol Bruce in? very latest n S1LVERWA E anil Franchot Tone TYLES in silverware change, aa incverything else. Solid silver or placed- ware have yielded to the most expert and artistic skill of modem designers— uAwr btMtnjul tbmy tb------------- MISSION STUDY ( LI B MEETS Accident* multiply a» road conditions make driving risks more numerous. Cold weather require* more fire—and where there is fire, there is always the danger of it becoming master. There’* no time like winter for good insurance protec­ tion. See um now. I I Billings Agency REAL ESTATE and REAL INSURANCE Phone 8781 41 East Main Mrs. W, T Brickey entertained the Pilgrim Mission Study club of the Congregational church Wed­ nesday afternoon of last week. Mrs. H. B. Carter presided over the business meeting. Mrs. C. T. Pine led the devotions. Participat­ ing in the program were Mrs. Wilmer Hilt, Mrs. Sadie Stratton and Mrs. Lulu Van Wegen. MARTHA GILLETTE (WILD The Martha Gillette guild of the First Presbyterian church was en- I tertained at the home of Miss' Estella Hayes Friday evening. After a buffet supper, Miss Edith Bork presided over the business, meeting. Guest speaker for the evening was Mrs Glenn Sanders of Medford, who told of her visit | to 11 national mission stations. anil Kay Harris BUY CHEAP Wed. and Thurs. LOOK CHEAP FEEL CHEAP Mid-Week Special Adult* 15«’ - Kiddie* Ilf IN< HIDING TAX BUY GOOD-» FEEL GOOD LOOK GOOD PERSONALIZED THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR QUALITY! SIMPSON HARDWARE OK DET? NOUS Are You a PROFESSIONAL COOK? OU too. can roach professional perfec­ tion in YOUR homo baking. CAS afford« the flexibility in baking that expert chef« de­ mand. Assure yourself of the same high results from YOUR bakingl Y 25 for Yinir Nanw Printed Discount* on larger ((Uantitie* You add greatly to the individuality and impre**i vene** of your greeting card* when you have them printed to your own *|H*cif ¡cation*. THE BEST SELECTION IN ASHLAND! See the roomy, PERFECTION” Oven in the New Wedgewood Gas Range! California-Pacific Utilities Co Qfi» I I I METZ 5c-10c-$l *.. - - - r Store , n nfl- n