Friday, November 21, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 7 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT THE SUNNY SIDE OF LIFE | Clean Comics That Will Amuse Both Old and Young | ■■■■^■a[^®M®<^^«DQt®smat^m«nti^^«inrsMMwmnr^™»w>mrMwwBemmfWBwwiinfii»ss==^nrescasssimrMB^^n!===«mra5esas»nf======imfas==^n'====^nr=====n-'==a==inr======in BIG TOP NURSERY STOCK AT LAST! RtXIKHILL EVERBEAR­ ING HTRAWBKRRY plants reason­ ably priced Wonderful berry. 100% perfect. Plant 100 new, harvest berries worth 115 00 next summer. 2jc each postpaid, any quantity. Oreen Mountain Berry Growers, Castle Bock, Wash. By ED WHEELAN TRUCK PARTS Heavy-duty Motors, axels parts, bodies, tires, hoists and used trucks. TRUCK WRECKING COMPANY loifiAS E. Hawthorne. Portland. Ora. RABBITS AND SKINS POULTRY AND RABBITS WANTED. Good white fryer rabbit skins U.K per lb Write postcard for prices and Information. Bnby * Co- 935 ■ W. Front. Portland. Oro. FILM DEVELOPING PIGTUP.ES frrvn kodak films on • tlful Christmas Greeting cards with envelopes to match, 31 04 per dozen. Send negative, or write for Sample Superior Picture Co- P. O. Box 489, Portland, Oregon. SCHOOLS Innocence LALA PALOOZA By RUBE GOLDBERG PBZPABZ WOW FOB FVTUBB BABM WHIILZ TOU LZABM Earnings more than pay tuition. MOL1B BABBBB COLL1O1 10« Pint Bo. Beattie, W> FOR SALE Now Hatching Weekly Dubl-Dollar New Hampshlres—U. 8. Certified Leghorns. Vaahon Island Co-operative Katchery, Box 3, Ta- ■ hon. Washington. REPAIR PARTS FOR RANGES HEATERS. FURNACES Gruet- taer'a, V1413 Monroe, Spokane. 35 Young Hounds. Well-trained on all game. None better. Stalf broke. No bad habits. 16 Hc-und Pupa from trained parents Willard Burn­ side. Glenoma, Wash. ATTENTION. ARTHRITIC«. IF ALL. OTHERS have failed, write for our free booklet. Better Bay Clinic, Tv­ colt, Wuli. LARGE portable sawmill with tep ar­ bor chean. Harry J. Valdwyk Mach. Co., 1743 First Bo. Beattie. Wash. BL 5103. By C. M. PAYNE S’MATTER POP—Kinds Ab.ent-Minded, That’. Ail WELL IMPROVED STOCK RANCH. HAY AND RANGE for 200 cattle. Terms. Box 32. Durkee, Oregon. P. JOHNSON. COL ER DTALENBL IDAHO. SELLS farm». YOUR CHANCE TO START PROF­ ITABLE MINK farming Will sell it let on shares my herd fine qual­ ity Yukon mink now in Spokane valley Write Z. T. Millar, 430 Kern Btrset, Taft, California. COMPLETE modern milk house equip­ ment, in first-class condition. In­ cludes 100 gal. Cherry-Burrell stain­ less steel pasteurizer, large cooler with covers. MLlwaukle rotary 4- bc-ttle filler. DeLaval seperator with cream cooler and covers. f •UKS rftn aww N pewprah . tr where IT RE "WF. UNSfEN ANP UNREAD TOK FIVE OR SR D r . H arry S fmlfr , D cm / lí / ailSKV BLOC.- 3.0 A MORRISON PORTLAND ORE (1 back tbara." ,