Friday, Nov. 21, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER ItF.I.IA IF.W M..HM <11111(11 OF' (Hill'll second and It Streets Earl F. Downing, Minister F'l'l.l. GOSPEL TEMPLE E. .Main and NIsMyotl Blvd. I.. I*. Furman, Pastor Bible school 9 45 a iu . I, (J Sunday school 9:45 a m Gresham, superintendent Morning worship 11 o'clock Morning service II o'clock Ser­ mon, "Men Alight Always to C A service H 45 Sumlav eve I’ray." : nlng Evangelistic service to fol­ ctirlstiun Endeavor 0 30 p m low at 7:30 o'clock. Junior, high achrarl, young peo- : C A service and choir practice pie and adult groups 7:30 Tuesday evening Evening service 7 30 o'clock i»oie slimy miu Bible study and prayer prayer meeting Sermon, "The Present War in the|7 ;|0 Kl((Uy evening. IJght of Bible Prophecy " Everybody la cordially invited Midweek prayer meeting 7:30 I to all services. p III Wednesday • a EDI KMqi AKE ( III Ki ll TRINITY EI*IS4 4>PAI. ( III lt< II Dr. 4 Inode E. Sayre, V K ur Holy Communion k a m. Church school 9:30 a m Sermon and morning prayer o'clock Young People's Fellowship 7 m Holy Communion, 9 3(1 u Wednesday. Choir will meet 7:30 p Thursday Inviteli You arc cordially worship with us • Sunday school 10 a m. H O Butterfield, superintendent. Morning worship 11 a. m. Evangelistic service 7:45 p m. Week night services Tuesday and I* i Iday evenings at Tt4B. 1 1 a m CATHOLIC < III IC< II tn Rev, W. J. Meagher, Pastor Muss at 9 a m. Sunday. to .Sunday school for children con­ ducted by several Sisters from the Sacred Heart academy of FREE METHODIST < III R< II Medford following mass East Main Street John It. Poet, Pastor « < III 1« II OF THE N V/.ARENE took part In a demonstration in reading at Southern Oregon Col- lege of Education Monday after- noon Pupils taking part were Henry Metz, Winton Miller Ray- mond Hoad ley, Laurence Lebow and Kenneth Reynolds Mrs. Pen- dleton took the group to Wimpy's for refreshments after the demon- stration £ Give Jewelry for CHRISTMAS E ONLY ! 37 Don’t Forget Mother at Christmas We have the appropriate gifts: Watches, Diamonds, Silverware, Electrical Appliances, etc. RAMSEY JEWELRY STORE “Home of Better Jewelry” Hwedenburg Building Ashland, Oregon I ni Sunday school at 9:45 a Bernice Bear«, superintendent In charge. Moi rung worship at II o'ekidi Junior inerting and Young Poo pie's meeting at (I 15 p m Even Ing worship at 7 30 p m Mill week prayei meetlliv Wed nesday evening at 7 30 p m I You ate well...... v to .1 • .- • FIRST METHODIST ( III IC( II < or. hi. Main anil laturel St* Dr. George W Bruce, Minister Bunday church school at 9 45 u m a class for each uge group Morning set mon nt I) o'clock Wesley Iwague mid Youth Fel lowshlp st 6 15 p m Evening sermon nt 7 30 o'clock Weekly Bible study nt 7:30 p m , Wednesday • Bellview grange met In regulai session '1 uesday evening During the business meeting Mrs. Elsie Du vis resigned as chaplain and Mis. Ix>w Carter was elected to the olliie and Albert Arnold re- signed as one of the executive committee, Ed Dunn taking his place ami George Nichols also was elected on the committee Mrs Al­ ta Nichols was elected pianist. The members voted to donate $5 to th.- la.uise Home for Crippled Children In Portland. During the li i lute hour Mi Keeman and Dr. Quill from Midford gave talks on common farm rind home hazards mid how to render first aid Hosts for tin evening were Mr and Mrs Vai Inlow Mi and Mrs George Helms and Mi and Mrs Noel Heard • Mr mid Mrs Mark True spent Thanksgiving with Mrs True’s father, II L Gregory, at Central Point • Auntie Jane McCoy of Ashland spent last we.-k with Mrs Malin* da King A birthday dinner was given at the A. R Kincaid home Sunday honoring Mrs Kincaid and J C Hamaker Guest list included Mr and Mrs. J C. Hamaker, Mr and Mrs Arthur Hamaker Earl War- ren mid the hosts, Mr and Mrs Kincaid and Eunice. • Joe Wade left last week several weeks visit with his mo­ ther and other relatives in Kansas and Missouri. • W O Martin and Mr and Mis 1 D F Korth and sons are (pending the week with /■ ? Martin family and the <» L Brock fam ily in Tacoma • Iron McKenzie nephew of Mrs Heiman Helm and teacher In Hu- Medford schools, and Miss Ixrr- othy Isaac of Medford were mar lied in Reno last Monday. Don made his home with Mr. and Mrs Helm while attending Southern Oregon College of Education and his many friends join In extending congratulations • Clayton Kruger of Ta