Friday, Nov. 21, 1911 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 4 Southern Oregon Miner Published Every Friday at 187 East Main Street ASHLAND, OREGON About People You Know CHAS M. GIFFEN WILLIAM SAVIN Publishers • Mr and Mrs Roland Parks of I'ALENT NWWS Sprague River were among the | teachers attending the teachers', • Joe Tryon is a patient in the Community hospital in Medford . institute. ¥ ★ • Mr. and Mrs Walter Bergman He was admitted there Thursday Entered aa second-class of Medford and Mrs Dave Peter-| morning and is seriously ill Mrs. SUBSCRIPTION matter February 15, son of Marshfield were Sunday ! Mattie Glover of llndci wood, RATES 1935, at the postoffice at guests of Mr and Mrs Howard Wash is at the Tryon home where (In Advance) Ashland, Oregon, under she was called to be with Mm Rose. ONE YEAR $1 50 the act of March 3. i.<9 i. Ronald Baxter of ! Tryon who is in very poor health. • Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Baxter of SIX MONTHS MOc ,Spray spent the week-end in Ash- ! Glover and Mr» Tryon are * (Mailed Anywhere in the land with Mr and Mrs ----- . d -i.t..™ David TELEPHONE 8561 United States) Bevington of Ashland Baxter and Mr. and Mrs. Earl • •',ls anil Mr. and Mrs Roland Parks Rogers. • Mr and Mrs George Larder mid daughter Tammy of Sprague SET YOU FREE" spent Thanksgiving with Mr ami River were guests of Mr mid Mrs R. F. Parks Tuesday. Mrs. J. D. Peffley in Portland. • Talent teachers attended the • Mis. Lulu Wilson spent Thanks­ institute at Ashland this week giving with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Part of them are leaving Wedne»- Bradley in Klamath Falls evening for their homes for Along with the discomfiture of too much turkey • Mr and Mrs J H Philpott vis­ day the Thanksgiving holiday ited this week in Silverton with • Mrs Elizabeth Huson mid fam and all the “fixin’s," yesterday, came the sad realiza­ their daughter. left Tuesday morning for San tion that it cost considerably more to reach that un­ • Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Collier ot ily Francisco to make their home Of Weed were week-end guests happy state than in former years. They have lived in Talent the last and Mrs Howard G. Eddy nine years and leave many friends Now the small increase for this year’s Thanksgiv­ Rev. • Mr. and Mrs. D. F Korth and who regret their departure and ing feast isn’t anything to get excited about except sons spent this week in Portland wish them well in their new loca­ relatives that it is just one more evidence that inflation is be­ visiting • Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs tion • Mrs. Mary Furrier and daugh­ coming a reality regardless of whether or not we M T. Burns were Mr. and Mrs. ter Marie and brother Dick Kre­ Wynn Dyer and daughter and Mr. ger and Mr and Mrs Sam Hamil­ recognize it as such. and Mrs. lx>wry and son of Klam­ ton and Mr and Mrs C Putman The stimulus of defense industry is supporting the ath Falls. returned home from Wakefield. Mr. and Mrs. Deane Horner of Kan. Monday where they spent present boom and the average person tends to give • Lakeview and Mrs. Don Evans of the past month visiting relatives little thought to the future as long as wages and the Klamath Fails were guests at the and friends They are all former E. Horne home during teachers' residents of that place cost of living stay within reasonable distance of each C. institute. • Mr. and Mrs Carl Vassimere other. However, history shows that these price spirals • Dr. Genevieve Swedenburg and and Sherley Carrol of Centralia Mrs. Olive E. Swedenburg are E inevitably end in a crash which affects not only those I home from a trip to Chicago Wash, arrived in Talent Friday to visit Mr and Mrs who have money to lose, but also the poor who lose where Dr. Swedenburg had some morning Andy Carrol ami family. 17ie Van- special study. si me res returned to their home their jobs and what few possessions they have. • Word was received that Mrs. Sherley remained for a There has been a movement for price control in Ramona Bergman, former A sh­ Monday. 10-day visit with his home folks land resident, passed away in San • Mrs G«M»rg«> Clark of Prospect congress, but unless public sentiment puts pressure Francisco Thursday of last week. a tonsillectomy Friday behind the legislators their efforts are apt to be too • Week-end guests of Mr and 1 underwent morning in Ashland Mrs Clark Mrs C. J. Baughman were Mr stayed a few days in Talent before hesitant and feeble to break into the accelerating spiral and Mrs Cliff Bromley of Duns­ returning to Prospect. muir, Mr. and Mrs. Headrick • Dora Smith who has th«' But- of prices. and daughter of Kla-i | ler concrete building rented is Inflation should be stopped now by courageous Baughman math Falls and Mr. and Mrs now drying giadiola bulbs there fixing of prices and wages. Although such control Othel I^ee and son Clint of Duns-1 • Dexter Russell after attending muir. — . | institute in Ashland left Thursday might mean temporary sacrifices, they would be much I ' --- • Mr. and Mrs Iceland Ammer­ ' morning for Twin Rocks to spend preferred to the poverty and suffering that accompany man of Ruch drove to Oakland. I Thanksgiving with his parents Calif Wednesday to spend the • After a lung parted of MTVfot a financial crash. Thanksgiving holiday with rela­ | in the government interior depart- ★ ★ ★ tives of Mr. Ammerman ' ment. Frank Maness returned to • Mrs. Don Travis and Miss Ellen Talent this week Maness is a 1 Carver visited in San Francisco brother of Mrs E. M learning ( I over the week-end. and is well known here He was • Mr. and Mrs Uoyd Selby spent several years employed as local The fact that government non-defense spending is ’ several days in San Francisco last agent for the Southern Pacific | holding to depression levels at a time when employ-, week railroad He is interested in sev- ; L,. W eral mining properties in northern . ment and national income are approaching record; Hun ^Dr. . l Thurs ­ California mid will divide his tlm«* day evening of last week to at-1 between mining and renewing old highs, is a biting reflection on congress. ' acquaintances in the valley It will be remembered that Secretary Morgenthau •‘ndP£. poweii who • Mrs Velma Colwell of St Hel- said some months ago that normal cost of government been stationed in the army I ena. Calif arrived In Talent last corps at Albuquerque, N M . vis ­ could be cut by $1,000,000.000 a year. Other authorities ited with his parents, Mr and evening by stage to spend Thanks- , giving with her parents. Mr and have estimated that reductions of $2,000,000.000 or Mrs. A. D. Powell, last week. Mrs George Newlun Other rela • Mr and Mrs. David Lxtwry of j fives are expected to arrive for 1 more are possible and practical. Highcroft Orchard were Sunday Thanksgiving day The difference between government non-defense guests of Mr .and Mrs. W. G. i the • Mrs. Grant Barricks pass<-